Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 574: Zhong Wuyan?

Three-person team.

At present, spiritual cultivation is restrained, and soul cultivation is destroyed!

In theory, it is a perfect configuration.

Of course, Xiao Lang also believed that it was not just because the three of them had a good relationship that they acted together, and Xiao Lang could hear from the young man that they had been together for a long time, and they were called brothers and sisters.

The fusion of feelings and personalities is only one aspect, especially on the fierce Five Elements Continent, where combat power is the most important.

The key is that they cooperate perfectly with each other.

Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship is, it will gradually decrease with the passage of time.

Only like this, fighting together can make the relationship between them get better and better.

See the truth between life and death.

However, Xiao Lang saw more from their mutual cooperation.

"It seems that most battles or team configurations on the Five Elements Continent are like this."

"Once they set foot on the immortal realm, they really became more targeted towards their own cultivation direction. Soul cultivation, spiritual cultivation, and physical cultivation, the three cultivation methods are extremely clear."

"This is really conducive to them to maximize their strength."

In Xiao Lang's view, this is also the result of a major trend in the Five Elements Continent. Of course, this is the strength of the team, and if it is viewed personally, there are also weaknesses.

The ruler is long and the inch is short.

To practice in one direction, the increase in combat power is indeed significant, but other aspects of neglect will also cause big problems. It's okay when a team is together. They can take care of each other, but once one person acts, other problems may arise.

Of course, this is what the three of us need to solve, and Xiao Lang doesn't care about it at all.

Choose one?

Do not.

As an adult, Xiao Lang certainly would not choose this way.

Want it all!

Xiao Lang dared to think this way, of course because he had such confidence in his heart.

Zhentian Coffin's backfeeding was indeed a surprise, but it also became Xiao Lang's big trump card for tempering his flesh. It can be said that with the Tiantian Coffin, he does not need to worry about his physical body being unable to ascend, at least for a short time.

As for the soul level, Xiao Lang's potential is even greater.

When other martial artists were promoted to the immortal realm level, they might just raise one of the avenues to the original level, but he was different.

Dozens of great powers can be improved at any time!

Spiritual level...

Before coming to the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang didn't have much advantage other than the integration of Dao Dao of different attributes. At the immortal level, he didn't know whether the power of different Dao origins could continue to merge.

But now, he has realized the power of destroying the Dao of Heaven, whether it is level or combat power, it is absolutely above the power of most Dao origin.

So, what else is Xiao Lang worried about?

He is not worried about anything!

Distracted thoughts flashed in his heart, Xiao Lang continued to pay attention to the battle before him.

The battle was fierce and bloody. Most of them are from middle-aged men in black, and a few are from blood apes. However, this is only the surface.

Seeing this **** scene before him, Xiao Lang's heart was very calm.

It's not just him.

The same goes for the three middle-aged men in black.

The moment the sister took her action, the battle was actually over. It was only a matter of time.

Not how strong she is.

Her soul fluctuations are only the first level of the immortal soul, but the soul cultivation poses too much threat to the beast that only has the soul but does not have the true spirit and reason.

I saw the blood ape who was still so powerful just now. Even though he is still wild now, his combat power has been weakened a lot. It is far less direct and decisive than at the beginning. It is like a pause in his thoughts, and the result of each killer move is also

Far from being brilliant.


The three middle-aged men in black clothes, with any of them, one-on-one, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of the blood ape, but when they join hands and cooperate closely, the situation changes suddenly, at a very small price. , We are about to take the fruits of victory in this war.

"It's really amazing."

Xiao Lang hid in the blood mist and watched the end of the battle outside, his eyes flickering.

What can arouse his sigh, of course, is not only the close cooperation between the three people, but also the combat power of the three people.

Very strong!

Xiao Lang's eyes fell on the middle-aged man in black.

"As a physical training, his punches and kicks seem to be simple, but they all contain his many years of insights into combat. The truth can be seen in the details, but they are actually simple..."

"If it's the same level, one-on-one, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent. I'm sure I'll fall behind."

"It's not just him, all three of them are like this."

Xiao Lang had to sigh again that this is the shaping of the big environment.

Although he has a strong power level and has won countless previous victories, most of them have won from the power level. In fact, his control of power is not excellent.

Especially during this period, his martial arts level has risen too fast.

Xiao Lang also knew clearly that he needed time to settle.

But the key is here-

"There is no time."

Xiao Lang sighed.

If I successfully go out this time, I am afraid I will face a battle between right and evil. How can I have so much time to cultivate my control of power?

He is now racing against time, and of course he feels that time is too short.

"I want to ask the teacher."

"Perhaps, on this issue, he will do something."

