Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 445: Qiu Zhan

In Xiao Lang's view, the aura of the many magic cultivators around was like a turbulent flood, surging straight down, out of control, but at the moment when the blood-colored figure appeared in Tianyu City, there appeared in the middle of the river. The unmoving rock, the river was blocked, and the aura of excitement in the sky above the demon cultivator instantly plummeted, and it was also out of control.

"Fuck, Mad, it's really out!"

"Damn it, hope you haven't seen me!"

Xiao Lang even heard the secret curse from Moxiu around him, his brow raised, and there was a little bit of surprise and curiosity in his sight of the fiery red figure.

A warrior who only has the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm, how dare these menacing demonic cultivators be so jealous?

Who is he?

Xiao Lang looked carefully and saw that this person was wearing a red robe, with a strong smell of blood rushing towards his face, with infinite murderous intent, and his ordinary appearance, but his eyes were sharp and unforgettable.


That is killing intent!


That is reason!

The moment Xiao Lang saw him, he couldn't help being stunned. The image of this young man and the person in his mind slowly overlapped.


Xiao Lang exclaimed in a low voice. At this moment, Venerable Qingyun seemed to have finished everything. He stepped forward and just heard Xiao Lang's exclamation, his brows raised:

"What does it seem?"

Venerable Qingyun subconsciously followed Xiao Lang's gaze, and saw the young man in the red robe stepping on the ring, his eyes shrank slightly, and he exclaimed:

"Qiu Zhan?!"

Last name Qiu?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Venerable Qingyun in surprise. Qiu, this surname is not uncommon, many people have this surname, but when it appears on Chiyan, especially Tianyu City, it is quite unusual.

"he is……"

Xiao Lang had a guess, because he remembered that Venerable Qingyun once said that the star lord of Scarlet Yan is also the lord of Tianyu City, his name is Qiu Shijie and his surname is Qiu!

as expected.

Venerable Qingyun still looked surprised. He watched standing quietly on the ring. The crowds of demons in front of the ring were surging, but like a snake and scorpion, no one dared to step forward, saying:

"He is Brother Qiu's eldest son, Qiu Zhan!"

"I didn't expect him to leave the customs."

"It seems that he has given up and is now in the Era Realm of Great Perfection. But this is good, he can kill a few more demon cubs!"

"Qiu Zhan's strength is quite formidable. Ten years ago, our Tianfu Palace Era Realm Xiaowan Peak Grand Competition, he took the first place. The Normal Era Realm Xiaowan Venerable is not his one-one enemy at all."

"Don't worry, he won't have any trouble."

It really is Qiu Shijie's son!

Xiao Lang's heart was startled when he heard this.

Qiu Zhan is very strong, he can tell. Although Qiu Zhan has not taken any action after stepping into the ring, he can also tell from the reactions of the surrounding demons that this is not the first time that Qiu Zhan has stepped into the Heavenly Fame Blood Challenge. He has already gained a reputation, Ling Mo Xiu was frightened.

What Xiao Lang cares more about is Qiu Zhan's identity——

Qiu Shijie's son!

Qiu Zhan set foot on the Heavenly Fame to fight against the demons. Does Qiu Shijie know this?

I know for sure!

And as the city lord of Tianyu City, if Qiu Shijie did not agree to this matter, Qiu Zhan would definitely not be able to appear in Tianyu's blood test. This proves that Qiu Zhan's battle against the demons has been recognized by Qiu Shijie!

"Is he really not afraid of Qiu Zhan dying in the ring?"

"So unselfish?"

Although he had never met, Xiao Lang already had a little more respect for Qiu Shijie. In the face of disaster, not many can do this.

Moreover, as the star owner of Red Yan Xing, one of the real high-levels of Tianfu Palace, Qiu Shijie may have guessed that the entire Red Yan Xing has been swallowed by the Heavenly Devil Realm.

Even so, when he knew that the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Beasts would shoot out the first bird, Qiu Shijie let Qiu Zhan stand on the cusp of the storm. This is no longer as simple as selfless.

"Really bold!"

Xiao Lang couldn't help sighing again and again, and at the same time, he had already learned about Qiu Zhan's achievements from the discussion of many demons around him——

Ten consecutive victories...

Eight times!

Ten consecutive victories eight times!

This also means that as many as 80 demons have died in his hands, and all of them are Xiaoyuan Demon Lords in the Era Realm!

More than terrible, it is simply sensational!

At this time, Xiao Lang also knew the rules of Tian Yu's blood test from the mouth of Venerable Qingyun.

Said to be rules, but in fact it is also the unwritten tacit understanding between Tianyu City and these magic repairs outside.

Ten consecutive victories, you can rest in the ring.

And above the ring, there must be a contest at the same level. If you violate it, you will definitely be killed by the top and even the strongest in Tianyu City!

Of course, it was only the magic repair side that violated.

Because it seems to be an arena, but only Wuxiu of Tianyu City Tianfu Palace is the defender, and Moxiu is the attacker. After all, Tianyucheng is the defender.

Xiao Lang couldn't help but flashed a thought in his mind when he heard this--

"If I board the ring, how many consecutive victories can I win?"

