Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 565: seal!

As early as when he opened the gate of the Temple of Five Elements and felt the pressure rushing from the coffin of Zhentian, Xiao Lang moved his mind to arouse the power of the spirit body of Dao Dao.

He has already confirmed that the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin is higher than the power of the Dao Dao in the level.

Is it greater than the power of heaven?

Xiao Lang didn't know.

So just try.

It is a pity that the ancestor of the Five Elements did not give him a chance to exert his strength, so he appeared directly to suppress the Tiantian Coffin.

Now Xiao Lang wants to try.

He thought so, so he did it, ignoring the instructions of the ancestors of the Five Elements.


A ray of purple light flashed away from the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes. In his body, a ray of the power of the spirit body of the Great Dao had already swept toward the Tiantian coffin that was compressed into a ball in the meridian.

I don't know if it was because the ancestors of the Five Elements suppressed it perfectly. During the entire process of approaching, Xiao Lang did not feel any other changes.


This ray of avenue spirit body's original strength has not entered the meridian where the Zhentian coffin is located, and the mutation has not yet approached.


The change is not strong.

The Zhentian coffin showed its true face, like a fog, and seemed to be hidden in another space, but at the moment when the power of the spirit body of the Dao Dao approached, it looked like a shy woman, revealing the mystery shrouded in her head. veil.

The **** ripples vibrated, and the mysterious aura revealed, as if to welcome.

Xiao Lang was shocked in spirit.


And this change is unprecedented!

No matter in the description of the ancestor of the Five Elements, or in the only contact with it before, Xiao Lang had never felt such a breath.

"The level of the original power of my Dao Spirit Body... is higher than that of Destroying Heaven?"

Xiao Lang was quite surprised.

Before that, he had used the power of destroying the heavens to resist the coercion from the heavenly coffin, and only barely resisted, and now...

At least now, after using the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin, Xiao Lang did not feel the conflicting breath and fluctuations from the body of Zhentian Coffin, which was completely different from before!


Xiao Lang believed in his own judgment more and more.

When he was in the Demon Lake Holy Land, he discovered that the power of the world is also divided into levels. And this kind of innate division is even clearer than that of warriors between different martial arts realms.

Just like the bloodthirsty star vine.

He has mastered the power of the origin of the stars and enveloped his body, now on his shoulders, but even if Mo Xuming and others have been promoted to the level of immortal monarchs, he still can't find his existence.

This is the great moat of power level, it is almost impossible to surpass!

"Dadao Spirit Body, so amazing?"

Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that he had done too little research on the spirit body of his Dao, and he couldn't even count it as a little knowledge.

"It seems that I will spend more time on the flesh in the future."

"It may bring me more surprises!"

After the excitement, Xiao Lang calmed down again and continued to manipulate the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin to explore, and further approached the Zhentian Coffin.

Being open means being able to enter.

check it out!

See what the secret is inside!

Xiao Lang's thoughts moved, and he was about to enter directly, but when he was about to rush into it, suddenly--


The power of the Dao Spirit Body is blocked!


On the surface of the Tiantian coffin that had been completely manifested, a layer of golden lines appeared, graceful and complicated, full of a mysterious power, directly blocking the power of the spirit body of the Dao Dao outside.

What is this?


Xiao Lang was surprised. He never expected that the Zhentian coffin would suddenly react like this.

Try to break through.

The marks are indestructible and cannot be shaken.

"This is not the inherent power of the Zhentian Coffin!"

"Someone blessed it!"

Xiao Lang recognized that the first thing he thought of was the ancestor of the five elements, but immediately he threw this conjecture behind his head.

Not the ancestor of the Five Elements.

The ancestors of the five elements did not refine the heavenly coffin, because this is not the power of the ancestors of the five elements. Although it is golden, it is obviously not in the five elements.

In the line, it was a power he had never seen before.

"Able to contend with the original power of my Dao Spirit Body..."

"They are on the same level?"

Xiao Lang's pupils were bright, and he faintly discovered something extraordinary.


"It can block the power of my Dao spirit body, and it can also block the power of Dao and Dao origin... but it can't stop the power of Qi and blood."

"Why is this?"

Xiao Lang thought for a while, and then mobilized the power of the Dao Spirit Body to make several attempts, but after failure, he never continued.

Now is not the time.

The ancestor of the Five Elements is still aside, it is not convenient for him to induce more of the power of the Dao Spirit Body.

Moreover, this time part of Xiao Lang's purpose has been achieved.

"Although the ancestor of the Five Elements is a super power at the level of the Lord of the World, his core power level is very likely not as good as my Dao Spirit Body Origin Power, and it is impossible to have a connection with the Zhentian Coffin except for blood and blood. "

"In the Zhentian coffin, there should be no back hand left by him."

"As long as the Zhentian coffin is still in my hands... sooner or later I will be able to unearth its true secret."

Xiao Lang converged his mind, his expression was calm, he withdrew the power of the Dao Spirit Body, and his mind returned to the outside world.

Before you.

The ancestor of the Five Elements is still admonishing.

It's a long story. In fact, Xiao Lang's attempt only took a moment, and the ancestor of the Five Elements didn't even notice his distraction at this moment.

"...Little friend, leave it to you."

The Five Elements ancestors are full of enthusiasm.

Xiao Lang had just benefited, and of course he wouldn't turn his face right away. He immediately responded. The dignified look of the Five Elements Patriarch was relieved a bit, and calm was restored after adjustment. He raised his hand to disperse the surrounding Five Elements Town prison cage.

"In that case, I won't keep more friends."

"I just hope that my little friend will win this time and help me eradicate disasters from the Five Elements Mainland!"


