Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 609: Soul master, Li Poyang!

"Li Poyang!"

Liang Ping stared at Qin Ming fiercely with cold eyes and endless anger.

"You actually chose to join hands with him, don't you fear being condemned!"

Soul master, Li Poyang!

This is a name that has been circulated in the Great World of Fire for a long time, and Xiao Lang, a newcomer who has been in the Great World of Fire for less than decades, doesn't know it.

In fact, Xiao Lang was completely unfamiliar with the Lihuo Great World. He didn't know many things.

Soul master Li Poyang is one of them.

One of the 108 most notorious villains in Lihuo World!

The Great World of Lihuo, One Hundred and Eight Vicious People, this list is a list compiled by the World of Lihuo, although there are no major sects or powers who have come forward to determine the accuracy of this list.

However, in the face of this list, no refutation is the best proof.

The person above is not magic repair.

But the actions Zeng made were even more irritating than magic repair!

Li Poyang, ranked nineteenth on the list of villains.

This is already a fairly high position.

Li Poyang became famous 80,000 years ago.

At that time, he was not a casual cultivator, but an ordinary member of a second-class sect. He didn’t know what serious mistake he had committed. He was expelled from the sect, and even his martial arts studies were taken back. Waste.

Just as those waste woods in the cultivation world got adventures and became famous routines, Li Poyang went away from home, and it was in a wilderness that he got the opportunity to change his life.

Soul mutation!

No one knows what kind of opportunity he got, the only thing that can be confirmed is that his soul has mutated, whether it is strength or other, far surpasses the martial artist of the same rank, and he has talents and supernatural powers!

Hundred years of hidden.

No one knows how much effort Li Poyang has made in this century, and how many difficulties ordinary people can't imagine. However, a hundred years later, he left the customs.

In a battle, he announced his return——

Kill the door!

With his own power, he destroyed the entire sect of the past!

Up to the doorkeeper, down to the children who are still in the swaddling clothes waiting to be fed, none of them are left, all of them die tragically!

When the world knew that the tragedies that had happened there had arrived, everyone was stunned.

This is a small injury.

Countless fragments of limbs covered the entire mountain stream, and even a long river there was completely dyed red!

The tragedy on earth is nothing more than that.

Li Poyang used such a battle to break into the sight of the world.

Into the wicked in World War I!

But at that time, his ranking on the villain's list was not high. It was only about a hundred. What happened later made his ranking rise like a rocket, and he was out of control.

The killing of the door was a major event that shocked the entire world of Lihuo. Such a shared resentment naturally caused many strong people to express on the spot that they would kill Li Poyang.

That year, at least one hundred teams participated in the encirclement and suppression of Li Poyang.

There are no immortal monarchs, almost all of them are composed of the top powerhouses of the era realm Dzogchen.

Because at that time Li Poyang was only the pinnacle of the Era Realm Great Perfection, and the Immortal Realm Monarch could not make a move.

Hundreds of teams were chasing after each other, and the whole process was followed by people, and it was also spread throughout the whole world of Lihuo. At the beginning, everyone was angry and excited.

Facing the pursuit of a team of a hundred powerful people of the same level, Li Poyang should always die, right?

However, the result is so shocking.

The team was tragically destroyed, and news of the tragic death of the strong came one after another, shocking the entire world of Lihuo. Especially in the thirty-fourth year after the start of the hunt, that battle was also the time when all righteous people noticed something wrong, and the power was the most concentrated. At least fifty era-level Dzogchens were gathered, and even the strongest. The Venerable couldn't help but shoot.

But that battle became the beginning of Li Poyang's rise to fame and he never dared to provoke him.

All out!

Some people say that after seeing that battle from afar, Li Poyang mobilized Tianwei, promoted to the immortal monarch level in the first battle, and pursued and killed

None of his people stayed, and all died tragically!

Monarch of Immortality!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this level is almost the top power in the Lihuo Great World. Even if you just hear it, you can't help but feel palpitations, let alone chase it.

No one dared to chase Li Poyang anymore.

It also includes those top forces.

The reason why they did not choose to chase Li Poyang, of course, had their own considerations——

One is because even though Li Poyang has slaughtered wantonly for decades, his choice of killing is quite clever. He didn't dare touch any of the disciples of the big powers!

Second, there are rumors that the battle in which Li Poyang broke the realm and became the Emperor of the Immortal Realm also revealed other strangeness.

An Era Realm Dzogchen Pinnacle Venerable, even if his talent is strong, he has been in a state of being chased and killed all the year round, and there is not much time to practice, but he has still been promoted to the Immortal Sovereign in just a few decades. This is a place of considerable doubt.

Some people say that there is actually a party behind Li Poyang, and it is precisely because of them that Li Poyang is so confident.

The rumors are true or false.

However, in offending the existence of a vicious immortal monarch level and chasing him, no one wants to make such a decision.

It is different from casual repair.

Zongmen have families and rooms.

God knows what kind of miserable consequences Li Poyang will have on his sect before you successfully catch him.

