Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 623: The real world!

Seeing the corners of his mouth rising and listening to Chaohou with a ghostly smile, Xiao Lang also smiled.


From between the lines of Ting Chaohou's words, he smelled the breath of routine.

"Senior, this is step by step."

"Is an inheritor like me really easy to find?"

Xiao Lang had gradually woke up from the shock and surprise of listening to Chaohou verifying his true body at the beginning, and recovered his sanity. The clues that he hadn't noticed before also came to mind.

He sees through it!

See through and listen to Chaohou's routine!

The power of Tonggu.

Powerful dark hand.

The secret of inheritance.

I have to admit that there is indeed a lot of useful information in all that Ting Chaohou has revealed, even if some of it is only a point-to-end, Ting Chaohou did not say clearly.

Perhaps it was his lack of ability, and his knowledge was not exhaustive.

However, whether it is detailed or not is one thing, whether you want to say it or not, it is another matter.

It was precisely because Ting Chaohou suddenly revealed the benefits of promising him revenge, Xiao Lang suddenly woke up. During this short period of time, although Ting Chaohou did not use any psychic art, but only using verbal skills, He was fooled.

First use the power of Tonggu to arouse his curiosity, and then speak out a powerful dark hand, secretly spread the sense of danger and crisis, and finally, use the secret treasure and the possibility of solving trouble as the temptation, and then agree to his request.

Full of routines!

Of course, Xiao Lang did not deny that it was possible that Chaohou's conjectures and opinions about the power of Tonggu on his body were true. Someone was raising Gu.

However, this is only the case.

Trouble that can't be solved for the time being is not a problem.


When I get to the Primordial Realm, I don’t know how many years later it will be. What is the use of worrying now?

Abandoning these distracting thoughts in his mind, Xiao Lang's eyes were clear, and his usual sanity was restored. He also seemed to be more confident as a whole, and continued with a smile:

"Since the predecessors are so open and upright, even the threats are said in the front, I am afraid that the juniors can really not leave here today."

"But, just these false promises, don't the seniors worry, the juniors are really not tempted?"

A gleam of light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

Xiao Lang knew very well, maybe it was due to his character, maybe because Ting Chaohou was in a high position and he was disdainful of making mistakes in some aspects. Therefore, the things he directly threw out, about the demand for revenge, about the test of life and death, I am afraid it is hard to escape Up.

However, what he said is quite clear.

Do you want me to believe your words?


You want me to help you get revenge.

No problem.

But I want more benefits!

At the very least, it's definitely not enough that it's just a secret treasure that can block the great power of the Tonggu realm.

Do you say it can block a blow from the Tonggu realm?

If you can stop it, how can you be forced to the lower realm?

Xiao Lang didn't directly point out this point, just hiding it between the lines.

Swearing is not short.

God knows how much grievance Ting Chaohou still has in his heart for the battle that he had to fall hundreds of millions of years ago.

Xiao Lang's tone was completely equal treatment, neither humble nor overbearing, let alone a trace of panic. From the past, it can be said to have changed a lot. As soon as these words were spoken, even listening to Chaohou couldn't help being stunned.

"Ha ha."

"I underestimated your courage."

"Dare to bargain with me?"

"Boy, you have a seed!"

Xiao Lang spoke very tactfully, but he was still worried that it would cause Ting Chaohou's rage for no reason. Fortunately, all of this he was worried about did not really happen. When he saw Ting Chaohou praised him with a thumbs up, he was finally relieved. Take a breath.

"Go ahead, what do you want."



Listening to Chaohou once again showed his natural side, Xiao Lang heard this, his brain immediately turned around.

What do you want?

"Secret techniques, exercises, the more the better."

"You don't want to be old. As your inheritor, I will go out to shame you?"

Xiao Lang held it in secret, listening to Chaohou obviously heard Xiao Lang's careful thoughts, smiled softly, and said:

"After going out, do you dare to say that you are my inheritor?"

"It doesn't matter in this lower realm. If you go to the Eternal Continent and dare to recruit the old man's name, guess how many people will hunt you down?"


Xiao Lang was taken aback.

Is this flattering on the horse's leg?

Hearing what Chaohou said, Xiao Lang suddenly became more curious about the reasons for his battle. Although he had heard Jiuyoubat talk about it once before, it was only a rough idea, and I didn't know the details.

Xiao Lang wanted to ask, but after listening to Chaohou, he obviously didn't want to talk more about this topic. He made a chuckle and turned to:

"I do have a lot of secret techniques, exercises, and even martial arts here, and I can give them all. However, I don't recommend you to learn the martial arts directly."

"The greatest advantage of Heavenly Dao Venerables compared to Immortal Realm is that they control a wider range of powers, and the great ways are integrated, and they can create all kinds of incredible martial arts or supernatural powers."

"Only what you create is the most suitable for you."

"So, I recommend that you can learn from it, but don't practice directly. This is the case with Venerable Heaven, even more so with you."

Listening to the sudden guidance of Chaohou, Xiao Lang was taken aback.

Don't say it yet.

When listening to Chaohou's guidance, he really had the demeanor of a master, and his words were concise, simple and easy to understand, so Xiao Lang couldn't help but nod repeatedly.

There is indeed some truth.

"Thank you senior for your advice."

Xiao Lang bowed his hands in salute.

