Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 504: The death of Mad Demon Lord!

"She Jun!"

"You unexpectedly joined forces with them and betrayed my Celestial Demon Realm!"

The Mad Demon Lord roared, his eyes widened, and his eyes were breathing fire.

He is going to be blown up!

Although he saw She Jun hesitating just now, he had an ominous premonition and thought of this, but when She Jun really betrayed and shot himself, he could not help but explode.

Traitor, the most shameful!

This is true no matter where it is, but in the Heavenly Devil Realm, there are more traitors.

But he never expected that She Jun would join forces with Xiao Lang!

"You are playing with fire!"

The mad demon is annoyed, and the devil energy around his body bursts out in an instant——


The pike training surrounding him instantly collapsed, and She Jun's expression suddenly changed, and at the same time, the roar resounded in Xiao Lang's ears:

"Hurry up!"

"We can't delay him for long!"



She Jun was not alone in killing the Mad Demon Venerable. Everyone was the strongest Venerable. With his own strength, he was still trapped in the Mad Demon Venerable. The reason why his method worked and was not broken away by the latter was that Because Li Batian also shot.

Li Batian’s method of trapping the enemy is also full of endless evil aura. The long sword in his hand turns into a million sword aura, lingering around the Mad Demon Venerable, responsible for cutting the connection between him and Dao. This way, She Jun's method of trapping the enemy can For such a long time.


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up and his face was serious.

He knew that the opportunity was rare.

This may be his last chance.

The Mad Demon Lord is fooled now, but once he breaks free, he will never get trapped so easily. He is not stupid. Once he is free, he will definitely not dare to stay here any longer and will run away immediately.

It is impossible for a strongest venerable one to want to escape, but others want to catch him and kill him.

The only chance.

Of course use the strongest means!


Silently, even She Jun, who had been staring at him, didn't notice that a black bead in the palm of Xiao Lang's hand sank into his skin, and suddenly, a tyrannical demon energy steamed out of his body.

Magic beads!

This is a wasteful method.

Xiao Lang knew that with his current control of the power of the origin of the stars, if he used his own power to cover it up, She Jun would definitely not be able to discover his secret. However, Xiao Lang still used the Magic Orb.

This is the safest way.


When the mighty devilish energy surged in Xiao Lang's body, the last trace of suspicion in She Jun's eyes disappeared. At this moment, he truly confirmed Xiao Lang's identity, it was the wild wolf, and his eyes were full of shock.

"What a powerful pressure!"

"Is he really just Era Realm Xiao Perfect?"

She Jun felt shocked and horrified, of course because Xiao Lang's sacrifice method at this time was unusual. No one saw that, under the steaming devilish energy, three colors condensed in Xiao Lang's palm.

Chi Yan is fire.

Azure is ice.

Fengrui is Thunder!

Thunder Lotus!

And this time, Xiao Lang's use of ice and fire Leilian was obviously different from each time before. It is indeed different, because previously he used only the power of the great avenue, but now, he wants to merge into one, but three complete avenues!

The difference is too great.

This was Xiao Lang's first attempt, because he knew that there was already a huge gap between the power of the great avenue and the complete avenue. Once the three merged, the gap would be even greater.

With his current martial arts background, he really may not be able to bear it anymore.

Facts have proved that his worry still has great reason. At the moment when the three complete avenues merged into the palm of his hand, Xiao Lang only felt his body tremble suddenly, and there was a faint light and shadow behind his head.


This is a sign that the physical body and the true spirit cannot fit together perfectly.

Everyone else has them, but Xiao Lang doesn’t. That’s because his soul fits perfectly with his body, without flaws, and the foundation of martial arts is extremely deep. But now, the halo appeared.

"My physical body can't bear it anymore?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

This is just the beginning!

At the beginning, I couldn't bear it anymore. What about the final stage?

Xiao Lang's face was solemn, and he immediately urged the flower of the five elements to blend into his body, and the colorful rays of light circulated under the dark magic energy, and the halo behind his head disappeared a lot.

Can still persist!

Then stick to it!


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, no more hesitation, time was running out!


A loud drink sounded in his heart, Xiao Lang clenched his five fingers, and immediately, the brilliance of the three different colors condensed a little toward the center.

Xiao Lang was already very familiar with this process, and the display of Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus was already quite familiar to him, and it almost blended into the depths of his soul, but even though he was prepared in his heart, Xiao Lang still underestimated its consumption power.

For a moment--


Xiao Lang felt that there was a loophole in the depths of his own sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of the true spirit was like no money, and went crazy. In just an instant, a full half was missing!

"So much consumption?"

Xiao Lang lost his color in shock, and immediately offered a smoky crystal to supplement it. At this moment, his sudden drop of breath seemed to have attracted the attention of the bloodthirsty star vine on his shoulders, his face changed greatly:

"Are you stupid?"

