Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 545: hostility!


The ancestors of the Mu family and others did not use Divine Soul Voice Transmission when communicating, so Li Jian and others around them could hear the conversation between them.

When the word Tongshen came out, Li Jian and the others immediately showed a blank look.

They had never heard of such a talented supernatural power.

But it was obvious that when the ancestors of the Dang Yi family heard these two words, they couldn't help but be shocked, and their pupils shrank slightly.

"God? The legend can see the blood in the opponent's body, and can see through the weak points of the talented magical power?"

The ancestors of the Yi family, the ancestors of the Chi family, and the ancestors of the Mo family looked surprised, but the ancestors of the Zhong family seemed to have known about this a long time ago and looked calm.

The ancestor of the Mu family nodded.

"Yes, it is this talented supernatural power."

"I also discovered that he has such supernatural powers when he secretly protected my Mu family disciple and rushed to the restricted area more than 30 years ago."

"If it's a temptation, Mu Qiang is indeed the most suitable. He is now the top venerable, and Xiao Lang is only the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm. It should be easy to see him."

It turned out to be so!

The ancestors of the Yi family and others finally understood after hearing this, in order to be Mu Qiang's participation in the first battle with Xiao Lang, and at the same time, they also became more aware of Zhong Wuyan's place in the hearts of the ancestors of the Zhong family.

It is normal for the ancestors of the Zhong family to know this.

Because even among the five of them, the ancestor of the Zhong family is also the strongest one, and they usually take the ancestor of the Zhong family as the leader. The ancestor of the Zhong family is also the oldest, and Xin Mi he knows should be the most among all.

Zhong Wuyan also knows, obviously it was revealed by the ancestors of the Zhong family.

The ancestors of the Zhong family have no reservations about Zhong Wuyan!

If it is considered as a descendant, this seems normal, but the ancestors of the Yi family and the others clearly felt a little unusual, and the eyes looking at the ancestor of the Zhong family seemed to hesitate a little more.

at last.

The ancestor of the Yi family has the most popular personality, and he gritted his teeth and said directly. But this time, he used Divine Soul Sound Transmission, but everyone including Mu Family Patriarch could hear it.

"Brother Zhong, your body..."

The ancestor of the Zhong family's eyes flashed brightly, looked at the four ancestors of the Yi family with burning eyes, smiled softly, and said:

"I know I can't hide it from you."

"Yes, I am approaching the end of my life. But rest assured, I can support hundreds of years. If this is an opportunity, I can still help you."

"But if it fails, Zhong Wuyan will be taken care of by you hundreds of years later."

Shouyuan, big limit!

The ancestors of the Yi family and others guessed this, but they did not expect that the ancestors of the Zhong family said it so easily, as if they were talking about a market thing after a meal.

The hearts of the four of them sank suddenly.

They all know that the ancestor of the Zhong family is the oldest among the five of them. It can be said that the ancestor of the Zhong family has witnessed the entire process of the four of them becoming Venerable Heavenly Dao, and it is with his help that they can pass the early stage smoothly. Become a master on the side.

And now...

For them, the existence of teachers and friends is about to leave!

It's not immortal, it will never be in harmony with the sky...

Although the strength of each of them surpasses the top immortal monarch, Shouyuan is a big problem they will never be able to overcome!

"Brother Zhong, you..."

The four of them were of course reluctant, and their faces were ugly.

The ancestors of the Zhong family seemed to be more open-minded than they saw, and smiled:

"Don't worry about me, this is our destiny. I said this to you when you became Venerable Heavenly Dao, so you don't need to comfort me anymore. I have seen life and death through the long years."

"Fortunately, before I left, I have found the heir, which is already very good."

"For me now,

The only thing you can't worry about is the future of our Five Elements Continent... I hope this time there will be a turnaround! "

see through?

When the ancestors of the Yi family heard this, a wry smile appeared on their faces.

The word life and death is simple to say, but if you really want to say that you can see through, how many people can there be?

They don't know whether the ancestors of the Zhong family have really seen through life and death, but they know that such a fact is irreversible.

Continuing life, is it that simple to complete such a heavenly thing?

Even though the five of them are the masters of the entire Five Elements Continent, it is impossible to achieve this.

Can only accept fate.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the four became even heavier. The sudden announcement of this incident by the ancestors of the Zhong family was undoubtedly bad news for them.


No solution.

Millions or even millions of years later, they will have to face the same problems as the Zhong family ancestors now.


No chance.

The fact that the ancestor of the Zhong family Shouyuan is approaching cannot be changed, especially since they know that it is impossible for Venerable Heaven to be promoted to the level of the immortal monarch.

If you cannot be immortal, you must face death.

Now, the only thing they can do is to fulfill his long-cherished wish and expectation before the arrival of the Zhong family ancestor's birthday. But... it's not easy.

Will Xiao Lang be the key to finding a way out for the entire Five Elements Continent?

Just as the four of them were in a state of confusion, suddenly—


Inside the light curtain, a thunderous roar suddenly passed on, and a familiar voice immediately awakened each of them.

"You guys, you can start."

Trial of the void on the tower, the voice of the old man spread throughout the audience, suddenly kicking off the prelude to all the battles in the arena——


The momentum is flying, the energy is empty.

