Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 593: A conspiracy of billions of years!


The face of the ancestor of the Zhong family instantly turned pale.

From the palm of the ancestor of the Five Elements, he felt the threat of life!

"Do not!"

Aside, Xiao Lang was also stunned by this sudden scene.

Five Tianzun, three died in one day, and now even the most powerful ancestor of the Zhong family is also dead?


The ancestors of the Zhong family resisted instinctively, and the mighty golden force on his body was surging out, but at this moment--


The power of the five elements reincarnation surging out of him suddenly fluctuates, and there are faint signs of instability. What follows is the roll and roar of the evil dragon!


The dragon wants to get out of trouble!

At this moment--


The strike of the ancestor of the five elements stopped abruptly, stopped three feet away in front of the ancestor of the Zhong family, looking at him with a wicked smile.

"Hehe, do you want to revive the dragon and destroy the entire Five Elements Continent?"

Just a sentence--

The Zhong family ancestor's counterattack stopped suddenly.

The dragon recovers?

Destroy the entire Five Elements Continent?

I have to admit that these words of the ancestors of the five elements immediately choked the ancestors of the Zhong family.

Today, why are Zhong family ancestors and others so desperate?

Of course they cannot be themselves.

But for all the creatures on the entire Five Elements Continent. The Five Elements Continent is their home for survival!

Destroy it?

And will he be the chief culprit in the destruction of the Five Elements Continent?

How could the ancestors of the Zhong family watch that scene happen?

Even if it happened after he died, he couldn't forgive himself!


The ancestor of the Zhong family was furious, his face flushed, and his eyes wanted to choose someone to eat, staring at the ancestor of the five elements, but instinctively stopped the counterattack, and continued to do his best to promote the reincarnation of the five elements and suppress the dragon.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Five Elements smiled.

Laughing arrogantly.

The cunning laugh.

He is like an old fox, strategizing and deciding to win a thousand miles. It seems that he has already put all this into the plan before.

"Ha ha."

The ancestor of the Five Elements gently retracted his arm, and did not immediately kill the ancestor of the Zhong family. It seems that he also hopes that the ancestor of the Zhong family can always suppress the dragon like this, smiled coldly, and swayed out towards the dragon that was suppressed on the earth. Floating away, falling in front of it.

"Hehe, what a good monster dragon."

"It's a pity that you have not developed your mind, and you can't even use your own talents and magical powers. Otherwise, how would you end up like this?"

"However, this is my luck."

The ancestor of the Five Elements smiled on his face, looking at the evil dragon suppressed on the ground, as if he was looking at his own child, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and he stretched out his hand and leaned toward the evil dragon's forehead.


The evil dragon struggled desperately. It seemed that it felt a great deal of pressure from the actions of the Five Elements Patriarch.

However, under the suppression of the ancestors of the Zhong family, how can it have such an opportunity?

Seeing that the slap of the ancestor of the five elements was about to fall on the center of the evil dragon's eyebrows, Xiao Lang finally woke up from horror, and said coldly, "Ancestor of the five elements, what are you going to do!"

The actions of the ancestors of the Five Elements today are really irritating.

He has been hiding from the side.



What is he for?

Xiao Lang didn't understand.

However, he pointed out what he just did.

The ancestor of the Five Elements stiffened his movements, squinting his eyes, his eyes fell on Xiao Lang's shoulders, a trace of jealousy flashed through his eyes, but a chuckle was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"It turned out to be little friend Xiao Lang."

"You are a bit courageous, you dare to cross the tunnel and enter the battlefield of the heavenly master level."

"Why did I do this?"

"Of course it is for freedom!"

The voice of the ancestor of the five elements suddenly rises, his face

There was also a hint of madness, blazing flames, and full of endless hope!


Xiao Lang frowned and suddenly thought that what appeared in front of him and the others was only his body, and it was still the body that was suppressed by his soul.



The purpose of the ancestor of the Five Elements, Xiao Lang is understandable, but--

Why did the ancestors of the Zhong family and others die?

Although Xiao Lang has not been to the Five Elements Continent for a long time, he also knows how much effort has been made by generations of Heavenly Dao Venerables on the Five Elements Continent for the integrity of the Five Elements Continent for hundreds of millions of years.

Even, they sacrificed their lives!

Now the ancestors of the Zhong family and others have entered behind this door for the safety of the entire Five Elements Continent. No matter from which aspect and angle Xiao Lang understood, these practices of the ancestors of the Zhong family and others are beneficial to the ancestors of the Five Elements, but...

"You are curious, why should I kill them?"

The ancestor of the Five Elements spoke suddenly, interrupting Xiao Lang's thoughts.

He saw it!

I saw Xiao Lang's thoughts!

Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes, and the ancestor of the Five Elements smiled and explained:

"It was me who moved here and gave them a life. What about killing?"

"I'm just taking back my gift. Is this also wrong? The entire Five Elements Continent is part of me, and so are they."

This explanation...

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank.



However, although Xiao Lang felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing his answer, he could not find any rebuttable angle from it.

The Five Elements Patriarch said nothing wrong.

The Five Elements Continent belongs to him, and he is the master of this world. Of course, everything in it must be obeyed by him. As for life and death, it is only in his mind.

