Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 627: weakness?

Can't keep staring at it!

Xiao Lang immediately discovered the problem and quickly moved his eyes away.

Sure enough, at the moment he looked away, he immediately realized that the oppressive feeling in front of him, which was like a stormy sea, disappeared. Xiao Lang looked at himself and looked at the shattered true spirit and sea of ​​consciousness that had been impacted. Bitter.

What kind of monster is this Nima?

Can't you see?

Xiao Lang's mind trembled, still immersed in the shock just now, unable to extricate himself.


Extremely violent will!

It is even more powerful than Xiao Lang's aura that he felt in Lord Blue Moon in the past, I don't know how many times!

You know, this is because he is separated by a world barrier, if there is no light curtain in front of him...

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

He might be dead in an instant!

"Rushan, Ruyue!"

"The ultimate strength!"

"It's definitely not something I can resist at my level!"

"Listening to Chaohou suddenly breaking my barrier and letting me here, what does it mean?"

Xiao Lang was suspicious, and only dared to use his light to scan the indomitable behemoth in front of him from time to time, and directly asked the thoughts in his heart.

There must be a saying.

Hearing Chaohou's answer, Xiao Lang was shocked.

"Nothing, just let you see."

"Now, you can continue to break the level."

Just look?

Continue to break the barrier?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

What is this operation?

But when he continued to ask, he didn't say anything after listening to Chaohou, and there was silence. Xiao Lang stayed in place for a long time, making sure that he didn't have any other hints after listening to Chaohou, feeling helpless.

Hard to guess!

Listening to Chaohou's mind is really hard to guess!

"Is it possible that it has something to do with the ancient power in my body?"

Xiao Lang was curious, but from just now to now, he clearly didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of Tonggu's power in his body. It took a long time for Xiao Lang to let go of the doubts in his heart.

no way.

Listening to Chaohou, I didn't want to say more, even if he kept asking questions after another, it was useless.

Xiao Lang directly chose to break the pass on the spot.


The Martial Dao fluctuations of the True God Realm spread, causing the sky to tremble, and the space portal reappeared.

Just like the previous level, there is nothing strange.

Xiao Lang observed for a long time in the same place, and found that there was no change. Then he stepped into it helplessly. Immediately, the feeling of the separation of soul and body came again.



For an instant, before opening his eyes, Xiao Lang felt the endless hatred sweeping over him, assaulting his heart, and Xiao Lang was not surprised at all.

The same routine.

Seven emotions and six desires, life styles.

Even the requirements for clearance are the same.

As for the way of breaking the barrier, Xiao Lang would naturally not change in the slightest. While digesting this remnant memory of the flesh, Xiao Lang had already pressed the shock to the bottom of his heart.

Let's break the barrier first.

Xiao Lang didn't think that before listening to Chaohou, letting himself go to the depths of the phantom world was as simple as a glance.


The process of breaking through is the same as the second level.

The time is about the same.

After three years in the circle, Xiao Lang was about to break the barrier and become a true god, and as before, he once again received the voice of Ting Chaohou.

Deep in the world.

It's the depths of the world again.

Xiao Lang left without hesitation.

The condensed light curtain of the world barrier is a giant standing outside the world.

No changes?

Do not.

There are still changes.

Although Xiao Lang didn't dare to look more, he still recognized it. In this level, the fierce beast he saw should be the same as the one in the previous level, but the parts he saw were different.

Moreover, the shock and feeling he received were also different!

"Feng Rui

! "

Xiao Lang looked at him as if he had been torn apart by the sharpest long knife, his face was pale, and his heart became more shocked.

"A fierce beast has two completely different auras?"

"What kind of monster is it!"

Xiao Lang became more and more curious about this fierce beast or statue of fierce beast standing outside the sky and the earth. Yes, Xiao Lang suspected that it was just a statue, because Xiao Lang did not feel any life fluctuations or breath on it.

Of course, it is only possible.

Another reason is--

If it is true, why are you willing to be bound here?

Xiao Lang asked again, but unfortunately, he still didn't get any explanation from Ting Chaohou... In desperation, Xiao Lang had to hurry up and continue to break the barrier.

Although the time he spent in these three levels was relatively short, and it was completely in the previous plan, Xiao Lang knew that levels and tests like this would definitely become more difficult in the future.

He must hurry up all the time!

The facts are exactly the same as he expected.

The levels in the Heart Refining Pavilion are indeed more difficult than one, and they are all related to the seven emotions and six desires. Xiao Lang completed it very smoothly, and there is a feeling that one trick is rarely eaten all over the world.

However, in addition to breaking the barrier, listening to Chaohou's order to let him go to the edge of the world is also continuing.

Xiao Lang's center of gravity also gradually moved from breaking the barrier to the huge beast outside the world, and his curiosity grew stronger.

Because, from the latter, he felt too much—


Feng Rui!



Too many different auras made Xiao Lang messy.

He can also perceive that there is absolutely violent power flowing on the monster outside the world, but its level is too high, but it can't be caught by himself.

"A fierce beast in the ancient realm? Or what?"

"The breath is ever-changing...what does Ting Chaohou want me to get from it?"

Deeply puzzled, never dissipated.

And if Xiao Lang could see Ting Chaohou's calm face at this time, he would definitely be even more astonished. At this time, Ting Chaohou was quite calm, and even if Xiao Lang asked frequently and hurriedly, it seemed that he couldn't cause the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

It seemed just as he said, just wanting Xiao Lang to look at this monster, without any other requirements.