Outside, Mo Xuming and others are still waiting anxiously.

The ancestors of the Five Elements used the Five Elements to suppress the prison. They could not see or perceive what was going on inside. They were panicking and finally saw that the ancestors of the five elements and Xiao Lang reappeared.

The Zhentian coffin is gone too!

Has it been collected by Xiao Lang?

Did they cover up everything just to collect the Tiantian coffin?

Mo Xuming and others thought about it, but they didn't get too entangled in this issue because they heard the last words of the Five Elements Patriarch.

Got to go?

The ancestors of the Five Elements, are you going to chase away guests?

For a while, they panicked even more.

They don't know anything yet!

They just knew that the disaster of the Five Elements Mainland had arrived, and the winning rate was low. The Five Elements ancestors could hardly take action. Just now, they had been hoping that the Five Elements ancestors could give some pointers. Zu, what I heard turned out to be the news of leaving.

"Ancestor, help us again!"

Mo Xuming and others did not care to conceal the identity of the ancestors of the Five Elements, and directly stated that their words were full of hope. However, the answer from the ancestor of the Five Elements made them feel desperate.

"I have done everything I can do."

"This matter can only depend on you."

"Fight for your own destiny."

With that, the ancestor of the Five Elements waved his hand--


Everyone, including Xiao Lang, felt a strong force sweeping from under them, unable to resist, the light and shadow in front of them flashed, blurred and dreamy, when they were clear again, they were already in a cloud of mist.

The power of the Five Elements Avenue!

They were thrown out by the ancestors of the Five Elements!

"Just came out?"

The expressions of Mo Xuming and others were obviously more flustered. They clearly saw that at the moment of settlement, Xiao Lang seemed to glance in a certain direction, and it became clear to his heart that Xiao Lang could still feel the location of the Temple of Five Elements. .

But at this time, they did not ask to go there again.

Because the words of the ancestors of the five elements are quite clear.

They can only rely on themselves!

"Can we really do it?"

Even if Mo Xuming and others know that the "yourself" mentioned by the Five Elements ancestors refers to all the strong people on the Five Elements Continent, including the five ancestors, they still feel hesitated.

Mainly five elements

The ancestor's exaggeration of the calamity on the Five Elements Continent was so serious that it made them feel unsure.

If before that, when they were promoted to the immortal monarch, facing the beast tide, their confidence in their hearts skyrocketed, and they were more confident, then now, everything revealed by the ancestors of the five elements has completely defeated their confidence in their hearts.

In the beast tide, the existence of consciousness is about to be born!

Even the five great ancestors may not be able to win the existence together!

How does this make their minds calm?




These emotions appeared in the eyes of Mo Xuming and everyone, even Zhong Wuyan was no exception, at best, it was slightly better than the Mo Xuming four.

Can't calm down for a long time.

Xiao Lang glanced at them and frowned slightly.

The mental quality is not enough.

However, Xiao Lang didn't care and took the lead to break the calm.

"If that's the case, let's continue to practice. When the two days are up, we will leave here."

With that said, Xiao Lang sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested, digesting everything that happened today. But for Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others, it was obviously not so fast to accept all this, and it was impossible to settle down, let alone practice.


time does not wait.

It doesn't matter whether Mo Xuming and others will seize the opportunity in front of them. In fact, after half a day, Mo Xuming and the others did settle down a little bit, using the strength of the surrounding five elements to try their best to practice, and even made a certain breakthrough.

But the duration is not long.

Because, two days are up.


Without warning, another strong force came from the space around the body. Like a rule, Xiao Lang and others were directly squeezed into the void...


go away!

At this moment, it also means that this time the path of the soul has come to an end.

It's just that the path of the primordial spirit this time is different from any other time in the past, because of the calamity on the Five Elements Continent, but also because of the opening of the Five Elements Temple and the existence of the Five Elements Patriarch.

At the moment of transmission, no one including Xiao Lang noticed that they were tens of thousands of miles away, with a pair of eyes watching them leave.

Five Elements Patriarch!

The Temple of Five Elements has not closed again.

The ancestors of the Five Elements have been staring at them. When they disappeared into the void, the ancestors of the Five Elements suddenly flashed a ray of light in their eyes. Where is the anxiety before?

Only brilliant and brilliant, wise planning!

Looking at the Five Elements Temple with its doors wide open, he was ambitious.

"Go do it, kill it!"

"Kill it, I can get out of here!"

"At that time, the Zhentian coffin will still be mine!"



The ancestors of the Five Elements are full of desire, only these two words——



Do not!

He waited for this day, too long!

What he wants is always freedom!

The ancestor of the Five Elements looked into the boundless void through the wide open temple of the Five Elements, his eyes full of resentment and hatred.

"My true body... you suppressed me here in the past and let me protect the origin for you. I never thought that I could understand the secret of the heavenly coffin and regain the possibility of freedom!"

"When I leave, I will kill you!"

"Yes, and listening to Chaohou...and you...!"

The spitefulness is endless.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang and others can't hear this at all. They didn't even know that the calamity that the ancestor of the Five Elements trumpeted up to threaten the safety of the entire continent of the five elements was actually just one of the methods used by the ancestor of the five elements to suppress his physical body.

At this point, they have been sent out.

At the moment of Guanghua's masterpiece, Xiao Lang suddenly saw that the five mountains...

Do not.

It was a figure like five big mountains, and he couldn't ignore it.

Suddenly, Xiao Lang looked solemn, because he realized the identity of the five people in front of him——

Five Heavens!

The five great heavenly masters on the Five Elements Continent are all here, waiting for them!


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