Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 484: Thunder Lotus!

"Brother Xiao Lang!"

Qiu Zhanwan was completely taken aback.

Even within this day, many miracles have happened to Xiao Lang. Whether it's the Innocent Treasure that can withstand the blow of the top venerable, or Xiao Lang's body in the bloodthirsty starvine, with the power of the great power to isolate the erosion of the latter's body fluids, or it is Sun Batian in front of him. The appearance of people.

All miracles!

Qiu Zhan would be extremely surprised by these methods, even if they were the hands of a top venerable. What's more, Xiao Lang was only in the middle of the Era Realm...No, now Xiao Lang has been promoted to become the late Era Realm.

However, Xiao Lang wanted to fight a spirit beast of the top venerable level?


Xiao Lang is definitely not an opponent.

Even Xiao Lang would die!

You know, the spirit beasts that appear in the Demon Lake Holy Land are not ordinary spirit beasts, but are blessed by the power of the origin of the stars! Their true strength must surpass the aura fluctuations they exhibit.

Just like this rhino spirit beast that successfully survived the thunder tribulation, its aura is just a bit more than that of the top venerables, but Qiu Zhan believes that its strength is definitely comparable to those of the old top veterans!

Xiao Lang wanted to fight it, but what was it?

Li Batian and the others were also shocked and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

However, compared with Qiu Zhan, they had contact with Xiao Lang in the Devil Blood World, and knew that Xiao Lang would sometimes make amazing moves, such as he killed the Blood Demon in the ring, but they all had a certain degree of confidence.

Since Xiao Lang dared to say that, he absolutely dared to do it!

Li Batian smiled and said:

"it is good."

"Little friend, please give it a try, I will wait to **** you!"

Xiao Lang smiled and walked forward.


He really doesn't need it.

However, since Li Batian and the others had such thoughts, he certainly would not refuse, after all, it was their kindness.


Li Batian and the others immediately evacuated, leaving enough space for Xiao Lang, but they were still at a safe distance to instantly reverse the situation.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian's expressions improved slightly, their eyes dazzling, and they looked at Xiao Lang who was standing in front of the rhinoceros beast with curiosity.

Until now, they still don't believe that Xiao Lang's combat power can reach the level that can threaten this top venerable rhino spirit beast, but they are still quite curious about his combat power after the late stage of the Era Realm.

Without worrying about their lives, they naturally won't worry about it.


The big blood-red eyes of the rhinoceros spirit beast immediately fell on Xiao Lang's body, with a wave of killing intent.

Is it against Xiao Lang?

Its intelligence is not so high.

It's just that the companion died, it was almost crazy, and he wanted to kill when he saw people, and Xiao Lang was the one closest to him among everyone, so he was naturally targeted.


Accompanied by a low muffled roar, the rhinoceros spirit beast stepped on its feet and swooped forward. The sharp horns on its head were like a sharp and unparalleled steel knife. It was even more violent. It is a trivial matter to open the mountain and crack the rock!


The moment the rhinoceros came out of the ground, the entire tunnel under everyone's feet trembled suddenly, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were even more secretly surprised.

The combat power that this rhino spirit beast exploded at this time had obviously exceeded the limit they could resist.

It is the real top venerable level!

Xiao Lang, how to deal with it?

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian couldn't help but fall on Xiao Lang's eyes, because whether he wins or loses, he is destined to be the protagonist and focus of this battle.

However, when their eyes fell on Xiao Lang's face, they couldn't help being surprised.

When facing the menacing rhino spirit beast, Xiao Lang's face did not show any expression of fear or excitement, his expression was calm and calm.

It was like he was facing an ordinary beast.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were surprised. They looked at each other and sighed at the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"A means to protect your life means to have confidence."

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian immediately attributed the calmness of Xiao Lang's face to Xiao Lang who was carrying a treasure, and Li Batian and others were nearby, and he didn't need to worry about his life at all, so he was so confident. .

But what they don't know is.

This is of course part of the reason.

But more reasons come from the confidence in Xiao Lang's heart——

"My Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus, should be able to take it."

Thinking in my heart, the vision has emerged——


Under the surprised gaze of everyone, I saw Xiao Lang's palm hanging on one side, a fiery red and azure blue lotus phantom that was condensed and intertwined with each other slowly, and quickly became solidified, with restrained energy, making people distinguish Can't tell what attributes they are.

"The power of two colors? What is this?"

Everyone is surprised.

Even Li Batian and the others were so attracted by the beautiful lotus phantom in Xiao Lang's palm, their expressions were obsessed. And at this moment, suddenly, they were surprised to see that in the palm of Xiao Lang's palm, another black light flashed and blended into it!

Sen cold.

Ice cold!

