Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 569: Immortal!


The **** shadows roared, the colorful brilliance shone, and it was obvious that the huge array of thousands of islands had produced the effect.

Above the void, the figure of the ancestor of the Chi family flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes, but the shock caused by this scene remained in his heart for a long time and could not be calmed down.

Did the Five Great Patriarchs shoot so quickly?

As the strongest of the Five Elements Continent, shouldn't they guard one side until the end?

Xiao Lang's face was heavy.

Is the situation in the central core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent already so bad?

Just as he was puzzled, he suddenly moved his heart and turned around suddenly, only to see a burly figure slowly falling down beside him.

It's Li Jian.

He was also watching the battle around him, his expression serious.

Only when the line of sight fell on Xiao Lang, seeing the solemnity on his face, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately explained:

"Little friend Xiao Lang need not worry."

"The five ancestors don't usually take action, even in the most violent period of this century, they don't need to take action."

"Only this time, the five ancestors wanted to make a quick battle and decided to take action and buy time."

To gain time.

What time do you buy?

Of course it was the time to enter that door.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, this was a sudden.

No wonder.

Xiao Lang was finally relieved.

If even the beast tide here needs the action of five Venerable Heavenly Dao to resist, then don't enter that door. Go in and die!

Needless to think about it, if there really is a will that is being born inside that door, it must be the place where the beast was born, much more dangerous than here.

Even the battlefield here requires the five heavenly veterans to take action to resist. Isn't it just going in to find death?

Xiao Lang calmed down and looked at the void around him again.

The war continues.

And getting worse!

Because there was a large array of islands covering it, standing here couldn't see how cruel the entire battlefield was, but Xiao Lang could also feel it through the turbulent world around him.

The world is falling apart!

This is the end of the world.

Only then did Xiao Lang understand how the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent became what it is now.

The beast tide is fierce!

There is such a war every hundred years, who can bear it?

Heaven and earth collapsed.

But the warrior here is still insisting!

This made Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the battle of righteous demon in Lihuo Great World...

"Will the battle between Zheng and Devil be so tragic?"

Once this thought came out, it could no longer be stopped.

More than that?

The Lihuo World is much larger than the Five Elements Continent, and there are definitely more immortal powers in it. Although the density is not as good as the Five Elements Continent, once the war is fully launched, I don't know how many people will fall into the **** storm!

The Five Elements Continent is just a war between human races and fierce beasts within.

But Zhengma War...

It's a war between two worlds!


Xiao Lang felt great pressure again.

Not from the outside world, but from the bottom of my heart.


"I need stronger strength!"

In just a few decades, Xiao Lang's comprehensive strength has risen from the beginning of the Era Realm to the level of a monarch that is now comparable to the Immortal Realm. If he were to say it, it would shock the world.

This speed is enough to horrify ghosts and gods.

However, for Xiao Lang...

"It's not enough!"

"Even under such a war, even the immortal monarch may fall, not to mention the battle of the demon... I must become stronger!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang's urge to become stronger was stronger than ever.

And when Xiao Lang was in the midst of the flames of war, Li Jian was observing Xiao Lang. He felt Xiao Lang's breath

He just came out, he did not participate in this battle, because the task assigned to him by the five ancestors was to protect Xiao Lang. Just now, he noticed the changes in Xiao Lang. After careful observation at this time, his eyes suddenly Shrunk, a little surprised, couldn't help but say:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, your physical stronger again?"


The sudden voice of Li Jian interrupted Xiao Lang's thoughts.

Can this also be seen?

Xiao Lang was surprised that Li Jian observed carefully.

What he didn't know was that Li Jian was originally a warrior who preferred to cultivate together, and his perception of physical qi and blood far exceeded that of warriors of the same rank.

I even thought that since he appeared on the Path of the Soul, it attracted too many people's attention. When Xiao Lang came out of the Path of the Soul, everyone was watching him carefully, and Li Jian was no exception.

Three days, very short.

Therefore, Li Jian could discover his physical changes so quickly.

Xiao Lang looked at the burly, fierce Li Jian, raised his brows, and guessed the key:

"Senior is physical training?"

Li Jian nodded.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang became more interested.

He originally wanted to spend this month on tempering his flesh, but now he is curious when he encounters Li Jian who is a body repairer?

Immediately asked:

"Dare to ask senior, can you see what level my physique has reached now?"

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

Xiao Lang's knowledge of his own strength is actually very vague, mainly because although his comprehensive strength has reached the immortal state, he knows too little about the strength of each level of the immortal state.

Now that I saw Li Jian, of course I just grabbed it and asked.

Li Jian obviously didn't mean to hide, and immediately replied:

"If the physical level of the little friend three days ago only reached the peak of the spiritual body, now... the intensity alone should reach the level of an immortal body."

"Congratulations, little friend!"

"It seems that the little friend also has the skill of refining the body, and the gains in these three days are not small."

There was a curious look in Li Jian's eyes, as if he was quite curious about Xiao Lang's ability to achieve such a harvest in this short three days.

Xiao Lang didn't care about these.


How can he be unlearned?

There is one treasure.