For a time, the whole tower was on the more than 13,000 arenas, and Qi Qi burst out with a heart-pounding brilliance.


Only brilliance, no coercion.

Because each ring is like an independent space, blocking everything, including sound and breath.

More than 13,000 eruptions at the top venerable level were placed outside. This was simply a sensational event. The light curtain suddenly broke out with brilliant brilliance, and even Li Jian and other immortal monarchs were dazzled for a while.

The eyes of the Mu Family Patriarch and others immediately fell on the same arena.

Xiao Lang's ring!


The ancestors of the Yi family and others had a good guess. Mu Qiang took the initiative to set foot on the ring where Xiao Lang was, and it was indeed Zhong Wuyan and others who instigated him.

Following the order of the old man guarding this place, even though he was very dissatisfied and angry with Xiao Lang’s previous domineering attitude, he was not impulsive. He still remembered the instructions of Zhong Wuyan and others. Using any killer move, it was just a flash of green light under his eyes, and a layer of mysterious lines quietly floated from the depths of his eyes and attached to his eyeballs.

"Secret technique, break delusion!"


At the same time, a mysterious breath quietly rose from his body, like a drizzle, moisturizing things silently, spreading towards Xiao Lang.

It's too late to say, then fast.

From the order of the old man guarding this place, to the secret technique used by Mu Qiang spreading to Xiao Lang's body, it was actually no more than a short time, and even the old man's voice had not yet settled.

"Let me see, what the **** are you!"

Mu Qiang also thinks that his actions are already fast, expecting in his heart, and even ready to send a signal. When Zhong Wuyan assigned this task to him, they had already negotiated the way to contact with gestures.


Mu Qiang felt that his divine consciousness had penetrated Xiao Lang's body in an instant, and he used this talent to spy on him.

Like everyone else, it went smoothly. However, just as he continued to act and wanted to see through the core of Xiao Lang's body, suddenly--


Mu Qiang felt that his divine consciousness was like hitting an invisible wall, extremely hard, and suddenly swept away his divine consciousness, the backlash was strong, making his face suddenly white.


"His spirit is even stronger than mine?"

Mu Qiang was shocked.

He never expected that his talent and supernatural powers had just been triggered, and he would encounter such things.

"He is obviously Xiao Wanwan in the Era Realm, how is this possible?"

Mu Qiang, dumbfounded.

Completely dumbfounded.

In his impression, the barriers at the martial art level are basically impossible to break. Because the higher the martial arts cultivation level, the greater the gap between each other, and the more insurmountable, but now...

Just when he was inexplicably horrified and unable to accept everything in front of him, suddenly, Xiao Lang, who was standing opposite the ring, opened his eyes suddenly.


"I didn't expect you to have any talents and supernatural powers."

"It's a pity, you met me."

Compared with Mu Qiang, Xiao Lang now looks calmer and lighter. He smiled coldly. Under the gaze of everyone who was watching the battle inside and outside of the Path of the Soul, he only slapped him to shoot out——


Colorful Huaguang rose into the sky, blooming from the multicolored gloves in his hand, Guanghua was alive, and turned into a prison in mid-air, pressing directly on top of Mu Qiang's head!

Five Elements Town Prison!

Xiao Lang's Five Elements Town Prison was an existence that even She Jun, Yue Laosan and others could not even break with their hands. Among them, Xuan Ao and Xiao Lang couldn't fully insight, he could only use the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit to display it.

However, this does not affect its strength.

Mu Qiang only felt an uncontrollable force pressing down from the top of his head, which was even more terrifying than Mount Tai's pressing on the top. Even if he exploded with all his strength at this moment, he still couldn't change his bound fate.


Under the pressure of the colorful cage, Mu Qiang's breath instantly wilted, his face pale, not because of Xiao Lang's offensive, but because of his own response to the shock.

"what is this?"

Mu Qiang was even more surprised.

As a top venerable, he is not Xiao Lang's enemy of one?

It's a pity that he didn't know that Xiao Lang's Five Elements Guarding Prison, but even the strongest two-star Venerable could not break through. If he knew it, he might be more relieved, and of course, he would be more desperate.

Before he wakes up from horror--


"What did you find me for?"

"Mo Xuming, what task did they give you?"

Xiao Lang's cold voice came, and Mu Qiang was taken aback again, his complexion changed drastically.

Xiao Lang got it!

He guessed that he was targeting him!

Mu Qiang was horrified by Xiao Lang's keen perception, but gritted his teeth, as if he did not open his mouth, he was still forcibly running the power of the great power in his body, trying to break the five elements town prison cage, struggling.



Mu Qiang resisted stubbornly.

But in fact, his desperate struggles couldn't shake the Five Elements Prison at all, but instead caused him to be bloodied and dripping with blood because of the violent counter-shock force.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang couldn't help frowning.

So persistent and loyal?

"Mo Xuming, their will to get rid of me, is it so strong?"

"Could it be that the top eight places are more precious than I thought?"

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's thoughts were flashing in his heart, but in the prison of Five Elements, Mu Qiang's resistance became weaker and weaker...


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