Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 594: Abandon the origin!

The ancestor of the Zhong family's eyes straightened suddenly.

Zhentian coffin!

Although this was the first time he saw the existence of the Zhentian coffin with his own eyes, he immediately recognized the heavy pressure from the Zhentian coffin. This Tiantian coffin was given to Xiao Lang by the ancestor of the Five Elements. Treasures.

Now it's back in his hands!

"Do not!"

The ancestor of the Zhong family had been calculating in his heart how to solve the immediate troubles. Seeing that the Zhentian coffin had fallen into the hands of the ancestor of the Five Elements, he was suddenly anxious. Even if he wanted to stop it, he let go of his control over the demon dragon.

Forget about other things!

He wants to use the Demon Dragon to deal with the Five Elements Patriarch!


"Ha ha."

"I don't need you anymore."

The ancestor of the Five Elements squinted coldly, not paying attention, holding the Tiantian coffin, and pressing against the head of the demon dragon who was about to rise up, immediately——


The world collapsed!

Half of the monster dragon's huge body sank directly to the surface!


The ancestors of the Five Elements forcefully activated the Zhentian Coffin!

At the same time, I saw him waving his long arms and shaking his five fingers--


The colorful light is like a big brush, swiftly across the body of the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family, and they are simply neat. The ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family are like clay puppets. The same, fly upside down, hit the ground hard!


Splashing blood!

The ancestor of the Zhong family and the ancestor of the Mu family were already seriously injured, but they suffered heavy injuries again at this time, and it was even more unhelpful. They vomited blood one after another, and tried to struggle to stand up from the ground, but their bodies were bound by colorful lights.

The power of five elements to suppress prison!

It is the power that Xiao Lang is most familiar with.

But this power is obviously stronger in the hands of the ancestors of the Five Elements, and it is unpredictable. Before the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family were set on the ground, Xiao Lang did not even sense the aura of this power!

"Stay honestly."

The ancestor of the Five Elements sneered, raised his eyebrows, his face was full of chuckles and arrogance.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet, you are still useful."

"When I am reborn, your souls will all become my nourishment, so that I can become the lord of the world again! This time, I want to see, who else can limit my freedom!"

At the end of the talk, it has become a roar, and the violent anger in it is chilling.

I’m afraid that only Xiao Lang could understand where the anger of the Five Elements Patriarch came from——

Listen to the tide!

It was obviously him.

Because the ancestor of the Five Elements stepped on the level of the Lord of the World, he couldn't make progress. At least in his personal view, it was all a conspiracy of listening to the tide!


The ancestor of the five elements was steaming and coercive and violent. Even Xiao Lang couldn't help taking a step back. At this moment, the ancestor of the five elements looked over with a pair of sparkling eyes, and his face became more smiling.

"Boy, you can be considered a genius if you can reach this level in dozens of days."

"The old man can have today's chance, and he can be regarded as being favored by you."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

"I still want to keep you, to find him!"

As he said, the ancestor of the Five Elements waved his arm again, and the Five Elements cage fell out of thin air, and the heavy energy descended, Xiao Lang suddenly felt like a mountain covered, difficult to support, and his knees were faintly soft.

Be bound!

The same means.

Even the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family were unable to get out of trouble, Xiao Lang didn't even waste his energy struggling, just a pair of eyes fixed on the ancestor of the five elements, with strong killing intent.


In the count!

Who could have imagined that what is hidden in the beast tide is not only the test of the ancestor of the five elements, but also his conspiracy?

Strictly speaking, the main reason why the ancestors of the Five Elements can hide so deeply is not in him, but in the ancestors of the Zhong family.

They secretly have a connection with the ancestors of the Five Elements!

But keep hiding!


This is certainly not Xiao Lang's character.

He didn’t even think about the reasons and faults of these minor details. Now

, The only thought in his mind was--

How to get rid of, and even kill the ancestors of the Five Elements!

Xiao Lang did not hide the killing intent in his eyes.

It’s not because he was too calm and didn’t know how to hide, but because—

He is in contact with the Jiuyou Bat in the Zhentian Coffin!

This connection began at the moment when the ancestor of the Five Elements snatched the Zhentian Coffin.

"Can you kill him?"


The slightly anxious voice of the Jiuyou Bat came through the soul seal.

"He is too strong."

"Although there is only consciousness and no soul, his physical body has actually reached the level of the original god. Although the physical body of this level is not as powerful as the nine-layer indestructible body, it also has many peculiar abilities, and wants to use the soul to attack It is almost impossible to penetrate it!"

"I'm afraid that even the Venerable Heavenly Dao who majored in Divine Soul together can't do it!"

Jiuyou Bat is talking about the ancestor of the Zhong family!

Xiao Lang's face suddenly sank when he heard this.

Soul attack, no!

Qi and blood to kill?

Even more unrealistic.

Because the five elements ancestors are the most powerful body now!

As for spiritual power...

Although he has only his body and consciousness left, he is almost one with the Five Elements Continent. Here, he is the absolute ruler. The source of the Five Elements Avenue is inexhaustible, and at the spiritual level, who can hurt he?

Xiao Lang's mind became heavier.

Is it possible that the ancestors of the Five Elements are really invincible?

Just as Xiao Lang was in a state of confusion, suddenly, the voice of Jiuyou Bat continued:

"He is indeed invincible right now, even if we are all in the heyday, I am afraid there is nothing we can do with him."

