Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 446: Goodbye


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard these three words and looked at Qiu Shijie in surprise.

Sure enough, he already knew it!

Know the fact that Chiyan Star has been swallowed by the Demon Realm!

Venerable Qingyun and the others were also taken aback. They also knew this fact from Xiao Lang's mouth, but Qiu Shijie had guessed it long ago.

Qiu Shijie saw the surprise of everyone in Xiao Lang and explained:

"Don't be surprised, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. Over the years, the celestial demon world has appeared several times in the battle of the demon, and every time it appeared in this way, it is not surprising that I can expect it."

Xiao Lang Wenyan immediately remembered that when the black alarm broke out that day, he and Sun Wuji and the others watched Scarlet Yan Xing be swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Realm. Lord Blue Moon had also said similar words, and his face returned to calm.

But obviously, Qiu Shijie heard more than this from the words of Venerable Qingyun just now. He glanced at Xiao Lang deeply and said:

"But Master Nephew Xiao Lang is here this time, and he wants to tell me more than that, right?"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank, and he looked at Qiu Shijie even more surprised.

Is it possible that Qiu Shijie still has his own heart?

Before he could answer, Qiu Shijie had already looked at Venerable Qingyun and made a look. Venerable Qingyun was taken aback, immediately understood, and immediately turned to face the people behind him:

"Go down first, see what needs help in Tianyu City, and follow the arrangements."

The people behind Venerable Qingyun knew that the reason for leaving them was definitely something important to discuss. They didn't care about it immediately and took the order and left. Immediately, only Xiao Lang and others were left in the entire hall.

When the gate of the palace was closed again, Qiu Shijie pinched his handprints, and the light circulated around the hall. It seemed that some magic circle had been activated. Then he looked at Xiao Lang cautiously and seriously, and said:

"Alright, Master Xiao Lang, you can tell, what instructions are Tianfu City?"

"Are we...rejected?"

Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned when he heard the words and saw the solemnness of Qiu Shijie's eyes. Only then did he realize that Qiu Shijie had misunderstood and thought he had come by the order of Sun Wuji and Tianfu Palace. He couldn't help but laughed bitterly and replied:

"Elder Qiu misunderstood. Xiao Lang was not sent by Master, and Master didn't know that I was here."

When Xiao Lang said this, Qiu Shijie was taken aback.


Sun Wuji didn't know Xiao Lang was here?

How can this be?

Without the help of Tianfu Temple, how did Xiao Lang enter the Celestial Realm?

Qiu Shijie was full of suspicion and confusion, Xiao Lang of course could see it and immediately explained. Of course, he attributed the reason for breaking the boundary to the fact that when he entered, the Celestial Demon Realm was in a state of chaos that swallowed the Red Yan Star, found a safe path, and was lucky enough to succeed with the help of Linglong Flying Boat.

Xiao Lang also talked about his encounters and what he heard after he arrived, including Su Han, Uncle She, and halfway through a raid by the Mad Demon Venerable, everything was fine.

These bizarre encounters of Xiao Lang made Qiu Shijie extremely amazed. When Xiao Lang revealed the biggest purpose of his visit, Qiu Shijie finally couldn't help it. His eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't hide the panic in his heart. He even rushed in front of Xiao Lang, firmly grasped his shoulder, and shouted in amazement:


"Your kid has a way to let all of us Scarlet Yan star escape?"


Xiao Lang's face changed drastically, and he grinned instantly.

It hurts!

Qiu Shijie was so excited that he almost crushed his shoulder!

not only that--

In desperation, perhaps because of too much excitement, even Qiu Shijie, the strongest veteran of the veteran, could not control his xinxing for a while. The aura of the strongest venerable level was like a storm sweeping over him, and Xiao Lang felt that he was drowned suddenly. It was like being pressed by a huge mountain, and for a while, he couldn't make any resistance, and he couldn't even raise the consciousness of resistance. His chest was dull and it was difficult to breathe.

