Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 628: courage!

The phantom world is actually the world created by listening to the tide.

It's just that he reformed.

Generally speaking, the world created by the creation gods is like the Five Elements Continent created by the ancestors of the Five Elements. There is only one plane. In this case, the power is more concentrated.

Listen to the difference in the tide.

He impressively transformed his world into hurdles.

Obviously there was a plan.

It was originally prepared for his inheritors, even if this person is not Xiao Lang, there will definitely be others entering it. But what Chaohou never expected was that Xiao Lang still possessed the magical powers of devouring souls and refining souls.

This is devouring his power!

This really makes Ting Chaohou feel a little uncomfortable.

But soon, he put the discomfort behind his head, the dark color returned to normal, and he sighed secretly.

"Forget it."

"Anyway, it's all things outside of the body. If he wants it, give it to him."

Listening to Chaohou's words sounded very magnificent, but if the Jiuyou Bat beside him or Xiao Lang who was still immersed in his experience heard these words from him, he would be surprised and had an ominous premonition.

For a **** of creation, his creation of the world is the source of his power!

Is this also something outside the body?

Could it be that……

It's a pity that no one heard Chaohou's self-talk at this time, and it quickly disappeared into the void. At the same time, his eyes became calm, and he looked at Xiao Lang who was about to break another level, his eyes flickered.


"Since he has such a talent, it is equivalent to no weakness."

"I'm afraid, only the last three levels can stop him."

Listening to Chaohou looking at Xiao Lang who was breaking through, his eyes became more intense and interested.

The power of Tonggu is added.

Soul-swallowing secret technique!

Each of them is a talent that ordinary people can't imagine, but now, both of these talents are blessed in Xiao Lang's body, which is not surprising.

The potential is endless!

When I think that I have found such an inheritor by chance, it is inevitable that I am excited when listening to Chaohou.

"It seems that I really have hope of revenge!"

Ting Chaohou's eyes flashed with a flash of cruelty, and then disappeared.

As for Xiao Lang, he hadn't heard the sighs of listening to Chaohou outside, and he had been immersed in the excitement of breaking the pass and couldn't help himself.

Life is full of emotions and passions!

After passing more than a hundred levels, Xiao Lang really found that his soul is becoming more and more complete. Every time he breaks through a level, his mood will improve. If only one level is mentioned, the improvement is insignificant, but the more than 100 levels add up. , It is quite terrible.

"After completing these three hundred and sixty-five levels, my soul level is very likely to be promoted to the sixth level of the immortal soul!"

Xiao Lang was excited inside.

He saw a stronger hope!

At the same time, I couldn't help sighing more and more, it was not without reason that listening to Chaohou being so respected by Jiuyou Bat.

"Heart Refining Pavilion...really strong!"

Xiao Lang admired.

In just two months, as long as you can break all the levels, your soul level can rise to a small level!

Although it is very difficult, but as the sentence says——

The greater the effort, the greater the gain!

Of course, if it were not for listening to Chaohou, I am afraid that other people would not be able to create such an experience.

After sighing, Xiao Lang certainly won't waste any time, seizing the opportunity and continuing to break through...

In the next month or so, speaking of Xiao Lang's journey through the customs, it seemed pale and boring.

It was exactly the same as the previous clearance, without too many waves.

Finally, unknowingly, fifty-four days have passed since I came here, opened the illusory world, and broke the first level.

Nearly two months.

"Three hundred and sixty-two levels, broken!"

In the chaos, at the edge of the world barrier, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, full of unstoppable excitement, urging his breath to climb——

Era Realm Dzogchen reaches its peak!


The requirement to break the 362nd level is to improve the martial arts level.

At the peak of the Era Realm Great Perfection, for Xiao Lang, naturally, it was easy to complete without any pressure.

There are three more levels!

Six days is enough!

"Almost over!"

Xiao Lang raised his head excitedly, watching the space portal reappearing in the void above his head, and stepped directly on it without hesitation.



But this time, when the teleportation was over, Xiao Lang had not opened his eyes, he only felt a familiar feeling rushing to his heart, making him startled and surprised.

this is……

Xiao Lang opened his eyes and looked at his hands.