"But after a while, it won't necessarily be the case."


Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, and his spirit suddenly came.

"How to say?"

Jiuyou Bat explained patiently and quickly:

"Because he wants to take home!"

"In fact, strictly speaking, living beings are still based on the will of the soul, which means that if he wants to leave this world and completely disconnect from this continent, he must abandon his physical body!"

"By then, he will inevitably reveal his flaws."

"This is our opportunity!"

Take home!


A gleam of light flashed from the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes, and he heard the voice of Jiuyou Bat, like a smell of nectar.


Reasonable and convincing!

There is hope!

But soon, Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement, settled his mind, and asked again:

"If the opportunity is right, how likely is it to succeed?"

Opportunities are important, but seizing opportunities is even more important!

At the time of life and death, he must know everything!

Nine You Bat muttered to himself:

"If we can kill his unborn soul at the moment he seizes the home, it will be better. However, if we miss that opportunity, let him succeed in seizing the home..."

"His combat power is probably not much weaker than the previous dragon!"

Better than the dragon?

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

He had witnessed how strong the dragon was. Although now under the double suppression of the Zhentian Coffin and the Five Elements Patriarch, it is seriously injured and looks like it can be slaughtered, but it is completely defeated, but it is extremely fierce, and even the four great ancestors of the Zhong family ancestors are at a disadvantage!

So, once a missed opportunity means...

Xiao Lang didn't dare to continue thinking.

"Never fail!"

"It must be foolproof!"

"It's obviously impossible to rely solely on my strength..."

Xiao Lang's gaze shifted to the struggling Zhong Family Patriarch and Mu Family Patriarch with hideous faces aside, his eyes flashed sharply, and the colors flashed frequently.

He didn't dare to use Divine Soul Sound Transmission, for fear of being discovered by the ancestors of the Five Elements. After all, he was still in the prison of the Five Elements.

at last.

The ancestor of the Zhong family noticed Xiao Lang's wink, but when he was surprised at Xiao Lang's performance——

"Come, become a part of me!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements held the Zhentian coffin with one hand, and the other hand fell on the top of the evil dragon's head, and suddenly——


Thunder bursts, the world is shaking, the situation is changing!

In an instant, behind the ancestors of the Five Elements, colorful rays of light burst, like a volcanic eruption, roaring wantonly, spewing in all directions, dyeing the whole world with colorful colors!

The earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the sky is bursting!

Not only was the earth shaking, at this moment, Xiao Lang, the ancestor of the Zhong family, and others felt that the entire void was collapsing!

The ancestors of the Five Elements have begun to seize the home

Seeing this scene like a soldier's interpretation in front of them, the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestor of the Mu family were stunned. As the gods, they had never seen such a change in the world!

If the end is coming, everything collapses!

As the natives of the Five Elements Continent, they faintly felt that the core of the Five Elements Continent was collapsing!

Who is the core of the Five Elements Continent?

The answer to this question cannot be simpler, but it also makes the scalp the most numb——

Five Elements Patriarch!

"He was... actually..."

The ancestor of the Mu family straightened his eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief. He only felt that he was empty, as if something was disappearing from his body, and he couldn't say a complete word for a long time.

But it was completed by the ancestors of the Zhong family.

"Betrayal from the origin!"

"He is betraying his origin?"

An existence at the level of the Lord of the world is betraying the origin of its own attainment!

Self-falling state, self-destruction?

That's right.

But for the ancestors of the Five Elements, this is the first step towards freedom!


In the colorful brilliance, they were surprised to see that a **** shadow exactly like the ancestor of the Five Elements came out of his body, stepping out, and going into the body of the evil dragon!

Take home!

This is the will of the Five Elements Patriarch!

He has taken the first step, to replace the self-will that the dragon is being born with his own will!


Different from the horror of the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family, Xiao Lang's eyes were full of brilliance, only cold and absolute reason, when he saw the phantom of the will of the five elements ancestors cast away his body, ready The moment he stepped into the body of the evil dragon----


The body is like an arrow, and the fist is like iron!

Xiao Lang flew up, punched fiercely, and directly slammed into the five-element cage that surrounded him. Under the horrified gaze of the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestors of the Mu family——


The cage is broken!

Xiao Lang turned into streamer and jumped out!

"Senior, take it!"

"If you don't fight at this time, when will you stay?"

The sound was thunderous.

In an instant, the ancestors of the Zhong family suddenly realized that, suddenly, Xiao Lang gave him those winks before, and he suddenly understood!

After all, it is Tianzun.

He has been fighting on the Five Elements Continent for many years, and in terms of experience, he still has more profound experience than Xiao Lang. The moment Xiao Lang's voice came, he realized.


If you don't fight at this time, when will you stay?

This time, it may be their only chance!

Chance to survive!

Since the ancestor of the Five Elements has abandoned his identity and betrayed the origin of his power, then, he is no longer the Lord of the Five Elements, and the master of this world, is he really that terrible?

At the moment of insight into all of this, the ancestors of the Zhong family's eyes were like electricity, and the spirit burst!

The killing intent is like a tide, gushing out!


He turned his waist, swung his arms, his five fingers fisted, and his fingertips were sharp and light like swords. The forces suppressed in his body erupted fiercely, blasting the cage around him!


Bound, burst!

Kill the ancestors of the Five Elements, just today!


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