Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 425: Tianfu City

The planet is only the size of a pig's belly. That's because the distance is too far.

But if you and others can clearly see its existence, it proves that you and others have left the space turbulence and returned to the real world.

Xiao Lang was sober instantly, eyes full of expectation, and said to himself:

"finally reached."

Huo Ran, Xiao Langru suddenly thought of something, looked at Sun Wuji with an awkward expression, and said:

"Master, what is the name of the planet where the headquarters of the Tianfu Palace is located? Which city is it located in?"

Sun Wuji was taken aback when he heard the words, and gave him a fiercely pretentious posture, and shook his head helplessly:

"Blame me for not telling you."

Sun Wuji also looked at the planet outside, with a hint of pride in his eyes:

"The city where the Tianfu Palace is located is called Tianfu City. As for the name of this planet, it is also called Tianfu City."

Are they called Tianfu City?

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words.

How can you tell?

Just when Xiao Lang was about to ask, he saw Sun Wuji wave his hand:

"You'll know when you arrive."

Only then did Xiao Lang suppress the confusion in his mind, and looked out the window, seeing the planet in front of his eyes getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering his eyes.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs to death.

When everyone saw Sky Floating City, they were actually quite far away. Even under the urging of Sun Wuji, Linglong Flying Boat was driving at near extreme speed, but it took a full day to finally break through the fog of the clouds.

Everything on the land came into view, and Xiao Lang was stunned for an instant, looking at Sun Wuji in disbelief:

"This...this is..."

Li Xueya and the others were also shocked. Only Yang Guang and Deng Chun were okay. They seemed to have seen one of them a long time ago, and although they had not seen and heard of the other, their expressions were relatively calm.

Sun Wuji's face became more proud and smiled:

"Not bad."

"Now you know why this planet is also called Tianfu City."


Xiao Lang swallowed deeply and continued to look out the window in disbelief.

Yes, he got it.

Because the entire planet is a city!

One star, one city!

Their names are of course the same.

Looking down from above, there are huge buildings everywhere. On this planet, there are no big rivers, seas, or wild wilderness. Those are just lakes and back gardens, because there are traces of man-made construction everywhere.

"What a big handwriting!"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

He even wondered whether this planet was formed by humans. But after thinking about it, Xiao Lang felt impossible, so he didn't say anything.

"This was built by the first palace owner of my Tianfu Palace, and laid the foundation for our Tianfu Palace in the Lihuo World. It can be said that if our Tianfu Palace can achieve today's achievements, this planet should be the first success! "

Sun Wuji looked at the Sky Floating City under him, with emotion on his face. While proud, he was full of admiration.

Xiao Lang's heart moved upon hearing this:

"The Lord Palace Master is also immortal?"

Sun Wuji nodded:

"Yes, the peak of the year is immortal, the most recognized immortal monarch, Tianfu is immortal! Our Tianfu Palace is also named after him."


Xiao Lang suddenly became curious about the first founder of Tianfu Palace, and continued to ask:

"My Lord Palace is still here?"

After hearing the words, Sun Wuji's expression sank, then slowly shook his head, his eyes were solemn and solemn:

"Not anymore."

"In the last battle of the Demon Sect, Lord Palace Master had countless achievements, and even killed the three most powerful immortals of the Demon Sect, but it was also the last battle. He disappeared with the escape of the Sky Demon Sect..."


And listening to Sun Wuji's voice, the Heavenly Demon Sect was not cut to death?


Where can a huge sect escape?

Xiao Lang wanted to ask more questions, but Sun Wuji waved his hand, seemingly reluctant to say:

"Don't talk about it, this is the secret of our Tianfu Temple, and you will naturally know it when you become a top sage one day. Now, let me go with me."

"Tianfu City has the blessing of the magic circle, the strange spirit boat cannot land, you follow me."

As he said, Sun Wuji waved his hand, and everyone immediately felt the violent wind swept around him. Linglong Feizhou turned into a palm, and was thrown back into Li Xueya's hands by Sun Wuji. The same token appeared in the hand.

I also don't see how he moves--


Xiao Lang and the others were surprised to see the radiance of the magic circle under them flickering, and then disappeared immediately. Xiao Lang didn't know whether Deng Chun and the others had sensed it, but he hadn't sensed any fluctuations in the power of the Great Dao.

There is only one explanation-

This magic circle is too strong, and it's very secretive!


Everyone then landed.

When the feet are on the ground, the situation in front of you is different from before. Although the entire planet is a big city, there are obviously differences between inside and outside, core and outer domain.

The outland is wide and sparsely populated.

The number of warriors in the inner city is staggering.

Especially in this place where everyone was, Xiao Lang only slightly perceived him, and he found at least three or five Era Realm Venerables, and one of them was the late Era Realm peak!

"So strong!"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

The whole can be seen in one corner.

In the Eastern Region, it would be good for a planet to have more than ten Era Realm powerhouses. And here...

Too much!

Xiao Lang is even a little hard to guess. Of course, it was also because he was too unfamiliar with Tianfu City.

Fortunately, there is Sun Wuji.

"This is one of the 108 inner cities in Tianfu City. The name is simple. It's called Thirty-Five City. It belongs to the strongest one. When I left, I put your little lover and brother in Here."

Sun Wuji joked, Xiao Lang was speechless, but he didn't care, his eyes flashed, and even if he wanted to spread the power of the soul, he was looking for Ning Fu'er, Xiaodao and others.

