Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 577: Good man Xiao Lang!


Is it Xiao Lang?

Although I doubted to ask, in the hearts of Zhong Wuyan and others, the identity of the man in black who suddenly appeared in front of them was almost confirmed.

Definitely Xiao Lang!

Because they have been cultivating for so many years, although they are geniuses at the evildoer level and have seen many of the same geniuses, just like Xiao Lang, one person can perform the five elements, only this one!

They also knew that this was because Xiao Lang had received part of the inheritance from the ancestor of the Five Elements.

Although they didn't know how Xiao Lang hid his breath, he had been hiding around for so long, and they were still in the circle of war. They didn't even find any clues, but they had already determined his identity!

But because of this, they were even more shocked when they saw Xiao Lang entangled with the Fire Eagle!

Xiao Lang, is it physical training?

His physical body is even enough to fight against the mutant fierce beast Fire Eagle?

and also……

His resilience.

What kind of resilience is this!

Zhong Wuyan and others are not people who have never seen the world, of course they know the different levels of the immortal realm, and have seen the different levels of the immortal.

"His physical the triple level of immortality, right?"

"But, how can his recovery level be similar to that of the Five Immortal Entity?!"

They have never seen a warrior with a triple immortal body with such a powerful recovery ability!

"Could it be that this is also related to his mastery of the five elements?"

Everyone can't help but guess.

Not bad.

This time they really got it right.

It was indeed Xiao Lang who shot.

Moreover, the reason why his recovery speed is so amazing is that it has nothing to do with the immortal. He is not the monarch of the immortal realm, where does the immortal come from?

At best, his physical strength has reached the level of the triple peak of the immortal body.

As for the ability to recover, it is entirely due to the Five Elements Life Flower in his body.

In fact, Xiao Lang was unwilling to come out.

But the matter had come to this point. When he saw Huo Liying rushing towards Zhong Wuyan and Murong Hua, the others turned pale and looked terrifying. Xiao Lang knew that he couldn't do anything if he didn't.

Without action, I am afraid that everyone will die and be killed one by one by the Fire Eagle.

The life and death of Zhong Wuyan and others really have nothing to do with him.

However, Xiao Lang immediately thought of--

After the Fire Eagle kills everyone, will it really leave?

I'm afraid not.

Especially after discovering him hiding in the dark.

Since there is a risk of exposure, it is better to stand up and take advantage of the opportunity for everyone to join forces and directly take him.

This is Xiao Lang's real thoughts.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die.

As for saving...

For the time being.

In fact, at the moment when Huo Liying Ying was stopped, Xiao Lang was ready to shout that Zhong Wuyan and others would join hands, but at this moment, he was surprised to find that -

"I seem……"

"Can you hold it?"


Especially when the arm was completely restored under the action of the Flower of Life of the Five Elements, the Tianzheng Coffin shook slightly, and a rush of pure energy and blood poured in. Xiao Lang immediately felt that his arm became stronger. A solid step was taken towards the Quadruple of the Indestructible Body.

"Injury can make me stronger?!"

Xiao Lang immediately dispelled the idea of ​​calling for Zhong Wuyan and others to join forces.

A good opportunity to train!

How can it be given to others?

"Just stand beside you!"

Now that he was recognized, Xiao Lang didn't hide his identity anymore, but he still didn't remove the veil on his face. When he spoke, he fisted out again, and slammed into the fire eagle firmly!


Flesh and blood fly!

Zhong Wuyan and the others stood aside, they were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, especially when they heard Xiao Lang's sound transmission in his ears, it was even more shocking.

Don't let us go?

do it yourself?

This... what kind of justice is this?

Zhong Wuyan and the others watched Xiao Lang's constantly exploding flesh and blood, tears filled their eyes.

Good people!

"It turns out that Big Brother Xiao is this kind of person! I would rather get hurt than put us in danger! He must have been there just now, seeing that we can't hold on anymore, so he immediately shot!"

Good guy, Xiao Lang!

If Xiao Lang heard Zhong Wuyan and others' evaluation of him, he would definitely be quite speechless.

Fortunately, he couldn't hear it.


At this time, Xiao Lang was completely immersed in the pleasure of fighting.

These days, he has been following the three middle-aged men, watching them blade the beasts, one of the beasts died tragically under their hands, and his hands have long been itchy. How can he not be excited when he encounters a considerable opponent?

the most important is--

As the body broke and recovered again and again, Xiao Lang could clearly sense that his physical strength was growing rapidly, becoming more and more solid!

The Quadruple of the Immortal is getting closer and closer!

Xiao Lang had a hunch, if he could kill this flaming eagle today, the immortal body quadruple, it would be today!


A fist is like a king's kong, and a meteor is on your feet, keen as the wind!

Of course Xiao Lang was not only fighting with his body, but also using the destructive power of Heaven, otherwise he would definitely not be the opponent of Huo Liying Ying.

And while fighting, Xiao Lang was still mingling.

Combine the combat experience that I have learned from the middle-aged man these days.

I have to admit that the special environment on the Five Elements Continent has created the warriors here, who have experience in battle that ordinary people cannot match.

This is exactly what Xiao Lang lacks.


Not only the power of the flesh, but also the control of the flesh!




