Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 624: Simple test?

Just as Xiao Lang was surprised, he heard a prompt sound in his ear:

"The mission of this level, the broken void."

"Goal, true spirit."

"The soul accelerates, one in 200,000, this value is eternal."

True spirit?

Is it just a real god?

Soul acceleration, eternal value?

What does this mean?

Could it be...


The time here is different from the outside world?

Guessing rushed to his mind, Xiao Lang couldn't help but shocked.

Could it be that Chaohou's insight into the rules and rules has reached the time level?

Do not!

This is impossible!

While waiting for the return of the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang learned a lot about the cultivation methods of high-level warriors and other things from the mouth of Jiuyoubat, and he also discussed time.

Time, perhaps the most mysterious power in the world, has never been able to be mastered by anyone, even the legendary Tonggu realm powerhouse cannot do it.

It is even more impossible to listen to the tide.

"It should have nothing to do with the mystery of time."

"Soul acceleration... This is the magic circle that acts on the soul. Does it mean that the flow of time in the outside world is actually constant, but my consciousness and soul perception have been strengthened?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up and he felt that he had touched the truth.

This should be.

To change the law of time, Ting Chaohou has no such strength.

"One in two hundred thousand..."

Xiao Lang's brain was running rapidly, and he quickly figured it out. The reason why Ting Chaohou has such a setting is obviously not without a target.

"Three hundred and sixty-five levels, the outside world is two months, sixty days, plus an acceleration of 200,000 times. In fact, he left me ten years for each level."

One pass, ten years!

Xiao Lang couldn't help his tongue secretly.

This is too long.

Add up to more than three thousand years!

You know, Xiao Lang has not had that long time from birth to now. Of course, if this fact is told, countless people will be embarrassed.

In less than a thousand years, Xiao Lang had already reached the level above the peak of the Five Heavens in the Immortal Realm. Such an achievement was enough to crush a group of people!

Xiao Lang was speechless, of course not just because of the length of time.

Because it was only two months for the outside world, it would not affect his plan at all.

What he cared about was the intention of listening to Chaohou for so long.

Ten years, true spirit?

If he had never set foot on the True God Realm, Xiao Lang would definitely be stumped by this test, but now, the True God Realm would have long been left behind by him.

ten years?

Even if he is just an ordinary person now, Xiao Lang is fully confident that he will reach it in a few years, and it does not take ten years!

Listening to the tide of miscalculation?

"Do not."

"There must be other intentions."

Xiao Lang regarded himself internally, and found that the shepherd boy who was incarnation still had the memory of himself alone!

He is just an ordinary member in the surrounding Qingniu Town.

Ordinary Qingniu Town, ordinary herding baby, ordinary growth.

The only thing that is not very common is that he is an orphan who grew up eating Baijiafan in Qingniu Town. As for the cow he put out was not his own, but the neighborhood found him an errand.

"So ordinary?"

"Meet him, what's the intention?"

Everything is always tested, Xiao Lang pondered over and over to hear what Chao Hou meant for setting this level, but when he probed the shepherd boy from start to finish, he did not even let the cow grazing. As a result, Xiao Lang frowned even deeper.

There is nothing strange.



"So simple?"

Is this the most difficult test?

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded and puzzled. It took a long time before he returned to reality.

Do not.

There must be something else hidden!

Xiao Lang did not give up.

Seeing it’s dark, according to the memory of this shepherd boy,

It was time to drive the cattle back, Xiao Lang hesitated and decided to follow suit.

"Watch life?"

"In his life experience, is there a special test?"

Xiao Lang could only guess like this.

But what surprised him was--


In this illusory and true world, as the days passed, Xiao Lang almost knew everyone in Qingniu Town. The days of herding cattle continued, but they were as calm and ordinary as ever.

There really is no change!

Xiao Lang could be considered patient.

He waited for a full year!

He did nothing this year, just observing the people around him. However, this reality is too calm, calm and outrageous, just like a real market, and sometimes makes Xiao Lang unable to help wondering whether this is really a real world.

For a year, nothing was discovered.

Even a person as patient as Xiao Lang was a little impatient.

"Perhaps, the first level is not as difficult as I imagined? Even if it is the most difficult test, is it easier to say?"

In the second year, Xiao Lang had already begun to practice.

do not care!

If there is a test, it will definitely happen.

Xiao Lang, as an ordinary shepherd boy, once again embarked on the process of assaulting the true spirit...


At the same time, it was outside.

In the world where Xiao Lang lived, he felt that time had passed for more than a year, but for Ting Chaohou, Nine You Bats, Bloodthirsty Star Vine, and Jinling Old Ancestor, time had only passed more than ten breaths.

They saw Xiao Lang sitting cross-legged on the ground, expressionless, as if he had gone out of the sky, Jiuyoubat and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and a look of worry flashed across their faces.

They are worried about Xiao Lang, this is instinct.

After all, the previous Ting Chao Hou's test of this level has changed, and the difficulty has greatly increased, and they and Xiao Lang are one body.

But Chaohou didn't take it seriously. Seeing Xiao Lang sitting cross-legged, he turned his head to look at Jiuyoubat and others.

"Since you are their servants, don't waste your time, go to the battlefield and practice, it can be regarded as a small benefit given to you by the old man."

