Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 442: The biggest problem

Here, Xiao Lang and others were suddenly attacked halfway, and it was almost over.

But what they didn't know was that just thousands of miles away from them, on the same mountain, a crazy old man with hair draped behind him felt the vibration of the great power between heaven and earth, and his pupils suddenly lit up. Killing intent splashed.

"Did you make a detour?"

"Ha ha."


The old man stood up from the ground and swept directly towards the location of Xiao Lang and the others. The devilish energy was rolling, and the evil spirit was steaming!


Here, Uncle She was looking at Xiao Lang with a look of surprise. He didn't expect that the latter would actually ask for such "kindness" until Xiao Lang looked as usual and the next sentence came:

"I am very interested in their exercises."

Uncle She thought of the identities of Xiao Lang and others, and suddenly realized that he did not hesitate at all:

"no problem."

"Little friend, wait a moment!"


Uncle She turned over and fell, and plunged into the jungle.

If someone else makes such a request, Uncle She will definitely be suspicious, but in his opinion, Xiao Lang and others are the retreat of the ancient magic tower. What they are best at is to change their aura. Xiao Lang can propose this. Requests are completely normal.

What's more, Xiao Lang and Li Xueya had just rescued Su Han, and he had done so in return, so naturally he would not hesitate.

Until then, Li Xueya, Li Qingshan and others reacted and looked at Xiao Lang admiringly.

Not bad.

One link after another, this was all Xiao Lang's strategy and plan at that moment just now, in order to preserve the lives of Venerable Qingyun and others.

Using Su Han's life in exchange for the lives of all of Venerable Qingyun, this deal is worth it!

Xiao Lang also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down.

Venerable Qingyun was defeated, and he blasted down into the void and fell into the forest, knowing his life or death. As for the other people in his team, the strongest ones are only two top veterans. Their strength is limited. Facing the uncle She who integrates at least three complete avenues, they naturally have no resistance.

After twenty breaths.

Uncle She is back.

Behind him, the devilish energy was vertical and horizontal, turning into a training, completely binding more than ten people, and Venerable Qingyun was also among them, fainting, with a weak breath.

Uncle She blocked their power with a devilish energy, making them unable to say a word, but everyone was staring at Xiao Lang and Li Xueya viciously, as if they were about to devour them.

It was all because of Xiao Lang and Li Xueya, their plan failed, and they are now in a situation where they can't survive or die.

They can't wait to explode and die.

It's just that Uncle She is too powerful. In front of Uncle She, they don't even have the qualifications to blew up!

"Take your ancestors! Want to kill me!"

Su Han finally woke up from the panic, killing intent, and directly rushed to the two conscious top veterans headed by him, punching and kicking, and blood splashed for a while, and the two top veterans shattered their limbs and blood flowed.

Xiao Lang couldn't help frowning.

Uncle She smiled apologetically and quickly grabbed Su Han:

"Han'er, stop making trouble."

"After little friend Xiao Lang has studied them, I will let you kill them, Uncle She, to vent their anger. But now, they belong to little friend Xiao Lang."

Su Han stopped now, the blood in his eyes converged, and he looked at Xiao Lang with a chance, his pale face barely squeezed out a smile to thank Xiao Lang and Li Xueya for their rescue.

Xiao Lang waved his hand in disbelief.

"It's a small thing, we should do it."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang flipped his hand, and immediately more than ten pills appeared in his hand and handed it to Li Xueya:

"Let them swallow it."

After speaking, Xiao Lang explained to Uncle She and Su Han:

"This is the secret spirit pill of my ancient magic tower, which can control their life and death. Uncle She, you can break the restriction. They will definitely not dare to make another move, otherwise, they would just slap to death."

Secret Spirit Pill?

Uncle She and Su Han obviously knew that this kind of spirit pill existed in the Heavenly Demon Realm. They watched Li Xueya forcing more than a dozen people to swallow the spirit pill, and then sacrificed Linglong Flying Boat and stuffed them into one of the rooms.

Uncle She and Su Han let out a sigh of relief.

In their opinion, this trouble has finally been resolved.

It’s just that they didn’t notice that when Li Xueya “forced” Venerable Qingyun and others into the Linglong Flying Boat, Venerable Qingyun and others suddenly became cooperative, the eyes flickered, and the surface of the body flashed more faintly. .

Uncle She noticed, but he thought that this was the effect of Xiao Lang's secret spirit pill, and he didn't care. Therefore, he didn't have a grasp of Linglong Feizhou either. After entering the room, Venerable Qingyun and the others turned around suddenly, their eyes flickering, and stared at Li Xueya.


"Damn Tianfu Palace remnants!"

Su Han was still cursing, but he had returned to Linglong Feizhou with an angry expression, and he had obviously not let go of his hatred towards Venerable Qingyun and others.

"Brother Wild Wolf, you must hand them to me when you turn around!"

"I definitely want them to survive, not to die!"

Xiao Lang was obviously absent-minded when he heard this, and replied smoothly:

"no problem."

Uncle She saw Xiao Lang's absent-minded appearance next to him, thinking that he wanted to cultivate, after all, Venerable Qingyun and others had already gotten his hands, and Xiao Lang's performance in the past few days was no doubt like Wu Chi.

The ancient magic tower has always given the outside world the impression that it is a group of ascetic monks.

Uncle Shelian said:

"Han'er, go take a rest."

"Little wolf friend, we won't delay your work."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Really eye-catching!

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang watched Su Han enter his room under the comfort and company of Uncle She, his eyes flashed, and he walked directly to the room where Li Xueya "banned" Venerable Qingyun and others.


As soon as he opened the door, Xiao Lang was surrounded by everyone.

