Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 600: Choose!


The breeze blows, blowing the breath of Lihuo World from the space portal.

Zhong Wuyan and others had no special feelings.

Even they didn't notice the changes in the distant void.

Only Xiao Lang.

Even if this breath is insignificant, it is completely incomparable with the bursting void fluctuations around it, but when it passed to him, Xiao Lang only felt that his physical body could not help shaking.

It's like swallowing the strongest psychedelic grass!

"Leave the fire world!"

"at last……"

At this moment, there were too many things in Xiao Lang's heart that he wanted to say, pressed in his heart, unable to extricate himself, but, with his lips moving, he could not say a word, just under the surprised gaze of Zhong Wuyan and others. , Suddenly took off.

"Xiao Lang?"

Until then, Zhong Wuyan and others discovered the two portals that suddenly appeared on the void, and at the same time they were surprised, they also immediately thought of what these portals are and why they can make Xiao Lang so excited.

"This is the gateway to his hometown?"

Since coming to the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang has never concealed his purpose--

Come back home!

The ancestors of the Zhong family and others know.

Zhong Wuyan and Yi Jun also knew about it.

Therefore, when they saw Xiao Lang's body trembling towards the void, they immediately guessed the truth, and after looking at each other, they followed.

The door is not far away.

However, for more than ten breaths, Xiao Lang was already suspended in the void, standing before the two space portals. Compared with just now, Xiao Lang's mood has calmed down. Although he is happy, he is no longer as impulsive as before.

At the same time, the look in his eyes that fell on the two space portals also became suspicious.

Xiao Lang looked at the portal that attracted his attention the most, perceiving it carefully, and feeling more certain:

"It is indeed the breath of Lihuo World, that's right."

"But this way..."

Looking at the second portal in front of him, Xiao Lang frowned, his eyes gleaming.

He could clearly sense that the aura fluctuations coming from the second portal were obviously much stronger than Lihuo Great World. In fact, when he perceives the breath coming from the second portal, he already has a certain guess as to the direction it will lead, but he has not been able to determine it completely.


"Jiuyou Bat, do you know it?"


The illusory figure of the Jiuyou Bat floated out of the Zhentian coffin at the sound. At the beginning, he didn't know what Xiao Lang asked him to do, and he still looked surprised, but when he floated out, suddenly, his body suddenly Once stiff, he ignored the salute to Xiao Lang, and his eyes were suddenly and completely concentrated on the second portal, like petrification.

"This is...this..."

Jiuyou Bat's lips moved, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

No need to answer.

From the performance of Jiuyoubat alone, he was sure that his guess just now was completely correct.

"It turns out that the soul body of the ancestor of the five elements left here."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself.


This gateway is the gateway to the legendary eternal continent!

The soul body of the ancestors of the five elements, it was to escape to the eternal continent that year!

On the Five Elements Continent, there are actually two gateways leading to two completely different worlds...

It sounds strange, but after careful consideration, this seems to be completely understandable.

Because the ancestors of the Five Elements originally came from the world before Lihuo Great World, there will naturally be passages. Obviously, this second portal was not left behind by Chaohou, or the ancestor of the Five Elements managed to get through.

As for what method to use, Xiao Lang didn't understand and didn't want to understand.

It doesn't matter.

The key is...

How should he choose?

For Xiao Lang, this does not seem to be a problem.


After coming to the Five Elements Continent, this has almost become his obsession. Faced with two portals, how to choose, Xiao Lang certainly would not give a second answer.

However, being full of curiosity about the corridor leading to the eternal continent, this is unavoidable.

"The legendary eternity


"A more powerful existence, a higher level of martial art...more powerhouses..."

"It's so yearning!"

"It's a pity, I'm going to be wrong this time."

Xiao Lang helplessly shook his head, suppressing curiosity in his heart. At this time, he suddenly understood the sigh of the Zhong family ancestor before he completely disappeared.

For a martial artist, the pinnacle of martial art, the higher level of martial art, is always the greatest attraction.

It’s just that for the current Xiao Lang, he has a stronger desire-

Come back home!

You can only choose one way.

Xiao Lang stood still in the void, feeling the vibrations of the surrounding five elements, and could faintly feel that it was precisely because of the changes in the void that the two portals appeared.

However, once the wave of annihilation by the ancestors of the Zhong family and the five heavenly beings disappeared, the two portals would once again disappear in the void, hidden from view.

At this time, there is only one month at most.

"Never mind."

"If there is destiny, there must be a goodbye time."

"At least now, I already know that the Eternal Continent really exists, and in the Five Elements Continent, there is a passage to the Eternal Continent."

"still have a chance."

Xiao Lang suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, his eyes became clear again.

As for Zhong Wuyan and others, although their feelings for these two portals are not so strong, they can also be seen from the changes in Xiao Lang's eyes——

"Brother Xiao... are you leaving?"

Yi Jun couldn't calm down and asked first.

Xiao Lang turned around and saw that everyone was focusing on him, his eyes flashed, without hiding, he nodded slightly.


"The Five Elements Continent is just my one-stop journey."

"There are other disasters in my world. I must go back and help my loved ones."

Parting is imminent.

Even though this was expected, when Xiao Lang's voice came, Zhong Wuyan and the others couldn't help but feel empty in their hearts.

Although there was not much time in contact with Xiao Lang, it was enough to leave a deep impression in their hearts.

