Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 503: Hard to ride a tiger!

She Jun was immediately shocked when he heard Xiao Lang's request.

Killing Demon Lord!

Mad Demon Lord, but the strongest true Lord!

Moreover, his identity is quite special, he is an outcast of the ancient magic tower, this matter is well known in the heavenly devil world.

Just like his name, Mad Demon Lord has a tyrannical character. In the Celestial Devil Realm, I don't know how many strengths and strong people have been offended, but he can still live to this day. This reason is also one of the key points.

The Ancient Demon Tower only expelled the Mad Demon Venerable, but did not kill him. For the world, it would be a little inaccurate for the ancient Demon Tower.

Is it listed as a mortal, or is it a stranger regardless of it?

Or, to say that the Mad Demon Lord is just a chess piece sent by the ancient magic tower, just to test the attitude of the major clans?

There are too many possibilities here.

No one dared to test casually.

Therefore, the Mad Demon Venerable has been alive, and his strength is indeed strong, and the strongest Venerable in general cannot beat him.

And now--

Xiao Lang wants to kill Mad Demon Lord!

Isn't She Jun surprised?

"What is the attitude of the ancient magic tower to the mad demon?"

She Jun's eyes flashed, and she asked. I have to say that She Jun is still quite clever. He did not ask Xiao Lang why he wanted to kill the Mad Demon Venerable, but instead asked what kind of attitude the Ancient Demon Tower had towards the Mad Demon Venerable. This is also a temptation to Xiao Lang. Up.

When She Jun asked this question, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Lang, as long as Xiao Lang hesitated a little at this moment, he decided to kill Xiao Lang.

Because he knew what kind of situation their group would encounter once the Mad Demon Lord died.

Even if they succeeded in beheading Liu Zi and Kuangmozun, and none of them died, then they would face Xiao Lang and others.

The strength of the two teams is similar.

The situation will be quite unfavorable for them!

Therefore, he did not believe in Xiao Lang, even if Xiao Lang said he would make a blood oath, he would not believe it either.

Magic repair is like this, everything is fake, only the real benefits are real!

However, since he dared to make such a request, would Xiao Lang not have any preparations?

Just when he decided to do this, he had already thought of a countermeasure in his heart. In She Jun's eyes, Xiao Lang did not hesitate at all and said:

"It's a test!"

"If my parents wanted to kill him, he would have died a long time ago. How can he live now? The reason why he is still alive is that my parents are unwilling to attack him. For my parents, he can only be regarded as a junior. If you do this and spread it out, wouldn’t it be laughable and generous?”

"Actually, hunting him down has long become a task for our ancient magic tower. It is only necessary to complete this task. The conditions are harsh. The martial arts training must be completed by killing him under the Great Perfection of the Era Realm. You can get a lot of money. Good. After all, if you are a top venerable, it is too simple for us to be a mad demon venerable. I can kill him now, but I need someone to cooperate to restrict his movement."

"The junior really wants to get the origin of the stars, but its attribution randomness is too strong, and my ancient magic tower has no experience in responding, and the junior does not expect it. But the Mad Demon Lord, must die today! The mission reward for killing him, the junior also Already contented."


Hunting mission?

She Jun's eyes shrank suddenly when she heard this, and she was shocked.

The ancient magic tower actually used the pursuit of the strongest venerable as a test of the martial artist under his family?

I have to say that what Xiao Lang said is really amazing.

That is the strongest one!

Even he is now only the strongest venerable of the two stars, but whether it is for any organization or sect, he is definitely a good player, and he will definitely be respected by many people.

But for the ancient magic tower...

She Jun was shocked.

He didn't expect that this was just made up by Xiao Lang at random and exaggerated. However, it was precisely because of the exaggeration that she was too exaggerated, and She Jun really believed it!

If Xiao Lang said a specific reason, he really didn't necessarily believe it.

One of the more important reasons is:

"Era Realm Xiao Wan, can you kill him?"

This is the second point that shocked him even more.

Xiao Lang heard this, without any hesitation, and nodded directly:

"Of course."

"I have the strongest venerable here. You also die the strongest venerable Senior She. I don't expect you to kill him. As long as you can restrict his movement, the junior will be 80% sure to kill him!"

"If you can't kill it, the junior will leave it to the senior!"

Xiao Lang put down the cruel words again, and She Jun heard the words and looked at the confidence flashing in the former's eyes, and his mind was shocked again.

"What he said is likely to be true!"

At this moment, She Jun believed in what Xiao Lang said 80% of the time.

Is it possible that the ordinary Era Realm Xiao Wan has the power to kill the strongest venerable?

If it is the top sage, there is still a possibility, but the strongest sage... it is impossible to do it!

However, Xiao Lang came from the ancient magic tower!

To be honest, She Jun was tempted.

