Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 448: Tianhu evil star, Qiu Tian

From the perspective of Xiao Lang's experience, the higher the birth status, the more arrogant and high-profile.

In other words, it is arrogant and domineering.

of course there are exceptions.

A good life experience means more resources than ordinary people, a broader vision, and different circles of contact. Some people will use their origin as wealth and gradually accumulate.

As that sentence said, I am not afraid of how talented the other person is, but I am afraid that the other person's talent is high and he works harder than himself.

This is also the reason why the more wealthy aristocrats are, the easier it is to give birth to geniuses. Relatively speaking, ordinary life experience and ordinary resources, even if your talent is amazing, if you don't meet Bo Le, the latter will not provide you with enough resources, and you don't even have the qualifications to reveal your talent.

This is the strong principle of Hengqiang.

However, more people born in wealthy nobles, instead of taking their profound background as a foundation and support, are confused by the world and become "second generation ancestors". This is more common.

Xiao Lang had met Qiu Zhan. Although he had not had any direct contact with him, he could also tell from his performance in the Tianyu blood test that Qiu Zhan was the former, and belonged to a small number of people.

Qiu Tian too?

Xiao Lang looked at the knife and the poisonous dragon, and it happened that the knife looked to himself helplessly:

"Big brother, this kid is really thick, I have never seen such a thick face."

"He is indeed pursuing his sister-in-law, but he has never done anything out of the ordinary, and Dulong and I can't do anything about it. I can't beat it, or scold it... but it's useless.

"However, he has provided us with a lot of cultivation resources."

"Dulong and I can stabilize the realm of Era Realm Venerable so quickly, and he has a lot of help."


When Xiao Lang heard the words, he probably understood Qiu Tian's temperament, nodded lightly, calmed down, and then looked at Qiu Tian.

Over there, Dulong and Qiu Tian had already greeted each other.

"I said Qiu Tian, ​​my elder brother has already come, and you have seen it with your own eyes. If you dare to pester my sister-in-law in the future, be careful that I poison you."

Qiu Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and glanced at Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, a little dejected:

"Yes, yes, never again."

"Hey, my Qiu Tian's fate is so bitter. For so many years, no one has chased it. Isn't my Qiu Tian destined to be the fate of the evil star?"

Fox evil star?

Xiao Lang smiled when he heard the words, he saw that Qiu Tian was still a baby!

As a Venerable Middle Age Realm, he is at least a thousand years old, he is still a young child, how many people can believe this?

"I said you are not sick, right?"

Xiaodao smiled and took over.

Obviously, the knife and the poisonous dragon are quite familiar with Qiu Tian, ​​who is skinless and faceless. They joked innocuously, and the knife hooked Qiu Tian's neck and said:

"I'm gone. My elder brother just came back. I must talk to my sister-in-law. Let's not be light bulbs here."

Xiaodao and Dulong put aside their smirk and pulled Qiu Tian away. Xiao Lang didn't even have time to introduce Li Xueya and others to them. When he looked down and saw Ning Fu'er's blushing face next to him, he immediately put all these thoughts away. Later.

"Forget it, I'll introduce it later."

Xiao Lang, who saw her forgotten friend, pulled Nymph into the room, closed the door tightly, and even sealed the courtyard with the power of the avenue.

This time belongs to them.

They haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, and they want to say too much to each other!


No one disturbs them.

Even Qiu Tian said that he would no longer pursue Ning Fuer and was taken away by the knife and poisonous dragon honestly. Who would be so reckless?

In the room, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er sat on the bench leaning against each other, talking. Xiao Lang left for Longyang Xing until he became the master disciple of Zhan Taizong. Although he concealed some dangers, he still heard that Ning Fu was panicked, nervous, afraid, and sometimes because of Xiao Lang. Harvest feels happy, eyes obsessed, looking at Xiao Lang's face unable to move away.


Happy time always flies quickly.

When the voices of the knife, poisonous dragon, and Qiu Tian sounded again outside the door, Xiao Lang was shocked to realize that a whole day had passed.

"You can really talk!"

Xiao Lang teased Xiao Lang who opened the door of the room. Xiao Lang smiled slightly and waved his hand outward under the surprised gaze of several people. Several people immediately came up on the battlefield.

Of course it was Li Xueya who had been waiting for the same day.

"let me introduce."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang introduced the identities of Li Xueya and others to Dulong and Xiaodao. Only then did they know each other. Xiaodao and Dulong said hello one by one, but suddenly—

"Brother Xiao, Qiu Tian..."

Zhao Feng's voice suddenly rang in his mind, and Xiao Lang's spirits were shaken. He kept the state of continuing the introduction and asked:

"Why, what did you find?"

Zhao Feng hesitated for a while, seemingly unable to determine, but he still answered, but there was uncertainty and hesitation in his voice, and said:

"He has power in him, I can perceive it, it's quite terrifying. Brother Xiao must be careful."

