Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 480: Three important ways!


Xiao Lang blasted open the mad lion's heavenly spirit cover with a punch, and at the same time, all the pores on the entire arm submerged in the mad lion's body opened instantly.



Like a long whale absorbing water, the power of the origin of the stars that almost turned into liquid poured into the body.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide and waited.

On his left shoulder, Bloodthirsty Starvine was also holding his breath, paying attention to every change in Xiao Lang's body.

Can the power of the origin of the stars be cultivated?

The answer is yes.

As long as it is energy, you can cultivate, but the level is different.

However, what is the effect of practicing with the power of the origin of the stars... not only Xiao Lang has no bottom, but even the bloodthirsty star vine.

No one has ever done this before.

Even in the inheritance memory of Bloodthirsty Starvine, there is no similar experience.

As for the spirit beasts and fierce beasts in this demon pond holy ground, although their power has indeed been increased by the power of the origin of the stars, in essence, they do not possess the power of the origin of the stars, let alone cultivate. Up.

They are just borrowed at best!

"What will happen?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine could only wait, waiting for the changes in Xiao Lang's body.

It does intend to devour the power of the origin of the stars, but not now. It is too easy to expose now. So in other words, it also wanted to gain experience from Xiao Lang to prepare for the power that swallowed the origin of the stars.

It cannot understand Xiao Lang's feelings.

So what it doesn't know is--


At the moment when the power of the origin of the stars entered the body, Xiao Lang only felt as if he had been empowered. In a flash, his sense of spirit and soul had become more acute than ever!


The divine soul spread away instantly, covering the whole body for a few hundred feet. Immediately, the power of the avenue was like a bright star, greeted the eye.

The range of perception has expanded dozens of times, and Xiao Lang's perception of the power of these great avenues has also increased dozens of times in an instant!

"The power of the avenue blends together!"

For an instant, Xiao Lang felt a bright light in his heart.

It's not like before, because of accumulation or occasional inspiration, I figured out one of the keys.

It is a continuous aura!

Such as epiphany.

But this epiphany is too exaggerated.

In an instant, Xiao Lang had hundreds of plans for the power of the Three Great Dao to blend in, and any of them was definitely above the hot Leilian!


Three avenues blend together!

Xiao Lang knew that his improvement was different from others, especially the improvement of combat power. For others, the improvement of combat power lies in the martial arts and martial arts.

Quite trivial.

I am afraid that it will take decades or even hundreds of years of accumulation before it will happen naturally and finally complete.

But he is different.

He only needs to integrate the power of the Great Dao, and his combat power will have a qualitative change like flying!

However, in normal times, it is not easy for Xiao Lang to do this. In the ruins of the ancient proverb star for more than 20 years, Xiao Lang has accumulated rich experience, and finally it was because of the catastrophe that Li Xueya broke through that he finally realized that his heart was like a mirror, and successfully integrated the power of the fire bursting avenue and the thunderstorm avenue to create a thunder and fire strike. .

This is just the fusion of the power of the two attributes of the Great Dao, and it took Xiao Lang so much effort, let alone the fusion of the power of the three attributes of the Great Dao.

When there is no chance, it will take at least a hundred years to achieve this goal!

But now, the opportunity is here.

It was even more violent than his epiphany at the time of Li Xueya's breakthrough. In a moment of practice, hundreds of modes of combining the power of the three-attribute avenue were born in his heart!

"The power of the origin of the stars can actually increase my divine consciousness to such an extent?"

Xiao Lang was shocked and immediately overjoyed.

He didn't know how long the power of the origin of the stars could last for his current state, so he immediately abandoned distracting thoughts, no longer wanted other things, and focused on the integration of the avenue.

Hundreds of species.

This is only on the bright side, and they are all related to the power of the thunderstorm road and the power of the fire burst road. The third power of the road has everything, so Xiao Lang needs to choose by himself.

"I choose……"


In an instant, Xiao Lang had already made a choice.

Not bad.

It is water.

If Sun Wuji knew Xiao Lang's choice at this time, he would definitely be surprised.


It sounds like Xiao Lang's choice seems to have made a great mistake. Because since ancient times, the world has known that water and fire are incompatible.

Water and fire are two opposites. It can even be said that there is me without you, and there is no me without you, which is quite unsolvable.

But in fact, the reason why Xiao Lang chose this way was precisely because he had taken a fancy to it.

"Water and fire are incompatible?"

"So, when water and fire meet, it will definitely burst out with greater power!"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.


Everything is for the improvement of combat power!

In fact, Xiao Lang has a lot to choose from when it comes to the choice of combining the power of the three major Dao. For example, he can focus on defense, speed, and other aspects.

