Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 549: A forbidden place where no one is involved!

The power of heaven!

Xiao Lang watched the misty gray mist formed by the destruction of the heavens in his palms, and his divine mind pulled it, and its shape was continuously changing, like his arms stretched out.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

"My divine consciousness, has it reached the level of the immortal monarch?"

Soul, body, and power.

These are the three most important factors for judging the strength of a warrior.

At the beginning, Xiao Lang valued his physical body the most, because the first battle in Magnolia City not only caused him to suffer the calamity of the Dao, but also his physical body was greatly traumatized. Really made a lot of efforts.

After that, what Xiao Lang cared most became the Great Way of Enlightenment.

He had not paid too much attention to the improvement of his divine consciousness. Until then, seeing the power of destroying the heavens wandering easily in his palm, Xiao Lang finally realized that before he knew it, his divine consciousness had reached. To this extent.

One example that contrasts sharply with him is Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng didn't know why it was a coincidence that he was recognized by Destiny and Heaven. Speaking of which, his luck was much better than Xiao Lang.

But so far, he has not been able to grasp the power of destiny and heaven, only because of its influence, fortune-telling.

The difference between mastering and not mastering is really great!

It's a pity that Xiao Lang didn't have any chance to try the power of Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus and Destroying Heaven's Dao in the next ring battle.

Because, every opponent he encountered, before he took a shot, he straightforwardly chose to admit defeat and was directly sent out of the way of the soul, he didn't even have a chance to take a shot.

Very helpless.


There was a bell ringing again in the void of the tower mountain in the trial field.

A dozen figures swept straight up.


There are only sixteen people.

Today's ring is over and the top eight can be decided. For the first eight, you can enter the Temple of the Five Elements.

This is the last arena battle on the tower of the proving ground. However, Xiao Lang didn't even look at his opponent standing opposite the ring, but instead focused on the other five people.

Mo Xuming, Mu Huarong, Yi Jun, Zhong Wuyan and Chi Tianxiang.

Seeing the five of them boarding different arenas, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and the wise light flickered. Then he turned to look at the opponent standing on the other side of the arena, and said coldly:

"If you want to give up, hurry up, don't waste time."

The latter was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Zhong Wuyan and the others, the next moment he withdrew his gaze in a flash, and raised his hand:

"I surrender!"

He had already covered it up very well, but no matter how well he covered it up, it didn't matter to Xiao Lang. In the previous few ring battles, he had already noticed that all these were the routines of Zhong Wuyan and others.

Including this one.

The opponents I encountered in these few ring battles were all arranged by Zhong Wuyan and others. Before I could take a shot, I chose to admit defeat.

"Let me enter the top eight."

"Put me into the Temple of Five Elements?"

Xiao Lang saw the purpose of Zhong Wuyan and others.

Although he still doesn't know why Zhong Wuyan and others did this. But there are only two possibilities.

The first.

Competing for ranking after the top eight is no longer a way to compete in a ring. The rules in the Temple of the Five Elements are also different from those here. Zhong Wuyan and the five might want to join forces to deal with themselves.

The second possibility is that they want to discover something from their behavior after entering the Temple of the Five Elements.

It's all possible.

But Xiao Lang didn't care at all.


Is he afraid?

In fact, in these days of arena battles, in addition to comprehending martial arts, Xiao Lang also spent a bit of thought to observe the combat power of Zhong Wuyan and others.

At least possess the power of the strongest venerable three-star!

Among them, Zhong Wuyan is the strongest. Without breaking out her hole cards, she might have enough combat power to match the four-star strongest. If it all breaks out...

Xiao Lang couldn't judge her specific combat power either

. However, as long as Zhong Wuyan's combat power did not reach the immortal level, Xiao Lang didn't care at all.


Bloodthirsty Starvine is about to wake up!

The Bloodthirsty Starvine and Xiao Lang were connected by a contract, so he could vaguely feel that the transformation of the Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed not far from the end.

Entering the top eight means that you can experience the infusion of vitality. Xiao Lang was already ready to give his own reward to Bloodthirsty Starvine, trying to get him to recover as soon as possible.


The moment his opponent gave up, he was teleported out of the way of the soul.

Immediately after--

"Congratulations, little friend, for getting the qualification to enter the Temple of the Five Elements."

Xiao Lang raised his head. I don't know when, the old man, the guardian of this place appeared again. It's just that his words were obviously not addressed to Xiao Lang alone.

Because at this moment, all the battles were over in the Bafang ring on the tower of the training ground.

It stands to reason that this kind of competition should be quite fierce. After all, the gap between the top eight and the non-top eight is not too big. Everyone in the top sixteen has the opportunity to sharpen their heads and rush in.

But in fact, the intensity of the eight arena battles is not satisfactory. It is not at all what Xiao Lang had imagined before, and certainly not the imagination of the people who saw the eight battles through the light curtain outside the soul road. That's it.

There is even a dull feeling.

Because Zhong Wuyan's five opponents seemed to have self-knowledge, and they seemed to have agreed, just like Xiao Lang's ring battle, the opponent chose to admit defeat before the battle began, and the ring battle directly declared the end.

In the eyes of outsiders, this time the battle on the Path of the Primordial Spirit certainly feels anticlimactic.

I'm afraid that few people can see why.

