Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 466: Opportunity here

Seeing Qiu Zhan nod his head gently, Xiao Lang was very surprised.

Qiu Zhan thought so too?

Xiao Lang and Qiu Zhan had only one fate, and that was when he came to Tianyu City for the first time, and while waiting outside the city, he saw Qiu Zhan's tyranny.

God of blood!

The creator of ten consecutive victories in the Tianyu blood test!

Xiao Lang had always known that Qiu Zhan was strong in combat, but he didn't expect that the latter's mind had turned so fast that he would coincide with him and thought of going together.

Xiao Lang nodded in return.

Qiu Zhan seemed to be cold by nature and not good at expressing. After nodding his head, he stood still, closed his eyes, and began to calm down.

Qiu Tian smiled awkwardly and said roundly:

"Brother Xiao Lang, don't mind, my brother is like that."

"But just now, my brother praised you to me. It's been a long time since I saw my brother cross people."

Qiu Tian smiled.

Xiao Lang nodded lightly when he heard the words and smiled:

"It's okay."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang also stood still, holding his breath, and began to adjust his state, ready to deal with everything that was next.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Tian flashed helplessly in his eyes, his eyes flashed from Xiao Lang and Qiu Zhan in succession, and walked away boredly.

He really has no interest in cultivation.

But at this moment, in the cave, whether it is the side of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect or the Sky Floating City, almost everyone is like this, adjusting their breath and state, waiting for a battle.

This battle may be between them and Bloodthirsty Starvine.

It may also be bloodthirsty star vine and other things.

The future is unknown.

Because it's like a gamble!

The focus of the bet is not on them, but on whether the origin of the stars is shot.

Of course, if the origin of the stars also has the mind, or even wisdom, they will choose to take action after the Bloodthirsty Starvine kills themselves and others. Xiao Lang and others have no choice but to fight the Bloodthirsty Starvine!

This is the helplessness of everyone.

Their fate, their life and death, are in the hands of others.

This is quite uncomfortable.

Even though everyone knows, he still has a chance. However, when will this opportunity come?

When it comes, can oneself and others really break out of the siege and survive?

The atmosphere in the cave became more solemn.

Because everyone's heart is tense, there is no language exchange, and between their eyes, apart from tension, there is only panic.

Human emotions will spread.

When a person's mood changes, it is extremely likely to affect others around him.

Especially negative emotions.

And at this time, in this cave, more than one has negative emotions in his heart?



The crowd was slightly restless.

But Uncle She, Kuangmo and others just stared, and the crowd quickly calmed down.


They are afraid of Bloodthirsty Starvine, afraid of death, and also afraid of Uncle She, Mad Demon and others!


Xiao Lang was also nervous.

In the face of life and death, who can be absolutely indifferent?

No one can do it.

However, compared with his own life and death, Xiao Lang was more concerned about him, he couldn't go back alive to help Nymph!

"Do not!"

Xiao Lang's heart trembled and immediately put all distractions behind him.

"I will definitely go back!"

Xiao Lang was calm and wise, his starry eyes gleaming brightly, firm as a rock.


One interest, two interest...

One cup of tea, two cups of tea...

Everyone is waiting. The negative emotions in some people's hearts are almost overwhelming and cannot be vented.

And some people have long been numb, eyes sharp as a knife, and murderous intent.

It's just death.

What are you afraid of!

However, their state is not good.

Once in danger, they are likely to rush forward regardless of life and death. Although brave, but without reason and wisdom, it will be easier to die!

In the eyes of many people in the team behind him, Chen Shou saw the brilliance of death and rebirth. His mind trembled, but he couldn't relieve one by one. He could only repeatedly chant: "Peace of mind, don't be impulsive". Words.

Of course, the effect is minimal.

At this moment, suddenly—


Outside the cave, the violent roar suddenly became louder, like a rushing thunder, more like a behemoth flying forward on the earth, even the earth could not bear its weight.


The earth and rocks collapsed, this is the sound of the cave breaking apart!

The familiar violent aura rushed forward, and everyone in the cave, no matter which side, one counted one, their expressions changed, even Xiao Lang was no exception.

His face was icy, and his star eyes flickered.

It's the breath of Bloodthirsty Starvine!

Even stronger!

Just the breath came, it gave him a strong sense of suffocation!

"What level is this?"

Such thoughts flashed in Xiao Lang's heart.

Not important anymore!

It doesn't matter what realm Bloodthirsty Starvine is now.

It has its own sanity.

Since I chose to act again, according to everyone’s speculation, there are only two possibilities——

First, the bloodthirsty star vine has absolute certainty to win himself and others!

After such a long time, his accumulation has been completed!

Second, the Bloodthirsty Starvine felt threatened, and the Star Origin had taken action against it!