The power of terror?

Xiao Lang's eyes shrunk slightly, and he subconsciously glanced at Qiu Tian who was standing beside him and smiling, with a gentle and elegant appearance, his mind swept away and his brows frowned slightly.

Why didn't I perceive it?

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly thought of Zhao Feng's special, and continued to ask:

"Do you perceive it with the power of destiny and heaven?"


Zhao Feng's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly: "I can't tell what it is, but it's terrifying, and it seems to be enough to affect his fate."


Hearing these two words, Xiao Lang suddenly thought of Qiu Tian's self-deprecating just now——

Tianhu evil star.

He just talked casually, or is it really special?

Xiao Lang didn't think too much about this issue.

Will always know.

As long as Qiu Tian is not prepared to target himself and others. Besides, it is not an actual power. Qiu Tian is only a mid-Era realm venerable. Although his status is respectable enough for ordinary people, Xiao Lang is not afraid at all.

He is not bad.

The status of Sun Wuji's apprentice is comparable to Qiu Tian, ​​or even higher.

After introducing each other, everyone became familiar with each other, and they gathered around the room to talk. Xiao Lang had already known from Ning Fu'er that the situation in Tianyu City at this time was fairly stable. It was divided into sixteen strongholds, with a large number of geniuses and even top venerables stationed.

Even if Tianyu City is now besieged by the Demon Cultivation of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, and **** battles continue outside, it has nothing to do with them.

Novice Venerable, even the power of the Great Dao cannot be controlled at will, and it is even more impossible to go to the blood test to slaughter the demons.

When Qiu Tian asked Xiao Lang and the others where they came from, Xiao Lang hesitated for a moment, and still revealed the fact that Scarlet Yan had been swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Because he knew that even if he didn't say it, Qiu Shijie might also tell him. Perhaps Qiu Tian knew it a long time ago.


When Xiao Lang said these words, Xiaodao and Dulong's expressions changed drastically. Ning Fu'er was okay, because she already knew this from Xiao Lang. Qiu Tian's eyes flashed, and he nodded lightly, not too much. Mood swings.


"It seems that during the busy period of my father, he is preparing to find a way to take us away from here."

"I just don't know if my father can think of a way to break the world."

Qiu Tian is obviously not the kind of stupid son, although his martial arts cultivation is very low, but his IQ is good, and his experience is more extensive. It is not difficult to guess this.

From Qiu Tian's words, Xiao Lang also heard that Qiu Shijie hadn't told him about the Celestial Demon Realm, and similarly, he hadn't said his intention to come this time or the existence of the Primitive Teleportation Array.

"Don't be afraid, the sky is falling and there is still a tall man holding it."

Xiao Lang comforted Xiaodao and Dulong. Their complexions improved a lot. After returning to his senses, they were also very curious about Xiao Lang's experience over the years. He immediately asked, Xiao Lang picks and chooses. Of course, what can be said on the face is straightforward I said it, because Qiu Tian was there, so I didn't say anything that couldn't be said.


Everyone left in the middle of the night, and did not disturb Xiao Lang and Nymph.

"Finally I can rest for a few days."

In the middle of the night, Xiao Lang sat on a recliner, looking at Nymph, who was sleeping beside him, hugging his arm tightly, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Two words, cozy!

Over the years, I have not been working hard for my own disaster and disaster, or worried about Ningfuer, Xiaodao, and Dulong. My mind has been in a state of tension. Now I have a multicolored lotus mark to stabilize my true spirit and rarely escape. Ning Fu'er and others were found by themselves without incident, Xiao Lang was finally relieved.

Xiao Lang thought he could take a good rest for a few days, but what he didn't expect was that someone came to his door at dawn the next day.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the sky was dark, Xiao Lang heard the knock on the door outside, and subconsciously nodded and smiled apologetically to the awakened Nymph, and stepped forward to open the door. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find that it was not the knife and others he had imagined, but—

"Senior Chen Shou?"

Xiao Lang was quite surprised, but Chen Shou smiled apologetically and said:

"The little friend just reunited with the little friend Nymph, and the old man is really embarrassed to be disturbed in the morning. But the star master is very anxious, old man..."

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

Qiu Shijie wants to see him?

Is it because of the primitive teleportation array?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's dissatisfaction faded away. It should be the overall situation. Xiao Lang nodded immediately:

"it is good."

"I'll talk to Fuer, and then go with Senior."

With that, Xiao Lang was about to turn back and say to Ning Fu'er, but at this moment, Chen Shou stopped him again, saying:

"No, the star master meant to let you all go."

Both go?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words.


Obviously he is not alone, there are Huang, Li Xueya and others, and even...


Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help frowning.

There is not much overlap between himself and Qiu Shijie, except for the primitive teleportation array. But what does this have to do with Nymph?

Could it be...

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of someone and couldn't help but frown.

Could it be because of him?


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