Hearing Chaohou was very casual and arranged at will, Jiuyoubat and others were taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately overjoyed.

Can they also enter the Heart Refining Pavilion array to participate in the experience?

This is a great opportunity!

Will the evaluation left by a peak power in Primitive Realm be bad?

As a senior fan of listening to Chaohou, Jiuyou Bat was the first to react and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute:

"Thank you Lord Hou!"

On the one hand, he was still secretly urging the bloodthirsty starvine and Jinling ancestor who were still stunned.


"The best thing Hou Ye is good at is the Divine Soul Together. When in the Eternal Continent, I don't know how many people want to enter the Heart Refining Pavilion without a chance. Now the opportunity is right in front of you. Don't get dizzy! "

Have you done this before listening to Chaohou?

Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jinling ancestors were shocked when they heard this, and finally made a decision and nodded gently.

Hearing Chaohou seemed to have heard the voice of Jiuyou Bat to Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jinling Ancestor, but he didn't care. When the Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jinling Ancestor nod their heads, he did not see any peculiar movements.


Above the earth, the magic array radiated brilliance and fell on the three bloodthirsty star vines. Immediately, these three people, like Xiao Lang, sat cross-legged on the ground, their eyes closed, and they looked like a soul wandering into the sky. The illusory world.

After doing all this, Ting Chaohou turned his gaze on Xiao Lang again, his eyes flickering, as if seeing Xiao Lang's actions during this period of time through the heavy magic circle, a smile rose at the corner of his mouth. .

He saw Xiao Lang's initial confusion, and even now he is quite confused.


"There are always times when you cry."

"But I really want to see what choice you will make."


Listening to the sound of the tide drifting, the surrounding suddenly became silent, and the entire space fell into silence. Only listening to the tide, his eyes twinkled, staring at the void in front of him, seeming to observe Xiao Lang's every move.


Being in the illusory world, Xiao Lang certainly didn't know that Ting Chaohou was watching him.

In fact, even if he knew it, Xiao Lang didn't care.

Because he really didn't do anything in the past eight years.



It's horribly simple.

The same is the same, there is the confusion in his heart.

The test?

"Haven't appeared yet?"

Xiao Lang looked up at the sky, his eyes full of confusion.

It's been eight years.

He is only the last line from the realm of the true gods, and even today he will break through!

However, the test has not yet come!

"Does he only appear when I am broken into the void?"

Xiao Lang began to guess, suppressing the suspicion in his heart, and finally got up from the hillside, and glanced at Qingniu Town, which he hadn't known how many times he had walked in these years, and a firmness flashed in his eyes.

do not care!

Don't wait anymore!

Break the barrier!

"I want to see, what do you have?"


Xiao Lang didn't wait until the ten-year period expired. He had already decided to break the level. The remaining time was not wasted, and could be used for later levels.


Xiao Lang's body was muffled like thunder, and his spiritual power was surging, and he was transforming towards divine power.

Power transformation, this is the most important sign to set foot on the true god!

And it seems to feel the change in his body's Qi-


Above the head, above the void, a space portal quietly opened.

this is……

The second gateway?

Is this level really going to end?

The imaginary test did not come, Xiao Lang couldn't help being stunned on the spot for a long time.

This means that I have been worrying for nothing all these years?

Shatter the void and become a true god.

Is this level really that simple?


No difficulty!

The simplicity is horrifying.

However, this seems to be true, even if Xiao Lang is no longer uncertain, the space portal with the powerful suction constantly coming from his head is not a lie.

"Mind training?"

"What kind of heart is this?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang was really a little dazed. He had a faint feeling. Hearing the most difficult test under Chaohou Li, it seemed to be different from what he had imagined. However, before he had waited for him to think about it, the space above his head was a portal. The suction power that came was beyond what he could resist.


Xiao Lang was sucked into the space portal, and at this moment, the feeling of the separation of the soul and the body came. Xiao Lang realized that he was only left with his consciousness and soul.

"The second level, is it similar to taking home?"

Xiao Lang's heart felt enlightened.

But the facts were exactly the same as he expected. When Xiao Lang felt his soul settled and his eyes regained the light, he suddenly realized that he was lying on the corner of a bustling street with a broken bowl in front of him. .


At this level, my identity is a beggar?

Test, or the real gods are broken and void?

The familiar process, different identities, and the same pass conditions made Xiao Lang stunned.

What about novelty?

that is it?

And just as Xiao Lang was surprised and was about to stand up from the ground, suddenly--


An extremely strong breath of sadness surged from his heart, carrying countless memories, rushing straight into his mind, making Xiao Lang, who hadn't checked for a while, couldn't help but shake his soul violently, showing signs of fragmentation!


Xiao Lang staggered and fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, he was a beggar, but no one cared about him. No one saw him. His eyes were shrouded in depression, and his soul was shattered!

this is……


finally come!

Xiao Lang's spirit was shaken, feeling the sadness that came from the bottom of his heart and memory, but the shock in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

What a miserable life is this, with such sad emotions?

Even the current Xiao Lang is considered to be well-informed, but when he digested the memory of the street beggar who had merged with him, he couldn't help feeling numb and moved.

It's so **** miserable!


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