Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 599: Tianzun is annihilated!


This is Xiao Lang's first feeling.

And Xiao Lang is no stranger to this feeling.

He is a Taoist.

After the power of the true spirit madly escapes, he often has this experience, but during this time, because he has mastered the five elements to suppress the prison and protected his true spirit power to perfection, this feeling has temporarily disappeared. .

And now, it reappeared.

But Xiao Lang knew that this was not because of the serious lack of power of his own soul, but because--

"My soul power has increased!"

"The reason why I still feel empty is because its upper limit has increased even more!"

Xiao Lang Mingwu.

This is like a bucket.

His previous sea of ​​consciousness was just a small bucket filled with water, so he felt very fulfilling.

But after refining the demon dragon spirit soul, his sea of ​​consciousness expanded and his potential increased, but the growth of the power of the soul was far beyond the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a big reason why he feels empty.

As for the second reason-

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide, feeling the longing for the soul essence from the bottom of his heart. When his eyes fell on Zhong Wuyan and others in the distance, he actually had a great impulse to choose someone and eat it.

Xiao Lang immediately suppressed this impulse and evil thoughts.

"Demon dragon instinct!"

"After I refined its spirit, the demon dragon's instinct was also blessed on me!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, he immediately understood everything, and finally understood why, when the ancestor of the Zhong family wanted to give him the demon dragon spirit, why the ancestor of the Mu family and others seemed so upset.

Such instincts are indeed easy to lead people astray.

Because for the monster dragon, as long as it kills, as long as it consumes the power of the soul, it can become stronger!



How many people can suppress such an impulse?

But Xiao Lang can.

As a Taoist, his will is extremely firm, at least not comparable to ordinary people, and in a short time, his eyes have restored complete clarity.

"Rapidly becoming stronger is also flawed."

"Flaws of will."

"It seems that in the future cultivation, more inclined to will."

Xiao Lang pays by himself and checks the deficiencies.

At this moment, the conversation between Zhong Family Patriarch and others and Zhong Wuyan and others seemed to have ended. The former paid close attention to this side from time to time. When he saw Xiao Lang opened his eyes, the Zhong Family Patriarch immediately raised his hand.

Xiao Lang floated.

The ancestor of the Zhong family looked at Xiao Lang's clear eyes, and the smile on his face increased.

"Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person."

"Although the power of this monster dragon spirit is a bit evil, it is not a temptation to the little friend."

"The world really only has an evil mind, and there is no evil power."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang respectfully saluted.

"Thank you seniors for your cultivation."

Seeing Xiao Lang's humble appearance, the smile on Zhong family ancestor's face deepened:

"This is what the little friend deserves. If it weren't for the little friend's help just now, I'm afraid our bad old men would have been dead for a long time. We should thank you."

Obviously, the ancestors of the Zhong family were still very satisfied with Xiao Lang's performance after merging with the demon dragon spirit, and Xiao Lang's previous vows existed, and he was completely relieved now.

The conversation with Zhong Wuyan and others just now seemed to have distracted him from other concerns. Now, the emotion and melancholy in his eyes are getting stronger and stronger, and along with it is the power of the soul that condenses his body. Is quickly dissipating.

He is not the only one.

The same is true for Mu Family Patriarch and others.

They are leaving!

And once it disappears this time, it is completely gone!



Even with the previous hour’s foreshadowing, Zhong Wuyan and others knew that the ancestors of the Zhong family and others were hopeless and must leave. However, when this scene really appeared before them, they still couldn’t help but feel pain. He kept crying, and looked sad.

The five heavenly deities that have supported the Five Elements Continent for hundreds of thousands of years are about to fall completely today!

In their hearts, it was more uncomfortable than the sky collapsed.

The ancestors of the Zhong family, the ancestors of the Mu family and others were very calm. It seems that they had accepted the result a long time ago, smiled, and consoled one after another. Zhong Wuyan and others finally

Gradually calmed down.

"Yan'er, you don't have to take the old man's path anymore."

"Without the beast tide, the Five Elements Continent no longer needs Venerable Heavenly Dao."

"Achieve immortality, live well."

"Believe in you as a teacher, one day, you can get out of today's haze."

The ancestors of the Zhong family looked at Zhong Wuyan lovingly.

Today, for Zhong Wuyan, it is indeed the darkest day.

Mo Xuming is dead.

That is her sweetheart.

Even the origin of the soul has never been left behind, and with the means of Zhong Wuyan and the ancestors of the Zhong family, he cannot be reproduced in the world.

And now her master is leaving again.

Double whammy!

Zhong Wuyan's face was pale and her eyes were absent, she gritted her teeth and nodded lightly when she heard what the ancestor of the Zhong family said, but she didn't know if she really listened.

Seeing Zhong Wuyan's appearance, the ancestors of the Zhong family were also helpless, shook his head lightly, and then looked up at the dark clouded sky, with a trace of despair and desire flashing in his eyes.

"The old man's whole life, a lifetime for the Five Elements Continent, is also worth it."


"I really want to go to the outside world and have a look."

Tianzun sighed.

When everyone around heard the words, their bodies trembled.

From the words of the ancestors of the Zhong family, what they heard was more than the pursuit of martial arts by the ancestors of the Zhong family?

There is still a desire to live!

However, what should come is still coming.

This moment is here!

Under the shocking gaze of Zhong Wuyan and others, including Xiao Lang, the bodies of the five ancestors of the Zhong family began to become thin and transparent, like dust, going with the wind.

Time is up.

They are leaving!

"Live well……"

Before death, what is the use of mental preparation?

