Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 467: Peerless War

Chen Shou's face was solemn.

He stands at the forefront of everyone and is also the leader of the entire team. Any decision may determine the fate of everyone, and he has to be cautious.

No one has ever seen the Bloodthirsty Starvine, wondering how powerful it is.

However, just this incomparably thick vine in front of me brought a powerful sense of oppression to Chen Shou and other top venerables!

Such as the top of Mount Tai!

Powerful and violent!

"Go around!"

"Retract your breath, don't be noticed by it!"

Chen Shou is really careful.

At this time, there is no longer a race against time.

Most importantly, survive!

Chen Shou gave an order, and many top veterans in the team immediately began to look around for new channels.

Xiao Lang and others followed Chen Shou without saying a word.

They don't need to say anything at all. In the current situation, they only need to obey the order.

This matter is still no problem for the many strong players present, it is very simple. Immediately, many people quietly found many tunnels leading to the bottom, dozens of them.

Chen Shou was pleasantly surprised, Dang Even had to take everyone away from one of them.

However, when Xiao Lang, who was standing behind him, heard that there were so many corridors around them, and they could all pass through--


Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, and he noticed a trace of weirdness. At the same time, he looked at Qiu Zhan next to him, and saw that his eyes flashed brightly, thinking.

Qiu Zhan also realized it!

But it may not have been thought of yet!

Xiao Lang was anxious, and immediately stood up, and without disturbing the bloodthirsty star vine in front of him, he immediately spoke;

"Did many of the tunnels you found were created by it?"

"And it's empty inside?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, everyone gathered around Chenshou was taken aback. The people who had just gone to find the tunnel nodded subconsciously, their faces dull, completely unaware of what had happened.

At this moment--


The earthquake shook, Xiao Lang turned his head suddenly, and found that the bloodthirsty star vines in front of him were trembling faintly, and his face changed drastically.


"Do the best defense!"

Xiao Lang shouted hurriedly, and everyone was shocked.

They also noticed the abnormal movement of the bloodthirsty star vines in front of them, but they couldn't understand the instructions Xiao Lang issued at this time.


Don’t you want to escape?

However, out of instinct, and Xiao Lang had already successfully predicted the situation in the cave just now, everyone still trusted him very much in their hearts, and almost instantly everyone followed suit.

Some of the top venerables even used the power of the entire avenue to guard everyone around them, looking at the vines of the bloodthirsty star vine ahead with fear.

At this moment, it visibly oscillated more severely.


Under everyone’s horrified gaze, it suddenly--



Like an arrow from the string, it seemed that they hadn't noticed their existence at all, bringing endless sound of wind and swept down!

Everyone was shocked, and their discoloration changed.

How is this going?

Someone looked at Xiao Lang subconsciously.

Thinking of Xiao Lang's words just now, they faintly realized that Xiao Lang seemed to have guessed something, otherwise it would be impossible to keep them defensive instead of fleeing.

He knew that Bloodthirsty Starvine would not attack them, or...

Everyone guesses.

But they haven't waited for them to speak out the confusion in their hearts-


Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly, and a low growl came out. Everyone's mind was startled, their eyes widened.

What's coming?

Isn't it Xiao Lang's judgment just now, is it now?

Without waiting for anyone to ask questions-


Everyone felt that the ground under their feet trembled suddenly, and then it turned out to be like a sand dune.



The tunnel is broken!

It's not just that the tunnel they were in was broken, the tunnel barriers of everyone around them collapsed instantly and fell down!

They are also falling!

At this time, everyone seemed to finally understand why Xiao Lang kept them defensive.


The endless earth and rocks fell from the sky, just like the entire real world suddenly collapsed, and the entire crypt was gone. Although the thick earth and rocks are ordinary, the key is that they are so numerous that they can hardly be avoided.

Even with the power of the Great Dao to protect the body, some venerables are too weak and their faces are pale.

Fortunately, Tianfu Temple warriors never do things for themselves.

The top venerables of Dzogchen in the Era Realm successively took actions to clean up the earth and rocks falling on everyone's head.

But this is only the above.

Under the body.

The earth burst.

Immediately, the two powerful and heinous powers rushed from under their bodies. Without the isolation of the stone walls of the tunnel, their aura became more violent and full of evil aura.

They are familiar with one of them.

Bloodthirsty Star Vine.

There is one more.

Not only the depth is comparable to the bloodthirsty star vine, even the evil aura and the ferocious aura can fight against it, even better, and it is unstoppable.

"Below is the battlefield of Bloodthirsty Starvine and its opponent!"

"This place is already empty!"

"The reason why it didn't collapse just now was entirely because the Bloodthirsty Starvine was maintaining it. But just now, it seemed to have encountered a battle and could not be maintained!"

Everyone's spirits stunned, and they finally fully understood Xiao Lang's command just now, looking into the depths of the young man's eyes with surprise and admiration.

They realized it later, but Xiao Lang had already thought of this!

But under this circumstance, they certainly have no time to praise Xiao Lang.


