Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 618: The second level, Heart Refining Pavilion!

After half a day.

In the turbulence of the space, a flying boat that looks so simple on the surface is quickly disappearing.

Hongmeng Lingbao.

Linglong flying boat.

It was indeed broken by a blow from the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord, but fortunately the main body was still there. Xiao Lang relied on it to travel through the void and found the Five Elements Continent.

It is now complete.

At the end of the path of the primordial spirit, the place full of the power of the Five Elements Avenue, Xiao Lang repaired it again.

But even so, Xiao Lang still felt a bit of difficulty in the turbulent flow of space.

Obviously, even if Linglong Feizhou is a Hongmeng Lingbao, in the strict sense, it can be regarded as a treasure of the immortal level, but for Xiao Lang, it can no longer satisfy him.

He couldn't help but think of the flying boat of the ancestors of the Zhong family and others.

Traveling hundreds of thousands of miles in a flash, it is the ultimate!

"I need to change to a new flying boat, preferably a tailor-made one. I just don't know if there is one that meets my needs in the Zhan Taizong."

Linglong Feizhou was obtained by Xiao Lang from the treasure house of Zhan Taizong, and the quality was only average.

According to the original agreement with the God of Ice and Fire, he can go back every time he raises a small level, re-take the assessment of Tongtianqiao, and exchange rewards.

"I don't know if there is still time to go back this time."

"If I have time, I really want to see how God of Ice and Fire will look when he sees me again."

"I don't know, did Qiu Tian go to Zhan Taizong according to my arrangement."

Xiao Lang sat cross-legged in the Linglong Flying Boat, distracting thoughts.

To be honest, it was only at this time that Xiao Lang truly felt the comfort passed from the origin of Lihuo Great World, and Xiao Lang finally completely relaxed.

came back!

It's really back!

For others, Xiao Lang's experience over the past two years is almost dreamlike, but for himself, why not?

When Xiao Lang really settled down to realize what he had gained over the years, he finally understood why Liang Ping was so shocked when he saw his strength.

His gain is really great!

Unimaginable richness for ordinary people!

It is mainly the foundation of martial arts, the power of the three heavenly ways, and the way of martial arts that has found his own future.

Of course, Xiao Lang also saw his own shortcomings.

"My current shortcomings can only be concentrated on foreign objects."

As the strength of a martial artist rises, the realm of martial arts and the mastery of martial arts secrets are certainly important, but the support of foreign objects is also an indispensable part.

Xiao Lang felt that he had been lacking this.

When he got the inheritance of Tsem Taizong, it was when he felt that he was the richest, but he didn't expect that it was just a mere two years and everything changed.

The white armor of the gods is good enough to withstand the full blow of the immortal three-tier monarch, but for him who has reached the fifth-tier immortal realm in physical strength now——


Linglong Feizhou is not enough.

The good things he got from the treasury of Zhan Taizong in the past, now it looks like nothing...

"If you have time, go to the relics of Zhan Taizong again."

"I hope that listening to Chaohou Mansion can also bring me some surprises."

Xiao Lang abandons distracting thoughts, calmly, and concentrates on rushing.

Listen to Chaohou Mansion.

This is the purpose of Xiao Lang's trip.

He has long wanted to go.

When he came out of the Zhantaizong ruins, he wanted to go, but he did not expect to encounter the Heavenly Demon Realm swallowing the Red Yan Star, which was directly delayed, and even fell to the Five Elements Continent, and finally found an opportunity today.

Xiao Lang was grateful for listening to Chaohou.

Because he was sure that if it hadn't been for the resources left by Ting Chaohou, especially Mo Jing, he would definitely not have survived the disaster of Huadao and survived to the present.

The five-element lotus mark is the foundation of his current martial arts.

The first time he entered Tingchaohou Mansion, his gains were so great, and the significance to him was even greater than the twenty years in Zhantaizong!

However, when he came out of the Five Elements Continent, he heard from the ancestors of the Five Elements that he felt Ting Chaohou in his heart, and Xiao Lang's feelings for Ting Chaohou suddenly became complicated.

Is Ting Chaohou dead?

If he really died, what was his purpose in staying to listen to Chaohou Mansion?

If he is not dead, is he hiding in the dark to observe himself?

But for him with the peak strength of Primitive Realm, he is not even an ant. What is he doing?

Xiao Lang couldn't understand.

But there is no more in-depth study.

In fact, as early as the last few days on the Five Elements Continent, he had already thought about this issue.

the reason.


Is it important?

Of course it is important.

Because they are related to one's future martial arts road, and the relationship between Ting Chaohou and oneself, whether they are enemies or predecessors of preaching and receiving karma.

However, that is the future.

For the current self, these things that may only be triggered tens of thousands of years later are not within the scope of their consideration.

At present, the battle between righteous and demons is imminent, and Ning Fu'er still has hidden dangers, and Xiao Lang has only one thought in his heart——


Become stronger!

Survive the crisis of the Zhengma War!

This is the most important thing right now.


If you can't even survive, what is the point of discussing and pursuing Tingchao Hou's purpose and pursuit?


Therefore, Xiao Lang's mentality at this time was quite peaceful, and his will was firm.

This time he went to listen to Chaohou Mansion, just to seek benefits!

Regardless of your conspiracies, let me become stronger first!

peace in the heart.

Xiao Lang's mood at this time was completely opposite to the chaotic spatial turbulence outside Linglong Feizhou, and he was very calm. Until three hours later--

"Master, here it is!"