But as soon as this thought came to mind, it was already forgotten by Xiao Lang.

Although he wanted to go up to the beheading and slaying demons, but--

"Time doesn't wait for me!"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank, and he looked towards Venerable Qingyun:

"Senior, how did you get in touch?"

Speaking of business affairs, Venerable Qingyun also became serious and said:

"Well, I got in touch."

"I didn't tell Senior Brother Qiu about the Primitive Teleportation Array, because I was afraid that people would intercept it, but I also told him that he had important things to report. He would personally pick us up late at night."

Qiu Shijie came to pick it up in person?

Xiao Lang felt calm after hearing this.

Now that Qiu Shijie made such a promise, it must be no problem.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang converged his mind and continued to cast his sights on the ring where Qiu Zhan was. Finally, Xiaoyuan Moxiu of the Era Realm stepped onto the ring to challenge Qiu Zhan.

The battle ended quickly.


All ten battles ended very quickly.

In less than half an hour, it was another ten-game winning streak. Qiu Zhan was obviously still intent. He shot the last opponent to death on the spot. After burning his body, he seemed to have to challenge many demons, but he seemed to have heard some sound transmission. He took a meal and suppressed the killing intent. Under the scolding, no one dared to catch up.



This was Xiao Lang's first impression of Qiu Zhan, and it was all seen from the battle between the latter and Moxiu.

After Qiu Zhan left, Xiao Lang turned his attention to other arenas.

Wars continue, life and death continue.

Some people from the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's demons died tragically, and some from the Tianfu Palace were killed, the ratio was about seven to three. However, Tianyu City has been blocked by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, with limited combat power, but Demon Cultivation is constantly coming.

The situation is not optimistic.

Next, Xiao Lang didn't say a word, just watched the blood in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

Among them, the deepest feeling is--

"No wonder Master once said that even those who are strong in the Era Realm cannot guarantee self-protection when the battle of Righteous Demons comes."

"This is war!"

"Under the flames of war, is there a dead egg?"

At the moment of the war, a person's combat power is too insignificant, even if you are the top sage?

Xiao Lang was caught in his own mental storm and gradually lost his way. He opened his eyes subconsciously and saw that the battle was still going on in the arena, but the sky was already dark.

it's dark!

Where is Qiu Shijie?

Just as Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at Venerable Qingyun, but saw that he was communicating with someone with the sound transmission stone in his hand, suddenly his pupils suddenly brightened and looked towards Xiao Lang.


"Little friend, take the flying boat!"

Xiao Lang immediately followed suit, and when he was confused about where Qiu Shijie was, suddenly—

"Don't resist."

A low voice suddenly rang in his ears, and immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang only felt the power coming from all over his body, as if he was bound by a big hand, he was directly pulled into the mist, and he could vaguely hear the formations of demonic cultivators around Exclaimed, when these voices dissipated and the touch of the solid ground beneath his feet came, Xiao Lang immediately opened his eyes and saw that the surrounding environment had changed drastically, and he and others had already appeared in a large hall.

The hall was empty, with only two people.

A burly man with a national character face was looking at Venerable Qingyun and the people behind him with excitement:

"Brother Qingyun, you really are not dead."

"Let me just say, you are our Scarlet Star who is best at illusion and concealing aura, how could it be caught by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!"

"Welcome back!"

Venerable Qingyun was also very excited, and finally returned to Tianyu City. His uneasy heart these days has finally fallen on the ground, and he is completely at ease, bowing his hands:

"Thank you Brother Qiu!"

Brother Qiu!

Qiu Shijie!

Xiao Lang's spirit was shaken, and when he looked at Qiu Shijie, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He let go of the last trace of worry, but did not salute with the people behind Venerable Qingyun. Qiu Shijie was immediately spotted by Qiu Shijie, frowning slightly:

"Brother Qingyun is polite."

"These are..."

Qiu Shijie's sharp eyes projected onto him, and immediately brought tremendous pressure to Xiao Lang and others, even Li Xueya. Xiao Lang was taken aback, and then realized where his mistake was, and Li Xueya and the others quickly converged the power of the Magic Orb, revealing the original aura.

"Junior Xiao Lang, see Elder Qiu!"

With that said, under Qiu Shijie's surprised and uncertain eyes, Xiao Lang handed out the token belonging to Sun Wuji. Qiu Shijie had recognized the token before he took the token in his hand, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Wuji Ling?"

"Are you... Brother Sun's apprentice?"

Qiu Shijie was overjoyed, with a smile on his face for an instant: "Brother Qingyun told me the surprise before, is it your nephew?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, only then realized that Venerable Qingyun had not mentioned himself and others to Qiu Shijie before. When he was stunned, Venerable Qingyun immediately said:

"This is one of them."

"one left."

"Little friends Xiao Lang, they only came to Chiyan Star some time ago, and they came here specially from Tianfu City."

A few days ago?

Came to Tianfu City?

After all, Qiu Shijie has lived for a long time. How can he be a stupid person to become the star owner of Scarlet Yan? From the words of Venerable Qingyun, he immediately heard a lot of things and looked at Xiao Lang and the others slightly. Changed, exclaimed:

"You...come from outside the Heavenly Devil Realm?!"


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