Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 610: Fight to death!

Break the line!

Liang Ping was violent, not to kill, but to break the battle!

His decisiveness was something that Qin Ming and others had never expected. According to their assumptions, it was only the beginning of the negotiation between the two parties, and it had not reached the point of life and death. The next step should be the rhythm of bargaining.

However, Liang Ping is so decisive and determined!

Want me to reveal the secret of the primitive teleportation circle?

no way!

Even if it is death, I will never reveal the secret of the primitive teleportation circle!

As the upper level of the Tianfu Palace, Liang Ping certainly knew what the primitive teleportation array meant to the entire Tianfu Palace. Not only Tianfu Palace, but also the biggest trump card for the entire Lihuo World!

He was raised by Lord Blue Moon and he was faithful as iron.

It's just that in ordinary times, he didn't show it, and there was no chance for him to show it.

Now, the opportunity is here!

"Stop him!"

Li Poyang let out a loud roar, awakening Qin Ming and others. Elder Tie, Qian Xiao, Qian De and others immediately turned into streamers to catch up, trying to stop Liang Ping.

However, their start was a step late, and their speed was far not as fast as Liang Ping, how could they catch up?

The circle, to break?

Speaking of the protection of the magic circle, of course Qin Ming is the fastest, because he is the master of the magic circle, and the first time he wakes up, he pinches the Yin Jue——


On the surface of the stele, a layer of armor is slowly taking shape.

Of course, there is a way to protect the law circle, otherwise it is broken by someone casually.

However, Liang Ping was not an ordinary person. He was a master of the Five Heavens in the Immortal Realm. Especially at this moment, all his power broke out. The aftermath of the turbulence made them feel shocked and uncomfortable.

Can it really be blocked?

Looking at the armor that was quickly formed on the stele but not yet completely wrapped, everyone's face was extremely ugly and full of worry.

They certainly know what will be waiting for them once Liang Ping is out of trouble.

Within the Kuntian Magic Array, Liang Ping could not contact the outside world. And once he rushed out and got in touch with Tianfu Palace, at that time, they would wait to bear the anger of Lord Blue Moon!

This spatial distance is not a problem at all for powerful people of the Blue Moon Sovereign level. They can arrive in no time. At that time, even if they also contact their own high-level leaders, it will not help!


Just as Qin Ming and the others changed their colors and became anxious, suddenly—

"Sky Eagle!"


A loud eagle's cry spread throughout the audience and awakened everyone. Qin Ming and others were overjoyed. Looking up, they saw the old man Tianying and the Tianying under him drew a graceful arc in the void. , Chasing straight towards Liang Ping, its speed——


This is the strength of the bird.


Even if this eagle falcon just entered the immortal realm, if it is facing each other, I am afraid that Liang Ping can kill it on the spot without the time of a cup of tea.

but now--


The moment the eagle cried behind him, Liang Ping felt the violent wind roaring behind him, and the sky eagle roared, his face changed suddenly.


That's too late!

Liang Ping was in control of the overall situation, and instantly recognized that there was not enough time.

Before he pierced the stone stele that locked the Kuntian formation with a sword, the sky eagle behind him was about to catch up with him!

Liang Ping still doesn't care about a wicked animal.

The point is, on the back of Tianying, there is another person——

Master Tianying!

Although he is only the immortal realm double heavenly powerhouse, but together with Tianying, condescending, his instant power has reached a level that is comparable to the immortal realm triple heavenly powerhouse!

Liang Ping does not care about the first heaven of immortality, but the third heaven of immortality...

Forced helpless.


Liang Ping's eyebrows were cold, and his face was grim. Where is the usual shady bird and calmness?

At the time of life and death, no longer care about others!

Without turning his head back, Liang Ping shot straight out, but the arm holding the soft sword did not move.

Would rather be seriously injured, but also to win the first line of life!

Even Liang Ping knew that his vitality was already pretty slim.

