Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 544: First battle!


Seeing the old man pacing down from the void, the entire square, everyone looked solemn, his eyes piercing, and there was endless fighting spirit inside.

Since they have the courage to come here and participate in the selection of the training ground, it means that each of them has great courage.

They all know that such a breakthrough must be thorny step by step, but they still have no fear.

That's it!

For a time--


The transpiration coerced roared.

Nearly 30,000 top venerables are blooming their own coercion. Such a scene is really heart-shaking and can't help but touch. Even Xiao Lang couldn't help but his pupils suddenly lit up.

He has never seen such a scene before, it is really rare.

In the Lihuo Great World, of course there are so many top venerables. However, the gathering of top veterans of such an order of magnitude was something he had never heard of, and his heart was violent, and he was absorbed into this atmosphere in an instant.

Martial arts must fight!

What is fighting is chance, what is fighting is the future!


The old man settled on the ground, looking at the scorching eyes from everyone around him, the old man's eyes seemed to flash with satisfaction and relief, but before Xiao Lang and others watched carefully, the strange look had disappeared. Turned into a calm and solemn.

"This is not the first time that the path of the soul has been opened. You should have heard of the rules and rewards here from your parents, so I won't waste time introducing them again."

"In a word, the winner is king."

"Only by entering the top eight can you enter the Temple of the Five Elements, get the body and blessings of the vitality, and thus be transformed."

"Come on."

"The future of the Five Elements Continent is in your hands."

The old man said, waving his hand, and suddenly—


The entire trial tower suddenly oscillated and revolved, and under everyone's jaw-dropping gaze, the ring above it was undergoing tremendous changes.

Mainly quantity.

The number of arenas is naturally determined based on the number of fighters participating in the experience.

Even though each of them knew that the ring would have such a change, when this scene was truly shown in front of them, they still couldn't help but feel shocked.

Just like Tianwei!

However, just when everyone else's eyes were locked on the gradually changing tower of experience, no one saw it. Xiao Lang frowned slightly, and a thought flashed deep in his eyes.

"The future of the Five Elements Continent is in your hands?"

This is the last word of the old man.

It sounded like just an uncommon encouragement, but to Xiao Lang's sound, this sentence seemed to have other deep meanings in it.

"Could it be that he also knows that the Five Elements Continent has been invaded by the beast tide over the years, and the year is worse than the year, so he is also worried about this?"

"Speaking of this, he is actually just a type of monitor of the Five Elements Continent. Otherwise, the Five Elements Continent is so precarious, why didn't he take action?"

"And according to what he said, in the Temple of Five Elements, is there really a gateway to the outside world?"

"The future, what kind of future is it? Is it to leave, or to save, or to completely solve the scourge of the beast wave?"

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's conjectures arose, and he was out of control.

But he also knew that his current conjectures were destined to have no answers, unless he entered the top eight and obtained the qualifications to enter the Temple of the Five Elements, before he could find out.

Therefore, Xiao Lang quickly converged on these conjectures and thoughts and focused on the present.

The changes to experience the tower come quickly and go quickly. In just a short time, a total of 14,000 arenas appeared neatly on the high platform, occupying the entire first floor.

Under the tower, everyone's complexion also changed, including the atmosphere in the crowd.

Suddenly became nervous.

The real battle is about to begin.

When the first round is over, half of the people will leave here, and the other half will enter the next level.


Fifty percent to fifty percent.

The result is so cruel.

Some are pretending to be relaxed, some are expressionless and pretending to be calm, and some have already held the bones in their hands, but no matter what each of them looks like, their eyes are watching the movements of others around them.

They are choosing opponents.

Because of the rules of practicing the tower. Here, there is no lottery number to determine the opponent. When the old man gives an order, everyone must rush to the high platform and fight each other.

The opponent is your choice.

Just as the outcome of this battle is borne by you alone.


But it also makes people more nervous, for fear of choosing an opponent far beyond him.

However, Xiao Lang no longer has such pressure.

It's just a battle at the top venerable level. For him, it couldn't be easier.

Therefore, among all people, Xiao Lang is definitely the one who is most relaxed. Just listen to

"let's start."

The old man's faint voice instantly resounded through the void for the first time--


The entire square was blown up!

Everyone scrambled towards the high tower arena, not giving way to each other, of course, while running, they were still observing the movements of their chosen opponent.

In an instant, the entire square fell into great chaos.

However, there are some people who are not nervous at all, not in a hurry, and directly lift their feet to the nearest ring, and don't care who they are about to face.

Mo Xuming and others were among them.

Of course it also includes Xiao Lang.


Xiao Lang directly stepped onto the ring, and at almost the same time, his side was suddenly empty. Even the ring around him, no one dared to approach.

This is normal.

Xiao Lang was not surprised at all.

Because in the eyes of other people, he is a seeded player ranked in the top 100, with strong strength. Even though he showed only the martial art realm of the era realm, no one dared to underestimate his strength.