"Other disasters..."

Zhong Wuyan repeated Xiao Lang's words, her eyes flashed, as if she wanted to say something, but hesitated again.

But even if he didn't say it, Xiao Lang could see it, smiled softly, and said:

"The troubles in our world, let us solve it by ourselves."

"Now the Five Elements Mainland is waiting to be flourished, and you still need to take charge of the overall situation."

"Just leave it alone."

"If I need your help, I will definitely find a way to come again. I only hope that by then the Zhong family sister will not refuse me."

Xiao Lang smiled and said, trying to make the atmosphere cheerful.

Zhong Wuyan shook her body, but she still looked serious, her pupils brighter:

"Brother Xiao is my great benefactor to the Five Elements Continent. If there is a need in the future, as long as Brother Xiao speaks, Zhong will definitely die!"


Zhong Wuyan took it seriously.

Xiao Lang helplessly shook his head and sighed, but didn't say anything.

Because he could tell that Zhong Wuyan was under a lot of pressure now, and it was really impossible to make her happy in a short time.


Xiao Lang could only nod lightly.

"Thank you, Sister Zhong."

"In that case, let's say goodbye here."

Xiao Lang bowed his hand, Zhong Wuyan and the others also returned the gifts one after another, their clothes fluttered, and they swept away, stopped there, and watched Xiao Lang leave.

It’s time to leave!


Xiao Lang let out a deep breath, his eyes became more solemn.

Floating in the land of nothingness for about half a year, on the Five Elements Continent, he stayed for a full year. In all, he had been away for a year and a half since his farewell on Red Yan.

The long-cherished wish of many days will eventually come true, it is absolutely impossible to say that it is not nervous.

Because even Xiao Lang didn't know whether he could successfully return from this tunnel to the great world of Lihuo.

However, thinking about it is useless.

The next moment, Xiao Lang calmed down, stepped out, and came out of familiarity.

The first corridor that knew his breath moved forward, but just as his footsteps were about to step into the door, suddenly—


A faint light curtain suddenly appeared in the center of the portal.

Xiao Lang immediately felt the surging force of tremendous repulsion, but fortunately he had already made all the preparations, and immediately mobilized his whole body's strength to counter it.

The power of the four levels of immortality and the four levels of non-ecstasy exploded at the same time, but the result was——


A dull and explosive sound spread throughout the void.

Zhong Wuyan and the others were surprised to see that Xiao Lang's body trembled suddenly, and he was directly bounced back by the portal in front of him, and he staggered before finally standing firm.

"this is……"

"what happened?"

Yi Jun and the others immediately leaned forward with concern.

Xiao Lang's eyes were very strange, and he looked down at his hands:

"Lack of power?"



Xiao Lang felt that he was only a little too close to crossing this door, but it was just this thread that had become a moat!

"You must have five or more powers of the Immortal Realm before you can enter?"

Is this the limit of the portal itself, or the previous setting of the soul body of the ancestor of the five elements?

Because Xiao Lang remembered that after being suppressed by Tiantian Coffin, the will and power level of the Five Elements Patriarch was almost at the peak of the four levels of Immortality. According to reason, he could not pass through this portal.

"Could it be that the soul body of the ancestor of the Five Elements had long expected that if he suppressed his physical body here, it might cause other changes, so he made such a restriction?"

Xiao Lang thought about the reasons behind this, but soon he had put these distracting thoughts behind him.

The reason is not critical anymore.

The key is that he must have the power of the five levels of Immortality within this month!

Is it difficult?

Of course it is difficult.

The ordinary immortal realm powerhouse, if there is no special opportunity to add him, I am afraid that it will not be able to break through the first level for millions of years.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to break through.

Even if Xiao Lang had the Tiantian Coffin and the Demon Dragon Spirit Soul, it is reasonable to say that his promotion was easier than any other person, but in just one month, the body and the soul rose to a higher level.

This is extremely unrealistic.

At least in the eyes of Zhong Wuyan and others.

Hearing Xiao Lang's self-talk, the expressions of Zhong Wuyan and others immediately changed.

"What about this?"

"In a month, raise a level? This..."

Yi Jun and others have no such confidence. But just when they were anxious for Xiao Lang, they saw that Xiao Lang did not show any embarrassment on his face after he was meditating.

On the contrary, a touch of relief floated from his face.

"Never mind."

"Perhaps, this is fate."

"Since God arranged for such a difficulty, I must be allowed to go this way, then..."

"I'll go and show you!"

While talking to himself, the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes were brilliant and wanton, as if he had made an important decision, with a vigorous momentum. However, what surprised Zhong Wuyan and others most was not the aura when Xiao Lang made this decision, but--

His confidence!

It seems that he has no worries at all about his power level reaching a lower level within a month, and everything is under control!

Where did Xiao Lang's confidence come from?

They are at a loss.

Yes, of course they don't know.

Because they didn't know Xiao Lang's current martial arts foundation.

What trapped Xiao Lang's martial art realm and combat power?

The secret technique?


These may be all, but they are not the key!

The most important thing is his hesitation and confusion about the way forward.

However, when the test of fate was once again before him, Xiao Lang suddenly remembered the words he had said to himself before the annihilation of the ancestor of the Zhong family.

In an instant, he had his own choice——


Xiao Lang's choice was just that.



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