Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 575: Shot!

"There is no one here... let's entangle it here!"

A clear voice came, and Xiao Lang was immediately more certain.

It is indeed Zhong Wuyan!

On the Five Elements Continent, Zhong Wuyan and Mo Xuming are the most familiar to Xiao Lang. Of course, they will not admit their mistakes. When he felt the soul fluctuations, Xiao Lang guessed it. Now he heard the voice, immediately confirmed.


Who are you haunting?

Zhong Wuyan and others are in trouble?

At the same time, Xiao Lang's spirits were stunned, and the three middle-aged men in black all changed.

no one?

how is this possible.

Are the three of them human?



In order to prevent accidents, the middle-aged man in black stood up decisively and shouted loudly to prevent accidental injury. Because he felt that the aura of Zhong Wuyan and others were much stronger than theirs, if they were accidentally injured by their own people, it would really outweigh the gain.


Before the words fell, Zhong Wuyan and others also appeared from the void, and five figures all appeared.

Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming, Chi Tianxiang, Muronghua and Yi Jun.

Just five of them!

However, they were all covered with veils and night clothes, so that Xiao Lang who was hiding on the side was taken aback.

What is this dress?

But without waiting for him to think about it, Zhong Wuyan's five people also saw the three middle-aged men in black, their complexions suddenly changed, their eyes widened, and the most irritable Yi Jun even shouted directly:

"Damn it!"

"Why is there someone here?"

"Why are you here?"


The three middle-aged men in black also changed their expressions slightly. From Yi Jun's words, they heard a lot of disgust, and of course they didn't want to.

Why can't we be here?

Even if your martial arts cultivation is higher than ours, you can't be so domineering, right?

What's more, we have also killed many immortal beasts these days, why are you so fierce?

"you guys……"

The young man couldn't help being the first one, Dang Evenyu uttered a word to fight back. But at this moment, Zhong Wuyan glared at Yi Jun and stopped him:

"Well, stop talking!"

However, when she turned her head, her eyes fell on the three middle-aged men in black again, and her beautiful eyes were filled with deep helplessness.

"Don't blame Daoists."

"It's just that it's not the right time for you to show up."

"Hurry up, the danger is approaching, and even us may fall here."


The young man frowned, and it was obvious that with Zhong Wuyan's words, his mood became even worse.

"Look down on us?"

"Although the martial arts realm of our three brothers and sisters is still low, but with cooperation..."

The young man opened his mouth and came, wanting to tell the strength of himself and others. But before he could finish speaking, the black-clothed middle-aged man on the side had a gloomy face and suddenly shot and grabbed his arm.

"Do not talk nonsense!"


Obviously, the black-clothed middle-aged man is still relatively agile. In an instant, he recognized that the strength of Zhong Wuyan and others must be far above them, let alone one-on-one, even if three people team up. Can't get any benefit from Zhong Wuyan and others.

Since even Zhong Wuyan's five people looked like a big enemy, it was obvious that the disaster they were talking about could not be blocked by the three of them together.

Absolutely scary!

At this time, you must act decisively and just leave!


The young man was shocked, and his instinctual desires had to resist, but the middle-aged man was a cultivator. What about strength

What could be the opponent of the latter, Dang Even will be pulled into the void.

Aside, the nun didn't say a word, she was about to keep up with the two of them.


Stay away from disaster!

But at this moment--


A fresh breeze blows, and the void trembles...

The first to discover this change was not Zhong Wuyan's five or three middle-aged men, but Xiao Lang, who had been hiding in the **** fog. He felt amazing, and immediately turned his head to look at Zhong Wuyan. The direction he came, frowned.


Xiao Lang felt the danger signal of instinct!

This is the instinct of the warrior, it is almost impossible to go wrong!

Something is coming!


At this moment, the black-clothed middle-aged man who wanted to pull the young man to break the void away from this place also changed his face and looked at the void in front of him in amazement.

Void stagnation!

The step he took just now was like Shengsheng against a solid and extremely high wall, unable to break the void!


The five Zhong Wuyan also saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.


"So fast?"

The five people turned around, no longer instructing the three middle-aged men in black clothes, looking at the direction where the five people came, with a look of fear. At this time, the young man seemed to finally realize the seriousness of the problem, and was shocked.

What kind of disaster is it that makes Zhong Wuyan five so jealous?

What is the void?

The young man was stunned.

However, the middle-aged man did not fall into shock for too long, so he immediately asked:

"What is it?"

"Tell us, we might be able to help!"

He is to protect himself!

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

He clearly knows that in this situation, only by knowing more about the opponent can he survive to the end.

Mo Xuming's cold voice floated:

"Now you can't go if you want to."

"It's a flaming eagle!"

Flaming Eagle?

Mo Xuming answered, let alone a middle-aged man, even Xiao Lang couldn't help being stunned.

Fierce beast, fiery eagle?