Even if Zhong Wuyan, Xiao Lang and others have long known that this moment must come, but when it does come, watch the Zhong family ancestors and others become thin and transparent, and will soon be wiped from the world. , They still couldn't help their heart palpitations and shocked, and their inner emotions broke out completely at this moment.




Zhong Wuyan shot blankly, trying to hold the arm of the ancestor of the Zhong family, but just passed through his body without grasping anything, and the sadness on her face was thicker.

The ancestor of the Zhong family reached out and stroked Zhong Wuyan's rainy face out of thin air:

"The future of the Five Elements Continent depends on you."

"I believe you, you can build it better. From then on, you... are free."


When this sentence came, Zhong Wuyan and the others were shocked, faintly guessed something, and looked at the ancestor of the Zhong family in astonishment. Only Xiao Lang on the side sighed after hearing the words.

The ancestors of the Zhong family finally told the truth about the battle.

However, Zhong Wuyan and others may not fully understand it.

However, he was right.

The ancestor of the Five Elements is dead.

If his soul no longer descends, the Five Elements Continent has indeed become a land of no owner, a land of freedom. Moreover, listening to the will of the ancestor of the five elements, since his soul chose to suppress his own body and left here, it is impossible to return.

Zhong Wuyan and them are indeed free.

This may be regarded as the greatest contribution left by the ancestors of the Zhong family and others for them and for the descendants of the Five Elements Continent!

Holy One, will die.

Xiao Lang stood by, like an outsider, watching the pioneers on the Five Elements Continent leave, leaving a brand new world for future generations, and they were making the final goodbye to their successors.

This process is very short.

But deep enough.

Xiao Lang believed that Zhong Wuyan and others could not forget this scene even after spending their entire lives.

Because he can't forget.

Can't forget this process.

I can't forget the sacrifices made by the ancestors of the Zhong family and others for the Five Elements Continent.

However, the dead will eventually pass away.


A breeze blew, and the bodies of the five ancestors of the Zhong family seemed to be unable to withstand any infection anymore, their bodies drifting away...

Dust to dust, dirt to dirt!



Zhong Wuyan and others could not think about the meaning of the last words the ancestors of the Zhong family said to them, they cried out in pain, and their hearts dripped with blood. Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang couldn't help lowering his head, unable to bear to watch.

But at this moment, suddenly, a cold and rapid voice suddenly sounded in his ears——

"Oh, right."

"Little friend Xiao Lang, I forgot to tell you."

"I know that you read the five elements and control the various avenues of the five elements, and you are walking the path before the ancestor of the five elements, and you also have part of his inheritance.

"During this time, you have gained a lot, but you could have become stronger, probably because of your ignorance."

"No need to be confused."

"When I was young, I also had this stage, standing in the middle, not knowing how to choose. But today, I understand that with your talent and talent, the way of the Lord of Heaven should be the most suitable for you."

"Furthermore, there is no end to the way of Venerable Heaven, and it is not a dead end."

"My predecessors on the Five Elements Continent have inherited dozens of generations from the Way of the Venerable Heaven. It is a bit of gain. Let me give these experiences to my little friend. I hope that if there is a problem in the Five Elements Continent one day, my little friend can help. Fan."

The Zhong family ancestor's words suddenly sounded, shocking Xiao Lang.

Immediately, without waiting for any response from him——


A series of messages rushed into his sea of ​​knowledge like a divine enlightenment.


It is all the experience of the venerable heavenly masters on the Five Elements Continent!

And at the same time--


The roar this time is no longer resounding in Xiao Lang's sea of ​​knowledge, but the outside world!

The dark clouds are mighty, the lightning flashes and thunder, the wind howls, and the eyes are full of desolation!


The void oscillated, as if the end had come, everything collapsed, and it seemed that the foundation supporting this continent was shattered!

Xiao Lang could not digest the experience given by the ancestors of the Zhong family. He looked into the void in surprise, watching the shock of the sky and the lightning and thunder, and his heart felt clear.

this is……


It is the whole Five Elements Continent's farewell to the ancestors of the Zhong family and others!

As Venerable Heavenly Dao, they each master one side of Heavenly Dao. They may be far inferior to the ancestors of the Five Elements Continent, but they have already become an indispensable part of the Five Elements Continent.

Now that the ancestors have passed away, how can the entire Five Elements Continent remain calm?

Indeed not.

Moreover, it was not just a few of them who saw this scene.

Outside the nest.

Li Jian and others were stunned in place.

Because just now, somehow, the monster beasts around them suddenly died. They were killed instantly. They were wondering at a loss whether the battle in the beast's nest was over, and when they were about to discuss whether to enter the beast's nest, suddenly— —


Natural vision, the sky is broken!

Seeing the dark clouds in the sky, thunder and lightning, and squally rains roaring down, these scenes that only appear in the classics come into view. Everyone present, especially those who have lived long enough, have witnessed the Lord of Heaven. The changed powerhouse's face suddenly changed, and his heart frightened.



The same change occurred in every inch and every domain of the Five Elements Continent.

Although they didn't know what was going on, the desolation brought by these visions of heaven and earth made them flustered and hard to calm down.

They know that something big must have happened!


The fall of the five heavenly masters is destined to be the biggest event on the Five Elements Continent.

But that is for Zhong Wuyan and others.

For Xiao Lang, one more thing is considered——

Xiao Lang saw that just above the collapsing void in the distance, in the violent storm and rain, two portals, like jade carvings, appeared quietly, as if it existed there, but now the void was shaking, causing its appearance. of.


Xiao Lang was stunned.

How could there be two gateways?

However, from one of the portals, a familiar aura that couldn't be stopped even when the surrounding emptiness was torn, immediately awakened him from the astonishment, and his heart shook, and it was hard to restrain.

That is--

The breath of Lihuo World!


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