Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 616: Liang Ping's selfishness.


All this happened too quickly.

From when Xiao Lang and Liang Ping discovered that this strange flame began to burn, until Li Poyang was completely burned to death, turned into smoke and dissipated in the void, the whole process was full of time.

Caught off guard.

Even Xiao Lang did not react.

As for Liang Ping, he was shocked even earlier.

what is this?

The power of the curse?

He clearly didn't feel any breath!


No one speaks.

Both Xiao Lang and Liang Ping froze in place, unable to speak a word for a long time. Li Poyang's end was indeed far beyond their expectations.


Liang Ping frowned, as if thinking of something, was about to speak, suddenly.


A figure flashed from behind them and rushed directly towards the core of Kuntian Magic Array.

It's Qin Ming!

When Li Poyang wanted to deal with Liang Ping with the Secret Art of Borrowing Soul and Spirit, Xiao Lang noticed the abnormality and gave up on them. Therefore, Qin Ming and others were not dead yet.

Obviously, when they saw Xiao Lang and Liang Ping, they were taken aback, thinking they saw an opportunity and were waiting for it.

"Wait a minute!"

"Kill them first!"

"Sister nephew, your strength must not be exposed!"

At this juncture, Liang Ping immediately showed a more mature side than Xiao Lang.

The overall situation is important!

Xiao Lang frowned.

"My strength can't be exposed?"

"But as long as I participate in the battle of right and devil, won't my strength be exposed sooner or later?"

From Liang Ping's words, Xiao Lang noticed a slight strangeness, but of course this did not slow down his movements. On the contrary, he also believed in Liang Ping's arrangement.

Killers, people will kill them!


Xiao Lang makes another move!

But this time, without Li Poyang's interruption and disruption, Liang Ping and Xiaolang joined forces, and any one of them could easily slaughter everyone. The killing naturally ended quickly.

After a cup of tea.

"Xiao Lang, Liang Ping, you can't die in Tianfu Palace!"

Along with Qin Ming's scream full of anger, Xiao Lang's five fingers squeezed his neck, and the power of the heavens surging out from the death of his palms directly shattered his soul and life origin.

All out!

In an instant, the nine immortals were all destroyed!

Liang Ping only killed one Tianying, and Xiao Lang killed all the others!


For Liang Ping, today's battle can be said to be the most dangerous battle since he embarked on the road of martial arts.

Almost died!

Even if Xiao Lang hadn't come just now, he would have blew himself up.

But to Xiao Lang's surprise, after killing everyone, Liang Ping did not directly destroy the Kuntian Magic Array's heart. He suddenly turned around, looked serious, and said:

"You know what I know about today, don't let a third person know."

"After I leave, I will tell Master that I killed all these people."


Looking at Liang Ping's serious face, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't think that this was Liang Ping's robbing of credit. In fact, without anyone telling him, Xiao Lang could also think of what kind of vibration the entire Lihuo Great World would have if the events of the day were passed on.

The Tianfu Palace will become the core of the vibration.

And Liang Ping, who took the initiative to assume this responsibility, would be instantly pushed to the forefront of the storm.

This is not credit, but disaster!

What's more, among all the people they slaughtered, there was also Li Poyang, which represented the Valley of the Evil People that no one was familiar with.

Valley of the Evil.

Tianfu Palace only knew this name by chance, and didn't know anything about it.

Even Li Poyang was the only one they knew and confirmed as a member of the Evil Man Valley.

Now, even he is dead.

However, even though he didn't know anything, based on what Li Poyang said just now, Xiao Lang could also analyze that the Valley of the Evil Man must be the strongest!

After all, even Li Poyang can only be regarded as a peripheral member.

When did the immortal realm five heavenly powerhouse fail to make it to the stage like this?


Thinking of this, Xiao Lang subconsciously interrupted Liang Ping's words.

It is not Xiao Lang's style to let Liang Ping take the blame. However, before he could say the next thing, Liang Ping stretched out his hand and interrupted him directly.

"Don't fight, this is my duty."

"As for Li Poyang's death today, don't tell anyone."

"I suspect that the curse on him should be related to a power in the legend-the power of cause and effect! After I return, I will immediately report the matter to Master and let his elderly take care of it."

The power of cause and effect?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly.

It is also a power of the highest level of heaven!

Although the reputation of the power of the cause and effect heaven is not as good as the four highest heavens, it is also quite ear-shattering. Rumor has it that one thought can communicate cause and effect, and all things can be observed. This power is quite mysterious.


"It seems that the rumors are also untrue."

"It is rumored that the power of causality is not good at killing... But today, the power of this causal fire is so terrifying!"

Xiao Lang had seen the battle between the top venerable Heavenly Dao, and he could be regarded as someone who had seen the world, but when he thought of Li Poyang being wrapped in flames just now, he didn’t even make a scream when he died. Can't help but get goose bumps all over.