This time Xiao Lang's attitude was very respectful, and of course it was also related to what Ting Chaohou had said about dry goods, and because he had seen Ting Chaohou's decisiveness again.

At the moment the latter's voice came, Xiao Lang suddenly felt that a large amount of information poured into his mind.

They are all martial arts!

However, when Xiao Lang subconsciously explored, he found that some of them were currently unable to be opened by him, as if they were blocked.

Xiao Lang looked up at Ting Chaohou. Ting Chaohou obviously knew what Xiao Lang wanted to ask, and said directly:

"These martial arts are all created or collected by me over the years. They are enough for your combat power to be used before you reach the Lord of the World. As for the others, the level is too high. Now that you know it, there is no benefit. I have sealed them. The realm is enough, it can naturally be opened easily."

Good service?

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

He still knows the truth about greed and chew.

"Thank you senior."

"But the secret treasure..."

Xiao Lang hesitated to say but stopped laughing, listening to Chaohou laughed: "You're welcome."

"I don't have many secret treasures, and over the years, I haven't actually built anything, just found some materials, but it's not what you can use at your level."

"I will keep those things for you. When you have the strength to open the third level, I will naturally hand them over to you."

"As for the secret treasure I just mentioned, it is very special. Even I sometimes can't exert its effects and abilities. It is related to the soul. I can indeed give it to you now, but you will pass my After the test, it will affect your evaluation, so stay with me for the time being. After you come out, I will naturally give it to you."

"Of course, the blood oath for revenge for me, you can also take it after you come out."

Soul treasure?

Of course Xiao Lang was somewhat disappointed if the benefits were not available. However, he also had a partial understanding of Ting Chaohou's character during the conversation.

Words are true.

Ting Chaohou is obviously not the kind of hypocrite, let alone the kind of villain who is unscrupulous for his own ends. On the contrary, although he can see that it is sometimes annoying, he has his own principles.

He couldn't do things like breaking his promises.

"it is good."

"Since the senior said so, the junior naturally believes."

Xiao Lang was full of energy, his eyes flashed brightly.

"Senior, please signal the test of this level."

To the point!

I have said what I want to know, listen

Chao Hou also said almost, and there are some things that he didn't say, and obviously he won't mention it again. Xiao Lang directly and decisively made the point.

time is limited.

Although two months are more abundant than three months, of course, the more relaxed the time, the better.

Hearing what Chaohou heard, Xiao Lang nodded his head. At the same time, Xiao Lang saw that the criss-cross marks on the ground under his feet suddenly lit up, and the brilliance of various colors kept changing one after another, and it was exceptionally dazzling.

In fact, before they lighted up, Xiao Lang had been distracted to observe these marks. He could vaguely sense the strangeness, but could not analyze what the strangeness was.

"This is a heart-refining array. You can use it as a method to test your character and sharpen your soul."

"As for the test I gave you, it's also very simple-break through!"

"A total of three hundred and sixty-five levels. As long as you can break through the three-hundred and sixty-five levels within two months, I will count you as successful."

As the heart training circle?

Do these marks have other effects besides the magic circle?

A trace of distraction flashed in Xiao Lang's heart.

However, this should belong to the secret of Ting Chaohou, Xiao Lang did not follow up, but could not help but secretly stunned when he heard the words "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Passes".

so much?

The rules have changed!

Ah Fu said that there are only one hundred and eight levels in this level, which symbolizes the number of evils of heaven and earth, but it is obviously different now.

"It deserves to be the hardest test!"

Xiao Lang took a deep look at listening to Chaohou with a calm expression, and quickly calmed down.

Two months.

Three hundred and sixty-five levels.

In an instant, Xiao Lang had completely forgotten these two numbers.

Is it important?


For two months, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he will be expelled, so there is no need to remember, he just needs to do his best in every level.

The plan is in heaven, and the success or failure is in the people.

Xiao Lang never believed in the fate, only his own strength!

The same was true for the number of levels, except that Xiao Lang was a little surprised at the beginning, but was quickly left behind.

Since Ting Chaohou had set such a test for himself, it proved that in his opinion, he indeed had hope to pass.

What's the point of an unpassable test?

Xiao Lang couldn't believe it, listening to Chaohou would really want to make himself unable to pass and secretly use other means.

Listening to Chaohou is just a remnant soul. Even in this space, he is really immortal and can exist forever, but is he really not strong about revenge?

Waiting for another inheritor?

Where is there a more suitable object than yourself?

Xiao Lang was very confident.

Therefore, without hesitation at all on his face and under his eyes, he nodded slightly towards Ting Chao Hou, and immediately—


Xiao Lang only felt his heart shook, and his eyes suddenly became dark. After a moment, he recovered his qingming, and immediately saw the green mountains and clear waters in front of him.

What a beautiful picture!

However, when Xiao Lang noticed that something was wrong, he looked down at him and saw the ragged clothes and a blue bull under him, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

"I have become a shepherd boy?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

No violation!

Before seeing his shirt and blue bull, he didn't even notice the changes in his body!


"Can you also create such a real world?!"


The reality in front of him was too real, even if Xiao Lang knew that he couldn't leave the space of Ting Chaohou Mansion, everything in front of him was an illusion, and he couldn't help staying for a long while.

It's so real!

Just like reality!

But after being shocked, Xiao Lang couldn't help frowning again.

"What are the conditions for breaking the customs?"




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