Venerable Qingyun has woken up with full energy.

Of course he is in good condition. After all, Xiao Lang just gave him ten squares of wood spirits at once, even if his injuries were serious, he would be able to return to his peak state.

"Little friend Xiao Lang!"

Seeing the eyes of Venerable Qingyun and the others burning, completely opposite to the previous hatred, and full of gratitude, the corners of Xiao Lang's mouth were aroused.

Obviously, Li Xueya had already explained it to them.

"Senior Qingyun."

Xiao Lang still respected Venerable Qingyun, and the opponent's previous attitude of unrelenting battle against Uncle Zhan left a deep impression on him.

Xiao Lang said, flipping his hand, a simple token suddenly appeared in his hand and threw it to Venerable Qingyun.

Venerable Qingyun took a look, the depth of the pupils of his eyes became deeper, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Xiao Lang:

"This is the token of elder Sun Wuji!"

"you are……"

Xiao Lang saluted:

"Junior Xiao Lang, Sun Wuji is the junior's master."

Sun Wuji's apprentice!

Venerable Qingyun, including the people behind him, had brilliant eyes, where there was still a little bit of anger and hatred when he was just overpowered, full of excitement.

"Elder Sun is here?"

Venerable Qingyun asked quickly, his eyes full of expectation. He knew that Sun Wuji was powerful, and if Sun Wuji came, the situation of Chi Yan Xing would surely change drastically!

Xiao Lang shook his head:

"No, only us."

Xiao Lang knew that in such a short period of time, Li Xueya could not explain too much to Venerable Qingyun and the others, so he explained everything that happened after the Heavenly Demon Realm appeared in detail, including the reason why he and others came to Chiyan Star. And the purpose of this trip, including why we were with Uncle She and Su Han.

Xiao Lang believes what he said, it has nothing to do with time.

Because this was the inside of Linglong Feizhou, completely under the control of Li Xueya, who refined it, he didn't worry that Uncle She would hear these words by some means.

After all, there is still a shortage around.

Venerable Qingyun and the others trembled upon hearing this, and never expected that the current situation was so serious. As the so-called authorities are fans, the bystanders are clear, and the Venerable Qingyun and others are in the Red Yan Star. They only know that all the means of external contact are not available. They know the invasion of the monsters, but they don't know at all. Now the entire Red Yan Star has entered the sky. Devildom!

It wasn't until Xiao Lang finished speaking that they showed horror and realized the severity of the current situation.

The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is only for training, so the number of demon repairs dispatched is limited. If they go all out, I am afraid that there will be no righteous martial artist in the Tianfu Palace on the entire Red Yan star!

"We thought that the recent counterattack was effective... It turned out to be just a joke."

Venerable Qingyun thought of everything he and the others had done these days, with a wry smile on his face, the same goes for everyone behind him, all expressions of bleakness.

Dead end!

This is the Heavenly Devil Realm, and the Scarlet Yan Xing has been deeply involved, even if the Immortal Realm Monarch takes action, it cannot be reversed.

In that case, what is the use of killing more demons?

Xiao Lang could completely think of the loss in the hearts of Venerable Qingyun and others, but he did not comfort him, saying:

"Yes, Chiyan Star is over."

"When the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect wants to clean up the entire Red Yan Star, no one can survive. Therefore, when we came, we did not think about saving the Red Yan Star. What we wanted was to save people!"

Save people!

Venerable Qingyun's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

Not bad.

Second, this is the best result.

After all, Chiyan Star is dead, and human beings are alive. Compared with the many powerful people trapped here, what is the trivial Red Yan star?

"How to save?"

"Does the little friend have a plan?"

Venerable Qingyun's eyes were burning, he looked at Xiao Lang, subconsciously asked, his eyes full of expectation.

Xiao Lang looked solemn, and slowly shook his head:

"I haven't thought of it yet."

Xiao Lang also discovered that his actions this time were indeed a bit reckless after arriving at the Red Yan Star. He wholeheartedly wanted to save Nymph, the knife and the poisonous dragon, but only then realized that he wanted to find the Nymph, the knife and the poisonous dragon. It was very simple, as long as he entered the city of Tianyu, it was not for them. There is another problem.

But the key is--

How to get out!

Now that Chiyan Star is in the Heavenly Demon Realm, the ordinary teleportation array is no longer useful, it is impossible to break the world barrier and teleport to the great world of Lihuo.

This is the problem that embarrass Xiao Lang the most!

He had been thinking about it for many days, but still did not think of the answer.

When Venerable Qingyun and others heard the words, their expressions also sank, and only then did they think that Xiao Lang had said that they were forced to break through the boundary, and they were also impulsive, and their hearts were suddenly full of entanglements.


What a trouble!

For a while, the entire room fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about this question. After a while, Xiao Lang woke up, still frowning:

"I'll ask."

Venerable Qingyun and the others nodded.

When they thought about it, Xiao Lang was looking for an opportunity to inquire about Su Han and Uncle She. In fact, as soon as Xiao Lang left the house, he immediately walked towards the wasteland. He wanted to inquire, but before he could say anything, suddenly--


Outside Linglong Feizhou, a roar like thunder suddenly exploded, resounding between heaven and earth——

"Boy of the ancient magic tower, get out for the old man!"

Here again?

At the moment when the magic energy was steaming outside Linglong Feizhou, Xiao Lang realized that he had encountered another blockage. He thought it was because of the imprint of the wolf's head outside Linglong Feizhou that could not be wiped off in the future. The blocker he encountered was an assault and killer like Venerable Qingyun and others, but when thunderous words came, Xiao Lang suddenly said. Froze.

Ancient Magic Tower!

It turned out to be troublesome for yourself?


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