Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 573: The battle of immortality!

The blood mist lingers.

The more you go to the top of the void, the richer it becomes.

Because the battlefield above is more fierce and higher in level, likewise, the pervasive blood evil power is also stronger!

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes became more solemn.

Breaking into the battlefield of immortality is also risky for him.


After all, it is the highest level of combat power in the world. In fact, looking at these two eras, Xiao Lang knew that, apart from the Five Elements Patriarch, the Lord of the World, the highest level was indeed the immortal state.

From Li Jian’s mouth, Xiao Lang was sure that his physical body level had indeed reached the immortal level, and so did the spirits, but even so, Xiao Lang did not think that he would be able to guarantee himself in the battlefield of the immortal level. Guarantee.


"It's too slow."

Xiao Lang felt the speed at which the Heaven-Skinning Coffin swallowed the blood evil force around him and the speed of feeding back, his brows frowned slightly.

Not surprisingly, his physical body has indeed reached the triple level of immortality now.

The physical strength is almost four times more than before.

However, the skyrocketing physical strength also brought other problems——

The tempering speed becomes slower!

The speed at which Zhentian Coffin swallowed the blood evil spirit around him and fed back was the same as before. There was almost no special change, but because of the skyrocketing strength of his physical body, this speed seemed a little insufficient for Xiao Lang.

Just now, in less than two hours, his physical body transformed twice in a row.

but now--

"The four levels of immortality are a hurdle!"

The tempering speed plummeted!

Not even as good as the previous one percent!

"At this rate, I'm afraid it will take me at least fifty days to bring the Immortal to the next level..."

It's horribly slow.

Of course Xiao Lang would not be satisfied with such a speed.

If it were in normal times, fifty days would be fifty days, Xiao Lang would bear it. Because although for him, this speed is extremely slow, but for other immortal realm powerhouses, it may take decades and hundreds of years to upgrade the physical strength to the next level. This is still consuming countless opportunities.


Can this war really last for fifty days?

According to the ancestors of the Zhong family, such a fierce battle would probably be over in more than a month, and it would not even be able to satisfy his requirement to promote the indestructible to the fourth level.

There is only one way to increase speed——

Swallow the power of a higher level of blood evil!

Then there is only a higher battlefield.


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were already clear and firm.

go with!

Must go!

Seeking wealth and insurance.

If you lose today’s opportunity, I would like to have such a good opportunity next time, I don’t know it will be a year of the monkey.

Thinking like this in his heart, in fact Xiao Lang did the same, his thoughts were firm. The next moment, Xiao Lang was already hiding in a mist of blood, drifting towards the sky, still hiding his figure.

Swing up.

Xiao Lang was very careful, not fast, because he didn't want to be discovered by the beast and was forced to join the battle. In fact, he only wanted to improve himself in secret.

very smooth.

Under Xiao Lang's deliberate evasiveness, along the way, once he felt violent fluctuations ahead, Xiao Lang would evade for the time being, so he was never discovered by anyone, nor was he spotted by a beast.


When entering the battlefield of the immortal level, the power of the blood evil in the void really became more concentrated, and the tempering speed began to skyrocket. Although it was not as terrifying as before, it was already quite good.

"At this rate, in about three to five days, I can raise my physical strength to the next level and transform again!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, shining brightly, very excited.

This kind of cultivation speed is almost like picking up money. It is so smooth that he doesn't even need to do anything, just pay attention to whether there are dangers and other people around.

Two words-


"It would be better if it could be stabilized somewhere."

Xiao Lang glanced at the battlefield where energy was pouring indiscriminately, with extravagant hopes in his heart. He knew that such a place was hard to find, but he did not give up. After a short while, I found a place that was a bit remote, but relatively stable, and was about to sink down, suddenly—


Aside, there was a void vibration.

The calm was broken.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly, moving his eyes to look, feeling the shock and roar that came closer, but did not immediately move away. Because he perceives that this roaring vibration is not strong, it is probably only the first heaven level of Immortality.

New immortal?

Xiao Lang looked in surprise, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.


It is really curious.

Although both the physical strength and the spirit level reached the immortal level, Xiao Lang had never seen the fighting method at the immortal level, and of course he was very curious.

It was indeed the most important reason for Xiao Lang to venture into this place to improve his physical body, but besides that, Xiao Lang didn't intend to study, it was a careful thought.

Of course, if it was a battle between a powerful immortal monarch and an immortal beast level, Xiao Lang would never participate, and it would be impossible for him to even get close.


"You can still take a look at the battle of the new immortal realm."

Xiao Lang still hid his figure in a **** mist, and the power of the Dao’s spiritual body lingered around him, shielding other people’s divine spirit explorations. As soon as he was ready, he saw three people rushing into his eyes——

Two men and one woman!

All three of them wore vigorous outfits, vigorously vigorous, and the power of the Dao's origin lingered around them, their breath condensed to the extreme, exuding bloodthirsty and fierce fluctuations.


Everyone on the Five Elements Continent is like this.

In terms of personal combat power, at the same level, the warriors of the Lihuo Great World are definitely not as good as the natives on the Five Elements Continent.

Of course, Xiao Lang was not surprised.

This is caused by the special cruel environment on the Five Elements Continent.

However, to be cruel, there is still a gap between the Five Elements Continent and the Devil Blood World.

The trio's faces were solemn, but their eyes flickered, but there was not much panic, more of them were killing intent!

"Big brother, is it almost done?"

The woman asked.

