Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 568: Heaven weeping blood!

Does the Zhentian Coffin work?

Xiao Lang moved.

Of course, his thoughts didn't come out of thin air, but because he had seen the ability of Tiantian Coffin——

Suppress the blood!

It is an existence that can be suppressed even by the body of a world-master-level powerhouse like the Five Elements Patriarch!


Xiao Lang suddenly thought that he had exercised his body in a waterfall as early as when he first stepped into martial arts.

Pressure makes the energy exhausted, and with the help of medicinal stones, the physical body can be improved three to five times the efficiency of normal practice.

Metaphor is superficial.

But the truth is the same.

Zhentian coffin can cause enough pressure on him!

The power of the surrounding Five Elements Avenue can provide him with enough nourishment to cultivate his body!

The key is.

For anyone, even the ancestor of the Five Elements, the Tiantian Coffin is also a dangerous existence, and a little carelessness will be forever. But Xiao Lang doesn't need to worry about this at all, because he has the power of the Dao Spirit Body!

Whether it is the power of blood, the power of the soul, or the power of the Dao Origin, they cannot be recognized by the Zhentian Coffin.

But the power of the Dao Spirit Body can be!

Therefore, Xiao Lang doesn't have to worry about being shocked by the Zhentian Coffin!

"Try it!"

With a thought, Xiao Lang decided to try, and a flash of purple meaning suddenly flashed deep in his eyes.

The power of the spirit body of the Dao!

Before trying, Xiao Lang of course had to ensure his safety first, and then he approached the Tiantian Coffin with a trace of energy and blood, being extremely careful.

After all, the Zhentian coffin was in his body now, Xiao Lang didn't want anything to happen. He can always remember the feeling of helplessness when he opened the Temple of the Five Elements and was suppressed by the Tiantian Coffin.

A hundred feet away, he was almost crushed.

Now that the Tiantian coffin is in his body, how can he slack off?

Three inches...two inch...

The moment when Xiao Lang's qi and blood touched the Zhentian coffin--


The change broke out instantly!


A feeling of oppression even more violent than the Wanzhang Mountains came in an instant. Fortunately, Xiao Lang had been prepared for a long time. He had been sitting cross-legged. If he was standing, just this one would be enough to make him kneel down!

Pull a hair and move the whole body!

Only for a moment, Xiao Lang felt his whole body's vitality and blood ignited, and a strong and mighty violent suction erupted from the Zhentian coffin, directly shaking the foundation of his physical body!


The skin is cracked and the bones are broken!

The scene that happened in the Temple of the Five Elements has appeared again!


It broke our hearts!

However, this was not what shocked Xiao Lang the most.

All this is still in his expectation. When he decided to use the Tiantian Coffin to temper his body, he had already anticipated the whole process, which would definitely be a process of breaking and standing, which was impossible to be comfortable.

However, there are some things he did not expect.


Xiao Lang's heart was shocked, and even a strand of true spirit was attracted!


The situation in front of him changed drastically, and Xiao Lang was shocked to realize that he had been moved out of the quiet room and into a blood-colored ocean. The waves were steaming, rolling endlessly, mighty and fierce!


This is a **** world!

"This is... the inside of the Zhentian Coffin?"

"The blood here is from the ancestors of the Five Elements?"

In Xiao Lang's memory, it is true that only the ancestors of the five elements were suppressed by the Tiantian coffin. According to reason, these should indeed be the blood of the ancestors of the five elements.

However, in these qi and blood, Xiao Lang did not feel the presence of any five elements power, only pure qi and blood!

Do not!

There is also a burst of murderous breath!

The breath of destruction!

It floats from the depths of the blood sea, transpiring and permeating the void, making Xiao Lang's heart difficult

Ning, ups and downs, is as if there is an ancient fierce beast hidden in the depths of it. It wants to devour the world, it is terrifying!

Xiao Lang couldn't help looking down.

The sea of ​​blood is thick.

But he still saw the depths, the golden fluorescence shone, turning into a complex and graceful picture!

"this is……"

The familiar picture scroll came into view, and Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.


Isn't this the seal inside the Zhentian Coffin?

"This is not the inside of Zhentian Coffin!"

"There is absolutely something amazing in it!"

"But... even if it is sealed, it can exude such power? If the seal is opened, how strong will it be?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang was dumbfounded.

At the beginning, the Zhentian Coffin was enough to make him feel amazed.

Suppress the flesh of the Lord of the World!

It's hard to imagine!

But until now, Xiao Lang didn't realize that this was probably just the tip of the iceberg of all the powers of the Zhentian Coffin, because it was banned!

"So domineering!"

"No wonder the ancestors of the Five Elements said that this thing absolutely does not belong to this world...In this world, absolutely no one can refine this kind of thing!"

"No, maybe even the ancestor of the five elements doesn't know, the Zhentian coffin he saw is just the tip of the iceberg of all its might!"

For a moment, Xiao Lang's eyelids jumped.


The Zhentian coffin is really terrible!

But don't wait for him to think about it.


An unprecedented sense of weakness bred from the bottom of his heart and surged like a tide. Xiao Lang was shocked and immediately realized that his body was on the verge of collapse.

