Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 598: Demon Dragon Soul!

Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he saw this.

It suddenly occurred to him that before that, the ancestor of the Zhong family had performed such a secret technique once, condensing the spiritual body of the ancestor of the Mo family, exactly the same as Zhong Wuyan did at this time.

Xiao Lang originally thought that it was a supernatural power that only Venerable Heaven could master, but now it seems that it is not the case.


The colorful brilliance flowed, the five figures gradually condensed, and the ancestors of the Zhong family and others condensed one after another. At the beginning, the ancestors of the Zhong family and others were still a little confused deep in their eyes, as if they had just been awakened from their sleep. But when he saw Zhong Wuyan, who was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and his breath fluctuated sharply, but still pouring her spirit power into the formation in front of her, the Zhong family ancestor woke up suddenly.

"Okay, Yan'er, stop."

"These forces are enough for us to support an hour."

Zhong Wuyan finally stopped, her petite body faltered and almost fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, Yi Jun was staring at her, seeing that something was wrong with her and quickly stepped forward to help her.



The shouts were filled with sorrow, and the heavy atmosphere was backlogged.

Everyone present knows that although Zhong Wuyan used special means to summon the souls of the Zhong family ancestors and others in a short period of time, they could not sustain it for too long and would eventually perish and disappear completely in this world.

They who know the truth are even more painful than what they felt just now.

Xiao Lang's face was also quite ugly.

The fall of the five heavenly sovereigns!

No matter where it is, for anyone, this is an irreparable loss.

However, the five ancestors of the Zhong family are obviously not in pain, or that they have already put their lives and deaths out of control.

The ancestor of the Zhong family smiled and said;

"Don't feel sad for us."

"We are Venerable Heavenly Dao. Shouyuan is not eternal. We will die sooner or later, but this day comes a little earlier."

"But it doesn't matter, it's all worth it."

"From then on, you no longer have to worry about the changes in the animal tide."

"The animal tide still exists, but it will never pose any threat."

The ancestors of the Zhong family spoke with confidence.

indeed so.

Even the will of the ancestor of the Five Elements has been annihilated, the monster dragon is his back hand, has been completely destroyed, of course the Five Elements Continent will not be affected by calamity again.


When Zhong Wuyan and others heard the Zhong family ancestor's transmission, everyone was surprised, even if they were sad, they still felt refreshed and a little excited.

This time, this battle, this attack, isn't their ultimate goal?

The eyes of Zhong Wuyan and others all fell on the head of the demon dragon that was only half left, and the eyes flickered.

Obviously, they regarded the monster dragon as the culprit of the mutation of the beast tide.

The ancestors of the Zhong family did not explain much either.

never mind.

Everything is over.

They didn't tell Zhong Wuyan and the others the truth of the first battle, and they didn't tell the truth about the ancestors of the Five Elements that were actually responsible for all this.

The ancestor of the Zhong family also cast his sights on the head of the demon dragon, which was only half of the remaining head, raised his brows, seeming a little surprised, and suddenly made a move--


The head of the demon dragon burst.

But in the center where the blood was splashing, there was a ray of light left.

Gray light.

It was as if the chaos had begun, but in it, there was a wave of rich soul essence.

this is……

Xiao Lang was surprised. He watched the ancestor of the Zhong family raise his hand, and the light ball formed by the gray haze floated here, and under his surprised gaze, it actually landed in front of him.

At the same time, the voice of the ancestor of the Zhong family sounded again.

"My little friend, thanks to you, my little friend, you can win this battle."

"I wait nothing

In return, this demon dragon spirit soul can be regarded as a thank you gift to the little friend. "

Fairy dragon spirit?

Xiao Lang clearly saw that when the ancestor of the Zhong family made such a decision, behind him, the faces of the ancestor of the Mu family and others showed a look of surprise.

The ancestor of the Yi family spoke more directly:

"Brother, isn't this too... arbitrary?"

"This demon dragon spirit..."

The ancestor of the Yi family was hesitant to speak, his face was full of entanglement, as if there was something unspeakable, he was embarrassed to speak in front of Xiao Lang. But before he could tell the rest, the ancestor of the Zhong family gently shook his head and said:

"I understand Brother Yi's concern."

"But I think it's okay. Xiao Lang, little friend, worthy of trust."


What does this have to do with trust?

Xiao Lang was surprised, but he also saw that after the Zhong family ancestor finished these words, the Yi family ancestors and others faintly led him. Even though there was a little hesitation in the depths of their eyes and on their faces, they still didn’t say anything in the end. , A look headed by the ancestors of the Zhong family.

Xiao Lang became more curious.

"Senior, this demon dragon spirit..."

Xiao Lang heard that the main problem must still be the demon dragon spirit soul that the ancestors of the Zhong family wanted to give to him, and immediately asked bluntly.

The ancestors of the Zhong family seemed to have known that Xiao Lang would ask this a long time ago. He had thought about it and answered quickly.

"This is the purest soul power that the monster dragon left before it died."

"It's also the source of its soul power."

"Also, if the little friend refines it, there is a great possibility that he will get its natural magical powers."

Talented supernatural powers?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly widened, shocked.

He finally understood why the ancestor of the Yi family was not so relieved of what he had just shown.

Refining the demon dragon spirit, it is even possible to obtain its innate supernatural powers!

