Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 441: Save or not?

Inside the Linglong Flying Boat.

At the moment when the middle-aged man in the azure blue robe stood up from the ground with a whisk in his hand, he looked like a ghost. No one in Xiao Lang and others noticed it. Only Huang's eyes flashed and he seemed to realize something.

But when Fuchen fell on the Linglong Flying Boat, Uncle She and Li Xueya still felt it.

Derived from the instinct of the top Venerable!

The expressions of the two changed drastically:

"Be careful, enemy attack!"

But I haven't waited for their voice to be completely heard——


Linglong Feizhou trembled suddenly, Xiao Lang and others were unable to stand firm, but fortunately they held the center of gravity in an instant, looked at each other, and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

The Mark of Su Family's wolf head is engraved on the periphery of the flying boat, so there are still people who do not have eyes looking for it?

"Liu Zi?!"

Su Han's face changed drastically, and the first thing he thought of was Liu Zi. Because this area is quite close to Kuishi City, Liu Zi's doubts are naturally greatest.

But the next moment, Li Xueya and Uncle She shook their heads at the same time:


"It's the Venerable of Tianfu Palace!"

Li Xueya immediately looked at Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang's face sank when he heard this, and he immediately realized what had happened.

Uncle She reacts faster:

"The visitor's whereabouts are secret, and the offensive is strong, and he is definitely not an ordinary top venerable.

"Little friend Wild Wolf, let me go out and take back the flying boat. When I kill him, let's go on the road again!"

Uncle She took the initiative to provoke the main beam.

You can guess with your toes, that the other party must have come for them, precisely because of the wolf head mark carved on the Linglong Flying Boat.

At present, the battle situation on Chiyan Star is chaotic. Most of the strong people in Tianfu Palace use the city as a stronghold to fight together. Since there are top veterans in ambush in the wilderness, they are definitely not ordinary top veterans, and they will not take casually, because one shot , If they can't kill the opponent, their identity will be exposed.

The other party must have seen the wolf head mark on the surface of Linglong Flying Boat and recognized the identity of himself and others, so he took the risk and made a big deal.

In this case, of course Uncle She took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"it is good."

Xiao Lang was hesitating, but he did not hesitate in his actions, and immediately followed suit. The moment he retracted the Linglong Flying Boat, he immediately saw the azure blue figure floating in the void.

Uncle She saw it too, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Venerable Qingyun?!"


He recognized the identity of the other party.

Venerable Qingyun was also taken aback when he saw Uncle She, and his expression sank:

"Who am I? It turned out to be your stinky snake. It seems that the old man really caught a big fish this time!"

The two know each other, it seems that they have long been bound?

Xiao Lang was startled, only to hear Uncle She's voice ringing in his ears:

"Little friend, help me protect my son!"

Immediately after--


The war is about to start!

It was not Uncle She who took the lead, but the Venerable Qingyun, waving the dust, tens of thousands of light pouring down, like a torrential rain and thunder, the power of the road is surging, and it is a posture to wipe out Xiao Lang and others.

Uncle She was also not to be outdone. Almost when Venerable Qingyun’s second attack came, he flipped his hand and a serpentine spear appeared in his hand, splitting and hanging like practice, twisting the wind and clouds, and the body surface was more densely scaled. It's like a layer of armor, hideous and terrifying!


The two of them were entangled in an instant, shaking the earth and turning into a white-hot instantly.

Venerable Qingyun is obviously the Venerable of the water system, and the three states of water source. He is good at a cloud and mist. Amidst the turbulence of dust, everyone only feels that there are many visions. Xiao Lang even thought of the first deity he killed on Longyang Star. Those who are also good at illusion arts, but it is obvious that Venerable Qingyun, as the top Venerable, is even more powerful!

Vientiane blooms in the water mist.

However, Uncle She is obviously stronger, swinging a spear, all the illusions that attempt to infect his body are shattered, demonic energy surges, and blue light flashes, faintly roaming in the posture of a maniac, as soon as he fights, he will Fighting against Qing Yunzun!