One of the three men, who was obviously the most burly figure, scanned the surroundings, his gaze swept across the blood mist where Xiao Lang was hiding, but he found nothing, and nodded slightly:

"That's it."

"There should be no fierce beasts coming in a short period of time. Within 30 breaths, within 30 breaths, it must be killed, otherwise once the battle fluctuates, it may attract other fierce beasts, and then we will be in trouble!"

The big man in black sounded like Hongzhong.

The purple-clothed woman nodded, and the eyes of the young man beside him showed excitement and confidence, and said:

"Brother don't worry!"

"The three of us have cooperated for so many years. It's just a fierce beast that has just entered the sixth rank. Thirty breaths are enough!"

The middle-aged man in black glanced at the young man and said:

"Don't underestimate the enemy."

Although he said not to underestimate the enemy, the black-clothed middle-aged man looked relaxed and his eyes were full of confidence. Obviously, he didn't have much pressure to win a fierce beast of the same rank within 30 breaths.

Three to one!

Over the years, they have ended too many such battles!

Xiao Lang hid beside him, just watching quietly. at last--


From a distance, a muffled roar resembling a thunder tremor came from a distance, and the void trembles, one by one tall, but majestic and explosive, like a blood-colored figure standing in the sky and the earth appeared in front of the three of them, and fell in Xiao Lang's eyes.

A blood ape!

Xiao Lang was not familiar with the fierce beast types in the Five Elements Continent's beast tide, nor could he distinguish the combat power and peculiarities of this blood ape. But he could see that this blood ape exuding the aura of immortality was astonishingly the same as the fierce beasts he had seen outside, with red eyes and a scarlet aura, without any reason at all, only Transpiration killing intent is like a stormy sea!

"Immortal Realm, I don't even have any sense of reason..."

"The fierce beasts on the Five Elements Continent are as the Five Elements ancestor said, but they have no soul. If they have real spirits and souls... Maybe the Five Elements Continent would have been destroyed long ago."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself in his heart, and realized why the ancestors of the Five Elements were so worried about the existence of self-will in the animal tide.

The fierce beast of the same rank has more combat power than the warrior.


If a super fierce beast with its own independent consciousness is born, no one in the entire Five Elements Continent will be able to stop it, everyone will die, and the entire Five Elements Continent will fall!

The distracting thoughts flashed away in the bottom of my heart, but they were quickly left behind by Xiao Lang.

Because the battle in front of you has already begun!


The fierce beast is ruthless!

It has no real spirit, no reason, and naturally there will be no fear or other emotions. The moment it saw the three middle-aged men in black, it had already roared and rushed directly!

Born to kill!

This is the fierce beast on the Five Elements Continent!


The three middle-aged men in black had already stood in the void, in the shape of a product, headed by him.

Needless to say.

At the moment Blood Ape showed his fangs, the three of them also shot together, but their ways of shot were completely different——


Fist break the mountains and rivers!

The moment the black-clothed middle-aged man blasted his fist, his shirt suddenly shattered, and the rich earthen avenue's origin power lingered around his body, merged into his rough muscles, and swelled suddenly. The ape was a bit taller, and hit the latter with a fist!

Qi and blood evaporate, stirring the void!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

Physical training!

The middle-aged man in black is a physical training!

"The peak of the immortal body!"

"It's still half a step away, I'm about to board the Second Heaven of the Immortal Body!"

Xiao Lang had been refining his body these days, and he was very sensitive to the power of qi and blood. He could judge the physical realm of the middle-aged man in black in an instant.

It is indeed the first to enter the immortal realm.

Although not as good as him, but in the Immortal Realm, it is not bad.

However, with his own strength, he is definitely not the opponent of this blood ape. Although the aura of the latter is also the first level of immortality, the physical strength has reached the second level of immortality!

It's just one step, the gap is actually huge.

Because under the Seventh Heaven of Indestructible, every increase in weight is double the increase!

However, he still has teammates!


The young man stood still, and did not follow his elder brother forward, but at the moment when the blood ape rushed forward, his arms violently waved, the blue light around his body was brilliant, and the original power of the water system surging crazily , Turned into a long river, and like a horse training, shrouded the whole body of the blood ape!

"Spiritual cultivation!"

This time Xiao Lang didn't have any special surprises, because spiritual cultivation should be the most common existence among immortal monarchs.

What made him look forward to was the last woman who hadn't shot yet.

What is she?

Could it be...

Looking at the woman who was still only staring at the battlefield in front of him, but had not yet taken a shot, Xiao Lang's heart was filled with expectations.


The middle-aged man in black and the blood ape smashed together!


Even if a companion tried his best to obstruct the blood ape's movements behind him, the gap between the first immortal body and the double immortal body was still huge.

After a confrontation, the black-clothed middle-aged man trembled violently. If he received a heavy blow, his fist and face burst, blood flowed, and the skin on his entire arm burst.

However, he didn't seem to feel the slightest pain. Looking at the blood ape with the same figure, his eyes lit up suddenly:

"Little girl, shoot!"


The young man was right. The three of them did cooperate very well. Before the voice of the black-clothed middle-aged man was settled, Xiao Lang could clearly see that the purple-clothed woman pinched a peculiar seal with her hand and pointed at the blood ape. ——


A misty and invisible power suddenly swept towards the center of Blood Ape's eyebrows!

This power is invisible, even Xiao Lang can't see it with his eyes. However, he sensed--

This is the power of the soul!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Sure enough, it is soul repair!"


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