Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 481: Break, break!

"The power of the avenue is not enough to stabilize the integration of the power of the three avenues."

This is not the first time Xiao Lang has encountered this situation.

As early as when he was cultivating on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, something like this had happened to him. Because of his insufficient understanding of the power of the Dao, he could not successfully integrate the Dao.

Therefore, when everything went well this time, until the end suddenly failed, Xiao Lang immediately realized that he had encountered the same problem again.

But in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, his understanding of the Dao started from scratch, and he could only make a little progress, but now, he will not encounter such a problem again.

From the middle of the Era Realm, the breakthrough to the late Era Realm, there is only one requirement-

That is, the road he understands must have a barrier to break through 60%.

Is this a problem for Xiao Lang?

totally not!

There is more than one power in his body that can break through?

There are more than a hundred!

Xiao Lang smiled and looked at Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​and said:

"Please wait a moment for me."

Qiu Zhan nodded when he heard the words, and took the initiative to step aside, holding a spear, and beginning to protect Xiao Lang. Although this was completely unnecessary for Xiao Lang, he was still very grateful to see Qiu Zhan doing this.

Qiu Zhan was not surprised at what Xiao Lang said for a while.

Because he also had this experience.

Accumulate thin hair.

Before being promoted to the top venerables, almost every epoch realm venerable with dreams will do the same, accumulating their own martial arts heritage at every small stage. In this way, the chances are greater when they hit higher levels.

Just like Qiu Zhan now, he did the same. In his mind, Xiao Lang had long been regarded as a super genius who was not inferior to him. Of course it was not surprising that Xiao Lang would do this.

But what he never expected was that Xiao Lang's martial arts background was much deeper than he thought. The great power that Xiao Lang mastered to reach the peak of the mid-Era realm reached a hundred!

So, he just stood firm--


I just felt that behind, a mighty coercion suddenly erupted, like a volcanic eruption, surging like a tide, surging, and out of control.

Qiu Zhan turned around abruptly and looked at Xiao Lang, who was enveloped by the power of the Great Dao, with shock.

So fast?

Break through in an instant?

Don't you need to be tempered?

Qiu Zhan knew only now that he finally understood how profound Xiao Lang's martial arts accumulation was.

Break through if you disagree!

Moreover, what made Qiu Zhan even more shocked was that while Xiao Lang's breath was transpiring, he also had a mighty will, just like the might of heaven...

Do not!

It's Tianwei!

It is the recognition of the will of heaven!

Qiu Zhan's mouth grew in surprise.

He is the Venerable Little Perfection in the Era Realm, and he has experienced such a scene when he achieved this realm, so he can be easily identified and frightened.

Xiao Lang was only in the late period of the Era Realm, but he was already approved by the will of heaven and earth?

What kind of blood does he have? !

Xiao Lang has been recognized by the will of heaven and earth, which is not beyond Qiu Zhan's expectation, because he had already realized this when he heard Xiao Lang say that he could block an Era Realm Xiao Perfect Venerable. .

Xiao Lang must have been recognized by the will of heaven and earth, otherwise, he would have no power to fight back in the face of the Era Realm Xiao Perfect Peak Venerable.

But what he didn't expect was that when Xiao Lang broke through the late Era Realm at this time, the willpower exploded in it was actually much stronger than the will of Heaven recognized when he was promoted to the Era Realm Little Perfection!

Qiu Zhan only thought of the power of blood, but did not think about the power of the great road.

Because Xiao Lang broke through to the latter stage of the Era Realm, it proved that his insight and control of the power of the Dao reached 90% at most. The power of Jiucheng Dao cannot be recognized by the will of heaven.

"This blood!"

Qiu Zhan was even a little jealous.

"Doesn't this mean that his combat power after the breakthrough may be stronger than me?"

Qiu Zhan was surprised again when he thought of this.

It is indeed possible!

You know, when Xiao Lang was still in the middle of the Era Realm, he was able to block the Era Realm Xiao Perfect Pinnacle Venerable. Now that he has broken through a small realm, the opponent he can resist has risen to another realm. Isn't it a matter of course?

Thinking of this, Qiu Zhan was silent.

Even a little speechless.

Before, he really hoped that Xiao Lang's martial arts realm could go further, so that his pressure would be much less, because now the combat power of the entire three-person team is almost concentrated on him.

And now, when Xiao Lang's body faintly showed a posture that surpassed him, his heart was a little lost.

But soon, his loss disappeared.

"No, this is better."

"I believe that with his character, even if he encounters a fatal threat, he will definitely not abandon us and escape by himself."

Qiu Zhan thought of what Xiao Lang had done when the three of them were trapped by Qi Qi in the body of the bloodthirsty star vine, his pupils brightened.

However, at this moment, Qiu Zhan was not the only one who was surprised?

There are also bloodthirsty star vines.

Even the Bloodthirsty Starvine is more sensitive than Qiu Zhan's perception!

