Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 578: Domineering sack!


Indestructible Quadruple!

Almost all of Xiao Lang's mind sank into his body, and he even ignored the fiery eagle in front of him.

Anyway, the latter can hardly kill him. Under the urging of the Flower of Life of the Five Elements, his recovery ability is really amazing. In the eyes of Zhong Wuyan and others, it is even comparable to the powerhouse of the Five Elements of Immortality. .

Therefore, as long as the fire eagle does not hit his vital point and kills him in an instant, it is almost impossible to cause a sufficient threat to him, Xiao Lang can completely ignore it, as long as he stays a little more careful.

How much change will the four levels of immortality bring to you?

Xiao Lang's eyes are like electricity, full of expectation. But at this moment, something unexpected happened to him——


At this moment, his physical strength seemed to have finally reached a critical point, and Xiao Lang only felt his body tremble suddenly.


The qi and blood roared and suddenly became sticky, a powerful sense of oppression burst out of his body, but this sense of oppression was not only aimed at other people in the outside world, but also himself!

Xiao Lang only felt a tremor in his spirit, and the true spirit and divine consciousness even felt stagnant at this moment, which was extremely difficult.


This pressure came from his body, but it was acting on his soul!

For an instant, Xiao Lang even had the illusion that his physical body no longer belonged to him, and at the same time he was shocked, he realized the problem.

"My physical strength has increased too fast, and my soul can't control it!"

Soul, body, spiritual power.

These are the three foundations of the martial artist, and they complement each other, even if it is for the immortal monarch who walks alone, it is impossible to ignore the other two.

As long as the gap between each other is more than two days, abnormalities and influences will occur!

"In this way, the true level of my true spirit should be around the second level of the immortal soul! And now, my physical strength has reached the fourth level of the immortal body, it immediately can't bear it!"

Xiao Lang made an accurate judgment and had a deeper understanding of his own strength.

As for spiritual power.

Xiao Lang didn't care at all.

Although his most important power is still the power of the Great Dao, in fact, he has mastered the power of destroying the Heavenly Dao, and even the power of the Dao’s spirit body is at his disposal. In essence, what he is least worried about is the level of spiritual power. The imbalance.

It may happen to other people, but it is absolutely impossible for him.


Xiao Lang understood the reason, and immediately took a deep breath, trying to maintain the peace of the true spirit, suppressing the restlessness, and trying to control the physical body.

The absence of balance does not mean that it cannot be improved, it is just that the degree of control will be flawed and the control is insufficient.

This can only be remedied afterwards.

Xiao Lang knew that this matter couldn't be rushed, it was like checking for deficiencies and making up for omissions. The only thing he can do now is to continue to transform.


The thunderous muffled sound is endless, but it gradually decreases.

Xiao Lang looked at himself, watching the blood in his body become calmer, flowing in his meridians, like a stream.

Its purity is at least twice that of the Triple Immortal!

This is also in line with Li Jian's previous description of the different levels of the immortal body. However, the quadruple of the immortal is obviously more than twice the strength compared to the triple.

It's a qualitative change!

"Qi and blood are like mercury, as solid as a rock!"

"My qi and blood power is the same as the previous total, but it is more refined. As for the physical body, the change is greater. This intensity... at least three times the previous?!"

three times!

Not double?

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes.

My promotion this time seems to be a little different from Li Jian's previous description.

"Is it because of Zhentian Coffin?"

Xiao Lang could only make guesses like this. As for the actual real reason, he didn't know, so he could only suppress this doubt in his heart.

But the physical body has become stronger and has undergone transformation, which is an indisputable result.

Such as life transformation.

In addition to the pressure on the soul, Xiao Lang only felt refreshed and happy, and the pressure of the surrounding space was also drastically reduced by a few points. A bright red color was flowing under the flesh, pure and pure, like a fairy.


Xiao Lang clenched his fist abruptly, and the huge force reverberating from his fingertips suddenly lightened his eyes.

So strong!

The strength is at least twice as high as before!

"This is physical training?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang realized the feeling of physical cultivation——

Invincible body, invincible body!

No other means are needed at all, just a word, smash!

Of course, how much progress needs to be practiced.

This transformation of Xiao Lang is a long story, but in fact it was only a moment. What was accumulated before was only the bottom line. How long can it take to break a critical point?

But at this moment, everyone around, including Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others, felt the sudden surge of Xiao Lang and was shocked.

In their eyes, if Xiao Lang was just like a rock standing in a turbulent river, now, he has suddenly become a majestic mountain standing between the sky and the earth, and the two are simply not of the same grade.

See it like a demon!

It's a pity that Xiao Lang used the power of the Dao Spirit Body to cover his aura. They could only vaguely sense the changes in Xiao Lang's aura, and then judge what happened.

The Fire Eagle couldn't judge it either, but the instinct of the fierce beast told it that the current Xiao Lang was very dangerous!

It is so dangerous that it wants to escape!