Sun Wuji refused to detect the hand and smiled:

"I come."

"This is the Sky Floating City. I'm afraid your true spirit is exhausted and you don't want to spread it throughout the small inner city. It will also easily cause turmoil. I just need to come."

As he said, he didn't see how Sun Wuji moved. Xiao Lang didn't have any reaction, but he noticed that Li Xueya, Yang Guang, and Deng Chun's eyebrows moved. They seemed to have sensed something, and surprise flashed through his eyes. Obviously, Sun Wuji had already begun to search.

But just as Xiao Lang's eyes were looking forward to greater expectations, suddenly--

"Huh, no?"

Sun Wuji frowned and looked confused.

"Liu Rong isn't there either?"

Xiao Lang had already known from Sun Wuji that Liu Rong was the protector chosen by Sun Wuji to help Ning Fuer, Xiaodao, and Dulong.

Not there?

Is that going to perform a task outside?

What a coincidence?

Xiao Lang was a little lost. Sun Wuji immediately noticed Xiao Lang's emotional changes and said with a smile:

"Look at you for a senseless look."

"Forget it, I will take you to the Mission Hall. They must have gone out to complete the mission if they are not there. They will definitely go to the Mission Hall to report before they leave.

"If the distance is far and it can't be finished in a short time, I will see you off again."

Xiao Lang was naturally moved when he heard the words and quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, Master!"

Sun Wuji waved his hand, as if he was about to continue to say something. Before he could say anything, he suddenly frowned and looked into the distance. Just as Xiao Lang and others were puzzled, suddenly--


A stream of light flashed in front of them suddenly, and everyone had no time to react, and a dark figure appeared in front of them.

He is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, his eyes are piercing, his eyebrows are deeply furrowed, he stares at Sun Wuji with surprise between his eyebrows, but he is still dissatisfied more. It seems that he did not expect to see Sun Wuji here. He bluntly asked:

"Why are you back?!"

"Have you reported to Master?"

"Did something happen to the West Desert and the Sea of ​​Stars? Or did you leave your job without permission and come back privately? Do you know that you will go back and forth for at least three months, if something happens to the West Desert, the Sea of ​​Stars, you should How to explain to Master!"

The other party spoke extremely fast, almost faster than a storm, and his voice was cold and full of dissatisfaction. Xiao Lang was stunned, but when he reacted, the first emotion that surged in his heart was--

do not like!

He doesn't like this person.

Stubborn, like wood!

Xiao Lang was about to refute subconsciously, but at this moment, Sun Wuji took the lead. He seemed to have known such a scene a long time ago. Facing the opponent's accusation, he did not get angry at all, but smiled slightly and bowed his hand:

"Meet the big brother!"

Big brother?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words, and then he remembered the words of the person before him.

He and Sun Wuji are a master, that is, Lord Blue Moon!

Moreover, he started earlier than Sun Wuji!

When Xiao Lang was horrified, Sun Wuji looked at everyone and said:

"Similarly, my elder brother is also the Supreme Elder of the Tianfu Palace, and also serves as a penalty elder."

"Xiao Lang, this is your uncle."

Only then did Deng Chun and others reacted and hurriedly bowed their hands in salute: "I have seen the penalty elder!"

The big brother of Sun Wuji, the first disciple of Lord Blue Moon, how could he be the strongest venerable, how dare they neglect?

What surprised them was that Xiao Lang's name for the middle-aged man was the same as them, he was also a penalty elder, and he did not call him an uncle.


Because Xiao Lang didn't want to, he didn't like Sun Wuji's pedantic attitude alone!

The middle-aged man didn't seem to care about this, he just glanced at Xiao Lang, then turned his head without sorrow and joy, and glared at Sun Wuji:

"Go ahead, come to the penalty hall to confess my punishment after you finish!"


After saying a word, the middle-aged man turned and left, just like when he came, everyone didn't realize how he left. On the contrary, Sun Wuji didn't take it seriously, and gave a salute:

"Send brother respectfully."

Xiao Lang was even more angry.

The same as the Supreme Elder, and let the master be punished?

Is this a bit too much!

At this moment, Sun Wuji had already got up, looked back at Xiao Lang helplessly, and said:

"Don't be angry, your uncle is very kind, with a cold face and a kind heart. You will know if you have more contact with him. But his biggest advantage is to follow the rules, and his biggest disadvantage is also this."

Sun Wuji shook his head and said, Xiao Lang's heart tightened, thinking that Sun Wuji was going to blame him, but he didn't. Sun Wuji waved his hand:

"Let's go, Mission Hall."

"Help you find Nymphs and them, I'm going to find big brother to be punished."

Sun Wuji said, leading everyone to the center of the inner city, passing through the bustling and dazzling streets, and finally stopped in front of a huge palace.

At the gate of the palace, the flow of people was swift and endless, with three large characters floating on it——

"Mission Palace!"

"This is the mission hall of our Tianfu City. Every inner city has it. You can also come here to receive missions in the future. The rewards are not bad."

Sun Wuji explained that Xiao Lang knew that he had said these words to himself, and quickly nodded, but his eyes had already looked into the mission hall with a look of expectation.

Seeing this, Sun Wuji was helpless, knowing that Xiao Lang hadn't listened, and walked forward with his feet.


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