The power of cause and effect, the fire of cause and effect.

It's so weird!

However, when he pulled away from the misery of Li Poyang's death just now, Xiao Lang couldn't help but frown, and couldn't help asking:

"But Uncle, what does it have to do with you letting me hide my strength?"

When Liang Ping heard the words, his body trembled slightly, his complexion suddenly became complicated, and he hesitated, but in the end, he said it.

"I am selfish."


Xiao Lang's heart trembled, and the look in Liang Ping's eyes became more confused.

Liang Ping obviously knew that it would be inappropriate if he didn't say it again. He sighed inwardly, and suddenly looked directly at Xiao Lang's eyes, with a serious connotation, saying:

"I want to ask Master Nephew, where is your Master in your heart?"


Sun Wuji?

Xiao Lang never expected that Liang Ping would suddenly ask such a question at this juncture. He couldn't help but be in a daze, and subconsciously would answer truthfully, but before he could say anything, suddenly, Xiao Lang's heart trembled. The pupils of his eyes shrank and he said quickly:

"Something happened to my master?"

"What happened?"

"Where is he now?"

Asked three times.

Liang Ping did not expect that Xiao Lang's reaction would be so fast. It was just a question of his own that he immediately insight into the truth, and he was slightly taken aback, but when he saw the urgency and questioning in Xiao Lang's eyes, his heart could not help but fall Up.

"Senior Brother Wuji did not misunderstand the wrong person, and accepted a good apprentice!"

"Yes, something happened to your master, but as for the situation, we don't know now. Don't worry, sit down and listen to me slowly."

sit down


Xiao Lang couldn't sit down now.

For him, in the entire Lihuo Great World, except for Nymph, Sun Wuji is probably the closest person to him, with countless kindness.

Seeing Xiao Lang's appearance of an ant on a hot pot, Liang Ping stopped urging, but his eyes were obviously less worried. Before, what he feared most was that Xiao Lang didn't care about Sun Wuji's life or death.

But now, he was obviously satisfied with Xiao Lang's reaction.

Knowing that Xiao Lang was in a hurry, he did not delay, and said immediately:

"Your master, you have gone to the land of origin."

The place of origin?

Xiao Lang frowned slightly. To him, the four words Origin Land were quite unfamiliar, but he did not interrupt the question. Liang Ping obviously knew that he didn't understand what the four words of Origin Land meant, and immediately explained:

"The place of origin is a special space. In other words, it should be regarded as a core of our distance from the fire world, not the foundation of the world, but the core of the avenue."

"There are abundant avenues, and almost all avenues are displayed. It is much easier to perceive than outside. It can be described as an absolute treasure."

"Since the discovery of the original place, it has been under the supervision of our Tianfu Palace and other 14 major sect forces to control entry and exit. Every other year, our 15 major sects can send one person into it. The purpose of the Dao of Enlightenment is naturally to achieve immortality. In fact, the place of origin is also the place where I left the fire world to give birth to immortal monarchs the most, including me, where I was promoted to immortality."

The way of the soul?

When Xiao Lang heard this, he suddenly thought of the way to the soul of the Five Elements Continent.

Very similar!

The basic function is this.

"Master has gone in? Is he going to be promoted to immortality?"

Xiao Lang asked.

Liang Ping took a deep look at Xiao Lang and nodded:

"Yes, he went in."

"But, not for immortality..."

"In the land of the origin, the power of the Dao is as strong as the origin of the Dao, and his purpose is to become the Venerable Dao of Heaven!"

Venerable Heaven!

Xiao Lang was not too surprised when he heard this.


Because he had long known that Sun Wuji's martial arts goal was never immortal, but Heavenly Dao Venerable, just as Liang Ping said at this time.

"and then?"

"Since the original land has fifteen major gates guarded, it should be very safe, right? It's not enough to stay in a quiet retreat. How can it be dangerous?"

Xiao Lang directly pointed out the key, his eyes eagerly.

Unexpectedly, this time, Liang Ping chose to shake his head.

"Do not."

"The Land of Origin is never safe."

"Since my nephew once entered the Demon Lake Holy Land, he must have experienced those strangeness too. It can be said that the Origin Land is like a bigger Demon Lake Holy Land, with more strange contents, because it was the last one. The era is annihilated, the singularity of the birth of this world!"

Magic Pool Holy Land?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Liang Ping's metaphor was so apt, he understood it all at once.

"There are a lot of spiritual things in them, which are quite cruel. Some even have self-consciousness. They often launch raids on the strong people we send. Of course, our people often organize teams to fight and learn from each other."

"Just half a year ago, Master and I suddenly discovered that the soul lamp left by Junior Brother was about to go out!"

The soul lamp goes out?

That means people are dying!

Xiao Lang's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he could no longer remain calm.

Sun Wuji, who has always regarded him as his own since I met him, is about to die?


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