Just like the meaning of Moxue Tiandi to oneself.



"How is this different from killing?"

Xiao Lang forcibly suppressed his anger and retorted in a cold voice. The ancestor of the Five Elements was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled again, looking at Xiao Lang as if he was looking at a fool.


"What about this?"

"Did Xiao Lang grow up so old that he hasn't killed anyone yet?"

"What's more, to me, they are no different from these fierce beasts... No, it should be said that the combined value of all of them is not as good as this monster dragon!"

The eyes of the ancestor of the Five Elements once again fell on the monster dragon that was crawling on the ground in front of him, his eyes suddenly appeared bright, and his emotions suddenly became excited.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for a day?"

"Three hundred million years!"

"Until today, I finally found the opportunity!"

"Since the first day I was banned there, I have been waiting, waiting for the right opportunity, waiting for the day of rebirth. Today, I finally waited!"

"When I take it away and my soul is reborn, I will be a brand new self, a new life, and I will never be restricted by anyone!"

Seize the house?

Listening to the five-element ancestor's extremely depressed and extremely excited roar, Xiao Lang was shocked.

He wants to seize the monster dragon in front of him?

"Birth the will..."

At this moment, from the words of the ancestor of the five elements, he finally understood why the ancestor of the five elements chose to make a move at this time.

Not bad.

For him, this is indeed the best opportunity.

The demon dragon in front of me is a peculiar existence. I don't know whether it is because of the strangeness of the world, or because of the five-element ancestor's tens of thousands of years of warming up by the blood of the ancestors of the Five Elements.

And this is what the ancestors of the Five Elements lack!

He has consciousness but no soul!

Taking away this monster dragon will naturally make him complete.


Was he still a real person at that time?


Talking about these two words in his heart, Xiao Lang fell into silence. But the ancestor of the Five Elements obviously didn't mean to stop, and was still venting the madness in his heart.

"As for them..."

The ancestor of the Five Elements suddenly turned his head, his eyes fell on the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family who were also struggling to persevere.

"I have been very kind to let them live till now!"

"Unexpectedly, when I was the weakest, they could actually become Venerable Heavenly Dao, and hold the same...What is the difference between this and cutting a piece of meat from my body?"

"So, they must die!"

"Only when they die, can I regain control of this continent and become the only strongest person!"

It turned out to be because of this?

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked again, and he finally understood the reason why the ancestors of the five elements wanted to take action against the ancestors of the Zhong family and others.

Everything is one reason——

He wants to be free!

Absolute freedom!

Xiao Lang didn't know what to say for a while, but at this moment, suddenly--

"So, the reason why you let me bring so many people here is your plan?"

The cold voice of the ancestor of the Zhong family suddenly sounded, and deep in his eyes, it was full of coldness and killing intent. The ancestor of the Five Elements saw it, but regarded it as nothing.

"Not bad."

"When you die, you will be smart for a while."

The ancestor of the Five Elements raised the corners of his mouth and looked triumphantly, looking forward to:

"When I take away this monster dragon, with the help of its innate and supernatural powers, the soul can be reshaped in just one day, and a new me will be born soon!"

"At that time, my ancestor of the Five Elements will live another life!"


The ancestors of the Five Elements let the ancestors of the Zhong family bring so many people in, originally just wanting to be the nourishment for his rebirth and soul reconstruction!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, only feeling cold all over.


Such an ancestor of the Five Elements is really terrible!

For his own rebirth, he actually trapped so many people in the plan, killing everyone!

At this moment, even if Xiao Lang didn't have much emotion for the Five Elements Continent, but the plan of the Five Elements Patriarch made him feel extremely horrified and disgusted.

Self-interest, harm the common people!

Is he really qualified to be the master of the world?

A trace of killing intent gradually emerged in Xiao Lang's heart and continued to grow. At this moment, although the ancestor of the Zhong family had obtained the truth, his despair deepened.


He really felt helpless.

What can he do?

Free the dragon and let it kill the ancestors of the Five Elements?

Obviously, this is unrealistic.

I don't know if it's because it has been nourished by the blood of the ancestors of the Five Elements for so many years. In front of the ancestors of the Five Elements, it is completely less fierce and extremely gentle, just like a little sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"This battle..."


The ancestors of the Zhong family only feel extremely absurd.

Ten thousand years of fighting and fighting against the tide of beasts, but who would have thought that this billions of years of sacrifice was only a plan of the patriarch of the Five Elements?

Everyone is his everything?


Anger attacked the heart, the ancestors of the Zhong family gushed out blood.

The ancestor of the Five Elements didn't look at him, sneered at Xiao Lang who was aside, and sneered more:

"Speaking of which, I should still thank you when I arrive. If you hadn't taken the Zhentian coffin, I wouldn't be able to get out of trouble so quickly."

"But now, you are useless, so—"

Before he finished his words, the ancestor of the five elements suddenly shot, his fingers are like electricity, and lasing like light. Under Xiao Lang's unprepared gaze, his five fingers are like a knife, and he cut his arm directly. The coffin was pulled out!

"Now, it's still mine."


The Zhentian coffin fell into the hands of the Five Elements Patriarch!

In the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes, a light flashed suddenly!


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