Joining forces with the Mad Demon Venerable, he can certainly get certain benefits, but the benefits the Mad Demon Venerable can get are similar to him, and he can't get a decisive advantage compared to other teams.

But working with Xiao Lang is different. What's more, Xiao Lang just said that he is willing to make a blood oath to help himself and Su Han obtain the origin of the stars!

This is the most important!


"The power to kill the strongest venerable..."

Xiao Lang's explosive strength was undoubtedly a kind of spiritual oppression for She Jun.

In this case, it shows that Xiao Lang also has the ability to punish him!

Once he refuses, he is likely to establish a strong enemy for himself and the whole team! This is obviously not worth it.

Thinking of this, She Jun's eyes flashed, and she already had a decision in her heart.

It's a long story, but it's actually very short, but for Xiao Lang, the ten-odd breath is as long as several years. When she saw the brilliant light flashing through She Jun's eyes, his heart trembled.


She Jun is about to make his final decision!

"Is it the same as I thought?"

At this time, Xiao Lang's heart was also full of anxiety, because She Jun's choice at this time, which side he was on, was so important to his plan!

Xiao Lang saw that She Jun finally spoke, but before a voice floated out, suddenly--

"She Jun! What are you doing! Come up and kill them for me!"

"Are you going to betray me?"

Kuangmozun's cruel voice came, his eyes were red.

He had a bad premonition in his heart. When everyone on his side took action, but She Jun suddenly stopped, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Especially as time goes by, She Jun still has no intention to move. The uncertainty and unhappiness in his heart finally exploded.

And this scolding seemed to urge She Jun to finally complete the final decision:

"I will give you three chances!"

"Three chances, if you can't kill him, then the agreement between us will be directly invalidated!"

She Jun did not directly indicate that he had reached cooperation with Xiao Lang, but only gave him three opportunities.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, full of strong confidence, and said heartily:

"Why three times?"

"One time is enough!"

She Jun agreed!

This is the most important!

As for saying three times as once... Xiao Lang certainly has this confidence, and also wants to shock She Jun because of this, for fear that when she makes a shot, She Jun will suddenly turn back and want to go, and that time is the most troublesome.

Xiao Lang did not believe that She Jun would fulfill his promise.

He knew that for the magic repair, no matter it was any contract or alliance, it was useless, only strength! Only by showing sufficient strength can they be jealous and afraid to take action against themselves and others.

But Xiao Lang dared to say so, of course he was sure.

Because, he is not the only one who shot?

"come on!"

Xiao Lang told Li Batian the matter for the first time, and Li Batian's body trembled suddenly, and the sword in his hand was more fierce. The Mad Demon Venerable was also furious and charged with a powerful force.

But at this moment--


Xiao Lang suddenly turned into an arrow from the string, and suddenly rushed towards the battlefield of Li Batian and Mad Demon Venerable. The Mad Demon Venerable was shocked when he saw this scene, and then he saw Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation realm, and laughed wildly:

"The little beasts of the era realm who are small and perfect dare to be arrogant in front of grandpa? Go to death!"


The sickle danced wildly, rushing towards Xiao Lang.

Kuangmozun is domineering and unparalleled, and his offensive is open and close, but he seems to be rough on the offensive, in fact, his heart is quite careful!

Can he wander for so long in the devil world that eats people without spitting out bones, is he really stupid?


If he was really just a reckless man, I am afraid he would have died long ago.

The Mad Demon Sovereign noticed something wrong.

If Xiao Lang and She Jun were still in a stalemate in a face-to-face posture as before, he wouldn't be particularly worried. But now, Xiao Lang moved, and She Jun didn't wait for an opportunity to chase him down. Instead, he still stood still and didn't move. How could he not be suspicious?

She Jun, really betrayed him?

Here, the Mad Demon Lord is still thinking about it, his heart is throbbing, but at this moment——

"Senior She, haven't you shot yet?"

Xiao Lang let out a loud roar, spreading across the void. Kuangmozun's face changed drastically when he heard this, but why isn't She Jun like that?

He knew that Xiao Lang was deliberate.

Deliberately forcing him to shoot!

This is Yangmou.

He had to follow.

Because at this time, he had clearly sensed the murderous aura from the Mad Demon Venerable body, which was like a stormy sea, and he also knew that he was already riding a tiger and had to take action.


Was overcast again.

But there is no way.

She Jun sighed secretly, feeling helpless, but knowing that the situation is still the same, it can't change anymore. Naturally, he won't have the slightest hesitation in the shot. He drew out the long sword from his waist, and the cold light circulated. With a wave--


The soft sword turned into a pike and wrapped it around the body of the crazy demon.

Overcome strength with softness!

The effect is naturally extraordinary, because the Mad Demon Lord is now dealing with Li Batian and has no time to hide at all, so for a moment--


The horse condensed, and the Mad Demon Lord was suddenly trapped!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

It's done!


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