Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 626: Deep in the world!


A simple word, but I don't know how many sighs it contains.

The most complicated thing in the world is love.

As long as it is a, as long as it is a creature, it cannot escape the shackles of this word.

It doesn't seem to belong to the category of any cultivation rules, but in fact, the word "love" has no less influence on a warrior than other reasons.

Someone is angry as a beauty, this is love.

Chivalrous heart, piercing both sides, this is also love.

Go through fire and water.

Sacrifice righteousness.


How can the world's love be fulfilled in a few words?

There is no end to words.

There are countless legends circulating in the practice world.

Some people are passionate about love, some are trapped by love, and some give themselves to love.

It is true that it does not belong to any cultivation system, but no one will ignore its impact. Just like all the natural disasters that occurred in the Phantom Realm and the impact of the destruction of the Phantom Palace on Chu He, they were deeply rooted, making him immersed in his own world for hundreds of years, and he was sad and unwilling to wake up.

Completely become a waste.

Even in the eyes of Ting Chaohou, facing such a test, Xiao Lang is most likely to choose two paths——

One, help Chu He recreate the Phantom Palace.

This can greatly relieve the obsession in his heart, and it is not impossible to let go of grievances. Of course, the possibility of completely letting go is very small, after all, his father and relatives died in that battle.

However, this should and will not affect his cultivation anymore. With Xiao Lang's experience in martial arts, he can be expected.

The second way is to directly erase Chu He's buried memory in his heart in the simplest and rude way. This method is the simplest, and Xiao Lang can also do it.

But he never expected that Xiao Lang would choose the third method, which he had almost completely ignored in his previous assumptions——


"When it exists, it is the true self."

"You can't even admit your past, how can you open up the future?"

Hearing Xiao Lang muttering to himself, persuading the soul hidden deep in his body, the pupils of Chaohou's eyes shrank slightly. At this moment, he felt a strange power in Xiao Lang's body.

"Enter the Tao with love?"

"He has already started?"


Listening to Chaohou's eyes are full of surprise.

Is love a kind of power?

If this question is thrown into the whole world of Lihuo, many people will definitely shake their heads to deny it.

It's not.

At best, it can only be regarded as a kind of catalyst, for a person's real combat power and means, hardly any help.

However, listening to Chaohou knows that seven emotions and six desires are also a kind of power!

In the Eternal Continent, there is a sect, which is famous for creating powerful methods based on the seven emotions and six desires. With a single blow, it reaches the depths of the soul and is perfectly integrated with the soul secret technique.

However, compared with ordinary martial arts cultivation, the cultivation of seven emotions and six desires is really too vague and illusory. Before Xiao Lang said this, he did not even think about it. Someone can give advice without anyone. Under circumstances, one way to escape into love.

Xiao Lang is one of them!

Listening to Chaohou would never think that Xiao Lang had embarked on this path by chance, and he didn't even realize that he had already embarked on this path. It was a completely helpless choice.

In the old days, when he had not yet reached the realm of true gods, due to external pressure, he was unable to carry out normal cultivation. Only then did he enter the Tao with love and achieve the position of true god.

In this way, he is no longer a young child.


If it was said that Ting Chaohou was only surprised by Xiao Lang’s talent before, and a big reason was that the ancient power in the latter was suspected to be a dark hand left by other strong people, then now, Ting Chaohou’s The sigh came from the heart.

Without any guidance, he stepped on the path of love that he had never understood before, which made him once again see Xiao Lang's potential.

"The future can be expected!"

"The Six Desires are extremely powerful, and this kid is really likely to become one of them in the future."

After sighing, listen to Chaohou's eyes

Locked on Xiao Lang's body all the time, watching him still calm the soul in the depths of his body, his brows frowned slightly.

"But in this way, his weakness will be more obvious."

"Sincerity... is it so easy?"

"Even the true disciple of the Six Desires, before the foundation is firmly established, dare not do this. Affection and recognition of everything, this can indeed make one's will stronger, but he carries more."

Xiao Lang, can you hold on?

Hearing Chaohou didn't continue to speak, he fell silent, but still looked at Xiao Lang with his eyes.

He could see that Xiao Lang shouldn't find out where his own weakness was.

Listening to Chaohou did not remind him, because this is also part of the test and experience.


Within the phantom world.

Xiao Lang certainly didn't know that because of his choice, listening to Chaohou had so many thoughts in his heart, he was still following his previous choices, feeling the obsession buried in the depths of his flesh becoming clearer, too. Getting thinner.

Did not disappear, did not forget.

It's just that it merged into Xiao Lang's body and became a part of him.

"If I can make up, I will naturally do my best to make up. But the established shortcomings, let it always exist."

Xiao Lang sighed.

Immediately felt a slight tremor in the depths of the soul, which belonged to Chu He's obsession, completely merging with him at this moment.

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.


The most critical point of this level has passed.

In the next time, he only needs to practice with all his strength and do his best to complete those obsessions that can be made up.

Is this a problem for Xiao Lang?

It's not.

Not at all.


In the bustling crowd, no one cared, a ragged beggar stood up from the street corner. No one could have imagined that the greatest miracle in the history of the phantom world began.


Phantom world time.

Three years later.