The situation has changed!

Li Poyang stood high, seeing all this in his eyes, and he was overjoyed.


"kill him!"

Qian Xiao, Chan De and others are no more capable of seizing opportunities than him. They have not waited for his words to settle.

Already leaping into the sky, he rushed towards Liangping, with a mighty momentum, and the gorgeous light filled the void.

Do your best!

Every one of them knows that in today's battle, there is no way to be good, and there must be a life and death. In this case, who will keep his hands?

Everyone moved together.

At this moment, Master Tianying was already facing Liang Ping.

"Send to death?"

"Complete you!"

Master Tianying saw that he was about to catch up with Liang Ping, his face was full of joy, but at this moment, what he never expected was--

call out!

Break through the air with one sword!

The soft sword in Liang Ping's hand turned suddenly, and from an extremely strange angle, under the amazement of Master Tianying, it suddenly passed through his own chest!


Liang Ping's sword pierced his chest.

But what was even more strange was that there was no blood coming out of his wound.


Antelope hanging horns!

It's hard to guard against!

After catching up, the distance between them was already quite close. Liang Ping's sword came again so quickly and suddenly, Master Tianying could not react at all.


The long sword runs through the sky like a shadow!

next moment--


Sword over.

Bloody sky!

"Do not!"

While Qin Ming stabilized the formation in the distance, he was also paying attention to Liang Ping's every move and was stunned by this scene. The long sword was ruthless, slashing across Tianying's neck, unabated, and approaching the jaw-dropping Master Tianying on the eagle's back.

Tianying, fall!

Although it is still in the air, it is dead!

Master Tianying, it seems that this sword cannot escape!

Who could have imagined that Liang Ping, who was swearing to break the formation just now, would suddenly make such a move, looking back at the sword, and bursting out such an edge?

One face-to-face, two loss?

Liang Ping's robe was stained with blood and looked like a madman. He went straight up in the wind and passed through the blood sprinkled by the sky eagle. The soft sword in his hand was sharp and sharp.

Kill one more person!

At this moment, there seemed to be no one else in his eyes, only Master Tianying who was falling with Tianying on the eagle's back.

But at this moment, suddenly—



A burst of drink spread throughout the audience. At the same time, an invisible mighty force broke through the air and directly fell on Liang Ping. Liang Ping only felt the sea shook abruptly, as if by an invisible one. The mountain hit, the power in the body trembled suddenly, and even the figure that broke through the air was slowed down by half.

Soul shock!

Li Poyang made the shot!

Although he was far away, the influence of the distance from the spirit offensive was not great, at least this distance was nothing.

It was this moment that saved the life of the old man Tianying.

Liang Ping's previous judgment was accurate and even considered Master Tianying's dodge, but he did not expect that Li Poyang's counterattack would come so soon.

Master Tianying also woke up under the shock of this soul, with a look of horror, seeing Liang Ping Yijian wanting to pass him, before he waited for a sigh of relief-


With a cold snort, Liang Ping seemed to have broken free from some shackles. With a flick of his wrist, the soft sword in his hand once again showed its good qualities. The brush strokes were silver hooks, and the spirit rhinoceros came out again.


The long sword is settled, and then the blood mist!

I saw Master Tianying's legs split from the base of his thighs, and the blood was empty!

Two breaks!

"Do not!"

Master Tianying screamed again and again, with a panic face, ignoring the legs that he had discarded, manipulating his strength, and desperately ran in the opposite direction of Liang Ping for help.

And Liang Ping didn't chase him at all, stopped his figure, panting, his face was pale as paper, his chest was constantly rising and falling, but his eyes were killing intent, and the sharpness had been for a long time. Not only did it not decrease, but it became more intense!

made money!

Tianying died tragically.

The old man Tianying was seriously injured!

Although he is the second heaven of immortality, his physical body is only the first immortal body, and he can't be reborn with severed limbs. At least, he has no combat power at all.

