Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 617: Leave now!

"Tianfu Palace didn't send anyone to rescue?"

Xiao Lang's face was ugly, and his voice became particularly cold.

He didn't expect that such a thing would happen during his absence.

Liang Ping clearly saw the emotion in Xiao Lang's words and quickly explained:

"Although the original place is the core of our entire Lihuo World, it is a realm of its own, and it will only be opened once a year. We can't send people in."

"And if you send someone in, you can only send one person at most, because I only have one place in the Tianfu Palace."

"We have also tried to contact the people inside during this period, but the effect is not very good, so far we have not contacted."


This reason is fair.

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, but his expression was not soothing.

Sun Wuji's life was like a thorn, pierced in his heart, unable to remove it. Although Liang Ping also said that Sun Wuji's soul lamp was indeed on all the time, but it was getting dimmed every day, which was obviously not a good sign.

How long can he hold on?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart became more anxious, his eyes burning, staring at Liang Ping, and said:

"Uncle, mean, you want to send me in?"



Xiao Lang was extremely decisive.

Decisively, even Liang Ping was shocked, and his heart was shaken. Looking at Xiao Lang's firm and pure gaze, and then thinking of his temptation just now, he couldn't help but feel a little owed.

"There are still three months left, and the land of the origin will usher in the next opening. Only the venerables of the era realm level can enter, the nephew should meet the conditions.

Seeing Xiao Lang nodding his head again, Liang Ping confirmed more and more that Xiao Lang, like Sun Wuji, had embarked on the path of Venerable Heaven. In fact, personally, he highly does not recommend this martial art, but now, like Xiao Lang, he is concerned about Sun Wuji's life and safety, and he didn't say much for a while.

"But then, you can't reproduce yourself."

"The original level teleportation array you brought is very important to Master. Once you show up, Master will never agree to my plan, so during this period of time..."

Can't show up?

Xiao Lang followed closely with his brows, his face sinking slightly.

Doesn't that mean that he can't recognize Nymph and others during this time?

I have to admit that at this moment, Xiao Lang's heart did shake a little. You know, in the past two years, all his hard work and hard work on the Five Elements Continent are due to this reason.

But now...

Xiao Lang was silent for a long time.

Finally, he let out a long sigh of relief, seeming to completely let go of the depression in my heart, and said solemnly:

"I know."

"Uncle, don't worry, no one will find me during this time."


Xiao Lang chose to give up to see Nymph.

"Just leave it temporarily."

"wait me back!"

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat, so you must choose. In this decision, Xiao Lang obviously chose the latter in the life and death crisis between his sons and daughters and Sun Wuji.

Xiao Lang could bear not seeing Nymph in a short time.

But if Sun Wuji really died in a foreign land like this, Xiao Lang could not forgive himself anyway. You know, in the previous battle in Yanlang Star Magnolia City, if Sun Wuji hadn't arrived in time, he would have died!

"This is what I owe Master."

"I will never let him die in Origin!"

Liang Ping's eyes lit up when he heard this, and the expression on his face became more joyful.

He never expected that Xiao Lang would have promised so readily that he didn't need to say much.

"Good good!"

"Junior Brother really accepted a good disciple!"

Liang Ping repeatedly admired.

But at this moment, Xiao Lang didn't have any thoughts of greeting. Although he made a choice, it was not so easy for him.

"Uncle, can you talk to me, from

What happened to those people who had come back from Chiyan Star? "

Liang Ping's eyes flashed, and smiled:

"Nephew Master wants to ask Ning Fuer, right?"

The relationship between Ning Fuer and Xiao Lang is no longer a secret in the entire Tianfu Palace, especially since Liang Ping was responsible for the selection of those spies during this time, it was naturally clear.

Seeing that Xiao Lang was not evasive, he nodded directly, Liang Ping said frankly, and did not let Xiao Lang wait too long.

"they are very good."


Liang Ping knew that if Xiao Lang's heart knot was not solved, he might not be able to feel at ease during this trip to Origin, and that it would be troublesome if there was any danger, so he said in detail.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Liang Ping made it clear that the Tianfu Palace had arranged for those rescued from Chiyan Star in the past two years, without any concealment.

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, bright and clear, and finally he had a general understanding of what Liang Ping had done in the past two years.

Settle down.

Liang Ping did a good job of settling and screening. Xiao Lang knew from his mouth that both parts of the work were over. In the near future, those with innocent identities will go to various star regions under the scheduling of Tianfu Temple. Participate in the final preparations before the battle.

This doesn’t require a beam flat tube.

Because of this, Lord Lanyue sent Liang Ping here.

Ning Fu'er was among them, and so was Knife Shura, including the ancestors of the Li family, all received special care because of him.

"Your little girlfriend will definitely be arranged at the headquarters of the Tianfu Palace, which is also the safest place in our Tianfu Palace, so you can rest assured."

"Your master had already told about this before he left."

Arranged at the Tianfu Palace headquarters?

Xiao Lang was completely relieved when he heard this.

If even the Tianfu Palace headquarters is not safe, there is probably no safe place in the entire Lihuo World.

"Thank you, Uncle."

Xiao Lang's thoughts were lost, but just as he thanked him, suddenly Liang Ping frowned as if he had thought of something.

"However, your little girlfriend's martial arts...seems to have some problems."