Xiao Lang stood in the middle of a large Qionglou Yuyu, standing on a high platform, watching the mighty crowd of hundreds of thousands calling "Palace Master" under him, feeling that Chu He's obsession had disappeared again.


He did it.

In just three years, he has regained a half-step peak of the True God Realm and reached the extreme of this world.

As Venerable Heavenly Dao, there is no pressure at all for Xiao Lang, including the reorganization of the Phantom Palace. Although the whole process is full of difficulties and twists, it is for ordinary people.

Xiao Lang did it easily.

Because of his true combat power, is it true God?

In the face of great strength, these are not problems at all!

"It's time to leave."

In three years, this barrier has been broken!

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked at the void, feeling the shock of his body's divine power, faintly transforming to the extreme, the spiritual power of heaven and earth was constantly fluctuating.

Break the border!

next level!

However, just as Xiao Lang was about to completely release his Qi machine and leave the air, suddenly--

"There is still more time, let's go to the Abyss Canyon to see, maybe you can have other gains."


Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Lang couldn't help but tremble slightly. He looked up at the sky and saw the cloud like a pair of eyes.

Listen to the tide!

In fact, Xiao Lang had guessed it a long time ago. Listening to Chaohou must have insight into the world and monitor his own rights. Long ago, he also discovered the strange clouds in the sky.

What surprised him was not only listening to Chao Hou who suddenly spoke at this moment, but also the message from his words.

Abyss Canyon?

Isn't that the place Chu He has been to?

It can be said that the biggest turning point of Chu He's life came from the abyss gorge, the rumor is the deepest place in the phantom world.

In the past three years, Xiao Lang had wanted to go there more than once to see what the mystery was there, but in the end he didn't go. Because for him now, it’s the most important thing to break through, and everything else is false

, Xiao Lang didn't want to have extra branches.

Unexpectedly, now listening to Chaohou suddenly reminded him.

Other gains?

What will it be?

Xiao Lang didn't explore Chu He's memory, because he had known for a long time that Chu He's memory was completely blank in the depths of everything in the Abyss Canyon, as if someone had wiped it out with a brush.

Who did it?

The first thing Xiao Lang thought of was listening to Chaohou, because the latter was the only master and controller of this phantom world.

"Could it be that the disaster of Chu River in the past, and there are other hidden reasons?"

Xiao Lang became curious, and immediately stopped breaking through the realm, because once he was promoted to the true **** realm, he would be teleported out of this world.

Xiao Lang did not leave directly, but waited until the end of the ceremony, and on the second day, he swept towards the location of the abyss gorge in Chu River's memory.



In the Phantom Realm, Xiao Lang was almost invincible. He didn’t care about anything and moved all the way forward. So soon, the Abyss Canyon arrived, and a cloud of mist covered the depths. Xiao Lang was surprised to find that he was even immortal. Divine Sense of the heavenly level can't see through these mists!

There really is a secret!

Xiao Lang was not too surprised, because since he heard what Chao Hou had said first, it was definitely not without a target.

He walked directly into the canyon.


In the mist, the roar of various fierce beasts can be heard from time to time. At the beginning, Xiao Lang also maintained a cautious attitude, ready to enter a fighting state at any time, but strangely, I don’t know if it’s because of listening to Chaohou's secret control. There are countless roars of fierce beasts around him. None of them really showed up.

"Is it because these true god-level fierce beasts can no longer pose a threat to me?"

"Or, is there any other purpose why Ting Chaohou let me in?"

Xiao Lang remained cautious and moved on.

The mist was deep, but without any beast blocking it, Xiao Lang quickly penetrated it. When Xiao Lang took another step, suddenly, the front shone brightly, and the fog that blocked the line of sight completely disappeared!

"this is……"

Even when he came back, Xiao Lang had already had various conjectures about everything hidden in the mist, but when he really came to this core area and saw the things in the abyss gorge, he still couldn't help his spirit. There was a shock, and he was stunned.

Light curtain!

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge light curtain, from above the nine heavens, spreading to the feet, and one piece, it seems that this is the real edge of the phantom world.

But beyond the light curtain, there is not a void without anything.

Quite the opposite.

There is something outside!

A behemoth even penetrated the entire world and appeared in Xiao Lang's eyes.

mountain peak?

At the beginning, Xiao Lang did think so, but when he observed it, he was shocked to find out--

"Not a mountain!"

Xiao Lang locked his gaze on the rugged surface like a mountain outside the light curtain, and was shocked by his discovery again.

"Scaly? Scaly?"

"This is a fierce beast?!"

Although Xiao Lang could not perceive its breath, he still recognized its identity——

It is indeed a fierce beast.

A huge beast!

And what appeared to his eyes was only a trivial part of this fierce beast. Even just looking at this part of its body in front of him, Xiao Lang couldn't tell how big its true body was!

What he saw was just a drop in the bucket!

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Xiao Lang was shocked, and he subconsciously wanted to observe more carefully, but just as he was about to investigate, suddenly--


Xiao Lang only felt a strong will suddenly come, and he broke through the barrier in front of him in an instant, hitting his mind!


Soul shock!

The true spirit almost collapsed!

Xiao Lang's face instantly turned pale!

Hit hard!


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