Xiao Lang handed Linglong Feizhou to Jiuyou Bat to control, and the call came, Xiao Lang immediately opened his eyes, and through the dim space barrier in front of him, he faintly saw a khaki star.

Longyang Star!

In the past, he came to the first place to settle in the Star Sea of ​​the Western Regions, and it was here that he obtained the five major mineral veins, got the inheritance of Ting Chaohou, completely solved the catastrophe of the Huadao, and stepped out of the achievement era. The most solid step.

Even if this is nothing compared to his experience in recent years, Xiao Lang still feels uncomfortable in his heart when he revisits the old place.

"You come back."

Xiao Lang recalled the Nine You Bats and put them in the town sky coffin. The next moment, he had personally manipulated the Linglong Flying Boat to rush out of the turbulent space.


A quarter of an hour later.

Linglong Feizhou has galloped on Longyang Star.

From the outside, Longyang Star has not changed much, but in fact, without the control of the five major families, the indigenous people on Longyang Star have made considerable progress over the years. Xiao Lang has seen many villages.

But he didn't show up to bother him, and went straight to the location of Ting Chaohou Mansion in his memory.

After just a few breaths, a trivial, but extremely deep gorge was exposed before him. Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, he put away the exquisite flying boat, and jumped down.

Standing on the edge of the canyon, looking at the endless depth of it, there was nostalgia in Xiao Lang's eyes, but he quickly converged.

"Don't come out."

Xiao Lang exhorted.

The ancestor of Jinling and the Bloodthirsty Star Vine nodded immediately, hiding in the storage ring, with curiosity shining under his eyes.

Only the Nine You Bats, besides curiosity, their eyes are full of excitement.

They knew Xiao Lang's purpose, and naturally guessed where it was.

Listen to the tide!

As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, he was the idol of Jiuyoubat, and he was naturally excited at this time.

Relatively speaking, Xiao Lang was calmer, took a deep breath, and jumped down.

Familiar process.

Everything familiar.

A portal appeared in front of him, but there was no waste next to the stone gate. Xiao Lang chuckled unnoticeably and pushed open the stone gate in front of him.


Familiar grottoes are unfolding in front of them.

Compared to decades ago

, Everything is the same, including the scroll of the road above your head, and the golden ball that floats towards you. Seeing Xiao Lang, it immediately transforms into a child, with beautiful eyes and full of surprises.

"Young Master, you are back!"


It can be regarded as a puppet left by Ting Chaohou for his site.

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, and after greeting him, he immediately cast his gaze to the other side of the grotto.

On that wall, there are three stone gates.

But the first way has been opened.

Shura Field.

Devil Blood World!

Xiao Lang faintly sensed a familiar aura, thinking of everything he had experienced inside, his smile on his face was thicker, but he quickly converged, turned his head to look at Ah Fu, straight to the point, and said:

"I'm here to take the second test."

"Venerable Heaven, it should be considered as meeting the conditions of the second test."

Listening to the second test left by Chaohou, the prerequisite for entry is to have the battle power of the immortal realm. Of course Xiao Lang fully met the requirements.

When Ah Fu heard this, his pupils brightened, and a golden light burst out of his eyes and fell on Xiao Lang's body.

Xiao Lang frowned, and was about to dodge, Jin Mang had already retracted, and Ah Fu cheered and formatted a smile:

"Sure enough, the young master is among the dragons and phoenixes, but in just twenty-six years, he has reached the conditions for the second portal."

"Congratulations, young master."

"Young Master, you can indeed participate in the second test."

"Is the young master open now?"

Ah Fu is just a puppet, it seems that there is only a process, he does not even have his own sanity, and his words seem extremely long-winded. Xiao Lang's eyes flashed when he heard the words, but instead of nodding immediately, he asked:

"and many more."

"How long will it take to complete this second test?"

Xiao Lang asked the key.


It is a big problem for him.

If the second test has not been over, the three months will pass, and the time to enter the Land of Origin will be delayed, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Because of his own reasons, Sun Wuji died in it?

This was not something Xiao Lang wanted to see, so he asked directly. This is also because of his experience. During the test of Shura Field, he had asked Ah Fu a question and got the answer he wanted.


This time too.

Ah Fu looked respectful and said:

"Back to the master, the second test is the Heart Refining Pavilion, created by tempering the master’s mind and soul. There are 108 levels in it, implying the number of heaven and earth. The total time to pass the level is 60 days, and 60 days have not passed. , The results will be settled based on the current level and rewards will be given."

Sixty days?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

This level is not a life and death level?

He can remember that at the first level, it was either life or death!

Listen to the tide, release the water?

When Xiao Lang was surprised, Ah Fu finally heard the second half of his sentence:

"But if the young master fails to pass even 54 levels within 60 days, he will still be obliterated."

Xiao Lang was startled and smiled.


There is still a danger of life and death.

This is the character of Ting Chaohou.

Everything was as expected, the most important thing was that 60 days, this number of days made Xiao Lang very satisfied, and immediately nodded.

"Okay, turn it on."


Seeing Shimen opened, Xiao Lang stepped straight in, his eyes full of curiosity.

He was still quite interested in listening to the heart-strengthening test left by Chaohou, a super power.

It’s just that when Xiao Lang stepped into the stone gate and plunged into darkness, he didn’t even perceive it from the gods who reached the level of the immortal level five heavens. His entry was like a stone thrown into a flood of autumn water. Waves of ripples have been spreading towards the depths of the dark abyss.

I don't know how far it has passed--


A long and profound breath began to recover!

It seems that in its deepest part, something has been awakened...


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