Therefore, in this situation, the ordinary small sects and casual cultivators did not dare to chase after them, and the big sects and the big forces closed their eyes for the sake of their own stability. There are fewer and fewer hunts, but his ranking on the villain list is getting higher and higher.

Li Poyang seems to have become more honest, and has rarely caused trouble recently, but he has often appeared.

But Liang Ping never expected that Li Poyang would appear here today!

Liang Ping glared at Qin Ming.

In the face of his glaring, Qin Ming's eyes didn't evade, cold and gloomy:

"so what?"

"We are human, brother Li is also human. As long as we are human, who doesn't want to live?"

"Now the Heavenly Devil Realm is everywhere, and there are many crises. As far as I know, only your Tianfu Palace had someone who was caught in it, but finally survived, relying on the primitive teleportation circle."

"Brother Liang, the person who knows the current affairs is a Junjie. As long as you give us the blueprint of the primitive teleportation circle and the construction and activation method today, we will let you live today, how about?"

Qin Ming ignored the anger in Liang Ping's words and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

As for Li Poyang, he did not move for the time being, he was still floating above the void, a pair of cold eyes like an eagle, always falling on Liang Ping's body, seeming to be pressing.

Primitive teleportation circle?

Liang Ping's face sank, and he smiled in anger:

"Do you really have the face to ask?"

"Dog things that have fallen into trouble!"

Torn my face!

Liang Ping obviously had no intention of seeking completeness at all, and directly cursed.

"Why didn't you show up to help me when my Tianfu Palace was suffering? Now that my Tianfu Palace has found a good recipe, you little people have jumped out and want to get something for nothing?"

"wishful thinking!"

"Today you just killed me, and don't want to get anything from the primitive teleportation circle from my mouth!"


Liang Ping's violent breath broke out completely.

He had seen it a long time ago, and he can no longer be kind today.

Since you can't be kind, then kill it!

Qin Ming and others immediately changed their expressions.

They didn't expect that Li Poyang had already appeared, and Liang Ping hadn't compromised yet, and Yan Ran looked like he was fighting to the end.

Fight to the death?

This is not their purpose.

Their purpose is to keep Liang Ping alive and to get news about the Primitive Teleportation Array from his mouth, but now...

They didn't expect Liang Ping, who seemed to be calm, to be so impulsive in his heart.

Qin Ming has no choice but to ask for help

Looking at Li Poyang above the void.

Li Poyang's eyes flashed with cold light, as if there was sullenness in his eyes, and finally uttered for the first time since he appeared:

"Toast not to eat, eat fine wine!"

"Well, since you want to die, then it will fulfill you!"

"Qin Ming, implement plan two!"

Plan two?

Qin Ming was taken aback when he heard the words, and then frowned.

He knew what plan two meant.

Before carrying out this conspiracy, they made two plans.

The first, of course, is Liang Ping's compromise. This is the best way. For one's own side, there is no need to face life and death problems. You must know that if an immortal realm quadruple heavenly powerhouse desperately breaks the net, it is very fierce.

Li Poyang didn't matter, because his martial arts level was even higher than Liang Ping.

But it's different for them.

The second is the situation where Liang Ping fought to the end.

Only to die!

Although Li Poyang said that in the face of this situation, as long as Liang Ping did not choose to blew himself up, even if he died, he would be able to find information about the primitive teleportation circle from the remains of Liang Ping's death.

However, this success rate is only 50%.

And it is not necessarily the complete primitive-level transmission magic array information.


It's even less than 50%!

This probability is too low!

So low that Qin Ming and others could not help but hesitate.

Every one of them knows that this is a rare opportunity to kill Liang Ping. But the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If this time fails, the Tianfu Temple will definitely be furious. Even if they can’t find their heads, I’m afraid they can guess the purpose of killing Liang Ping’s people. The protection of the teleportation circle will be more careful, and it will be difficult to find opportunities for them alone.

Compared with Liang Ping's fate, what they wanted most was the information of the primitive transmission magic circle.

But now...

Qin Ming and others hesitated, and for a while, they hesitated about the implementation of Plan 2 that Li Poyang said. At this moment, they didn't see that a sharp light flashed across Liang Ping's eyes.

Plan two!

What is Plan Two?

If you are a newcomer to martial arts, I am afraid that you will be confused and hard to think, but for Liang Ping, who has experienced many battles and has read countless people, guessing this plan is simply too easy!

"Destroy my divine body, swallow my divine soul?"

Liang Ping suddenly realized Li Poyang's plan, his expression gloomy.


Is this probability really small?

Do not!

Too dangerous!

Liang Ping's eyes flashed, before Qin Ming and others made the final decision, suddenly--


The momentum that lingered around him completely erupted, like a volcanic eruption, reaching its extreme in an instant.

Liang Ping, let's go!

On the opposite side, Qin Ming and others were shocked. They never expected that Liang Ping would even dared to launch an offensive in the eyes of this few enemies.

But when they slowly came to their senses, they suddenly realized that the soft sword in Liang Ping's hand was not pointing at them, but in another direction, pointing straight to the other side of the array, empty.

Do not!

Not empty!

There is a stone monument standing there!

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