Again and again, again and again.

Later, Xiao Lang did not ask any more.

It's useless to ask anyway.

But whenever Chaohou told him to go to the edge of the world, Xiao Lang still followed suit.

There is no other reason.

This is also a good opportunity to temper the soul.

Every time he went, Xiao Lang carefully observed and realized the different coercion and aura that originated from this huge body, his soul was torn to recovery, and he became more condensed.

And the more he observes, the more Xiao Lang discovers--

"Really strong!"

Although this behemoth couldn't tell whether it was a sculpture or a creature, Xiao Lang could discover its more powerful side every time. Before even seeing it, Xiao Lang couldn't believe that there were such creatures in this world!



Listening to the tide, Hou did not reveal anything, Xiao Lang naturally knew nothing.

However, this does not prevent him from breaking through.

On the contrary, Xiao Lang passed the barrier faster and faster.

Because of experience!

The next heart-strengthening test was indeed exactly the same as Xiao Lang thought. Although the seven emotions and six desires were different, they were all similar routines, and he naturally used the same routines to deal with them, becoming more proficient.

Time lasts, busy every day.

Before he knew it, Xiao Lang had already passed more than one hundred levels, and less than twenty days had passed since the outside time.

high speed.

Everything looks pretty smooth.

Ting Chaohou was with him during the whole process, because every level Xiao Lang could get Ting Chaohou's voice transmission, from the initial surprise, he has been dismissive of it now.

It’s just that Xiao Lang, who was going through a new level, didn’t see it. As he continued to break through, the evil smile on Ting Chaohou’s face became thicker and thicker until this day--

Xiao Lang is immersed in repair

During the exercise, we are constantly making breakthroughs.

The conditions for breaking this level are still true gods.

But just as he was practicing in retreat, suddenly--


Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xiao Lang frowned slightly, and opened his eyes. Even the growing breath fluctuated and stopped.

Outside, listening to Chaohou suddenly smiled when he noticed Xiao Lang's sudden movement.

"Ha ha."

"Finally found it?"

"It's good to have a love, but you also have to have enough spiritual power to support it."


This is the weakness Ting Chaohou discovered from Xiao Lang's body more than ten days ago.

It is indeed a path rarely chosen by the world. Xiao Lang can choose this path, I have to say, it is also a huge surprise for Ting Chaohou.

However, as a super powerhouse at the peak level of Primitive Realm, listening to Chaohou naturally clearly knows that the biggest drawback of this road-

The power of the soul!

It needs extremely powerful soul power to complete.

It would be fine for the individual, but Xiao Lang is now breaking the barrier. In every level, he unknowingly consumed a lot of soul power, but he couldn't get the slightest supplement!

Sooner or later it will run out.

The fact is that this moment has already come.

Although Xiao Lang's true spirit and spirit source were still five levels of immortal souls, his soul power was consumed too much, and even his own cultivation had been greatly affected.

This is Xiao Lang's weakness!

At least it seems like this in listening to Chaohou.

"I want to see how you can solve it."

To break the barrier, the power of the soul is huge, and it is difficult to supplement with things such as pill. If you are looking for treasures in the illusory world, it is an extremely time-consuming thing, which will greatly slow down Xiao Lang's destruction. Off speed.

Ting Chaohou's face was full of good-looking scenes.

But at this moment, it suddenly appeared to him that Xiao Lang, who was awakened, quickly recovered his calm, as if nothing had happened, got up from the futon and walked out the door.


What is Xiao Lang doing?

Do you really want to find the treasures of heaven and earth?

Then his speed...

While listening to Chao Hou's wild thoughts, in the illusory world, he was blessed with speed. Xiao Lang's movements were very fast. After he left the house, he directly jumped up and swept towards a series of barren mountains in the distance.

Immediately after listening to Chaohou, he was dumbfounded to see that in this barren mountain, Xiao Lang showed his power and launched an astonishing killing. In an instant, all the beasts among the barren mountains died tragically, and immediately after—


I saw Xiao Lang let out a roar, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped the mountains. In an instant, the souls of those tragic beasts burst into pieces, turning into the purest power of the souls, swallowed by his brain!


Xiao Lang's breath soared.

Although these pure spirit powers can only have a drop in the bucket for his empty Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is already enough to support him to cultivate to the realm of true gods.

"Swallowing souls?"

"This kid, still has such a talented supernatural power?"

Listening to Chaohou, he was surprised to see this scene. You know, human races generally have no talent for supernatural powers, unless the ancient bloodline is awakened. In addition, the innate supernatural power of Soul Swallowing Soul Refining, even in the blood of the ancients, is quite rare, and hundreds of millions of creatures can't find one.

Xiao Lang is one of them!

Suddenly, Ting Chaohou felt a pain, because he saw that Xiao Lang seemed to be very dissatisfied with his own gains, and he drove towards another barren mountain in the distance, as if another killing was about to happen.

Meat pain?

Of course.

Or do you think everything in the illusory world is really false?

Do not.

That's listening to Chaohou's own world!

Everything in it was condensed with his own power.

And now, Xiao Lang can use this method to restore the power of the soul, doesn't it mean...

"This kid, swallowed my blood?"

Ting Chaohou, who originally had the mentality of watching a good show, was instantly depressed...

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