Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 447: Golden Ge Iron Horse, Wind Flower and Snow Moon


Xiao Lang paused, looked at the beautiful woman in the corner of the battlefield, whispered softly, among them was the tenderness that Li Xueya and others had never seen before.

At the same time, they also saw Ning Fu'er, knowing that she was the reason why Xiao Lang soul haunted her, risking her life to enter the Heavenly Demon Realm, and they stopped one after another without disturbing Xiao Lang.

At this moment, it was destined to belong to Xiao Lang and Nymph.

"at last."

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide and blinked reluctantly. Looking at Ning Fuer in the distance, he felt relaxed and lucky.

Fortunately, there is a shortage.

Fortunately, after his party came to Chiyan Star, except for the enemy they encountered on the first day, the rest was smooth.

Fortunately, Tianyu City is still holding on.


Fortunately, there are many, many.

Xiao Lang felt that he was favored by luck, and the biggest favor was--

I finally saw Nymph.


At this moment, Xiao Lang thought of the heroic appearance of Ning Fu when he first saw Ning Fu's child on the border of the Great Fire World. Thinking of her company in the Tianfu Palace, thinking of her first time expressing her feelings to herself, and of her uneasy look.

But Xiao Lang thought of more, since he went to the West Desert Star Sea, no trace, even Sun Wuji didn't know where he went, those Nymphs' messages in the sound transmission stone.

Is Nymph worried about herself?

Xiao Lang believed that the answer to this question must be yes.

However, Nymph has never expressed her message and voice transmission for more than 20 years. She just used her own tenderness and her own way to show him her life of more than 20 years.

As for the worries and anxieties, I hide them all and leave them to my digestion.

Xiao Lang couldn't believe how anxious Nymph was when she left a message.

However, she resisted.

Do not ask.

This is the tenderness of Nymph.

"I'm all well, and I hope you all are well."

The gentleness that has never been said is the greatest gentleness.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang even regretted it a little, regretting that he had never contacted Ning Fuer over the years because of the disaster. But thinking about it, he really didn't have this opportunity.

When he was in Longyangxing, he was actually quite depressed. Because of the catastrophe and the collapse of the spirit body of the Dao, Xiao Lang didn’t even know how long he could live, and he didn’t dare to disturb Nymph. I didn't dare to tell Ning Fu'er this, so I chose not to contact.

Later, Xiao Lang entered the ancient proverb star relics, and by chance passed the test of True Lord Ice and Fire, and obtained the inheritance of Zhan Taizong. In the Ruins of the Ancient Proverbs Star for 20 years, Xiao Lang was able to receive external voices, including Ning Fu'er's messages, but was unable to transmit messages to the outside. This was also a special limitation of the independent space in which Zhan Taizong lived.

It's been over twenty years.

Xiao Lang finally had the confidence to survive the catastrophe of Huadao, so when Sun Wuji asked him what he was going to do next on Gu Yanxing, Xiao Lang immediately chose to go home.

Don't let those who love you down.

She is waiting for you!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's spirits shook, he immediately woke up, walked forward, toward the semi-transparent courtyard where Nymph was located, Li Xueya and others looked at each other, but did not choose to follow.

At this moment, it was destined to belong to Xiao Lang alone, and they were inconvenient to interrupt.

At this moment, Ning Fu'er, who was sitting cross-legged and was cultivating, felt like a heart. She suddenly opened her beautiful eyes and turned her head. In an instant, she also saw Xiao Lang. The confusion in her beautiful eyes dissipated and was filled with shock. I stared blankly at Xiao Lang walking towards him step by step.

"Big Brother Xiao?"

Ning Fuer shook her head in a panic, closed her eyes, and re-entered the cultivation state.

"No, no, it must be fake, I was wrong."

"How could Big Brother Xiao appear here? This is my demon, it must be the demon!"

Ning Fuer said in a panic, but how could she close her beautiful eyes? Staring closely at Xiao Lang who had crossed half of the battlefield, his eyes became more and more surprised.