Before they could tell what this power was, it had merged with the dazzling lotus phantom in Xiao Lang's palm, suddenly--


The lotus phantom turned black in an instant, and violently fluctuated, like a stone dropped in a plum of autumn water, rippling.

It's just that at this time, the ripples are more than just mere ripples.


Everyone watched this scene happen. The lotus phantom in Xiao Lang's hand shook rapidly and seemed to collapse at any time. At the same time, a mighty, sharp, and violent pressure suddenly spread from it. Everyone has heard of this change, even Li Batian and others!

They even felt deeper at this moment.

Because Qiu Tian is only in the middle of the Era Realm, and Qiu Zhan is only a little perfect in the Era Realm. Their perception abilities are limited, and they can only feel that Xiao Lang's strength in the palm of his hand at this time far exceeds himself!

But Li Batian and the others could clearly feel that the power gathered in Xiao Lang's palm almost made them feel the threat of death!

This is not an illusion, but a reality.

Therefore, the complexion of Li Batian and other talents changed drastically.

You know, they are already top venerables now. After breaking the tribulation, their combat power is by no means comparable to that of the top venerables, even stronger than the former Yang Guang.

Can make them feel the threat of death, how can the power gathered in the palm of Xiao Lang's palm be described only in the word terror?


There was even a hint of panic.

Especially when he felt the power in Xiao Lang's palms oscillates more and more, the hearts of Li Batian and others also beat faster, and couldn't help saying:

"Little friend, be careful, don't insist anymore!"

Of course, the persistence they said was not about the battle between Xiao Lang and the rhino spirit beast, but the lotus phantom whose power in Xiao Lang's palm was still rising violently.

The power contained in it is still rapidly increasing!

Furthermore, Faint has already broken through Xiao Lang's posture!

If such a huge force were to explode directly in Xiao Lang's palm, one could imagine how threatened Xiao Lang would be as the person closest to it.

Of course, if they knew that Xiao Lang was wearing a treasure, they might not think so.

But now, Xiao Lang's actions really worried them.

Xiao Lang smiled helplessly, looking at the lotus shadow on the palm of his hand, a trace of helplessness flashed through his eyes.

"I didn't expect this to be my limit."


Although in the eyes of Li Batian and others, the power contained in the lotus phantom in Xiao Lang's hands is already quite terrifying, but in fact, it has not yet reached Xiao Lang's previous expectations.

However, what Li Batian and others admonished was correct, and they really couldn't continue.

This lotus phantom is already unstable to the extreme, even his master doesn't know when it will suddenly explode. In the end, Xiao Lang gave up trying to hit its limits.

"Maybe it’s because I don’t have enough understanding of the power of the Great Dao. Now I only control a little more than 80% of it. If I can control the power of these three great Dao to 90%, it will reach the end of the Era Realm. The ultimate can be achieved, then this trick should be able to be integrated."

Xiao Lang felt enlightened and full of confidence.

Since the restless power in this semi-finished Ice Fire Thunder Lotus has almost reached an extreme, he didn't delay any longer, just as Li Batian and others' warning came for an instant--



Xiao Lang was like sacrificing a magic weapon with his arms stretched out. Under the intently gaze of Li Batian, Qiu Zhan, Qiu Tian and others, the almost condensed lotus was immediately thrown directly by Xiao Lang. Go out and directly meet the Tianling Gai, the strongest rhino spirit beast!



At this moment, it seemed that even the rhinoceros spirit beast, whose intelligence was almost nothing, felt a deadly threat from the oncoming black lotus flower, and the huge body that was rushing forward suddenly stagnated, as if to hide directly.

However, the entire tunnel is so big, and its size is so burly, even if it is bent on hiding, how can it have enough space?

Everyone's attention.

The black lotus flower has fallen!



Flesh and blood fly!

Although under the control of Xiao Lang, the three great powers contained in the ice and fire Thunder Lotus were already integrated by him, but when it collided with the rhino spirit beast, the moment it burst, these three types The power of the Great Dao still manifests their respective abilities and characteristics, and some are still split.

Therefore, for a time, lightning flashed in the entire corridor, and the ice was as cold as a shuttle, and the flesh and blood was penetrated.

Under the horrified gaze of Li Batian, Qiu Zhan, Qiu Tian and others, the strongest Tianling cover on the rhinoceros spirit beast was like a clay sculpture, and the lotus flower fell into it and exploded.

The explosion in the body is the most terrifying and deadly.

Therefore, the rhinoceros spirit beast is dead, and it is still the way to die without a whole body!

The war started.

To the end.

It's a long story, but in fact it only happened between three and five breaths, and when the surrounding smoke fell, the thunder faded, and immediately fell into silence.

For a time, no one could say a word.

The bottom of my heart is full of shock and amazement!

Kill the top venerables in the late era?

Are you the devil?

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