"So strong!"

It is no exaggeration, Xiao Lang felt that Qiu Shijie could crush himself to death by using his momentum alone!

He is definitely much stronger than Uncle She!

As for whether the ability to overpower the Mad Demon Lord, it is not something Xiao Lang can guess at his current level.

Xiao Lang was originally quite satisfied with his current strength and realm, but Qiu Shijie just jumped up and grabbed his shoulders, almost smashing his Dao Heart!

It doesn't take too long, as long as it lasts for a few ten breaths, Xiao Lang will undoubtedly die.

Fortunately, there were Li Xueya and others beside Xiao Lang.

"Master Star!"

"Brother Qiu!"

Li Xueya and Venerable Qingyun also changed their expressions in an instant, as did Chen Shou, who was standing behind Qiu Shijie, and hurriedly stopped. Qiu Shijie's spirit trembled, awakened suddenly, and immediately reduced his strength. At the same time, a gentle force came out from the palm of his hand and sank into Xiao Lang's body, protecting his mind, his face was full of apology:

"Senior Nephew Xiao Lang, sorry, the old man was abrupt."

"The news is is..."

Qiu Shijie apologized again and again, but his face was still uncomfortable with excitement, but fortunately, he has now regained his sense of reason. If Li Xueya and others hadn't awakened him just now, even everyone on the scene would not be able to save Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang finally regained control of himself. Even if Qiu Shijie had let go of his hands, he could not help taking a step back and looked at Qiu Shijie in amazement. He looked helpless when he heard the latter apologize full of guilt.

"It's okay, I can understand."

"Elder Qiu is also for the soldiers of Tianfu Palace."

When Qiu Shijie saw Xiao Lang accept his apology, his face blushed and he let out a sigh of relief:

"It's good for a nephew to understand."

"But this primitive teleportation array..."

What Qiu Shijie cares most is obviously the Primitive Teleportation Array. But Xiao Lang didn't care.

From the actions of Qiu Shijie just now, he could see that Qiu Shijie is definitely the fighter who has the red yan star in the sky, otherwise he would definitely not have such a big reaction.

What's more, Chiyan Star is one of the eight most important strongholds of Tianfu Palace. Qiu Shijie can become the master of Chiyan Star, and his loyalty is definitely not a problem. If there is a problem, Lord Blue Moon would have discovered it long ago.

Therefore, when Qiu Shijie asked about the Primordial Teleportation Formation, Xiao Lang immediately flipped his hand, and a piece of paper that had been prepared on the Linglong Flying Boat appeared in his hand, with tiny tiny prints densely packed on it.

"This is the list of materials needed to set up the primitive teleportation array."

"Elder Qiu only needs to prepare everything. When everything is prepared, we will start to build the teleportation array."

Qiu Shijie was enraged, and immediately accepted the list. Seeing the many materials written on it, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help exclaiming:


Immediately, Qiu Shijie thought to himself:

"This material is a lot, I really don't know if we have so many in Tianyu City."

With that, Qiu Shijie turned around and handed the list to Chenshou.

"Chen Shou, go and prepare."

Chen Shou led the way, Qiu Shijie turned around, saw Xiao Lang frowned slightly, and immediately explained:

"Xian Nephew, don't worry, Chen Shou is the deputy star of our Red Yan Star. There is definitely no problem with loyalty. Just rest assured.

Hearing Qiu Shijie's promise, Xiao Lang's face improved a lot, and he nodded lightly.

Qiu Shijie hadn't woken up from this sudden surprise, looked at Xiao Lang excitedly, and said:

"Nephew, the surprise you brought this time is really too great! You have to go all the way and work hard, do you want to rest first? When you rest, I will show you a better life in Tianyu City!"


Xiao Lang's spirits shrank, knowing that Qiu Shijie was actually going to work on himself, and immediately said:

"it is good."

"But there is no need to rest."

"Actually, there is actually one more thing the junior came to Tianyu City this time."