What a heaven-defying effect!

What's more, Xiao Lang knew that the talent and magical powers of this monster dragon were extremely enchanting--

Devour the soul!

This is what the ancestors of the Five Elements fancy at first!

Will the ability that can be favored by the ancestors of the Five Elements be weak?

of course not!

The ancestor of the Five Elements said before that when he resurrects, he will use the demon dragon's innate and supernatural powers to swallow the souls of everyone in the Five Elements Continent, and then enter the level of the Lord of the World...

Xiao Lang also understood the worry of the Yi family ancestors and others.

Obviously, they are worried that they will do the same, and do harm to the Five Elements Mainland!

Xiao Lang took a deep breath and understood how much trust the ancestors of the Zhong family had given him in making such a decision.

"Thank you senior!"

"Seniors rest assured, Xiao Lang, I will never do anything unfavorable to the Five Elements Continent. This oath is a lesson from heaven and earth!"


A ray of soul blood floated from the center of Xiao Lang's eyebrows, and at the same time as the words settled, one could faintly feel the inexplicable power fluctuations between heaven and earth.

Hearing these words and seeing Xiao Lang's actions like this, the expressions of the ancestors of the Yi family and others finally relaxed a lot, and the look in his eyes gave him a little more approval.

The ancestor of the Zhong family also smiled.

"My little friend is interested."

"In that case, I am more relieved to give it to you."

"Go and refine it."

"In general, things like monster spirit souls can only exist for one hour at most. If they are not refined, they will disappear completely, and will have no effect."

"It just so happens that we have to use this time to talk to my disciples and them."


Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and without any hesitation, he directly grabbed the demon dragon spirit soul in his hands, his figure flashed, and he swept away.

The ancestors of the Zhong family and others are about to say their last words.

This is their private matter, and it is not convenient for them to participate.



Xiao Lang sat cross-legged on the ground, the Five Elements Prison Condensed with the brilliance of the Five Elements shrouded the void, suppressing all fluctuations, and when everything was calm, he once again looked at the demon dragon spirit soul in his hand, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

good stuff!

If its effect is as magical as the ancestor of the Zhong family said, Xiao Lang knows exactly how much benefit this monster dragon spirit will bring to himself.

Just devouring the soul is enough to make him benefit for life!

"The Jiuyou Bat controls the sea of ​​blood in the first layer of the Zhentian Coffin, and has the most pure power of blood and blood. This also means that I have almost endless resources in tempering my physique. There is no problem at the level of the Lord of the World."

"Once I have the innate and magical powers of devouring the soul, it means that the level of my soul will also be improved!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were warm.

Of course, he wants to get such benefits as soon as possible.

However, he still did not disturb his mind by this sudden surprise, and his mind moved:

"Nine You Bat!"

"Let's find out if it hides other things."

The Jiuyou Bat appeared silently around Xiao Lang, and his eyes were full of excitement when he looked at the demon dragon spirit. Xiao Lang knew this was a good thing, and of course he knew it too.

On the other hand, he marveled at Xiao Lang's luck.

This is something that can change a person's destiny, but not everyone can get it casually.

He immediately followed the order.

After a while.

The surprise on Jiuyou Bat's face grew stronger.

"Master's good fortune is Tianqi!"

"It's quite complete! It should have been deprived by the ancestor of the Five Elements with his own will. It is quite perfect, and it has hardly been attacked by the aftermath of the explosion!"

Pretty perfect?

Xiao Lang was surprised, and immediately understood the reason.

Or the ancestor of the Five Elements!

I am afraid that at the last moment of his death, he did not give up his desire and pursuit of life, and he has been protecting this demon dragon spirit. But he did not expect that the last blow of the ancestor of the Zhong family was so tyrannical that it would directly kill his will.

"It's cheaper for me."

Xiao Lang grinned and smiled.

The fisherman profited.

He still believed in the judgment of Jiuyou Bat. One is because Jiuyou Bat is now a soul cultivator, and the details of soul exploration cannot even match the current one. And the Nine You Bats were the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the initial stage before. Although the power is not there now, the experience is still there.

Since Jiuyou Bat said there was no problem, there was little possibility of a problem.

Xiao Lang finally settled, and the next moment--


Open your mouth and inhale, like a long whale sucking water, the demon dragon spirit immediately turned into agile like water, and sank into Xiao Lang's mouth, and then—


Xiao Lang clearly sensed that after the entrance of the demon dragon soul, it was like a spring rain moisturizing things, silently, and merged towards his soul source. The pure soul essence shrouded on it was absorbed by the soul source, finally revealing its core. ——

The pale blue pattern is crystal clear, like a picture scroll, attached to his own soul.

"Innate supernatural powers, it looks like a magic circle?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

It was the first time he tried to devour the souls of others, all of which was quite strange and curious to him. However, since the ancestors of the Zhong family did not give other reminders, it is obvious that this step should not be difficult.

The facts were the same as Xiao Lang expected.

During the whole process, he almost didn't take the initiative to do anything, the demon dragon spirit is like instinct, integrated into his soul. Xiao Lang clearly saw that a part of his soul had turned into a strange light blue, still under his control, no different from before.


Xiao Lang opened his eyes in surprise.

But at the moment when he subconsciously released his soul, he was surprised to find that the whole world in front of him suddenly became different from before...


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