In fact, just because he is Xiao Perfect in the Era Realm, no one knows when he will break through, but it will make people more jealous.

No one chose him.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry either.

Because there are only so many arenas, someone will definitely have to choose him.

However, what surprised Xiao Lang was that at this moment, there was no one on the two arenas beside him. Suddenly, a cyan figure flew from a distance and seemed to look at him, confirming something. The next moment, under the astonished gaze of the others around, this cyan figure suddenly fell and landed on the same arena as Xiao Lang!

Someone chose Xiao Lang as his opponent!

The people around were taken aback, but immediately showed ecstasy, and without any hesitation, they directly boarded the ring next to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's opponents had already been determined, and the ring that belonged to him was also banned the moment the blue figure entered it. No other changes could happen anymore. Of course, their hearts were much easier.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly.

Was selected so soon?


Xiao Lang immediately noticed something wrong, but for the first time, he did not look at the Tsing Yi youth in front of him, but at several other arenas in the distance. On one of them, he saw a familiar face. ——

Mo Xuming!

The moment Tsing Yi youth stepped onto the ring, he suddenly felt the gaze from the top of those rings.

"It's them?"

Xiao Lang frowned again.

He recognized the identities of Mo Xuming and others.

The reason why they are said to be Mo Xuming and others is of course because, when Zhong Wuyan and others arrived here three days ago, Xiao Lang noticed them and saw that they knew each other well.

During these three days, Xiao Lang noticed the five people's gaze more than once. Just now, when the Tsing Yi youth stepped onto the ring

, Xiao Lang felt it again.


Or temptation?

"Is going to be in the top eight and moved their cake?"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, he had his own judgment, calmly, set his eyes on the Tsing Yi youth in front of him again. At this time, the young man in Tsing Yi was also observing Xiao Lang, and when he saw the latter cast his eyes, he smiled slightly and was about to say hello.


"Needless to say, you will be eliminated anyway."

Xiao Lang's cold voice came, and the youth in Tsing Yi immediately trembled, showing unpleasant expression.

So arrogant?


It's so arrogant.

Although Xiao Lang didn't know why the other party wanted to target him, since this has become a reality, Xiao Lang certainly would not waste time investigating the truth and reasons.

No need.

What he wants is only the top eight. I don't care about the opponent's identity and purpose.

After saying a word, Xiao Lang closed his eyes and waited for the old man's order to begin the ring battle.

And at this moment--

Alpine domain.

The ancestors of the Zhong family and others are also watching this first battle. And their eyes were mostly focused on Xiao Lang's body.

Through the light curtain, they can see the whole picture. Of course, Zhong Wuyan and the others' small actions could not escape their sight. Relatively speaking, they knew better than Xiao Lang why he was targeted.

"Mu Qiang?"

"Even in your Mu family's generation, his strength is enough to rank in the top 20. If there is no surprise, he can even try to hit the top 100... Why let him deal with Xiao Lang?"

The ancestor of the Yi family was a little surprised. Obviously, he had also noticed that the reason why Mu Qiang met Xiao Lang was completely arranged by Zhong Wuyan and others.

The ancestor of the Mu family condensed and glanced at the ancestor of the Zhong family, but did not immediately answer this question, but asked the ancestor of the Zhong family:

"Brother Zhong, Zhong Wuyan is your chosen successor. Is it possible that she also knows the door and the things behind it?"

The ancestor of the Zhong family looked surprised at the ancestor of the Mu family, smiled, and nodded gently, without concealing the truth:

"Yes, I told her."

"Since she can pass my triple test, of course she is qualified to know everything that I know. Besides, isn't this good? She obviously has begun to doubt Xiao Lang's identity, but we will try again in the province."

"Next, we just have to take a good look at whether this Xiao Lang is my human body."

Triple test!

The ancestors of the Yi family and others were astonished when they heard the words.


Not only are the ancestors of the Zhong family secretly selecting their descendants, they are also doing the same thing, and they also know what their tests are.

So far, they have not found a suitable candidate. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Zhong family has made a choice!

Of course, they also know how difficult it is to complete the three inheritances of the ancestors of the Zhong family... After all, that is the inheritance of the ancestors of the Zhong family so as not to die and the Zhong family has no master.

Zhong Wuyan actually completed the martial arts cultivation base of Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm. What kind of enchanting should this be?

However, shock returned to shock, the ancestor of the Yi family and others were equally surprised, because it was Mu Qiang who was playing at this time, for a while, everyone's attention fell on the ancestor of the Mu family.

The ancestors of the Mu family obviously knew what they were thinking, he pondered for a moment, and said bluntly:

"Mu Qiang’s strength is in the young generation of my Mu family, and it can indeed be ranked in the top 20, but that is a contest between people. In fact, he has an extremely rare bloodline that makes him fight with the same rank. In the battle of the beast, you can almost be invincible!"

Special blood?

The Yi family ancestors and others were surprised when they heard this.

What bloodline has this miraculous effect?

Fortunately, the ancestors of the Mu family did not sell Guanzi and directly stated:



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