"Who would be like you in Dao Fusion? Let the power blend before the true spirits merge. How much true spirit power is enough for you to waste?"

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked when he heard the words. Following the cursing of the Bloodthirsty Star Vine, his eyes immediately fell on a total of twenty-eight light clusters with different looks in the sea of ​​knowledge, and his heart was stunned.

"It turns out that they are the core of driving the avenue!"

Of course, the level of the strongest venerable depends on the number of daos blending, but the strength of the strongest venerable at the same level depends on the strength of the true spirit!

Xiao Lang figured out the key, and only felt that a brand new door was opened before his eyes. Immediately, the light clusters that belonged to the three avenues of ice sharp, fire burst, and thunder raging in the sea of ​​knowledge began to condense...

At the beginning, Xiao Lang was a little nervous, not knowing what kind of problems he would encounter, but the smoothness of this process was obviously far beyond his imagination. In just a moment, the light group turned into three colors. , Exuding a violent breath.

It's done!


When Xiao Lang thought, he felt that the three complete avenues of his palms had begun to merge rapidly. Moreover, this fusion was different from his previous forceful fusion with the power of the true spirit. It was completely smooth and smooth. Even Xiao Lang felt that he was in a moment of thought. , It can be transformed into any shape.

But Xiao Lang has not changed.

He faintly felt that only the appearance of the lotus mark was the most suitable for him.

So the next moment--


Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus, reappear!

Of course, when it was displayed in front of She Jun and the others, it was still wrapped in magical energy. The whole body was pitch black and it was indistinguishable, but they could really feel the energy transpiration and roar between Xiao Lang's five fingers!

She Jun's face changed drastically.

If he had doubts about whether Xiao Lang could win the Mad Demon Venerable just now, then when Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus appeared in Xiao Lang's palm, his doubts disappeared instantly.

No suspense!

Even he felt extremely heavy pressure!

Xiao Lang's blow could kill him!

Crazy Demon Lord can't stop it either!

In fact, Mad Demon Lord was already panicked.

Being trapped by She Jun and Li Batian, he was not so panicked, because he could see and feel that both She Jun and Li Batian were not good at trapping the enemy, and She Jun used the help of the gods. Wei, and Li Batian can only consume his own strength, and the impact is very limited.

Just give yourself three breaths...

Do not.

Two interest time is enough!

He can get out of trouble and leave here, when the time comes, no one can threaten him.

She Jun and Li Batian can barely trap themselves, let alone cause any other threats to themselves at the same time.

But what he never expected was that Xiao Lang suddenly rushed out at this time, and the surging demonic energy in his hand fluctuated to a level that threatened him!

"Do not!"

Seeing Xiao Lang approaching step by step, Mad Mozun panicked.

However, his roar couldn't stop Xiao Lang at all, Xiao Lang stepped out in one step, and at the same time, the ice and fire Leilian, which was covered by the devilish energy in his hand, snapped fiercely!

Kill the strongest sage, just today!

But at this moment, when Xiao Lang waved one hand halfway down, suddenly, his heart moved, and he roared:

"Crazy Demon Lord, the eighth-floor disciple of the Ancient Demon Tower, the wild wolf, on my behalf, Lord Futian, send my regards to you!"

Ancient magic tower?

The eighth floor?

After hearing the words, the Mad Demon Lord was taken aback, his expression blank.

Of course he knows the ancient magic tower, but what the **** is the eighth floor?

When did the ancient magic tower divide the hierarchy according to this?

and also.

Futian Demon Lord...

Does the ancient magic tower have such an immortal demon master? Why never heard of it?

But at the moment when he was stunned, Xiao Lang's slap had already been slapped down mercilessly, and he poured straight into the Tianling Gai, and immediately -


At this moment, Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus exploded with the strongest power and devilish energy. In fact, it contained the power of three great avenues, spewing violent violent, and directly poured into the body of the crazy demon, the next moment——


The body of Mad Demon Venerable deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye, swelling more than a circle in an instant?

At the last moment of his life, his eyes widened and he seemed to be unable to believe that he had died in the hands of a small perfect martial artist in an era. He seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't say a word.


The blood splashed and poured down!

"Magic Lord!"


It’s a long story, but it’s actually very short. From She Jun and Li Batian at the same time to the Kuangmozun, to Xiao Lang's palm, it is actually less than two breaths. Those on the side are with the Lu family ancestor and Zhao family. The top venerable ancestors who were with the ancestral base station hadn’t even reacted. When they sensed the shocking power of Xiao Lang’s blow, Liu Zi turned his head and just saw the swelling figure of the Mad Demon Lord bursting open In that scene, the blood was spilled on the face without knowing it, completely confused.

His strongest support, unexpectedly died like this? !


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