Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 485: Seeking wealth and insurance!


The thunder light was violent, whistling ruthlessly, horizontally and horizontally throughout the cave tunnel, and everyone changed their expressions.

When the rhinoceros spirit beast's huge body burst, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were completely dumbfounded and completely stunned. Li Batian and others were similar to the two of them.

They thought that with Xiao Lang's current methods, they might really be able to compete with the rhino spirit beast, but they never expected that the battle would end so neatly.

Just an encounter.

A moment of effort.

Everything is over!

They were also stunned.

But Xiao Lang didn't hesitate at all. At the same time as his eyes showed ecstasy, the next moment he stepped out and stepped into the center of the death of the rhinoceros beast.

The smoke and dust filled Xiao Lang's cover up quite well, so no one saw that Xiao Lang's eyes turned purple in an instant, and then, it seemed that invisible power poured in through his 36,000 pores. His body.

In fact, even if Li Batian and others saw this scene, they couldn't see what Xiao Lang was doing.

Because they can't see the origin of the stars.


The moment the power of the origin of the stars poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Lang once again experienced the feeling like sentimentality, only to feel a flash of light in his mind, hundreds of thoughts and hundreds of auras flashing at the same time.

But this time, Xiao Lang didn't focus his thoughts on the power of the Great Dao.

Xiao Lang was quite satisfied with his current strength improvement.

Three different avenues merged, and Thunder Lotus already possessed the power of a spirit beast that threatened the top venerable level, which was quite good.

Xiao Lang once again focused on the comprehension of the power of the Great Dao.

This is the basis.

And since the day when Xiao Lang embarked on the road of martial arts, he knew the importance of foundation to himself.

Accumulate thinly, see the foundation.

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's comprehension and control of the powers of various great avenues also slowly increased. Although the level of this rhinoceros spirit beast is very high, much higher than the previous Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, when killing Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, Xiao Lang drew the power of the origin of the stars from his whole body. The rhinoceros spirit beast burst and died, even if Xiao Lang's final movements were already fast, its power had already escaped seven or eighty-eight.

So in just a while, Xiao Lang no longer had the power of the origin of the stars to use, and finally woke up.

Some are not satisfied.

Because of this power of the origin of the stars, it was just that he had improved the power of the hundreds of different great avenues he had mastered a little bit, and he had not yet reached 80% completion.

But Xiao Lang was also very happy.

At least this battle proved that he already had the power to kill the top veterans.

"Overall, it is not bad."

"As for the origin of the stars, there will still be."

Xiao Lang smiled and comforted himself. At this moment, the surrounding smoke and dust had also dispersed, but there was silence around him. Xiao Lang was surprised. He looked at Li Batian and the others, but saw them all dumbfounded and stunned. They were obviously still immersed in what he was just now. Unable to extricate himself from the violent force that broke out with one blow.

Xiao Lang smiled.

At this moment--

Li Batian and others finally woke up, took a deep look at Xiao Lang, and sighed with emotion:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, you really scared us a few times. Unexpectedly, you have already mastered these secret techniques. It seems that you are not far from completely mastering the Devil Blood World!"

The eyes of Li Batian and others were shocked, but they were far less than Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian's eyes.

Seeing that Xiao Lang, who was only in the late era of the Era Realm, killed a fierce beast at the top venerable level with a single blow, in fact, in the eyes of anyone, the shock level was about the same, but in Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian’s eyes, Xiao Lang except Apart from having a special bloodline in his body and a powerful treasure blessing, it is no longer much different from other ordinary venerables.

At this time, such terrifying combat power suddenly broke out, and it was naturally violently impacted.

But Li Batian and others are different.

They are the top figures in the Demon Blood World, knowing how and why the Demon Blood World exists. I also know that behind Xiao Lang, there is a huge inheritance, which can even be regarded as the largest in the world!

With this kind of psychological preparation, they would naturally not appear so surprised that Xiao Lang was able to make such an astonishing move in the late Era Realm.

But if they knew that the reason why Xiao Lang had today’s achievements, even though it had something to do with Ting Chaohou, his mastery of Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus was done entirely by his own accumulation, I am afraid that the surprise and shock in his heart would be no better. Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian are much less.

Xiao Lang smiled, without explaining, and said:

"It's not even close."

"This is my strongest blow. Although it can threaten the top veterans, I don't have any chance at all if one is head-on."

Li Batian and others nodded one after another upon hearing this.

This is the truth.

After all, the rhinoceros spirit beast was stupid, waiting for Xiao Lang to complete the charge of that blow. But if Xiao Lang was against any of them, Xiao Lang would definitely not have such a chance.

A sneak attack may be useful.