Falling quickly.

However, perceiving the mighty aura and the strong and violent aura from below, it is of course impossible for everyone to just rush down like this.

The battlefield is fierce!

Bloodthirsty Starvine and its opponents must have been killed to a fever pitch.

Under this circumstance, did they go down to find death?

If the Bloodthirsty Starvine wins, they will throw themselves into the net.

If the bloodthirsty star vine loses and is at a disadvantage, but as the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse, they rush down to give it "nutrient"...


"Stay steady!"

Chen Shou let out a loud roar, and everyone immediately aroused the power of the avenue, surrounded him, stopped falling, and avoided the earth and rock falling.

The earth and rock fall quickly.

In just a moment, the top of everyone's heads was completely empty, only a deep dark void.

The same goes for the bottom.

But when the ground below completely collapsed, what was exposed was not pure void.


Bai Guangzhuo.

Hundreds of miles away from everyone, Yingying white light appeared in front of everyone like a light curtain. When Xiao Lang and others saw it, they immediately understood what it was—


Entrance to the spiritual world!

"It's so deep!"

Some people were surprised.

In their view, a tunnel is only tens of feet, they are careful to explore and advance, very slowly.

They also understood why it would take one to three months to open the Demon Lake Holy Land.

This space is too big!

More complex!

However, at this time, there were still very few people who sighed for this. Like Xiao Lang, most people were attracted by the two huge figures in the void beneath them.

One of them is a huge vine.

Suspended out of thin air, it is thick and thick, and it is difficult to distinguish what kind of plant it is. It looks like a thorn, with roots and thorns protruding from the surface. At the top of it, there are hundreds of vines lashing out of thin air. The power is amazing!

Bloodthirsty Starvine!

Finally saw its full picture!

But compared with Bloodthirsty Starvine, its opponent is more eye-catching——

"That's... a dragon?!"

Xiao Lang's face changed slightly.

He finally knew why the second breath emerging from the ground would still give him a familiar feeling.

Because he had felt it on Chi Guoguo!

It is indeed a dragon.

Although it is not a real dragon, it is just an earth dragon, but it is clear that it also has a holy blood!

Its appearance is fierce!

Like a huge lizard, lying in the void, the body is tall and big, this is still the result of lying down, the whole body is six or seven miles long, the scales are all over the body, the back is spiky, and the body is strong.

Facing the crazy slap of Bloodthirsty Starvine, it only raised its forelimbs, only blocking the vines that attacked its vitals, and didn't care about the others.

Because those vines can't even break its defenses!

In the eyes of Xiao Lang and the others, the fight between the two major fierce creatures was so rough that it couldn't be more rough.

It's like two mortals are fighting each other, with instinct, there is no such thing as mystery.

But the problem is--

They are powerful enough!


It was just the violent roar and wind produced by the two fighting that caused Xiao Lang, Chen Shou and others hundreds of miles away to change their colors.

too strong!

The bloodthirsty star vine is just a vine whipping, in their opinion, the combat power has reached the level of the top veteran's full blow!

If it's one-on-one...

"At least the five-star strongest venerable level!"

"Maybe stronger!"

There was a chatter from someone in the team.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

Doesn't this mean that the bloodthirsty star vine and the earth dragon just rely on instinct to kill, the combat power is enough to be equivalent to Sun Wuji?


It is terrible!

Xiao Lang finally realized what it was like to have amazing talent.

Whether it is the earth dragon or the bloodthirsty star vine, they only need to grow up and have this level of combat power...

This really makes many warriors feel at a loss, feeling that they have fed dogs for tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Effort is not as good as destiny.

It was vividly manifested at this moment.

However, Chen Shou and others certainly will not indulge in this problem at this time.

Chen Shou took a deep look at the light curtain below the bloodthirsty starvine and the earth dragon.


Enter the entrance to the spiritual world!

Also the first goal of their trip!

They don't care about the life and death of this battle.

What they care about is the origin of the stars!

However, the bloodthirsty star vine and the earth dragon are fighting vigorously, to the point of white-hot, how do they cross this sky?

If Chen Shou had sensed it, he looked into the distance subconsciously, and saw that in the distant void, the four teams of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect had also appeared, suspended out of thin air, shocked by the peerless battle in front of him, and did not dare to fall for a long time.

No one dared to try first.

Falling down, once the bloodthirsty star vine and the ferocious earth dragon...

Do not.

Not once.

But for sure!

They will definitely regard themselves and others as enemies!

Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for the next change to happen, but also waiting for the opportunity!

A chance to escape into the spiritual world!

Naturally, Chen Shou was also waiting.

But what he never expected was--

The change did happen.

It is not derived from the Bloodthirsty Starvine and the Earth Dragon, and it is completely different from Chen Shou's previous expectations——


The Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed to be extremely angry about being unable to take the Earth Dragon for a long time. Suddenly, a vine rose out of thin air, piercing the air, swaying white marks, and directly towards...

Chen Shou and others came here!


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