Even if it is the inner demon, she is willing to sink into it for a while, but—

Why is it so real?


For a moment, Ning Fu'er's heart was like a deer, and she was out of control. She watched Xiao Lang cross the entire battlefield and stood ten feet away in front of her.


When the sound that only sounded in her sleep came into her ears, Ning Fu'er was like a clay sculpture, and she was stunned for an instant. In her beautiful eyes, tears could not stop falling, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time:

"Brother Xiao, really...really..."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang couldn't suppress the emotional surging in his heart, his eyes flushed, and without any hesitation, he stepped out, opened his arms, and wrapped Ning Fuer in his arms.

"It's me, it's true."

"I am back!"

When the breath of daily longing rushed straight into his nostrils, and personally felt the warmth coming from Xiao Lang's body, at this moment, Ning Fu'er seemed to be truly sure. The present was not an illusion, but a reality. Xiao Lang clearly felt that Ning Fu'er's arms tightly bound her waist, as if she never wanted to be separated from her anymore, the softest part of her heart instantly collapsed.


At this moment, Ning Fu'er seemed to finally remove her pretending hard appearance, and she was crying in Xiao Lang's arms, venting the worry that had been accumulated in her heart over the years.

She persisted too hard.

Day and night, thinking about it.

Fortunately, all this is worth it.

Xiao Lang, really came back!

Xiao Lang felt the beautiful woman in his arms trembling constantly because of crying. He couldn't help the eye sockets being moist, but he said nothing, just caressing Nymph's back.

The silence speaks.

In the martial arts arena, the sounds of discussing martial arts and discussing martial arts were noisy, and even a little noisy, but at this moment, these had nothing to do with Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, only each other's eyes.

Golden Ge and Iron Horse are also beautiful!

Li Xueya and the others could not help but sigh with emotion when they saw this scene from a distance. The simplest is Chi Guoguo, her beautiful eyes are full of envy and the little girl's respect for love.

"In the future, I will also find a partner like Xiao Lang's brother."

Chi Guoguo couldn't help speaking out what was in her heart, and she couldn't help but suffer from Chi Lian's roll of eyes...

No one noticed Chi Lian’s small movements, but when Xiao Lang’s strange face suddenly appeared in the battlefield and directly crossed the entire battlefield, some people noticed his presence. The two Nymphs hugged each other, and there was an uproar in the entire fighting arena.

"Look, the goddess of Golden Arrow is holding her together!"

"Fuck, which one is this? The Golden Arrow Goddess is the famous Frost Goddess in Tianyu City, how could..."

More and more people are surprised.

"Master Qiu Tian has been pursuing the Goddess of Golden Arrow for so long, and I heard that he hasn't made any progress, and he is almost rejected to get used to it. Who is this buddy, so hungry? Take down the Goddess of Golden Arrow without moving?

Some people admire it, others admire it, but there are also those with good things in their eyes, and they secretly took out the sound transmission stone, wanting to inform Qiu Tian and watch a good show.

But at this moment, Qiu Tian hasn't come yet——

"Who dare to move my sister-in-law!"


A thunderous roar suddenly sounded in a corner of the fighting arena. Almost at the same time, a burly golden figure soared up into the sky, like a golden thunder and lightning, rushing directly towards this separate courtyard of Ningfulu.

Do not.

Not one, if two!

On the side of the golden burly figure, there is also a purple shadow that blends into the golden burly figure's shadow. It is really not easy to be spotted if you don't look closely.

As soon as these two figures appeared, everyone in the martial arts battlefield shrank, and there was a good show in their eyes.

"Haha, it's the mad sword and the poisonous dragon!"

"This kid is miserable."

"The crazy knife and the poisonous dragon are the closest people to Nymph. I heard that their eldest brother is Nymph's sweetheart, and no one is allowed to approach and profanity. This kid is about to hit the iron plate."

"Although it's only a newly promoted Venerable, if their combat power is combined, I am afraid that the mid-Era Realm Venerable will not be an opponent, that kid is in trouble!"