Qiu Zhan was just curious to guess that Xiao Lang's combat power at this time should have reached the level of the top venerable, but Bloodthirsty Starvine could fully prove this.


"Definitely not the combat power of an ordinary top venerable!"

"His comprehension of the power of the Great Dao is still increasing frantically!"

"The effect of the power of the stars is so huge?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was stunned.

It can clearly sense everything that happened to Xiao Lang.

70%, 80%...

Gradually climb!

And it wasn't until this time that it discovered that it had far underestimated Xiao Lang's potential and strength.

",, there are more!"

It clearly sensed that the power of Xiao Lang's body and week's avenues evaporates, and there are more than a hundred kinds of them, including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, and wind, and they are all different ways of heaven!

Bloodthirsty Starvine was dumbfounded.


"Hua Taoist?"

"He turned out to be a Taoist?"

"Such a greedy Taoist, how did he live until now!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine discovered another secret of Xiao Lang and was shocked.

It's not that it has never seen the Hua Daoists, and even in its memory of inheritance, there are many Hua Daoists who have successfully ranked among the top veterans, and there have been no successful examples of the Hua Dao disaster.

However, Bloodthirsty Starvine began to doubt his judgment at this moment.

"The most worried thing about the Taoist is that the power of the enlightened Dao is too much to be dedicated to one, so the true spirit is ineffective, and finally the true spirit collapses and perishes. How did he..."

Bloodthirsty Starvine can't understand.

Xiao Lang was clearly doing the opposite!


Xiao Lang really did it!

"In normal times, how come I can't feel the wave of his true spirit's power collapse?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine thought of a question again, and was even more surprised.

"Could it be that he can actually control the escape of the true spirit and the bans?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was stunned by his own conjecture.

what does this mean?

It means that a person who has never set foot in martial arts can actually change the frequency of heartbeat and the direction of blood circulation by virtue of his instinct and will...


Even more exaggerated than this!

"Even the immortal monarch can't do this, right?"


Bloodthirsty Starvine was dumbfounded, unable to speak a word for a while.

Its discovery at this time is really shocking!

Even shocked that it doubted its previous plan.

"He, is he really under my control?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine fell into his heart.

At the same time, Xiao Lang didn't know the shock in Bloodthirsty Starvine and Qiu Zhan's heart. At this time, he was immersed in the insight of the Dao and couldn't help himself.

He broke through.

Breakthrough means that he can recklessly comprehend various avenues!

In fact, Xiao Lang didn’t want to learn too much, because although he can now know whether the power of the true spirit is dissipated, it is only under normal circumstances. If he is fighting, he needs to use the power of the great power. The true spirit still has to escape madly. Although there are smoky quartz supplements, there are also several smoky quartzes.

Xiao Lang is the kind of person who takes precautions.

However, when he succeeded in breaking through, and subconsciously began to comprehend the power of the Great Dao, he was surprised to find--

"The power of the origin of the stars can actually supplement the true spirit?"

New discoveries, new surprises!

After discovering this, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately began to comprehend.

After all, the power of the great power is the foundation.

Only if the foundation is deep enough, the combat power he bursts out of integrating the power of the great road will be even more fierce.

Of course, at the same time, Xiao Lang did not forget to fuse the power of the three avenues to condense the ice and fire Thunder Lotus.

This is the top of all things.

The results are quite gratifying.

Although he failed the first time, he laid a solid foundation, so this time, after Xiao Lang successfully broke through, he succeeded in one shot!

Not only that.

His comprehension of the power of various avenues is also deepening crazily.

Just when Xiao Lang's thoughts were still not exhausted, he was suddenly surprised by the crazy passing of the true spirit.

The true spirit began to drain.

the reason is simple.

Before he knew it, the power of the origin of the stars that he had drawn from killing the fiery lion had been exhausted.

Xiao Lang stopped immediately.

But it is already quite content.


"My control of the power of the Dao has reached as much as 80%, which can be regarded as a stable current state, and even stronger!"

But what delighted Xiao Lang most was the ice and fire Thunder Lotus in his hand.

It is the key!

"Can the power in it threaten the top venerable?"

Just as Xiao Lang was curious and eager to try, suddenly--


A series of roars suddenly rang out from the corridor on the side. Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were immersed in the tremor of the sky caused by Xiao Lang's breakthrough, but they suddenly woke up and their complexions changed drastically.

"It is a spiritual creature, and there is more than one!"


There is indeed more than one.

There are as many as seven heads!

Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts swept away, and he immediately found the enemy's location. This amount made him unable to help his eyes. What's more, the breath of three spirit beasts in it had reached the level of top venerable!

Although it is only slightly over, but it is also a top venerable!

Obviously, they were attracted by the fluctuations in the world caused by their breakthrough!

Xiao Lang's face changed slightly.

But the next moment.

Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of his mouth rose suddenly, revealing a mysterious smile.

Got an idea!


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