However, Xiao Lang still chose to increase his combat power.

Because whether it's their three-person team or himself, this is what he needs most.

With Wuhen Baoyi added to him, Xiao Lang had never worried about his safety, even when he was swallowed by the Bloodthirsty Starvine.

However, just not dying does not mean that you can always sit back and relax.


Means undefeated.

It sounds pretty good, but the biggest purpose of this trip is to fight for the origin of the stars. How can it be enough to just be undefeated?

Far from enough!

"At least, I need to be able to threaten the existence of the strongest venerable level, so that when facing the demon cultivation of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, I can make them feel jealous and have enough right to speak!"

The stars in Xiao Lang's eyes were shining.

Now that a decision has been made, what to do next is extremely simple.



When Xiao Lang's thoughts moved, he only felt that everything that was dazzling and magnificent in front of him immediately dimmed, and the hundreds of light spots that existed were instantly extinguished.

But what Xiao Lang is thankful for is that in the end there are three left!

In these three light spots, there are the power of the fire bursting avenue, the power of the thunderstorm avenue, and the power of a water system avenue, but the power that the three bring to Xiao Lang is naturally different.

Xiao Lang remembered one by one in his heart, and then began to try to evolve.

Without any foundation, it is naturally difficult to integrate the power of the three great avenues. But once you have a template, all this is not a problem.

Under the blessing of the origin of the stars, Xiao Lang understood the essence of it in just a moment, and in the next moment, it seemed that he could create it as long as his mind moved.

But at this moment, Xiao Lang's heart trembled again.

"Why should I refer to their templates?"


There is no best, only the most suitable.

Xiao Lang thought of his hot Lei Lin again.


When he first integrated the power of the Thunder Power Avenue and the Kuang Thunder Power Avenue, the reason why he chose the appearance of the lotus was entirely because of the five-element lotus imprint engraved on the true spirit.

Subconsciously believes that it is the most stable.

Facts have proved that it seems to be true.

"Maybe there is mystery in it, which I can't perceive, but it is indeed the most suitable for me. In this case, the integration of the power of the three great roads, I still choose to use it as a template."

Xiao Lang quickly made up his mind.

In fact, this is sometimes the case, by instinct.

There is no need to get to the bottom.

With a thought, immediately——


A ray of blue light appeared before Xiao Lang, condensed towards Xiao Lang's palm.

Avenue of Water Waves!

This is the third power of Xiao Lang's choice of integration.

It immediately turned into silk strands and surged toward the red purple lingering lotus in Xiao Lang's hand.

Will it fail?

To be honest, Xiao Lang was actually ready for failure. He was not worried about failure, but the result was that the whole process went much smoother than he thought.


Perhaps it was because he had mastered the essence of it. Under Xiao Lang's perception, the forces of three different attributes were gradually blending together, like one.

The original red and purple lotus imprint is more plain and white with a mysterious blue brilliance.

It's almost done!

Xiao Lang's heart became more excited.

Under his perception, the three powers became more balanced, and they were about to enter a state of complete balance. This also means that his attempt was a complete success. Next, he just needs to appreciate how strong this blow is.

"Just call you Ice Fire Thunder Lotus!"

Xiao Lang thought his name was becoming more casual.

But just as the victory drew closer and Xiao Lang's expectations grew, finally, the most critical moment arrived.

The last trace of the power of the water system and the waves of the avenue will soon be integrated into it!

However, just as the power of this great avenue was about to merge, suddenly, an accident happened.


Lotus, exploded!


It exploded suddenly and shocked Xiao Lang. Fortunately, the power he concentrated on the palm of his hand was not that much. After all, this was just an attempt.


Xiao Lang himself was awakened suddenly, opened his eyes and saw Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian who looked at him with the same surprised expression. Xiao Lang only then discovered that the Flame Mad Lion had just died.

It's a long story, but it's actually only a moment.

Qiu Zhan was suspicious, because at the moment when the blazing lion exploded and died, he clearly sensed a sudden burst of power that even he instinctively felt threatened!

"Brother Xiao Lang, you..."

Xiao Lang smiled, glanced at him, and said:

"It's okay."

"It's just that I thought, I should break through."


Qiu Zhan was surprised when he heard this.

Why did Xiao Lang suddenly choose to break through at this moment?

Of course he didn't know.

Because Xiao Lang also suddenly discovered why he finally failed to condense the power of the three great avenues.

Because his current martial arts training is not enough to support him to perform such moves!

This is why he just failed.

As for the solution, it is actually very simple-

breakthrough! !

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