But the premise is that Xiao Lang must be able to completely restrain the restless aura in it, without causing anyone to notice.

In a frontal battle, Xiao Lang had no chance to sacrifice this blow.

"If you lose, you have to gain. But we believe that with the magical powers of a little friend, perfect control is not difficult."

The ancestors of the Zhao family were relieved.

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and then didn't say much about it, and walked towards Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian.


The shock to Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian was too great.

Although there are Li Batian and others around now, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian seem to have nothing to do with them, but Xiao Lang is the kind of unfeeling person, and of course he will not leave them behind.

After a short quarter of an hour, the group set off again.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian finally recovered from the shock they had just received, but when they fell on Xiao Lang who was surrounded by Li Batian and others in the center, they couldn't help but shudder.

too strong!

What makes Qiu Zhan more puzzled is that.

Where did Xiao Lang come from and how did he summon Li Batian and others?

This is something that even the Demon Realm Demon Cultivator who created the Demon Lake Holy Land could not do!

Five Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables...No, they are already top Venerables now, and they are the kind of top Venerables standing at the top, with unparalleled fighting power!


When Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian's eyes fell on Xiao Lang, they had only one feeling in their hearts. Whenever they felt that Xiao Lang was like this and had no potential, he would always bring them a huge surprise and shocking people.

Now, they didn't even dare to speculate about Xiao Lang's ability anymore.

And there was one who was as shocked as they were.

Since Li Batian and others appeared, it has never made a sound again, but the shock in its heart is not inferior to Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian.

It's Bloodthirsty Starvine!

Xiao Lang's progress was too fast.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian just thought that Xiao Lang was hiding his strength. But it knew that Xiao Lang didn't hide his strength, he just improved too fast.

"It's only a few days?"

Especially when Li Yuanba and others appeared, it deeply shook the heart of Bloodthirsty Starvine.


It is clearer than anyone that the sturdiness of this area cannot be broken by the immortal monarch. Otherwise, it would not fight desperately with the earth dragon controlled by the will of the stars.

As long as it continues to swallow it, it can definitely become the immortal monarch.

But it did not do so.

Because it knows that even if it becomes the monarch of the immortal realm, it does not even want to leave the Demon Lake Holy Land.

However, it was such a strong prison that was directly shattered by a sudden surge of power from Xiao Lang, and Li Batian and others arrived!


"Who is it?"

The Bloodthirsty Starvine, who was not afraid of the sky, was silent at this moment, and for the first time he began to examine his previous judgment of joining forces with Xiao Lang, and his heart was faintly disturbed.

At this moment, it was very much like Xiao Lang who exposed his existence by Bloodthirsty Starvine.

However, Xiao Lang naturally did not know at this moment.

But he still felt it faintly.

While continuing to walk with Li Batian and the others, Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts fell on his shoulders, his eyes flashed with purple light, he saw the bloodthirsty star vine lying motionless on his shoulders, and smiled.

He could vaguely feel the hesitation of Bloodthirsty Starvine.


He has a bit of confidence now.

But for the Bloodthirsty Starvine, who didn't know him that much, he was still jealous and cautious.

Bloodthirsty Starvine is very strong!

Just look at its previous performance.

Don't look at it as it looks harmless to humans and animals, but Xiao Lang knew that if anyone really looked down on it, he might not be far from death.

"What shall we do next?"

Xiao Lang asked actively.

In fact, they can just go on like this.

Because in terms of configuration, although they have a small number of them, and few have reached the level of top venerables, they are not compared with any team that has entered the Demon Lake Holy Land, but their biggest advantage is also that they are small.

Elite stream!

Go straight down and find the true core of the origin of the stars. This is also a way.

Naturally, Xiao Lang would not guess blindly like throwing a dice, asking about Bloodthirsty Starvine is more valuable.

for a long time.

Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed to be thinking about something, and finally there was a spirit wave spreading out:

"I have a safe proposal, and a radical proposal, you can choose."

Two choices?

Xiao Lang raised his brows slightly when he heard this, but did not continue to interrupt, hearing the voice of Bloodthirsty Star Vine continued:

"The safe suggestion is that we continue to go down, after which everything depends on luck."

"The second option is...I know a place where a clone of the original will of the stars is located. If you can kill it, you will naturally gain a lot. I will most likely recover a bit, and our strength will definitely be greater. Strong. It depends on whether you are willing to choose this way."

Doppelganger Star Origin Will?

Seeking wealth and insurance?

Xiao Lang's heart moved when he heard this, but he didn't answer immediately, but asked:

"How do you know that there is a clone of the original will of the stars, and know its location?"


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