Of course, Xiao Lang and others hope that the second possibility will happen, because then they have greater hope of survival.

And at this moment--


Xiao Lang's spirits were shocked, and he only felt a sudden explosion in the depths of his mind.

This is the spirit wave of Bloodthirsty Starvine!

Full of anger!

Not only Xiao Lang, but everyone else heard it, and his expression suddenly changed.


From the bloodthirsty star vine, the roar that originated from the depths of the soul, they felt the endless killing intent, cold and biting, as if coming from the depths of the nine secluded.


"I'll just say it, wait a fart! Isn't it still coming?"

The mad demon roared, looking like a knife, glaring at Xiao Lang.

If the expression in his eyes could kill people, Xiao Lang might have died at least a million times now!


Neither Chen Shou nor Uncle She ignored him.

"Ready to fight!"

They each greeted their teams and made preparations.

The crazy demon glared at Xiao Lang fiercely. In the end, reason took the upper hand. He didn't make a move, and followed Liu Zi to command the team with a devilish energy.

"Little friend Xiao Lang, follow me!"

A sound transmission floated in Xiao Lang's heart. Xiao Lang looked at Chen Shou in surprise, but saw that the latter was still busy, directing the crowd. Those words were like he said.

But Xiao Lang knew that this must be what Chen Shou said.

Xiao Lang did not hesitate, stepping out and standing behind Chen Shou.

At this moment, he found that several people were following, Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan were obviously among them, and they nodded slightly to Xiao Lang with serious faces.

Even Qiu Tian, ​​who is usually cynical, rarely appears solemn on his face.

The current situation is not the time for joking.

Xiao Lang was already ready to shoot.

For a moment, everyone in the cave was staring at the entrance of the cave in front, waiting for the appearance of the bloodthirsty star vine, and shot directly, rushing to Wuji.

It cannot be said that the unity is united.

But the mighty evil spirit condenses into one piece, which is quite amazing.

Just when everyone's mind was shaking and it was difficult to calm down, suddenly--


A violent roar suddenly sounded, and it came from the ground under everyone's feet. I don't know how many layers of burial tunnels were pierced. When it was passed to everyone's ears, it still made everyone trembled, and their eyes widened suddenly.

Because, this roar came directly into their ears!

Bloodthirsty Starvine is just a magic plant, without a physical body, but without this ability, it can only simulate at best.

But this roar must be something it cannot simulate.



Full of endless evil spirits!

Among them, there is a faint hint of strange aura, when sitting in the heart, it makes the heart unable to resist.

"this is……"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

Because of this momentum, it gave him a somewhat familiar feeling.

Before he could think about where he felt, suddenly—


The earth trembles, and the mountains crumble!

From a place where they didn't know how deep they were, a violent roar came from the ears, and the sound was just enough to make the Venerable of the Ordinary Age Realm stunned and dumbfounded.

It's fighting!

Bloodthirsty Star Vine is fighting with something!

Was the star origin sent to kill it?

The eyes of Uncle She, Kuangmo and others couldn't help flashing on Xiao Lang's body again.

"This lucky kid, let him guess right!"

In fact, the answer to the question is no longer important.

The important thing is that their chance of survival has come!


Fang Jin's team was the last to come in. It was the closest to the exit of the tunnel. In an instant, the strong man standing behind him roared and the team moved in unison and swept away.

Randomly found a passage and swept down directly without any hesitation.

The same is true for Uncle She and Kuangmo.

Even if they want to kill Xiao Lang directly now, because Xiao Lang is very intelligent, it will definitely bring them a great threat.

But now, they can't take care of it.

Survive first!


Hula la.

For a time, everyone filed out.

The alliance was broken instantly, and the team as a whole escaped.

Chen Shou also made arrangements for the first time. With his figure flickering, he has come to a corridor, a corridor that has never been stepped on.

Xiao Lang and others immediately followed.

The figure continued to dive along the tunnel.

Fortunately, they have never encountered any danger.

This is of course also because of the existence of the Bloodthirsty Starvine, which has almost swallowed all the creatures in this real world, for the sake of improvement and strength.

But just when everyone shuttled back and forth, and continued to dive.

Under the body in front, the roar continued and bursts continued.

Everyone's complexion became more solemn, and at the same time they realized a problem——

"The battle between the Bloodthirsty Starvine and its opponents didn't mean that all the tunnels in front were sealed off!"

The fact seems to be true.

When everyone continued to swept forward and fell into the unknowing which corridor, everything that came into view made everyone's eyes shrink suddenly and fearful.

The tunnel is blocked!

A huge vine, as thick as the cave tunnel.

Even Xiao Lang thought that if it weren't for the grotto corridor to be so big and the space is limited, it would definitely be bigger!

It's really blocked!

Detour, or try to rush over?

A difficult choice appeared in everyone's minds here.


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