The physical body is the foundation of a person's martial arts, as long as there is a change, you can definitely feel it.


Xiao Lang's mind moved, and immediately, a purple power transpired from his dantian, rushing toward the Zhentian coffin, surrounding it, isolating the blood and spirit.


Xiao Lang regained his clarity before his eyes.

The power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin has isolated all the influence of the Zhentian Coffin.

But even if Xiao Lang's understanding of Tiantian Coffin's ability has been further deepened, he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw himself inwardly.


His physical body was completely on the verge of collapse, his foundation was turbulent, and his injuries were severe. Even though Xiao Lang was ready to break and stand up, he was still afraid.


He almost killed himself!


Xiao Lang ignored other things, and hurriedly absorbed the power of the surrounding Five Elements Avenue to make up for himself, like a whale swallowing the sea...


A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes again, and when he saw the empty space around him, only the original power of the Silk Avenue had just been born, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

so close!

This kind of cultivation really can't be performed casually. Fortunately, this quiet room has enough power of the Dao's origin for oneself to draw, otherwise, this time alone, oneself will have to cultivate for at least one month to restore the peak!

However, the effect is quite obvious.

Xiao Lang made a fist, feeling the ample power in his body, his eyes full of joy.

"Strength increased by 10%!"

"Physique... is also about half stronger!"

"The most important thing is that my spirit power seems to be more condensed. Is it because of resisting the violent aura?"

Excellent results!

In other words, it was even higher than Xiao Lang's previous expectations!

This number does not seem to increase much, but Xiao Lang knows that his foundation is too solid. What's more, this is only the first attempt.

"Such an attempt can be tried every half an hour!"

"Twenty-four times a day, my physique will definitely make a qualitative breakthrough within a period of time!"

Xiao Lang is happy


This time, the Central Region of the Five Elements Mainland is at the right time!

Without the help of the original power of these great avenues, he wanted to improve his physique to such a degree, he didn't know how long it would take, and he would definitely not be able to achieve it in a short time.

"carry on!"

All in one go and pursue the victory.

With the opportunity ahead, Xiao Lang would not waste a certain amount of time.


Silence room is banned.

No one knows how fast Xiao Lang's progress is.

Unconsciously, four days passed.

"The hundredth time!"

Xiao Lang had just finished the hundredth time of tempering, and the steps were similar to the first time. Of course, the improvement was not so obvious, because Xiao Lang's foundation in these hundred times of tempering was too deep!

Physical strength has doubled!

Strength, five times!

The power of the soul has also risen by as much as 30%!

The pinnacle of Era Realm?


It can be said that the current Xiao Lang, in addition to the core strength, belongs to the category of the Era Realm, and is the power of the Great Dao, his body and soul have reached the level of the Immortal Realm, and it is not the kind of newly promoted Immortal Realm.

Of course, it can also be said that he is completely beyond the realm of the era.

Because he still has the power to destroy the heavens!

"I really want to know what level of physique and soul power I have reached now."

Xiao Lang's eyes were bright, full of hope.

Lord of the Immortal Realm!

He never expected that not long ago, he seemed to be like a moat, and he seemed to have crossed...

"carry on!"

In four days, there was such a harvest. Of course Xiao Lang would not waste time and would continue immediately, but there was also a faint worrier in his eyes.

Just using the power of the Dao’s origin to warm the body, the effect is not as good as it was at the beginning, and the improvement is weak.

If you reach the limit, how should you develop it?

This is what Xiao Lang worries about.

But at this moment, without waiting for him to think, suddenly--


Outside the quiet room, suddenly, a mighty icy breath suddenly penetrated, making Xiao Lang couldn't help but shiver, and the movement that was about to arouse the Zhentian coffin suddenly stopped.

what happened?

what happened?

Is... the beast tide broke out?

Xiao Lang suddenly realized the problem, without thinking about it, stood up directly, opened the door of the quiet room and swept away.

However, before he completely walked out of the mighty palace corridors of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, Xiao Lang felt it as if the world was shaking. In the distance, outside the gate of the temple, the fierce sky quake was like a tide, swept in waves!


After a short while, Xiao Lang finally walked out of the Tianji Pavilion and stood outside the palace.

Even if he had already anticipated everything that happened outside before that, Xiao Lang couldn't help being stunned when it was completely revealed before his eyes.

The blood rain is precarious, thousands of miles away!

It's raining.

It's blood rain!

The viscous blood converged into a human-sized drop of blood and continued to smash down, a hazy, distant sky, more like a complete tear, the colorful brilliance oscillated, and the breath that came, even if Xiao Lang had an extreme aura in these few days Great improvement, can't help but feel heart palpitations!

Just the aftermath contained therein can destroy him!

High place.

Just above the Tianji Pavilion, there are the strongest beings fighting, slaughtering the beasts!


The blue light flashes.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

He saw a familiar figure--

Old ancestor of the Chi family!

At the beginning of the war, even the Venerable Heaven on the Five Elements Continent had shot!

Is the beast wave in the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent already terrifying to such a degree? !


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