Something else?

Qiu Shijie immediately said upon hearing this:


"As long as the uncle can do it, there is absolutely no problem!"

Qiu Shijie patted his chest and promised that if Xiao Lang wanted the entire Scarlet Yan star to be given to him, Xiao Lang laughed and said:

"It's not a big deal. I just want to ask you some people. Do you know where Elder Liu Rong, Ning Fu'er, Xiaodao and Dulong are?"

Xiao Lang successively said the names of Elder Liu Rong and Ning Fuer. Because in his opinion, Qiu Shijie, as the star master of the Red Yan Star, has a lot of daily chores, and he is in a state of chaos at this time. Not only Tianyu City, but also other intact cities on the Red Yan Star must be under his command. Next, it is extremely unlikely to know that Elder Liu Rong and Ning Fu'er are four people, so I said the names of the four people in succession, hoping that Qiu Shijie can have some impression.

But what he never expected was--

When he said the names of Elder Liu Rong and Ning Fu'er, Qiu Shijie raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

"The three people sent by Elder Sun to Elder Liu Rong, including the girl from Ning Fuer, are all your friends?"

Qiu Shijie actually knew!

Xiao Lang was surprised and happy at this time.

To my surprise, Qiu Shijie actually knew it, and what was delighted was that since Qiu Shijie knew Liu Rong and the others, he definitely knew where they were!

Therefore, Xiao Lang couldn't ask why Qiu Shijie paid attention to Elder Liu Rong and Ning Fuer, and asked quickly:

"Where are they?"

Xiao Lang was anxious and didn't use honorifics for a while. Qiu Shijie also expressed his understanding. He didn't blame him, but just smiled.

"In the eighth district."

After speaking, Qiu Shijie looked at Venerable Qingyun and said:

"Brother Qingyun is familiar with Tianyu City, knows where the eighth district is, and knows where to find your friends, so let him take you there."

"This is my token. Seeing it as if I am in person will also enable you to act better in Tianyu City."

As he said, Qiu Shijie flipped his hand and a simple token appeared in his hand, but instead of throwing it to Venerable Qingyun, he handed it to Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang immediately took it and did not shirk it.

"Thank you elder!"

I already know what I want to know. Of course, Xiao Lang will not hesitate anymore. He immediately bid farewell to Qiu Shijie. His expression was urgent. Venerable Qingyun was also helpless when he saw this. He also said goodbye to Qiu Shijie. He knew that Xiao Lang was impatient. , Immediately walked towards one side as soon as he left the hall door:

"follow me!"


There is a forbidden air circle in Tianyu City. On weekdays, even the Era Realm Small Perfection cannot cross the void, especially now it is still in the wartime stage, and the control is more strict. Even the Era Realm Great Perfection, not everyone has it. The right to fly in the air.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang and the others are not slow even on foot. Along the way, Xiao Lang did not enjoy the internal scenery of Tianyu City at all. He only felt that he had passed through many levels with a token and finally stopped in front of a huge building. Stopped.

"This is the fighting arena in District 8."

"In the war phase, all soldiers who have not participated in the war will practice here and are ready to fight at any time. Little friend Xiao Lang, your friends, should be here."

Nymph is here!

Xiao Lang didn't hear anything else, he only heard this sentence, his pupils lit up, and he didn't respond. He directly held the token and stepped in under the surprised gaze of the door guard at the building.

The battlefield is huge.

It is much larger than it looks outside. It seems that there is a space technique inside. The spacious square can accommodate tens of thousands of people, just like a small city.

In the eyes of Li Xueya and others, the vastness in front of them was full of human heads, with a blank face.

However, when Xiao Lang stood in front of the martial arts arena, looking at the audience, his eyes condensed on one point in an instant. A heart that was pounding instantly stagnated and couldn't continue beating.

He saw it!

In the crowd, the dreaming and dreaming figure—


See you again after twenty years!


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