Therefore, Zhong Wuyan and others saw a scene that they had never seen in this life——


The flaming eagle is trembling!

More than that, its eyes were full of horror and fear, and its wings were shaking, and it was about to escape out of thin air, fleeing from here, and never dared to face Xiao Lang again.

But at this moment--


Bloody masterpiece!

The frenzied and tyrannical aura suddenly surging out of the fire eagle's body, like a volcanic eruption, instantly suppressed its instinctive retreat. When Zhong Wuyan and others reacted, the fire eagle had already moved faster. An even more astonishing aura, rushed towards Xiao Lang, his claws broke through the air!

Just now...

what happened?

When will the fierce beasts fear and shrink back?

Don't they lack any reason?

Zhong Wuyan and others were stunned.

Xiao Lang also saw Huo Lieying's sudden change just now and raised his brows, feeling surprised. However, after all, he is not an aboriginal on the Five Elements Continent. He is far from understanding the beast tide and fierce beasts as well as Zhong Wuyan and others. He didn't take it too seriously, and his eyes lit up.

court death?

Since you are looking for death, let's try your sword.

Facing the violent rush of the fiery eagle, Xiao Lang stood up in the air, not caring at all, his expression was indifferent, and under the horrified gaze of Zhong Wuyan and others, he undertook a fist, like a cloud in the sky, no Dyed a little bit of dust.

Too big?

of course not.

Is strong enough!


Fist out, trembling in the void!

This space was still suppressed by the talent and supernatural power of the Fire Eagle, which made Zhong Wuyan and the others feel particularly uncomfortable and was completely suppressed. However, at the moment Xiao Lang threw this fist--

The shackles were broken!

Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and the others only felt a sudden lightening of their bodies, and a thunderous explosion was heard in the battlefield ahead. This time, it's easier than any previous time!


Xiao Lang clearly used a fist, but it was sharper than a sword. Zhong Wuyan and the others clearly saw that Xiao Lang's fist and the sharp claws of the fire eagle collided firmly, and the next moment—

Transpiration of blood mist!


This claw of the flaming eagle was like hitting an indestructible mountain, and it collapsed instantly, spraying blood, and even the shadow of bone fragments could be seen in it!


Zhong Wuyan and others were shocked instantly.

What power is this?

This is a fiery eagle!

And it's still a mutant beast!

It was originally a Tier 6 and Tier 3 fierce beast. After the mutation, it not only possessed talented supernatural powers, but also received all-round upgrades. Its physique was powerful, comparable to the Indestructible Quadruple!

But just like that, was he defeated by Xiao Lang?

What made them even more shocked was that when the blood mist exploded, they could see that Xiao Lang's fists were unscathed and white as before. Obviously, this was a blow that was enough to kill any of them, and it had no effect on him at all!

Xiao Lang's physical body surpassed the four levels of the immortal body?

The more Zhong Wuyan and others thought about it, the more shocked they became.

Xiao Lang didn't know what they were thinking, if he knew it, he would definitely smile.

Five Immortal Body?

of course not.

He just broke through, but the four-fold immortal body.

The reason for the crushing scene in front of him is part of the reason why he is powerful. Because Xiao Lang also discovered that after his physical breakthrough, his strength seemed to be stronger than Li Jian had said before, and it grew beyond the usual.

Xiao Lang attributed this part of the reason to the Zhentian coffin. After all, his physical strength has grown so fast, and the most important thing is the Zhentian Coffin.

And another reason is--

This flaming eagle is actually not as strong as imagined.

Although it is a mutant fierce beast with powerful talents and supernatural powers, in fact, its physical body has only reached the critical point of the fourth level of the immortal, and it is not really the fourth level of the immortal.

Otherwise, just the breakthrough just now, even if Zhong Wuyan and others team up, they will absolutely not be able to stop them, and they don't know how many will die in an instant.

Adding the two together, it will naturally become the result now——


It is indeed crushed.

Indestructible triple and indestructible quadruple, this is twice the difference, what's more, Xiao Lang's indestructible quadruple is stronger than other people's indestructible quadruple, and the gap is naturally greater!

With one blow, Xiao Lang judged his current strength——

A fierce beast capable of sweeping the immortal realm's triple heaven level!

Quadruple of Immortality?

It can also be a battle!

"In this case……"

Xiao Lang looked at the fiery eagle that was blasted out in front of him, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

"You are useless."

As he said, Xiao Lang waved another big hand, and the flaming eagle that was about to be shaken off even had no time to react. A big hand had already grasped his neck firmly.

In front of Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others, this scene was even more brutal.

I saw Xiao Lang grabbing the slender neck of the fire eagle and pulling it forcefully, drinking blood like an ancient barbarian god--


The colorful brilliance splashed, bright like stars, only the sound of the cracking of the ears, the vitality of the fire eagle instantly drifted away and turned into nothingness...

Flaming Eagle, dead!


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