Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 622: The dark hand of Tonggu Realm?


Just as Xiao Lang almost fell into doubt about himself, he shuddered suddenly and woke up quickly. The clothes on his back were already wet with sweat and cold to the bones.

"Just three or five sentences, I almost vetoed myself?"

Xiao Lang only felt his hair horrified. He looked aside and looked indifferent, as if nothing happened, his pupils shrank to the size of needles.

Just now, Ting Chaohou shot?

Without any signs, he was recruited?

This is the real strength of Ting Chaohou?

Moreover, he is just a remnant soul!

For the first time, Xiao Lang truly experienced the powerful combat power of the so-called Primordial Realm Great Might, his mind was shocked, and he finally calmed down, looking at Ting Chaohou with burning eyes.

At this moment, he didn't mind that Ting Chaohou accidentally shot him just now. Compared with this, he cared more whether Ting Chaohou tried it out.

Is the power of Tonggu in your own body caused by others?

Looking at Xiao Lang's burning eyes, listening to Chaohou, he smiled.

"Not bad."

Hearing Chaohou's compliment, Xiao Lang did not hear whether he was praising himself for quick response and firm will, or for other reasons, and he was still waiting.

Listening to the tide is not in a hurry.

At this moment, he had the posture of a master and inheritor, slowly saying:

"Those old monsters in the ancient realm can't be defended against, and they can even cover the secrets so that no one can detect the clues. You will be recruited. It is much more subtle than my little fascination."

Hearing Chaohou smiled coldly, a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes. I don't know who was criticizing Sanghuai, but he quickly calmed down and finally said the answer to Xiao Lang's most eager question:

"On your body, I didn't notice any traces."


Xiao Lang was surprised and was about to let out a long sigh of relief, but listening to Chaohou's cold voice continued:

"However, this does not mean that no one is doing anything with you. If anything, it is even more terrifying!"


More terrifying?

Xiao Lang's pupils suddenly shrank upon hearing this.

He understands!

Who can do the hands and feet that can't be judged by listening to Chaohou?

Yuanshi Realm?

Or Tonggu Realm?

Adding the power of Tonggu in my body, the answer seems obvious——

"Is the Great Ancient Realm able to count me behind?"

As soon as Xiao Lang had such thoughts in his mind, he felt a little weird and a little funny.

"What can I invest in?"

"Why do they bother with me?"


Xiao Lang is now at best a Heavenly Dao Venerable who has not yet grown up. Not to mention his potential, but only to say that he is too far away from the Tonggu realm at present. The two are not on the same level, one sky and one earth.

What's more, when he considers the power of Tonggu as the power of the Dao Spirit Body, he is not even a true god.

In Tonggu Realm Da Neng's eyes, he was even smaller than the ant.

Does such an investment really make sense?

Anyway, Xiao Lang didn't believe it.

However, listening to Chaohou obviously didn't think so, and shook his head after hearing this:

"They do it, of course there is reason for them."

"In fact, in the history of the Eternal Continent, there are many people like you."

"I only know that once they grow up, they will disappear completely, but I don't know what they did."


Hearing these two words, Xiao Lang suddenly thought of Ning Fuer and the Xunjin clan behind her.


Is it the same clone as the Sundanjin clan?

A trace of anxiety surged in Xiao Lang's heart.

no way.

The Tonggu Realm is too far away for him, such an existence, if not nine

You Bat had laid a foundation for him before, and he couldn't even think about it. Hearing these analysis of Chaohou today, I am afraid that he will be even more astonished.

What are they for?

Just as Xiao Lang was lost and worried, suddenly, hearing Chao Hou Ruo's thoughts, she frowned again.

"But it's weird."

"The ancient power in your body has no attributes, and it seems to be able to blend with any kind of heavenly power...This is indeed different from the ancient power that I know."

"If it is really left to you by an old monster, at least it should have unique characteristics."



Xiao Lang's pupils lit up when he heard this.

"What does this mean?"

"Perhaps, it was condensed unintentionally. It belongs to me and has nothing to do with others?"

Xiao Lang's words are urgent.

Hearing what Chaohou pointed out today was indeed something he had never thought of, so he had to rush.

Hearing what Chaohou heard, smiled, and took a deep look at Xiao Lang.


"Boy, do you know how much luck it takes? Let alone in the lower realms, even in the history of the eternal continent, only the three oldest beings have such luck."

"As for you?"

Hearing Chaohou shook his head and chuckled, he didn't continue to speak. Obviously, he didn't think there was such a possibility.

Xiao Lang's thoughts sank after hearing this.

In this way, the Tonggu power in one's body could really be what someone left behind?

"It has no attributes and characteristics. It is indeed a strange place. Perhaps it is because my martial arts level is not enough to detect it."

"Anyway, you kid be careful."

"If someone is really'raising' you for harvesting, your kid would be very unlucky. However, this is also an opportunity!"