Liang Ping's eyes were like electricity, and did not look at Qian De, Qian Xiao and others who were catching Master Tianying. A pair of sharp eyes, like eagle falcons, fell on Li Poyang.

Li Poyang is his greatest threat!

If anyone present can pose the deadliest threat to him, only Li Poyang!

And the blow just now has proved Li Poyang's strength!


Qian Xiao and others arrived. Except for the seriously injured Master Tianying and Qin Ming, the other four stood in the four directions of Liang Ping's body, and Li Poyang stood in the void, with serious faces and murderous intentions.

The overall situation is set.

Either you die, or I die!

Qian Xiao and the others looked at the soft sword in Liang Ping's hand, and everyone was afraid to step forward.

The misery of Tianying and Master Tianying was still in their eyes, and they never forgot!

At this moment--

"Don't be afraid of him."

"He is the body of the lunar yin, and cultivates the avenue of shadows. The flesh can transform the shadows. It is a secret technique for life saving. It needs a lot of power to support. With his current realm and state, he can use it up to two times. After two times, he will be Exhausted, no matter how hard it is to toss about it."

"Go on, kill him!"

The secret of life?

Can you cast it up to twice?

When Qian Xiao and others heard this, their pupils lit up, and their fighting spirit became more vigorous.

Liang Ping's pupils shrank slightly.

Can Li Poyang see it?

You know, being in the body of Taiyin, cultivating the way of shadows, this is his biggest secret. In the past, even his master Lanyue Monarch had checked the ancient books for a month before finally confirming it, but Li Poyang recognized it at a glance. .

"Could it be that the rumors are true? There is really a party behind Li Poyang's support? He is not a casual cultivator!"

Distracted thoughts flashed from the bottom of his heart, and seeing Qian Xiao and others' eager gazes, Liang Ping smiled without anger:

"Brother Li's judgment is really accurate."

"Yes, I do have the surplus for two strikes, one sword can kill the same rank. I just don't know, who wants to try these last two opportunities?"

Can kill the same order!

As soon as Liang Ping said this, Qian Xiao and others' expressions immediately changed.

The misery of the old man Tianying is still unforgettable in their hearts.


This may be two lives!

Who dares to use his life to make jokes at this moment?

The secret of the primitive teleportation circle is important, but it also has to be alive, right?

For a while, they hesitated, looked at each other, seeing the hesitation in each other's eyes, no one dared to take a step forward. Seeing this scene, Li Poyang's eyes immediately flashed with sorrow.

I hate iron but not steel!

However, these people weren't brought by themselves after all, and he couldn't control them.

Li Poyang's face became even more ugly.


This situation is not good news for myself and others.

It looks like a stalemate, but Liang Ping actually has the upper hand and advantage.


In the distance, Qin Ming is also watching this side all the time, seeing this scene, furious:

"What are you waiting for?"

"Are you going to wait until he has accumulated the power of the third blow?"

When Qian Xiao and others heard the words, their pupils shrank suddenly.


Liang Ping is now recovering his strength quickly!

If he really accumulates the power of the third blow, they might not only die one or two people!

Qin Ming's words, like a wake-up call, completely awakened them, and also awakened their tyrannical and murderous minds. Their bodies were magnificent, endless, and breathtaking!

Seeing this scene, Liang Ping tightened his lips, his eyes flashed helplessly, but he instantly threw it away.

The scheme failed!

However, this was also in his expectation.

In fact, he was already aware of his fate today when he was surrounded.


"It's already enough..."

Liang Ping's Yuguang swept across the huge body of Tianying who fell to the ground, the corners of his mouth rose, and his cold and merciless eyes swept across Qian Xiao and the others, like an abyss to the bone!

"Then make some more!"


Thousands of sword intents are aroused, like a lotus blooming, breaking the calmness of autumn, and ripples, but there is endless ice and cold.

Fight to the death, will start!

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