Xiao Lang and others had already flashed aside, and Xiao Lang himself had a solemn expression when he saw this scene. Su Han noticed Xiao Lang's expression and quickly soothed:

"Brother Wild Wolf, don't worry, although this Qingyun is the top venerable, it is only one line away from the strongest venerable. It is strong enough to rank in the top fifty of the Red Yanxing Tianfu Palace, but Uncle She is stronger, only Qingyun, not Uncle She Opponent."

Uncle She is the strongest person?

Xiao Lang nodded, his heart shook, and he looked at Li Xueya subconsciously, and saw the solemnity on his face.

This was the first time they saw Uncle She's strength with their own eyes.

Really strong!

You know, even the strongest venerable, it is not so easy to kill a top venerable, but now, Qingyun has been wounded one after another, and the void of blood mist poured out, and it was suppressed in just a few breaths. In such a situation, he is about to die, his opponent Uncle She is definitely not the ordinary strongest venerable!

"He should have merged three avenues!"

Xiao Lang realized Uncle She's strength, and he was even more certain that he was a big trouble. Li Xueya is not his opponent. Once he finds out that there is a problem with the identity of himself and others, it is difficult for him and others to get rid of!

"How to get rid of?"

This is just one of Xiao Lang's considerations. The second point is--

Venerable Qingyun!

Since he is a member of the Tianfu Palace, and is still a top-notch Venerable only a short distance from the strongest Venerable, could he just watch him die in vain?


Xiao Lang was so anxious that he could not wait for the voice of the soul to inform Venerable Qingyun of his identity and others. In his opinion, Venerable Qingyun has complete hope of escape.

Although Uncle She is strong, there is still Su Han. If Venerable Qingyun wants to escape, it is impossible for Uncle She to chase him unscrupulously.

But he didn’t choose that. Even in Xiao Lang’s view, Venerable Qingyun felt like he was not retreating. Even though he vomited blood and his face was blue, there seemed to be poisonous lingering on Uncle She’s spear, and he was already seriously injured. But still persisting, and even more desperate, Xiao Lang's face is even more ugly.


"Knowing that it's lost, why do you try to be strong?"

"Or, he has recognized our identities, specifically, let us do something to Su Han?"

Xiao Lang was anxious in his heart, and even thought of this possibility. This is of course impossible, after all, even Uncle She can't see through the disguise of the wild, and Venerable Qingyun does not have this ability.

"What does he want to do?"

Xiao Lang was aware of something unusual, and at the same time, Uncle She, who was entangled with Venerable Qingyun, seemed to have noticed that the offensive was even stronger for a while, but what was returned to him was--


Venerable Qingyun let out a loud roar, his aura became stronger, he seemed to have exhausted his whole body, and there were many void visions. This time, even Uncle She was affected and his face changed suddenly.

He noticed--

Although Venerable Qingyun roared alarmingly and his combat power soared, he did not contain any killer moves in it, but the entanglement became deeper. this means--

Venerable Qingyun still has something to do!


Uncle She's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously lowered his head to look at the mountains and forests below him, passing through numerous visions, and he clearly saw that two golden rays suddenly pierced out of the jungle, like an arrow from the string, and like a nine-day **** of thunder, carrying Complete the road and rush towards Xiao Lang and others!

There are people!

Venerable Qingyun still has support!

Moreover, they turned out to be two top Venerables!

Their purpose is surprisingly Su Han in the crowd!


"This is not a coincidence! Someone has revealed our identity and whereabouts!"

"Traitor! Who is it?!"

Uncle She was shocked, and he was about to turn around to rescue subconsciously, but Venerable Qingyun risked his death to entangle him, how could he leave him so easily?


For a time, the void trembles, and visions rise, and the face of Venerable Qingyun is a strange red, and he laughs wildly:

"Hahahahaha, you can't save him!"

"Can't kill you, killing Su Han is more valuable!"