Just a flaming eagle, made Zhong Wuyan five so nervous and jealous, like a big enemy?

Isn't it necessary?

These days, Xiao Lang also probably understood some of the routines of fierce beasts on the Five Elements Continent. Perhaps because of the rules formulated by the ancestors of the Five Elements, in the Five Elements Continent, the fierce beasts of the same level are concentrated in a limited number of categories. Unlike the fierce beasts outside, they cannot be promoted.

It's like the fiery eagle that Mo Xuming just said, it's just a sixth-order three-tier fierce beast, equivalent to the human race's three-layer immortal realm.

There are five Zhong Wuyan, and each of them has almost reached the level of the Immortal Tertiary Heavens. If the five are teaming up, are they still afraid of a flaming eagle?

Is this too scary?

Young men obviously think the same way.

However, the black-clothed middle-aged man didn't think it was that simple anymore, his brows became tighter, and he looked at the void around him like an iron wall prison, a touch of fear flashed in his eyes.

"A mutant fierce beast?"

Mutant fierce beast!

As soon as the four characters came out, the faces of the female sister and the young man beside him changed instantly.

Including Xiao Lang!

The mutant fierce beast is a very rare fierce beast among the beast tide. Because of unknown reasons, some fierce beasts will undergo abnormal changes, and the overall level will be improved.

Generally speaking, it can improve at least a small level, this is also the most common mutant fierce beast.

The most can even improve three!

Mutant Fire Eagle, the meaning is completely different.

A fierce beast comparable to the fourth heaven of immortality is indeed difficult for Zhong Wuyan's five to resist. What's more, in general, mutant fierce beasts have unique talents and supernatural powers. This is instinct and has nothing to do with true spirits. .

Obviously, the flaming eagle who was hunting down Zhong Wuyan and others had a talented supernatural power related to space, which was also the most troublesome kind of talent supernatural power!

"Damn, you guys..."

The young man was shocked and anxious.

Just now, he still had absolute confidence in the strength of himself and others, but after listening to Mo Xuming's introduction of his opponent, he was completely confused and panicked.

How to fight this?

This is crushing!

However, before he could finish his sentence--


Like a blood arrow piercing the void, under everyone's solemn and horrified gaze, a blood-colored figure that was only about ten years old, whizzed towards Zhong Wuyan with its sharp claws!

Flaming Eagle, it's coming!

The momentum is overwhelming, kill when you meet!



Its name is indeed related to fire, but in Xiao Lang's view, its name might as well be called Bloody Eagle!

The feather feathers are like jade, as beautiful as blood, sticking closely to the body, like a layer of armor, cutting through the void, and providing it with absolute speed, which is difficult to catch with the naked eye.


A perfect arc passed by, and everyone's hair was horrified.

But obviously, this is not the first time Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others have fought against Huo Laiying. The moment the latter appeared, they were like unexplored prophets, and they rushed to Zhong Wuyan for the first time. Go, and at the same time, the group broke out the strongest blow

After Zhong Wuyan's five were promoted to the Immortal Realm, Xiao Lang saw them take action for the first time.


The coercion of the majestic avenue's original power spread, and became one piece.

The five members of Zhong Wuyan have complete physical, spiritual, and spiritual cultivation!


Mo Xuming took the lead and saw the black mist on his body evaporate, condensing into a black jade armor, extremely hard, holding a shield, and rushing to the first one.

The second one is Yi Jun.

He is also body-cultivating, full of flames, angrily all things, his flesh is in the color of glass, he blasted out with a punch, it seems that even the void is about to melt!

Muronghua and Chi Tianxiang followed closely behind. Thousands of woods grew in clusters, vines intertwined, and grew crazily. They stood in front of Zhong Wuyan, with a sparkling blue light, sitting at the feet of the five, full of void, blessing and suppressing themselves. The speed of the flaming eagle.

The last Zhong Wuyan, with golden glow on her eyebrows, has long since condensed out a golden sword. The power of the soul is sharp, and it is completely integrated with the sharpness of the golden road!

Five people join forces!

Seeing this scene, even Xiao Lang couldn't help his eyes light up.

Perfect fit!

Although in the subtleties, the collaboration of Zhong Wuyan and Mo Xuming and the collaboration of the three middle-aged men are almost meaningful, but in terms of power, they are naturally stronger.

It's almost the limit.

Both offense and defense.

But can this stop the flaming eagle?

There was no selling point, and the result was immediately announced——


The Fire Eagle is violent and unrestrained, completely ignoring the five people teaming up, or in other words, its purpose is to kill everyone here, without the slightest fear at all, and the claws are swung down——


There was a sour tearing sound, and I saw the fire eagle swung down, and the bone shield in the hands of Mo Xuming, who was the first to bear the brunt, tore in an instant, blood rushed across his shoulders, and the blood rushed across. !

One blow, bloody!

This is also the result of Mo Xuming avoiding the key at the critical moment!

And the impact of the fire eagle is not over yet...


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