Ting Chaohou's eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light, so Xiao Lang couldn't help but avoid it.


"what chance?"

Hearing that there was a turning point, Xiao Lang couldn't care about anything else.

Listening to Chaohou, a smile bloomed on his face.

"Of course it's an opportunity to become the Tonggu Realm."

"It’s not that there is no risk to raise Gu. On the Eternal Continent, are there few people being eaten by your own Gu? I don’t know the Tonggu realm, that is not the level I can reach, but there is hope After all, it is good. Whether you can eat the Lord instead depends on your own good fortune."

Listening to Chao Hou's mouth raised, Xiao Lang couldn't help but want to hit people with a wicked smile and a good show.

However, listening to what Chaohou said at this time really made Xiao Lang's heart moved.


It sounds really good.

"Please enlighten me from seniors."

Xiao Lang asked quietly.

After all, this was a major event related to his fate, and Xiao Lang had to be cautious.

After all, listening to Chaohou shook his head without hesitation.

"Don't ask me about this. I only live for one lifetime. I never raise any living or dead gu, and I don't even bother to do it. You should wait for you to go to the Eternal Continent and look for it slowly."

"However, to me, you are a big surprise."


Listening to Chaohou's eyes lit up again, he didn't seem to worry about Xiao Lang's fate at all, his eyes burned, and he ignored everything he had just said, his eyes hot.

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shook.

He had already noticed that although Ting Chaohou had said a lot of useful information and intelligence to him, in fact, he appeared to be more and more impatient and understatement, in fact, he did not take his own destiny in particular.

What does it mean at this time?

During this short half-hour of communication, Xiao Lang almost felt the temper of Ting Chaohou in front of him.


Listening to the tide in front of me.

I don’t know if there was only a remnant soul left. Xiao Lang could tell the difference. The Ting Chaohou in front of him, and Wu

Ting Chaohou in the mouth of the old ancestors is different.


Indeed there is.

But more is perverse.

Although the two of them seemed to communicate a lot in this small hour and Xiao Lang also got a lot of useful things, in fact, these were all what Chaohou wanted to say.

Willingly go its own way.

Some of the questions Xiao Lang asked, he didn't want to say, he would not pay attention.

At this time, hearing Chaohou suddenly said such words, Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shook.

Listen to the tide, what to do?

Xiao Lang was cautious and did not ask, because he knew that he would definitely not conceal the character of listening to Chaohou before his eyes.

as expected.

There was a flash of reminiscence in the eyes of listening to Chaohou, but he quickly returned to his usual dangling and said:

"Since you know this Jiuyou Bat, you must also know that I was poisoned by someone before I fell into the lower realm, and I had no hope of returning to life until I died here."

"The reason why I left the inheritance is also very simple—"


"So, since you are the one I chose, you must fulfill my last wish and help me kill him."



Listening to Chaohou's understatement, it was like not talking about himself, but it made Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shake.

Fuck me?

Must accept?

Can it be an ordinary person who can harm you?

Let me kill?

Are you kidding me?

Xiao Lang slandered inwardly, but there was no expression on his face. Because he could see it, listening to Chaohou really didn't make a joke!

And, if I refuse now...

Xiao Lang had no doubt, listening to Chaohou would immediately shoot himself without any hesitation!

"why me?"

Xiao Lang asked in a deep voice.

The ancestors of the Five Elements should not have such a task, right?

Hearing Chaohou chuckled, he said:

"Because you have this hope."

"Whether you can eat the Lord and succeed, as far as I know, seeds like you can generally reach the Primordial Beginning Realm before they are harvested."

"Yuanshi Realm, revenge for me, enough."


What kind of **** reason is this?

I would rather not have such hope!

Xiao Lang's face was pale.

He felt like he was being pitted, his brain was running fast, and he had to find a way to refuse, but listening to the tide was obviously more than that.

"Of course, you can also refuse. The big deal is that I will wait for a while before looking for a suitable inheritor. Anyway, stay here, I am immortal."

"I heard that Chaohou is not a person who likes to threaten others. If you are willing to swear a blood oath to help me get revenge, maybe I can give you some other surprises, which is to save your life in front of the Ancient Tonggu Realm. impossible."

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Save your life?

In front of the ancient realm?

Secret treasure?

Xiao Lang’s first reaction was the Secret Treasure, because I heard that Chaohou also said before, even at his peak, the gap between him and the Tonggu realm is huge, but he can save his life in front of the Tonggu realm's great power. With the help of foreign objects.

Ting Chaohou still has such a secret treasure?

Unlike others, if others heard about this, they would have long been moved. After all, I am afraid that I really have a dark hand left by the Great Ancient Realm.

But Xiao Lang is different.

Hearing what Chaohou said, his first reaction was--


If you have such a secret treasure, how can you be bombarded to this world?

For a moment, Xiao Lang looked at Ting Chaohou with deep suspicion.

Listening to the tide is a bit unpredictable!


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