Among them, of course, there are five elders at the level of Heavenly Dao ancestors, including the Mo family ancestors.


With a word from the old man guarding the path of the soul, a total of eighty-one light curtains on the Five Elements Continent shattered in an instant. The ancestors of the Zhong family and others were not surprised at this scene.

got used to.

This happens every time.

The Temple of Five Elements is Xin Mi, and no one who has ever been inside knows what is inside. And even those who have been in cannot reveal everything they have seen.

This is the rule of the path of the soul, and even spread to the Five Elements Continent.

In history, someone tried to describe everything they saw in the Temple of Five Elements, but before he could finish it, he died suddenly, and even the transcripts disappeared and turned into ashes.

After coming down several times, the great power on the Five Elements Continent also knew that this was a restricted area and could not be used.

Of course, the ancestors of the Zhong family and others had entered the Temple of the Five Elements before, and knew what Xiao Lang and others were about to face.

But I knew it in my heart, but couldn't tell.

Like everyone else, they can only stay in place and wait...


And in the way of the soul.

The old people guarding this place have come, and have already begun to announce the rewards they will receive.

No noise.

Everyone was listening quietly, and so was Xiao Lang.

Because the Temple of the Five Elements is the only one he can judge at the moment that there may be a passage to the outside world of the Five Elements Continent, he has to be careful.

In Tianji Pavilion's various ancient books on the path of the soul, there is no record of the Temple of the Five Elements, which is very mysterious. It seemed that the old man in front of him was the only way he could get the information of the Temple of the Five Elements. Under such circumstances, Xiao Lang was of course very concerned.

Fortunately, the old man did not let Xiao Lang wait for too long, and said straight to the point:

"You got the qualification to enter the Temple of the Five Elements."

"The Temple of the Five Elements is divided into two parts, inside and outside."

As he said, the old man waved his hand, and a picture scroll appeared in the void.

A hall!

The majestic hall!

Shrouded in a misty and colorful brilliance, mysterious and profound.

Xiao Lang looked carefully, and when he looked at the model of the entire hall, he suddenly frowned slightly. Aside, Zhong Wuyan and others did the same.

Two parts inside and outside?

Why is there only one hall?

Is there something else inside it?

But before they could ask further questions, the old man stretched his hand to the colorful mist that enveloped the periphery of the hall and said:

"This is the periphery."

"I call it the tide of vitality. You can stay in it for twelve hours. As for what you can gain, it depends on your good fortune."

It turned out to be the first floor!

Xiao Lang and others suddenly realized it.

However, according to usual experience, if a place is divided into two parts, the inside and the outside, then the inside must be more precious than the outside.

What's inside the hall?


For a time, eight pairs of eyes fell on the hall, full of curiosity. The old man seemed to know what they were thinking, and said bluntly:

"As for twelve hours later, if you want to enter the interior of this hall, it will not be so easy. You must pass a test."


Xiao Lang didn't care about the old man's request.

It's normal.

You can get good things after you have many levels and tests.

Opportunities and inheritance are not those Chinese cabbage outside, you can pick them up outside. If you want benefits, of course you have to pay.

Not only here, but in the entire cultivation world, this is also quite normal.

It’s just that Xiao Lang feels normal, some people don’t think so—

Zhong Wuyan Ruuo suddenly thought of something. As soon as the old man's voice fell to the ground, she couldn't help but ask:

"Dare to ask Senior, how many people have entered the inner temple over the years?"

From the time the old man started speaking, no one spoke any more. Zhong Wuyan suddenly asked at this time, which was shocking. Xiao Lang also moved his mind, his eyes fixed on the old man.

The old man didn't seem to expect that Zhong Wuyan would ask this question suddenly. The whole person was startled, and he groaned a little before he replied:

"not a single one."


Everyone was surprised when he said this, and even Xiao Lang couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

not a single one!

Ever since the birth of the Path of the Primordial Spirit, no one has ever entered the interior of the Five Elements Temple?

What is this concept?

A restricted area that no one has ever set foot in!

What kind of test was it to stop the talents of the entire Five Elements Continent for hundreds of millions of years?

To be honest, Xiao Lang was really shocked.

This is really incredible.

At the same time, the old man's answer made his heart feel more solemn.

Can he really break the restricted area that has been unbreakable for hundreds of millions of years?

If it can't be broken, doesn't it mean that even if there is a way to the outside world inside, it is impossible for oneself to get it?

By chance, Xiao Lang really didn't care.

His only thought now is--

Come back home!

This is the most critical.

Now, any decisions and ideas of Xiao Lang are also based on this idea to unfold and implement.

While Xiao Lang was hesitating in his heart, he saw that the old man seemed to have nothing to say, and suddenly he waved his hand--


The void shattered and torn apart, and a huge portal immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Go ahead."

"Wish you guys good luck."

Obviously, this gateway is the gateway to the Temple of the Five Elements.

The look of the enchanting geniuses from the Five Elements Continent, including Zhong Wuyan, was a bit agitated at the thought of the huge gain that was about to be obtained. And Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

Familiar with!

As soon as the old man opened this door, Xiao Lang suddenly felt an extremely familiar wave of fluctuations rushing over his face——

It's the breath of Five Elements Prison!

Similarly, this was the breath that once made him sense from outside the Five Elements Continent, and that drew him here!


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