Ning Fu'er's martial arts training?

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly, and he asked quickly:

"what is the problem?"

As if seeing Xiao Lang's nervousness, Liang Ping waved his hand quickly:

"Don't worry, it's not a disaster."

"It's just that your little girlfriend's progress over the past two years is quite terrifying, almost breaking the promotion record in the history of the Tianfu Palace."

"She has an extremely keen understanding of the Golden Dao, and she has progressed too fast. Now she is almost on the verge of the peak of the late Era Realm, and she is only one step away from the Era Realm Xiaozhu."

"This should have something to do with your help, my nephew?"

Liang Ping smiled, his eyes gleaming brightly, obviously blessing Ning Fuer's rapid promotion during this time on Xiao Lang.

Because, compared with Nymph's martial art realm, Xiao Lang seems to be promoted faster, especially in combat power!

However, what he didn't see was that Xiao Lang's heart sank suddenly and his expression became slightly stiff.

His credit?

Xiao Lang was fully aware that Ning Fu'er's rapid improvement in the martial art realm during this time had nothing to do with him. Moreover, in Liang Ping's view, it is a good thing that Nymph's realm has progressed rapidly, but for Xiao Lang, this is not the case.

"Xunjin Clan!"

The abnormal performance of Ning Fu'er reminded Xiao Lang of the abnormal behavior of Ning Fu'er when he took Huang, Ning Fu'er and others to Jinling Cave Sky two years ago.


Nymph has a seal on her body!

The clone of the ancestor of Xunjin!

Nymph is just the carrier of her life!

And now, the anomaly shown on Ning Fu'er seems to be proving that the back hand left by her ancestor Xun Jin is already working!

Is that right?

Xiao Lang didn't know anything about the Sunda Jin Clan, but he knew that someone knew, so he immediately explored the spirit and asked the Jinling ancestor who was placed in the storage ring by him.

But I never thought, before he could speak, the ancestor of Jinling seemed to have been paying attention to everything outside, and serious words came:

"Little friend, the Xunjin clan's dark hands have been triggered, your Taoist companion, it is dangerous!"

"Next, as her martial arts cultivation level gets higher and higher, the dark hands that the ancestor Xunjin left behind will be excited faster and faster. She will not encounter any peace and proving immortality."

"By then, it may be time for other clones of the ancestor Xunjin to come and harvest!"


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

Even if I heard the ancestors of Jinling talk about it in Jinling Dongtian in the past, when this kind of crisis finally appeared before him, Xiao Lang couldn't help but panic.

After all, that is Nymph!

"The sermon is immortal, and danger happens?"

"About how long am I still?"

Xiao Lang asked in a low voice. The ancestor Jinling was silent for a while, seeming to be calculating, and finally responded:

"Of course, although her martial arts cultivation base has grown, she has made rapid progress, but after all, a lot of power is needed for the Era Realm Small Perfection and the Era Realm Great Perfection. I estimate that at her current speed, it probably only takes five to ten years. In years, you can prove immortality."

Five years.

ten years?

The span is so long?

Xiao Lang frowned subconsciously, but soon realized that the ancestor of Jinling was only an estimate and could not be too accurate. After all, he had only heard the news of the Xunjin clan in his previous life and knew nothing about their inheritance. It can be inferred from the changes of Nymph over time.

Five years.

Xiao Lang could only speculate in the shortest time.

In fact, at the moment when Ning Fu'er proclaimed the immortality, the other clones of the ancestor Xunjin were just the martial realm of the initial stage of the immortality, Xiao Lang was not afraid at all.

He is not afraid now.

However, there will always be surprises.

What's more, those who come are not necessarily the strong ones in the early stage of Immortality!

Because the ancestors of Jinling once said that Ning Fu'er awakened relatively late, and the other clones of the ancestors of Xunjin are now extremely powerful!

"Five years..."

"Five years, it should be enough for me to rescue Master."

In the emergency, Xiao Lang did not dare to be sloppy.

If Ning Fu'er died tragically because of Sun Wuji, Xiao Lang could not forgive himself either, so he immediately asked Liang Ping.

Five years?

Liang Ping was taken aback. He didn't know Xiao Lang suddenly said what this time meant, but he still responded immediately:

"Five years, enough!"

"In fact, there is also a rule in Origin Land, that is, no one can stay in it for more than five years, otherwise they will be expelled."

"If Junior Brother and Junior Nephew can really be expelled, that would be great."

If you are expelled, you are still alive.

Xiao Lang understood Liang Ping's meaning, and nodded lightly to suppress his anxiety.

In this way, the time is reasonable.

For Xiao Lang, this is indeed good news.

"it is good."

"In three months, where should juniors go to find their uncle?"

Xiao Lang's eyes were burning, and he had abandoned all distractions. When Liang Ping heard the words, he couldn't help but stunned again, frowning:

"Nephew doesn't need me to arrange to hide the trail?"

Xiao Lang waved his hand:

"Thank you for your uncle's concern, but the junior has already thought of a good place."

Xiao Lang said, looking up at the sky, as if he saw a desolate star, and there was a lonely cave waiting for him...

Longyang Star!

Listen to Chaohou Mansion!

Not bad.

This is Xiao Lang's arrangement for him for these three months!


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