Xiao Lang knew that he had made such a big improvement in his physical body in the past three days, and he had contributed to Zhentian Coffin, but...


Xiao Lang frowned.

It was the first time he heard this name.

"What is the immortal body?"

This time, it was Li Jian's turn to be surprised.

"Little friend don't know?"

Li Jian stared at Xiao Lang who was shaking his head seriously. When he saw his clear eyes and curious eyes, he confirmed that Xiao Lang really didn't know. Then he explained:

"The immortal body is actually one of the most important three links in the cultivation of our immortal monarch."

"Little friends must also know that the most important things in our martial arts cultivation are actually three points-physical body, divine soul, and divine power. In the immortal state, they are even more important."

"The so-called immortal body is the physical body of our immortal monarch, integrated with the will of heaven and earth, and it also has some characteristics of immortality. Generally speaking, the immortal monarch will reach this level when he breaks through the path. Like Xiao Like this, the level of martial arts is still the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm, and the physical strength has reached the first level of immortality. This is the first time I have seen it."

"Of course, it's just physical strength."

Just physical strength!

Xiao Lang understood.

His physique has indeed been greatly improved, which can be compared with the physique of the newly promoted Immortal Monarch. But if it is said to be practical...maybe there are still shortcomings.

After all, Li Jian also said that the biggest advantage of the immortal body is that it is immortal.

This is beyond his reach.

"Do not!"

"Immortality and immortality? Although I can't be immortal and immortal, but according to what he said, the immortality body can't do it. And I have the flower of the five elements reincarnation, the life force is extremely strong, if it is the actual effect, it is also Not necessarily better than no

Ever! "

Xiao Lang was shocked.

Of course, we still need to compare whether it can be truly comparable.

Therefore, Xiao Lang immediately asked:

"Senior, what's the difference between the different levels of the immortal body?"

Li Jian didn't think much about it. He just thought that Xiao Lang wanted to know more about the immortal body. In addition, he was considered a high-level person on the Five Elements Continent, and he was even qualified to meet the five great ancestors. Lang is not only the key to breaking the calamity of the beast tides on the Five Elements Continent, but even if the Five Great Patriarchs want the warriors on the Five Elements Continent to relocate collectively to other places, Xiao Lang is also the most critical link, so from the original intention , He wanted to have a good relationship with Xiao Lang. Of course, he would not conceal such common-sense questions for the immortal monarch, and said frankly:

"That difference is too big."

"Indestructible, like martial arts, is divided into nine layers."

"Below the triple level, the difference is not too big in fact. They all have the characteristics of recovering the residual limbs, but the time required is different. For example, the indestructible triple level, even if the entire arm is broken, it can be recovered in a quarter of an hour. Although the new body may still be insufficient, it basically does not affect combat."

A quarter of an hour?

Xiao Lang keenly caught this number, his pupils brightened.

Although he has never broken his arm, he still knows the effect of his Five Elements Flower of Life.

The Five Elements Flower of Life has the same effect!

more importantly……

"If I am going to be reborn with a broken limb, a quarter of an hour is enough!"

"Doesn't this mean that my recovery ability is comparable to the triple immortal body?"

Xiao Lang was excited.

For some of his abilities, he finally has a rough judgment!

On the other side, Li Jian's narration continued.

"The higher the level of the immortal body, the stronger the ability to recover. This is unquestionable. Once the four-fold immortal body is achieved, it will be a brand new level."

Li Jian said carefully.

"Four levels of immortality, immortal power penetrates flesh and bones. At this level, as long as your soul is complete, even if your head bursts, 30% of your limbs are complete, and you have enough breathing time, you can restore your peak!"

"Five levels of immortality, the minimum limit is 20%, as for the six levels of immortality, even if you only have one arm and soul, you can recover."

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.


Xiao Lang was surprised, not because of its ability to recover, but because of its role in the war.


This also means that if an immortal monarch wants to work hard, it is really terrifying!

He can completely kill one thousand enemies and self-destruct 800!

Flesh bomb?

It can also be described like this.

At this time, perhaps he had a heart, Li Jian seemed to have thought of this, and exhorted:

"So the little friends must pay attention when fighting with others in the future. The eruption of the immortal monarchs is too much to guard against, because they have enough background."

"Especially the strong above the seventh level of the immortal body, once they burn the divine body, it is even more terrifying!"

A trace of fear flashed through Li Jian's eyes, but more, still yearning.

"Each of them has seven levels of immortality. Burning the divine body is the bottom of the box. The situation is in crisis. When it comes to life and death, they don’t care about the consumption of the divine body. They will definitely use this trick. Moreover, they have this confidence, because At their level, the power of immortality penetrates the blood, and even as long as a drop of blood remains in the world, they can recover!"

Burning the body?

Can a drop of blood recover?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

This is too scary!


"This is just the Seventh Immortal Body?"

"The eightfold and ninefold..."

Xiao Lang was stunned, it was a little hard to imagine the effects of the eightfold and ninefold indestructible body.

When Li Jian heard this, the vision in his eyes deepened...

"Yae, it is a miracle... As for Kinee, it is even more legendary..."

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