Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 550: Immortal, immortal!

It really is here!

Xiao Lang was shocked.

At the beginning, in the midst of nothingness, it was precisely because he felt the guidance of this familiar force that he came to the Five Elements Continent. When he knew the Temple of the Five Elements, he had doubts. This familiar force should come from the Five Elements. Temple.

Of course, it was just a guess before.

It was confirmed now. Of course, Xiao Lang's mood was different from before. He wished to rush in and find out.

In fact, he did the same.

It’s just that, at the same time, Zhong Wuyan and others did the same actions as him, and hadn’t waited for the old man’s voice to settle--


Several streamers cut through the void and went straight to the space portal.

Zhong Wuyan and the others leaped in, looking at each other as they rushed away, a chill flashed in the eyes of everyone around them!

This is the chill aimed at Xiao Lang!


They had planned it a long time ago. Once the Temple of the Five Elements is opened, they will work together to target him and determine his identity. And now, they are ready to do so!

Xiao Lang did not perceive this at all.

If it were normal, he would definitely be able to sense it, but now, almost all of his thoughts are pulling himself, and the power is very similar to the Five Elements Prison, and he has no time to take care of other things.


Xiao Lang followed Zhong Wuyan and others into the portal of space, immersed in a multicolored brilliance, this is also the vitality of the old population guarding the path of the soul, but when he stepped into it, Xiao Lang's heart again It trembled suddenly, shocked!


Xiao Lang felt like a wave of power swept toward him, and the sea of ​​consciousness shook, almost falling into a blank space. Fortunately, his divine power was strong enough to barely contain the influx of these forces. As for his face, it was already Amazed.


God **** spirit!

"The power of the Five Elements Avenue?!"

When he perceives what these primordial spirits are, Xiao Lang is stunned for an instant.

It turns out that the vitality that spreads on the Five Elements Continent is actually the power of the Five Elements Avenue!

Xiao Lang was rewarded by the power of the Dao's origin in the experience of the Zongtian Bridge in Zhantai Zong, so he can be distinguished in an instant.

In fact, primordial spirit is the source of the Five Elements Avenue, which would not surprise Xiao Lang too much, but—

"This is too much!"

Xiao Lang couldn't hide the horror in his eyes. Looking around, he saw the power of the five elements' origins turned into a thick mist, covering everything. He had only a few dozen strands of the original power of the five elements, which was already quite remarkable, but now, there are more than hundreds of millions that surround him?

In the confusion, Xiao Lang also saw Zhong Wuyan and others, and saw that each of them looked confused, sitting cross-legged in the void, being poured into the body by the power of the endless Five Elements Avenue, and the martial arts aura and levels were visible to the naked eye. The speed is climbing!

They are intoxicated.

Completely involuntarily intoxicated.

But Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't be like this, because his spirit has reached the level of the immortal monarch.

Even the power of heaven can be controlled, let alone the power of these five elements?

"They are going to be promoted to the immortal realm?"

Even if it has been known from the ancient records of the Tianji Pavilion, over the years, almost everyone who has entered the top eight on the path of the soul can be promoted to become the immortal monarch after they come out, but when this scene really shows up, Xiao Lang still couldn't help being taken aback.

too fast!

The martial arts realm of Zhong Wuyan and others has improved too fast!

You should know that when the path of the primordial spirit was opened, each of them was only the pinnacle of the Era Realm Small Perfection. Of course, at that time, they already had the strength to step onto the Era Realm Great Perfection level at any time.

But in half a month, you can become the Monarch of the Immortal Realm, which is really scary. In the world of Lihuo, this

No one can believe it even if it is said.


Of course it can be considered a chance.

It's just that in Xiao Lang's opinion, this kind of opportunity is actually the same as the martial art level on the Five Elements Continent, full of deformity.

"The original power of the Path of the Primordial Spirit and the Five Elements Avenue here can indeed enable them to give birth to nearly ten immortal monarchs every year, but such an improvement, even for the most enchanting genius, is tantamount to nurturing them."

A gleam of light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes, once again suppressing the impulse to promote the Emperor of the Immortal Realm with the opportunity of using the power of the Five Elements Avenue to fill his body.

This may be the opportunity that Zhong Wuyan and others dream of, but it is not his.

Although Xiao Lang didn't know where his martial arts were, he could confirm that it was definitely not the one in front of him.


Although he didn't intend to do this, he planned to let Bloodthirsty Starvine do it.

Xiao Lang turned his head and glanced at his left shoulder. Under the cover of the power of the origin of the stars, Zhong Wuyan and others could not find the existence of Bloodthirsty Star Vine at all, and Xiao Lang could certainly see it.

A flash of light under the eyes:



Xiao Lang's thoughts moved, and immediately, the power of the surrounding Five Elements Avenue immediately boiled, and the masterpiece of green light turned into a rushing tide and a long dragon, directly swept toward him.

Three thousand drowning, only take one scoop.

Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts were powerful, and all he attracted was the power of the origin of the wood system avenue, rushing violently towards the bloodthirsty star vine on his shoulders.

I saw the body of the Bloodthirsty Starvine trembled suddenly, and the next moment—


Like a dam collapsed, and like a huge vortex, and the bloodthirsty star vine is in the center of this vortex. The surrounding wood system avenue's origin power is violent, I don’t know that it is better than the surrounding Zhong Wuyan and others. How many times faster the speed, roaring like thunder.

