Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 426: Black alert

Xiao Lang quickly followed.

Of course he had seen Sun Wuji's helplessness just now, but his heart was full of Ning Fuer, and he couldn't care about it.

The hall is very large, with a radius of a few miles, and it is full of people in an endless stream. Obviously, the Mission Hall is still quite marketable in Tianfu City.

Xiao Lang watched eagerly as Sun Wuji walked towards the deepest part of the hall, wishing to jump into the air and leap directly. But seeing everyone around him observing the rules down-to-earth, Xiao Lang gave up after thinking about it.

As for Li Xueya and others, they are not as impatient as Xiao Lang, nor are they staring at Sun Wuji's footsteps like Xiao Lang, but observing the surroundings, their eyes flashing with excitement.

They had long known that Tianfu Palace was one of the top forces in the Lihuo World, and they finally saw it today. In the past, I was trapped in the Devil Blood World, so I have seen such magnificent cities and palaces?

uncanny workmanship!

It's simply not human!

"Many strong people!"

Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others couldn't help but exclaimed. After ten years of honed in Tongtianqiao, their current martial arts realm has stabilized at the peak of the mid-epoch realm. They are not weak anymore, but as geniuses, of course, they are most concerned about those who are stronger than them.

There are tens of thousands of people in this palace. Although most of them are just World Realm Dzogchen martial artists wearing golden armors, I saw them in groups of three to five or more than a dozen of them, leading to the hall under the leadership of an Era Realm Venerable Go deep.

With this calculation, there are at least hundreds of Era Realm Venerables in this hall!

And most of their martial arts cultivation bases are above the late era of the era!

"As expected of the top sect!"

Li Qingshan and the others sighed again and again. Sun Wuji walked in the forefront. Everyone could not see the expression on his face, but they could see Yang Guang, with a proud look, but when his gaze fell on Deng Chun’s body, they couldn’t help. Slightly stunned.

There are countless surprises in Deng Chun's eyes.

"Brother Deng?"

"For Brother Deng, this has long been accustomed to it."

Yang Guang thought that Deng Chun showed this expression to save his own face, but he did not expect that Deng Chun actually chose to shake his head and said:

"Do not."

"I’ve seen statistics. If you talk about the venerables above the peak of the Era Realm, our major forces are almost the same, but when it comes to the venerables under the World Realm and the Era Realm, I’m far inferior. Not even a tenth."

one tenth?

Yang Guang was surprised and unbelievable.

Is the gap so big?


Yang Guang was about to ask a question when he was surprised, but when he saw Sun Wuji walking in the front, he turned his head with a smile and said in a natural tone:

"Of course."

"You are too one sect. You are taking the elite route, as are some other sects. But our Tianfu Palace will not engage in these special grade divisions. No matter your talent, as long as you dare to fight and dare to take risks, as long as you If you have achieved something, my Tianfu Palace will naturally not treat you badly."

"You’re right. Looking at it now, the venerable person above the small perfection in the Tianfu Palace era is equivalent to the sects that have been established for thousands of years, but before a million years, do you know how big the gap is? ?"

"What about a million years from now?"

When Deng Chun heard the words, his expression sank slightly, and he was lost in thought and couldn't help himself. When he woke up again, his eyes were full of horror:


Deng Chun was about to say something, but when he saw Sun Wuji wave his hand slightly, he said:

"You don't need to say anything, it's just a choice between old and new martial arts. My Tianfu Palace chose this martial arts, and if Taiyizong still chooses to stop and stay in place, you will not be the master. But you can Tell your master what you have seen and heard these days. I also told him these words."

After speaking, Deng Chun waved his hand and turned his head again and said nothing, while Deng Chun took a deep look at Sun Wuji's back and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, predecessor, I will definitely tell Master what I said and what I heard today."

Aside, even if Xiao Lang looked forward to seeing Ning Fu'er again, he heard the conversation between Deng Chun and Sun Wuji. Some of them could be understood on the phone, but some could not be understood at all.

The choice of old and new martial arts?

What does it mean.

As for the selection of Xiao Lang by the elite, it is clear. For example, the Tongtian Bridge of Zhan Taizong is actually a kind of elite selection. Only when a certain achievement is achieved and the extraordinary potential is revealed, the sect can give you the resources you want, step by step. In.

This is indeed different from the characteristics of Tianfu Palace.

"It seems that the reason why Tianfu Palace is able to enter the range of the top power, besides the strong enough of the Blue Moon Monarch, really has other characteristics."

But Xiao Lang did not delve into it.

Although he is a warrior of the Tianfu Palace, Xiao Lang is not particularly interested in how the Tianfu Palace operates. What's more, at this moment they finally arrived at the deepest part of the mission hall.

There are more people here and overcrowded.

Xiao Lang didn't stop his sight on these people, but looked at the wall in front of him in astonishment.

A wall shining with countless stars, like a mighty picture scroll, was displayed in front of everyone. Li Xueya and others were also shocked, as did Yang Guang, but he immediately woke up:

"This is the star map of the entire Eastern Region?"

Yang Guang looked at Sun Wuji in amazement, and saw that the latter also showed pride on his face and shook his head slightly;

"Not the whole thing."

"But about 80% of the star field in the Eastern Region is on this wall."

"This is also one of the benefits of the new martial arts."

Yang Guang was shocked when he heard this, but Xiao Lang's heart actually didn't fluctuate much. He had known for a long time that Tianfu Palace was the hegemon in the entire Eastern Region of the Great Lihuo World, and no power could rival it.

That being the case, the star map that can depict the entire Eastern Region is naturally a normal thing. But what Xiao Lang didn't know was how wide this area really was!

Moreover, even if it is a top power such as one, they dare not say 100% control of the star field under it, not to mention that the Tianfu Palace controls such a large range.

