Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 566: door!

The place where they came out was exactly the same as the place where they entered the path of the soul, and the void seemed to have recorded their location.

Only when Xiao Lang looked around, he suddenly realized that there were already many people around him that he didn't know.

In addition to the five figures that seemed to stand on the towering mountains between the heaven and the earth, there were many strangers, even the weakest of them, the breath that came out of their bodies inadvertently made Xiao Lang feel extremely depressed and depressed.

All masters!

Master of the immortal monarch level!

Of course, what Xiao Lang cared most was the five people headed by them. They looked young, but their eyes were full of vicissitudes of life.

Venerable Heaven!

Guard the Five Elements Continent, the five most powerful people!

Xiao Lang guessed their identities at once.

as expected.



When Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others saw the five people nearby, they were shocked. It seemed that they finally had the backbone. They swept down and came to the five people. They bowed and saluted, respectfully, their waists almost They all hang down to the ground, showing their respect.

Only the five great ancestors can be given this great gift by them.

What's more, Zhong Wuyan's name to the young man in a golden robe in front of him is enough to prove everything.

The leader is the ancestor of the Zhong family.

Looking at Zhong Wuyan, who bowed in front of him and saluted, and felt the aura of strength in her body, but without the slightest source of power, the ancestor of the Zhong family flashed a touch of complexity in the eyes, and nodded gently.

"Get up."

The ancestor of the Zhong family raised his head, his calm eyes passed over Xiao Lang's body, and then fell on Zhong Wuyan's body again.

"What happened inside?"

The years he has experienced may not be the longest on the Five Elements Continent, because he is the Venerable Heaven and does not have unlimited life. As the strongest person on the Five Elements Continent, he saw too many people and facts. At a glance, he could see the uneasiness hidden in the bottom of his heart by Zhong Wuyan and others.

He is familiar with the character of Zhong Wuyan and others.

Knowing that something big must have happened, that led to such a change.

Therefore, his curiosity about this even surpassed his doubts about Xiao Lang's origins, and he immediately asked.

Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others trembled, looked at each other, and finally nodded to Zhong Wuyan. Then Zhong Wuyan took a deep breath, straight to the point, and said the most important part:

"Return to Master, we...enable the Five Elements God..."


In the ears of Xiao Lang and others, Zhong Wuyan's voice stopped abruptly. But in their eyes, Zhong Wuyan continued to say, even she didn't even notice that her voice had disappeared.

Do not.

It just disappears in the ears of outsiders.

Xiao Lang clearly saw that as Zhong Wuyan revealed the truth in the Temple of the Five Elements, the expressions of the five ancestors, including the ancestors of the Zhong family, became extremely shocked in an instant.

Then it was solemn.

Finally, it is more gloomy as water.

Just now the ancestors of the Zhong family used some small means, and the five of them could still hear Zhong Wuyan's report.


They got it!

Know the physical existence of the Five Elements Patriarch.

I also know the disasters that are brewing on the Five Elements Continent!

"...That's it."

Zhong Wuyan's voice suddenly appeared, and Xiao Lang knew that it was the ancestor of the Zhong family who lifted the prohibition.

It was not only the five of them with solemn expressions, but also the immortal monarchs around them. Although they don't know what Zhong Wuyan said, they can clearly see the ugly faces of the five great ancestors.

It was quiet for a long time.

The five ancestors of the Zhong family did not speak, and no one dared to break the peace.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry either.

at last--

"It seems that my judgment is true..."

The ancestor of the Zhong family sighed and awakened the people around him. Among them, Xiao Lang was also included, his pupils slightly shrunk.


The ancestors of the Zhong family have long been aware of what is happening on the Five Elements Continent?

Doesn't that mean...

Xiao Lang's mind was startled, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Senior, do you know the existence of that door?"


There is no doubt that after coming out of the path of the soul, the door that the ancestor of the five elements said has become the existence that Xiao Lang is most concerned about.

There is a way home behind the door.

This is what the ancestor of the Five Elements said.

It was also the only information he knew about the way out, and he had to believe it.

The ancestors of the Zhong family and others turned their heads again, looking at Xiao Lang, their eyes flashed.

Zhong Wuyan has said everything just now, including Xiao Lang's identity of course-


Moreover, he also knew Xiao Lang's purpose.

Come back home!

Leave the Five Elements Continent and go to other worlds!

Even Zhong Wuyan and others can realize what it means to travel to other worlds to the Five Elements Continent. The ancestor of the Zhong family, as the strongest person in this continent, certainly knows in his heart.

Means safety.



I have to admit that the physical body of the ancestors of the Five Elements is still alive, which is indeed beyond their expectations. Even if they are the Venerable Heavenly Dao, they have superior combat power, but like Zhong Wuyan and the others, they felt pressure when they learned that the Five Elements Patriarch is still alive.


No one does not want freedom.

As the strongest on the Five Elements Continent, they know the importance of freedom. And when they discovered that the continent under their feet was a product created by someone else, and that this person was still alive, of course they couldn't calm down.

Because this means that their life and death are in the hands of this person.

Even if the ancestors of the Five Elements have banned themselves, they cannot come out and continue to host the Five Elements Continent.

But what if he comes out?

To become his servant?

The ancestors of the Zhong family and others couldn't accept it, which was the main reason why their faces were so ugly just now.