In an instant, the eyes of almost everyone in the martial arts battlefield were concentrated in the small courtyard of Nymph, expecting a great battle to break out, but the next moment, everything that happened made them immediately surprised.


For a moment, Xiao Lang also felt the power of the surging avenue suddenly coming behind him, but there was no anger on his face. Instead, he raised his brows, his face was surprised, the corners of his mouth smiled, and Nymph was still in his arms, turning his head to look. Glanced.

It's this one--


Under everyone's astonished gaze, the swift purple golden light and shadow stopped instantly, and the two figures stood side by side, standing in the void. It only took a moment to go from moving the rabbit to the quiet place, and it immediately attracted a crazy backlash of the divine power in the body.


The two of them sprayed out a blood mist at the same time, but they did not care about wiping the blood on the corners of their mouths, their wide-open eyes filled with disbelief and horror, and they said in surprise:

"Big Brother?!"

As soon as these two words came out, everyone in the martial arts field was shocked and surprised.


The person holding Nymph's is the eldest brother of Mad Saber and Dulong, Nymph's sweetheart?

Xiao Lang felt the attention and gaze from everyone in the martial arts arena for an instant, but he ignored him. His eyes were still looking at the dumbfounded two people who stopped in the void, with a deep smile on his face:

"Small knife, poisonous dragon."

"It's only been more than 20 years. You don't even know your eldest brother, do you?"

Really big brother!

A familiar voice awakened Xiaodao and Dulong, the two of them were shocked, and their faces were ecstatic.

"Brother, you are really back!"


The two of them plummeted, walked two quick steps towards Xiao Lang and stopped abruptly. Seeing Ning Fu'er in Xiao Lang's arms, they scratched their heads in embarrassment:

"Hey, brother, did I bother you and sister-in-law?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help giving the knife a cold eye. At this moment, Ning Fu'er also sensed the arrival of the knife and the poisonous dragon. Even though she was reluctant, she reluctantly got out of Xiao Lang's arms, but her small hands remained. Holding Xiao Lang's arm tightly, he refused to let go for a long time.

"You two are really getting skinny."

Xiao Lang had a relaxed look on his face, the kind of relaxed Li Xueya and others had never seen before.


Only in front of the knife, the poisonous dragon and the Ning Fuer, Xiao Lang would show his true self.

"That's not how big brother teaches well."

The knife still has the character of climbing up the bar, grinning, noticing the curious gaze cast by everyone in the fighting arena, and can't help but frown slightly, saying:

"Brother, let's go in and talk."

I haven’t seen each other for many years, and there must be a lot to say. Xiao Lang also knew that this courtyard was not suitable, and he nodded and agreed, but when the knife stepped forward and wanted to push the door in, suddenly—

"Master Qiu is here!"

Outside the fighting arena, a whistling came, and Xiao Lang immediately raised his brows when he heard the words.

Qiu Tian?

Xiao Lang just heard the discussion from everyone in the martial arts arena, and knew that Qiu Tian was pursuing Ning Fuer for a long time.

Love rival?

Xiao Lang was more concerned about this kind of person, and couldn't help but stop, seeing a young man in white on the edge of the battlefield crossing the void.


Xiao Lang frowned slightly, but then stretched out.

For others, Qiu Tian may be a trouble, but for him, it is not a problem.

there is always a solution to a problem.

But what Xiao Lang didn't expect was--

"Junior Dao, Junior Brother Dulong."

Qiu Tian greeted him enthusiastically before he even landed, with no anger on his face? Even when I saw Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er holding hands, their expressions didn't fluctuate much, they were just a little lost. Then they looked up at Xiao Lang, and said:

"Qiu Tian, ​​I have met Junior Brother Xiao Lang."


Xiao Lang was surprised when he saw it, but Qiu Tian didn't even get angry.

So calm?

Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at the knife and the poisonous dragon. He doesn't know Qiu Tian, ​​surely Xiaodao and Dulong do? Ever since, Xiao Lang saw two helpless faces appear in front of him...


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