Perhaps this is not to blame for those who don't know.

Xiao Lang didn't ask, so he didn't understand what Yang Guang was surprised at. But he was still very curious about the various colorful lights that flashed continuously on this star chart.

"Master, what do these lights represent?"

Sun Wuji glanced at Xiao Lang and said:


"There are seven kinds of light on this star map: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. The more difficult it becomes as you go forward. As for the purple task, it is difficult for the top nobles to team up. It belongs to the strongest nobles."

Task level!

Xiao Lang nodded to express his understanding when he heard the words. Just as he looked away from the star chart, he heard Sun Wuji's voice again:

"In addition to these seven tasks, there is actually another one, which we call the black alert, which can only be solved by the immortal monarch, or can't be solved, and will only appear when it is enough to shake the foundation of the Tianfu Palace. "

"But don't worry, it hasn't appeared for a long time since the last battle between the Orthodox and Demons. Even if it does, it has nothing to do with you or me. Naturally, there is a master's master on top."

Sun Wuji chuckled and said, leading everyone to the front, Xiao Lang and others following behind.

They just listened to Sun Wuji's description of the black alert. Sun Wuji was right, if a black alarm really went off, they really had nothing to do.

"But the battle of Masamune is about to begin... The black alert is not far away, right."

Xiao Lang pressed his thoughts to the bottom of his heart and looked up to see Sun Wuji taking out a token from his arms and handing it to the martial artist behind the registration desk, saying:

"Don't say anything, just do it."

"I'll check the whereabouts of a few people, Elder Liu Rong and her Jin family disciples."

The back of the registration desk was also Venerable Era Realm, but when he saw the token Sun Wuji took out, his eyes suddenly shrank, his body trembled, and he almost stood up from his seat and saluted. Fortunately, Sun Wuji Before he had something to say, he reluctantly suppressed his excitement and awe, and nodded:

"Yes, too!"

Standing behind Sun Wuji, Xiao Lang watched this scene excitedly, looking forward to it. Since it was Sun Wuji's order, the venerable naturally executed it very quickly. It was only after three or five breaths of time to find out, but Xiao Lang felt that his life was as long as a year.

at last--

"Return to Taishang, three months ago, Elder Liu Rong led her forty-seven Jinjia disciples to Tianyu City."

Sun Wuji raised his brows when he heard this, and seemed a little surprised, but he quickly suppressed it and responded with a smile:

"Okay, good job, hard work."

The venerable got up quickly, ignoring the disturbance for a while, and bowed his hands in salute, but he restrained himself and replied only with the voice that Xiao Lang and others could hear:

"No hard work, this is the villain's duty!"

"It is a blessing for the villain to serve Taishang!"

Sun Wuji smiled slightly when he heard the words, nodded and turned around, looked at Xiao Lang who was full of expectation, and said:

"It's better than I thought."

"Perhaps I should congratulate you. Soon, you will have one more partner in the realm of the Venerable."

Venerable realm?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Of course he knew what Sun Wuji meant-Nymph was about to break through! But what does this have to do with Tianyu City?

Naturally, Sun Wuji could easily see Xiao Lang's confusion, and without waiting for further questioning, he explained:

"Tianyu City is one of the eight sub-cities of our Tianfu Palace. It can be said that in the Eastern Region, in addition to Tianfu City, Tianyu City and other eight sub-cities are the safest places. Inside the city, there is a half-complete foundation of our Tianfu Palace, which is quite important."

"In the same way, these eight cities are also places where our Tianfu Palace shows their strength to outsiders. Almost every time a disciple of the Golden Armor breaks through the position of being a master, he will choose to proceed in these eight cities."

"So, they are not going to perform some task, but to make a breakthrough. Generally speaking, they will be back in four or five months. It has been three months, and they should be back in one or two months."

"Does your kid go straight, or are you waiting here?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang finally understood what Tianyu City represented. Hearing Sun Wuji's question, his eyes lit up:

"Of course I went straight!"

He was impatient for a long time, wishing to rush to Tianyu City now and be with her at the most important moments in Nymph's life.

Sun Wuji was helpless when he heard the words, but he seemed to have known that Xiao Lang would choose this way, and he turned his head and looked at the star map beside him.

"But I'm going to find a big brother, so I can't go with you, but you have my token and Daoyou Li by your side. It won't be too slow to control the exquisite flying boat. Just go by yourself."

At this time, Sun Wuji's line of sight was searching on the star map, suddenly his pupils lit up, and his probe hand pointed to a certain place on the star map:

"Here, that is the location of Tianyu City."

Xiao Lang immediately followed and looked around, but when his gaze fell on the star chart, he couldn't help but be taken aback. At the place Sun Wuji pointed out, he saw a black spot, which was still expanding.

What's happening here?

It’s just for pointing, and you don’t need to do tricks on this star chart. After all, there are so many people around, and they influence others.

Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at Sun Wuji, but what caught his eye was Sun Wuji's face that had no smile for a long time, gloomy as ice for thousands of years, so close, Xiao Lang couldn't even help being caught by him. The cold and murderous intent overflowing unintentionally made his mind tremble.

what happened?

Sun Wuji did not make the changes on the star chart?

What the **** is that?

Suddenly, Xiao Lang was shocked. He thought of what Sun Wuji had just said. Just when he was flustered and unable to think about it, suddenly the whole hall became quiet.

Xiao Lang looked around in a panic, but saw that everyone's eyes were focused on the sudden black spot on the star chart, which was full of horror and shock.



The piercing and sharp whistling sound blasted out of thin air, not only blasted this mission hall, but also blasted the entire Sky Floating City, and also disturbed Xiao Lang's mind!

It's a black alert!

The black alert that hasn't been seen in millions of years was tapped by Sun Wuji and it came out!


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