Under these circumstances, the other world Xiao Lang came from has undoubtedly become their hope.

Hope of freedom!

"Little friend Xiao Lang, right?"

The ancestor of the kind family smiled and greeted, Xiao Lang nodded subconsciously, and saw the former wave his hand suddenly——


The void cracked.

A solid tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's talk as we walk."

Having said that, the ancestors of the Zhong family took the lead to walk into the corridor, and the other four ancestors and the immortal monarchs followed closely. Xiao Lang saw this scene without hesitation, and immediately followed.

Xiao Lang didn't doubt that the ancestors of the Zhong family would be instigated by it.

Because the current situation is quite clear, he believes that Zhong Wuyan has told the ancestors of the Zhong family about everything they experienced on the Path of the Soul, including the Temple of the Five Elements, which of course also includes his own information and the coffin of Zhentian exist.

Regardless of the ancestors of the Zhong family represented on the Five Elements Continent, the ultimate choice is to kill the depths of the Five Elements Continent, the existence of consciousness is being born, and then continue to live on the Five Elements Continent.

Still leave the Five Elements Continent and head to the Lihuo World.

He is the most crucial point among them.

To behead the existence that is being born with self-consciousness, it takes a heavenly coffin.

Zhong Wuyan and others are fully aware of this point, after all, the ancestor of the Five Elements had personally said it. They may be resistant to the existence of the Five Elements Patriarch, but they never dare to doubt the words of a world lord.

They dare not rob the Zhentian coffin.

Because it will be out of the phone only once.

Once they use it directly, they lose their last chance.

Therefore, Xiao Lang was quite calm.

And he believed that if the ancestors of the Zhong family were not stupid, they would immediately choose to exchange messages and tell everything he knew.

as expected.


The doorway of the tunnel was closed.

Xiao Lang only felt a slight shock under his feet, and the turbulent flow under his feet seemed to start to run away, fleeing away.

Is this rushing to the deepest part of the central area?

Xiao Lang was surprised. On the side, the ancestor of the Zhong family seemed to have guessed what he thought, and smiled:

"Let's go back first."

"There are so many people here, it's really not a good place to talk."

"Little friend Xiao Lang came from afar, we should really do our best as a landlord."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he gently bowed his hands in a salute:

"Thank you senior."


Xiao Lang stopped halfway through his words, but whether it was the ancestor of the Zhong family or the others around him, he could hear what he meant.

The ancestor of the Zhong family smiled softly, nodded and said;

"Little friend guessed right, I do know the existence of that door."


Xiao Lang's heart trembled, and he immediately became energetic.

"Senior, have you already been in?"

The ancestor of the Zhong family shook his head when he heard the words and took a deep look at him.


"There are five element restrictions on it, it is very strong, and it is connected with this piece of heaven and earth, I can't open it alone."

"At the time, I guessed that the door could only be opened by someone who controls all the five elements. Now it seems that it might be true."

Five elements!

Xiao Lang knew that the ancestor of the Zhong family was talking about himself.

Just when he said that there was a five-element prohibition on the door, Xiao Lang guessed that the five-element restrains prison. After all, this is the foundation of the five-element ancestor and his strongest method.

Xiao Lang didn't care.

The door is related to the key to his leaving this world to the Lihuo Great World. When it comes time to make a move, Xiao Lang will of course not be stingy, let alone hide.

"What else did the senior find?"

Xiao Lang asked.

The eyes of the ancestors of the Zhong family shrank slightly, as if they were thinking of the scene from the past, his face solemn.

"I felt a will, the will that was being born, brutal and turbulent, even I felt a great sense of depression across the door."

"It's so powerful, it shouldn't be underestimated."

"Perhaps he was right, but with the strength of the five of us, I am afraid it is not its opponent."


Of course Xiao Lang knew who the "he" was referred to by the ancestors of the Zhong family.

Five Elements Patriarch!

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, his face also a little ugly.

Let the ancestors of the Zhong family, the most powerful Venerable Heaven on the Five Elements Continent, say that there is a lot of pressure. One can imagine how strong the opponent they are about to face!

It's hard to guess.

Immortality, the battle of the pinnacle?

If a deadly battle really breaks out, do you really have a chance to shoot at that critical moment?

Xiao Lang suddenly felt worried.

Worries about their own strength.

But just as he was thinking wildly in his heart, suddenly—


The passage underfoot is shocked again!

The tunnel portal opens.

Bright masterpiece.


"These days, I hope my little friends will stay in the city for some time. We need some preparations before we can go and explore behind that door."

The words of the ancestors of the Zhong family came from ears, but Xiao Lang seemed unheard of. Because, at this moment, his whole mind was completely stunned by the scene unfolding before him.

The purpose of their trip is of course the central core area.

The core of the Five Elements Continent.

Although Xiao Lang has not been to the Five Elements Continent for a long time, he has also heard people say about the hypothesis about the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent.

Here is the source of the strong, the birthplace of the strongest. Although the beast tide is more violent and swift than the outside world, it must be the safest place on the entire Five Elements Continent with the strongest.

However, when Xiao Lang saw everything outside through the door, he suddenly realized that the facts did not seem to be the case.

Because what he saw was a land that was almost fragmented to the extreme!


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