Venerable Qingyun is desperate!

His martial arts foundation is about to collapse!

"Do not!"

Uncle She's soul froze, of course he knew what shock Su Han would bring if he really died here. Especially for him, as Su Han's protector, Su Han did not die, but he died, even if he had followed Su Han's father for thousands of years, he would still pay the price of his life for this matter, even life is worse than death!

Uncle She was crazy, with great momentum for a while, trying to break through the heavy mist and illusion surrounding him, and he lifted his Qi to the pinnacle. But even though he is much better than Venerable Qingyun, is it such a simple thing to get rid of?

He saw that the two breathtaking golden awns that swept from the jungle were getting closer and closer to Su Han, but his heart was getting colder and colder.

He knew that he could no longer save Su Han.

Too late, doppelganger lacks skills!

However, when his gaze suddenly passed over Li Xueya's body, his pupils suddenly shrank:

"Brother Li, save me Haner!"

Uncle She asked Li Xueya for help again. Li Xueya was also a top venerable, and he came from the ancient magic tower, and he would definitely be able to stop the attack and killing of these two top veterans!

Block it for a moment!

As long as he blocks it for a moment, he can get rid of Qingyun!

But the question is, will Li Xueya choose to fight for Su Han?

Here, just as Uncle She was pinning all his hopes on Li Xueya, he did not see that Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, his brain was swiftly running, and his eyes shone with wisdom.

When the attack came in the jungle, Xiao Lang was aware of it for the first time, and Su Han was the same, but Su Han's soul was in a panic, and he no longer had the ability to respond.

Li Xueya looked at Xiao Lang directly, waiting for his instructions.

Save, or not save.

This is a problem!

As far as Yu Xin was concerned, since this was an opportunity that Venerable Qing Yun almost got his life in exchange, Xiao Lang certainly wanted to seize it. His first thought was to let Li Xueya take action, but deliberately let the water be released and let Venerable Qing Yun’s companion kill him. Su Han, in this case, even if Uncle She settles the book, it has nothing to do with them, and at most make things difficult.

But seeing the two golden lights coming under him, Xiao Lang's heart trembled again. If he thought of something, he suddenly changed his words:


"To live!"

Xiao Lang actually chose to save Su Han?

Li Xueya was shocked when he heard this, Xiao Lang's judgment was really beyond his expectation, but at this moment, he had already prepared all kinds of preparations without hesitation and shot directly, burning blood and smashing, directly facing him The two golden awns that came down slammed together firmly!


The power of blood evil, the power of the great road burst!

The three figures including Li Xueya flew upside down immediately, and the empty door in front of Su Han opened wide, but at this moment, Uncle She's eyes suddenly lit up, inexplicably excited.

Xiao Lang and Li Xueya actually made a move!

Although it was only intercepted for a moment, this moment was enough!


Under the unbelievable and unacceptable gaze of Venerable Qingyun, Uncle She slammed the spear in his hand and slammed it **** his chest——


With the sound of bone cracking, Venerable Qingyun, who was almost exhausted, was immediately smashed into the void and fell into the jungle, knowing his life or death. Uncle She stepped out and returned to Su Han, looking at Xiao Lang and Li Xueya with excitement and impatience. Thank you from the bottom of your heart:

"Little friend of the wild wolf, Brother Li, thank you both for taking action!"


When Xiao Lang heard the words, he subconsciously looked below him, and saw two figures standing there on the low mountain below him, with angry faces and fire-breathing eyes, desiring to tear Xiao Lang alive, if his eyes could kill people, Xiao Lang I'm afraid I have died thousands of times.

hate me?

Xiao Lang was hated, but there was no disturbance in his heart.

It doesn't matter.

He has a clear conscience.

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked at Uncle She, who was intent on killing with a long spear. He seemed to be about to slay Venerable Qingyun and his party. He suddenly said:

"Senior, save their lives."


As soon as this remark came out, Uncle She, who was about to go violently, was taken aback and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.


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