Xiao Lang thought of Sun Wuji, and his thoughts for Lihuo Great World also surged up, and he quickly controlled it. Fortunately, the battle between the three middle-aged men in black and the blood ape was over.


Taking advantage of the female cultivator’s soul offensive, the blood ape’s movements were stagnant for a moment. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the young man decisively gathered the water into ice, freezing the blood ape’s eyebrows, and was punched by the middle-aged man in black. Come out, break out!


Rude and simple!

Obviously, it's not the first time that the three of them cooperated so well, and they are all quite familiar with each other's methods.

Watching the blood ape’s head burst in the void, its vitality impacted, and its physical body could not bear it. The whole burst burst and blood flowed across. The black-clothed middle-aged man hurriedly avoided sideways, but he still emptied and counted. Start with the bones.

These white bones are all good materials for refining bone tools.


The three sighed and looked at each other, seeing the smiles on their faces.

Won again!

Solved another beast!

But obviously, they didn't mean to stop.

"Rest on the road."

"Let's go, get another head over!"

The black-clothed middle-aged man issued the order, and the surrounding void continued to vibrate, and the thunder-like roar and the disappearance of aura caused their minds to be greatly impacted, and they did not dare to stop.

Because once it stops, it means that more people may die in this animal tide.

"it is good!"

The female cultivator and the young man were obviously not surprised by the eldest brother's order, and immediately nodded. The next moment, the three of them had already swept away again, looking for a beast they could kill.

But they didn't see that, just below the battle between them, the blood ape's body burst and fall and the power of the blood evil spirit quietly merged into a cloud of blood and disappeared.

The blood mist follows

They floated away together.

It's Xiao Lang.

None of them were able to notice, that was because Xiao Lang's hiding was really good.


Xiao Lang didn't plan to act on his own for the time being.

The triple immortality is still too dangerous.

"The four-fold immortal body is about the same."

To be familiar with the battlefield and experience the fighting methods at the immortal level are all Xiao Lang's goals. Therefore, he chose to continue to follow. What's more, the benefits to him are not small.

Just now, after the death of the blood ape, the power of blood evil was swallowed by the Tiantian coffin. After feeding back, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that a blood ape with a double level of immortality, its whole body's energy and blood, unexpectedly For his four-fold tempering of the immortal body, it has improved by half!

what does this mean?

It means that as long as the middle-aged man and others kill 20 fierce beasts that are equivalent to this blood ape, his physique can be improved to the next level!

"It's really fast to come here!"

Of course Xiao Lang was satisfied with his own harvest, and he was happy.


The battle continues.

The three middle-aged men in black obviously also knew that in the battlefield of Immortality, they could only be regarded as the weakest kind, even if the three of them joined forces, they could not get rid of the weakest label. They are self-aware, so they are very careful, not daring to act recklessly, shuttle through the battlefield, looking for a beast that they and others can handle.

In this way, the efficiency is of course very low.

But there is no way.

The three middle-aged men in black are not in a hurry, because they know their strength and can only do what they can on the premise of guaranteeing their lives.

But also because of this, their beheading action is more lasting.

Although the efficiency was slow, within three days, they still beheaded 25 fierce beasts that had entered the immortal level!

Twenty-five heads!

Eight heads a day!

Nearly an hour, such a record is already quite good, at least in Xiao Lang's opinion. Because he has been following these three people for the past three days, he can clearly see the tenacity of the three of them!

No rest.

It's not attracting blame, it's looking for, or fighting.

An ordinary team is like this!

This gave Xiao Lang a deeper understanding of the atmosphere on the Five Elements Continent.

Looking at himself inwardly, a flash of excitement flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

Almost reaching the limit!


He is about to reach the Fourth Immortal Body!

The speed was not the same as previously expected, that was because not every fierce beast they killed was the same as the blood ape, possessing an indestructible double body.

And the power of the blood evil remaining after the beheading is different, there are high and low.

However, three days later, Xiao Lang still felt that his physique was about to usher in the next transformation. Maybe, just after killing the next beast!

"Another fierce beast with an indestructible body and heavy physique is enough!"

Xiao Lang was full of expectations, and continued to follow the three middle-aged men. And I have been prepared in my heart, after the promotion, I will act alone.

After watching the game for three days, his hand was itchy.

"When my physique is promoted, it should be okay to deal with the indestructible triple fierce beast."

Xiao Lang had even begun to think about it in his heart.

At this moment, suddenly--


In the distance, it was almost approaching the limit that Xiao Lang's spiritual consciousness could perceive, a familiar wave suddenly came, and Xiao Lang's heart suddenly moved, and his heart was surprised.

"this is……"

"Zhong Wuyan?!"


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