Crazy devouring!

Even the power of the surrounding wood element is thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye, which shows how strong the phagocytic ability of the bloodthirsty star vine is!

The breath of Bloodthirsty Starvine also began to skyrocket, and it was faster than Zhong Wuyan and others, and the limit was deeper!

At the same time, Xiao Lang immediately sensed endless joy from the feelings from the bloodthirsty star vine, and a smile appeared on his face.

Bloodthirsty Starvine, almost awake.

And when it wakes up, it must be immortal.

Bloodthirsty Xingteng, Zhong Wuyan and others are busy promoting, but the former is conscious, and Zhong Wuyan and others' promotion is completely affected by the environment here, and they have no sense of autonomy.

Of course Xiao Lang was not idle either.

He opened the storage ring directly, and was absorbing the power of the surrounding Five Elements Avenue.

This is a good thing!

In the Great World of Lihuo, this is an absolute scarce product. I don't know how many top venerables will flock to it. In order to get a bit of it, I am willing to do anything.


"They are useless to me now, but in the future, they may be useful."

It's always good to be more prepared.

Xiao Lang began to load frantically.


Six hours later.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xiao Lang had already stopped loading. This is because his storage ring has long been filled up, a full 30 million strands of the original power of the avenue!

Xiao Lang was comprehending the power of the surrounding Dao Origin, and suddenly--


A dull vibration blasted in his ears, like thunder, and as if something had been broken, Xiao Lang turned his head in surprise and looked at the bloodthirsty star vine that suddenly rose from his shoulders.

The bloodthirsty star vine completely dispelled the concealment of the power of the origin of the stars on his figure, and turned into a body, but it is no longer so huge, only an adult, as thin as an arm, floating in the void, the whole body is crystal clear and green, with a breath of life Is growing surging, its

The speed made Xiao Lang couldn't help but secretly startled.


Bloodthirsty Starvine finally began to complete the transformation of the immortal level!

However, his transformation is obviously different from the birth of the immortal monarch that Xiao Lang had heard of before. Xiao Lang did not see the emergence of the long river of origin of the Dao, but he could sense that the life level of the Bloodthirsty Starvine was indeed rising, but Most of his changes seem to be concentrated in the body, and it is completely impossible to see from the outside.

"The promotion of fierce beasts is different from the promotion of humans?"

"Or, the Bloodthirsty Starvine is special because he is Yao Zhi?"

Xiao Lang knew very little about these things, and couldn't tell them for a while. He could only watch, the aura of Bloodthirsty Starvine gradually rose and became very powerful. In the end, when it stabilized, even Xiao Lang felt great. This is because the bloodthirsty star vine did not release its own power.

Monarch of Immortality!

Upon sensing the breath coming from the body of the Bloodthirsty Star Vine, Xiao Lang was absolutely sure that the Bloodthirsty Star Vine had definitely reached the level of the Immortal Monarch!

as expected.

"Hahaha, I did it!"

"Xiao Lang, I did it!"


The moment when the aura of Bloodthirsty Starvine reached a peak, he finally woke up, turned into a stream of light, and came to Xiao Lang. Although he was Yao Zhi, he could not transform into a human form, and Xiao Lang could not see his expression, but he could clearly feel the joy in his heart.


Xiao Lang felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Because of the promotion of Bloodthirsty Starvine, it also means that he also has the power of the immortal monarch level around him, and since then, he has become more confident.


Bloodthirsty Starvine smiled happier, and there was a hint of madness in his words.

"From now on, I will cover you!"

Cover me?

Xiao Lang laughed when he heard the words and shook his head.

"Before you say this, feel your surroundings."


Bloodthirsty Star Vine was taken aback when he heard the words, a little puzzled, but he did it immediately. The divine thought swept away, and my heart suddenly shook, and he looked at Zhong Wuyan and the others in surprise.

"They... are also being promoted?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was stunned.

Xiao Lang nodded lightly. After a while, Bloodthirsty Starvine finally recovered his calm, but he was still a little surprised in his words:

"It's really against the sky!"

"The ancestor of the Five Elements is worthy of being the strongest person of the year. He was able to create such an opportunity and it has not disappeared for hundreds of millions of years. It is really powerful!"


Xiao Lang couldn't help but trembled as he thought of something.


The opportunity to create a party has been going on for hundreds of millions of years. During this period, I don’t know how many people have benefited from it, but the original power of the Five Elements Avenue has not been exhausted. Is this really normal?

Xiao Lang frowned when he looked at the power of the Five Elements Avenue that had become thinner due to the violent swallowing of the bloodthirsty starvine, Zhong Wuyan and others.

Can these forces be supplemented?

But who is doing this?

Just as Xiao Lang fell into deep suspicion, thinking hard, suddenly--


In the tide formed by the power of the Five Elements Avenue, another tyrannical wave came. Xiao Lang looked at it subconsciously, but happened to see that a pair of bright and surprised eyes looked towards him.

It's Zhong Wuyan!

Xiao Lang always believed that Zhong Wuyan, the most powerful of the five, was awake!

Has she been promoted?

Xiao Lang looked around, his eyes full of doubt.

Because, although he felt the fluctuation, the fluctuation obviously couldn't be compared with the breakthrough of Bloodthirsty Star Vine just now, and he didn't feel the existence of the long river of origin of the Great Dao...

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