All the gains of these days were integrated into one punch and one kick, heartily, unknowingly, Xiao Lang's fist became heavier, until--


It's another collision!


The surface of Xiao Lang's arm was cracked, but it was obviously much better than before.

This is his progress.

But more importantly--


On the wings of the flaming eagle, blood spurted out!

Flaming Eagle, wounded!

It can be said that this is the first time Xiao Lang has injured it since he fought head-on with Huo Lie Ying!


The flaming eagle eats pain, and obviously becomes more tyrannical, red light burning under his eyes, like blood transpiring, and the offensive is more powerful, like an attack with exploded hair.

Zhong Wuyan and the others were immediately worried, and they raised their hearts, especially when they saw that after a blow was harvested, Xiao Lang was visibly stunned.

Xiao Lang, is it big?

After more than ten breaths of fierce battle, did he finally reveal his flaws?

When Zhong Wuyan and others saw this scene, they were suddenly anxious and couldn't help but want to take action.

"Brother Xiao, be careful!"

The five people exclaimed, they were about to rush forward, but at this moment--


An arm that looked like a stainless steel was blocked by the claws of the flaming eagle. The two collided, thunder rang, and the flaming eagle flew backwards in pain. Completely restored, shiny and firmer than before.

Xiao Lang, stopped!

"No need for you!"

Xiao Lang's icy stopping sound rang, Zhong Wuyan and the others were taken aback, but they didn't hear a trace of excitement.

"Why didn't I think of it before?!"

Xiao Lang woke up.

He blames himself.

He cast his gaze on his arm, his blood was steaming, and he was much fuller than before. It seemed that his physical body had risen to a new level again just a moment ago.

This is indeed the case.

Because just now, the flaming eagle was injured!

Although it was only a minor injury, Xiao Lang got better

Here, it’s not just a little bit--

Its blood splashed on his body, and it was swallowed by the Tiantian coffin in an instant, and the power of this feeding back was even twice as much as usual!

"Draw the blood of living creatures and feed back more?"

Xiao Lang had long been familiar with the routine of Zhentian Coffin, and immediately accurately judged the cause of the changes in front of him, but he couldn't help feeling regret.

"I knew this, I wouldn't follow them all the time, I just swallowed the blood of the dead beast."

"If I act alone, I am afraid that if I only kill ten fierce beasts, my physical body will have broken through!"

But now that I know it, it's not too late.


Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, and he became more excited, his long black hair flying in the wind, like a madman.


This is simply a cost-free improvement!

As long as he can injure his opponent, as long as he is not killed by a second, he will continue to not worry about any consumption, all consumption can be supplemented from the backfeed of Zhentian Coffin!

Perpetual motion machine?


This gave Xiao Lang an unparalleled confidence in an instant.

"If there is a kind, you can kill me in seconds. If you can't kill me, you just wait to die!"


Xiao Lang's offensive was even fiercer.

In the eyes of Zhong Wuyan and others nearby, Xiao Lang seemed to have suddenly taken some potent pill. With every punch and kick, he became more fierce and his offensive skyrocketed.

In fact, it wasn't that Xiao Lang was more fierce, but that he completely gave up his defense.

Since it can recover indefinitely, do you need a fart defense?

Just kill!


Fists are like lightning.

At this moment, when Xiao Lang broke out completely regardless of defense, it was not Zhong Wuyan and others who felt the deepest, but Huo Lieying. Although it didn't have any intellect at all, it still had instinct.

It felt it from Xiao Lang for the first time--


From the fear of death!

If it had a little sense of reason, it might have already run away at this moment.

Unfortunately it doesn't.

Only instinctively do everything and continue to kill.

However, it has been hit hard one after another, how can it be consumed by Xiao Lang who has been constantly using its blood to feed back and recover his state?


The feathers are torn, the skin is open and fleshy, and the bones are cracked and charred.

Its status is declining!

we can even say……

It's dying!

It doesn't need sixty breaths or thirty breaths, it is about to be crushed to death by Xiao Langsheng!


Zhong Wuyan and others stood by and looked at Xiao Lang, who was getting more and more violent, and she was dumbfounded.

Today, Xiao Lang really wants to use his own power to kill a mutant fire eagle that is equivalent to the third heaven of the immortal realm, but whose combat power is equivalent to the fourth heaven of the immortal realm?

Such a result is simply unimaginable.

Especially they knew that even though they couldn't perceive Xiao Lang's breath, it wasn't because Xiao Lang's martial art realm was too high. In fact, Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation is only the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm!

Era Realm Xiaoyuan reached the peak, killing the four fierce beasts of Immortal Realm?

Even if they were very knowledgeable, they were dumbfounded at this time and could not say a word for a long time.

However, Xiao Lang at this time did not consider these.

Flaming Eagle is dying?

Of course he cares about this.

However, what he cared more about at this time was the flesh that was constantly pouring out of the Tiantian coffin, constantly being nourished by the purest energy of Qi and blood. At this moment, after a few days, Xiao Lang finally realized the feeling before promotion again.

And this time, it was much stronger than anything he had experienced before!

The intensity that reaches the depths of the soul!

The flesh is about to break through again!

Indestructible Quadruple!

And this time, Xiao Lang faintly had a strong hunch, this time his physical strength breakthrough was most likely not as simple as the previous three times.


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