It's own body!


"How is this going?"

Xiao Lang raised his head in surprise, and looked at Ting Chaohou in front of him. He only saw Ting Chaohou smiling, not like the evil charm before, but looked much more indifferent.

"Good job."

"In fifty-four days, you will be able to break the three hundred and sixty-two levels. You really have an extraordinary talent, which is far beyond my expectation."

Listening to Chaohou without concealing the approval in his words, Xiao Lang was taken aback again.

Listening to the tide, is this a **** change?

Fifty-four days.

This is for the outside world. In fact, Xiao Lang has been in the illusory world for tens of thousands of years, which can be said to be longer than his entire life before!

Here, Xiao Lang was still digesting his gains, adjusting to his body, only hearing Chaohou's face suddenly became a little serious.

"There are still three levels."

"However, for these three levels, I hope you can carefully consider whether to participate."

"Actually, my test of you can be over now. You are fully qualified to get my inheritance. As long as you reach the power of the original **** and break the third level, you can have everything I left for you."

"The following three levels are actually not perfect for me. If you forcefully try to break through, you are very likely to die, because I can't control and can't save you."


Xiao Lang's pupils shrank upon hearing this.

Can't control?

May be dead?

Is there such a thing?

To be honest, Xiao Lang did not expect this kind of twists and turns, and he also didn't expect that he hadn't completely broken all the relevant cards before listening to Chaohou already recognized him.

an early closure?

If it were Xiao Lang before entering the illusory world, when he heard Ting Chaohou congratulate him on completing the test in advance, he would definitely be ecstatic and nodded in agreement.

But now, Xiao Lang hesitated.

There is no other reason.

"My soul has not yet reached the perfect level!"


Already on the verge of a limit, you can step in with just one foot.

If you give up now, God knows how long it will take to truly set foot on the Sixth Layer of the Immortal Soul. You know, in the outside world, there is no experience and benefits like this place!

In addition, there is a more important reason.

It was also a reason that Xiao Lang had never thought of before entering the illusory world outlined by Ting Chaohou——

Xiao Lang frowned slightly, looked at Ting Chaohou, and asked:

"Dare to ask senior."

"Before the junior breaks each level, what is the behemoth that the senior let the junior see?"


It's that behemoth!

Before, Xiao Lang judged it to be a fierce beast, but its size was far beyond the imagination of normal people. Later, as he broke through the barriers one after another and saw more and more parts, he suddenly discovered that the wonders contained in it were too much, far beyond what he could comprehend in his current realm.

However, Xiao Lang still wanted to continue his investigation.

Because he is about to finish watching.

The last three parts are still missing!

Now that Chaohou wants him to end early, how can Xiao Lang be willing?

Xiao Lang was trying to ask.

Listening to Chaohou's answer is the key to his decision!

However, what he never expected was that when Chaohou heard these inquiries from him, he just waved his hand lightly and said in disapproval: w

"It's nothing."

"I can tell you, but it's not necessary."

"Your martial arts level is not enough. If you tell you, it will only increase your worries. You just have to remember it. When you are strong enough, you will surely know its mysteriousness."

Do not say?

Still prevarication?

Xiao Lang couldn't help frowning again, but he also saw it. He asked one after another, and he heard the same answer from Chaohou. Next, I am afraid that no matter how many questions he asks, it will be useless.

Useful in the future?

Xiao Lang took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, he already had an answer and a choice in his heart after listening to the persuasion of the tide.

He who has always prepared for a rainy day, would he choose to give up?


"Junior still wants to give it a try, hope seniors will make it happen!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were firm, and he bowed his hand to Ting Chaohou. He clearly saw that the latter's face condensed, and he said solemnly:

"you sure?"

"I told you all the risks. You are very likely to die in it. I can't save you!"

Xiao Lang shook his head, how could there be any hesitation in the depths of the clear pupils?

"It's okay."

"Rather than life and death, I am more willing to become stronger."

"Didn't the predecessors also said that once I enter, is it just possible to die inside? There is still hope of survival."

"I hope seniors will be accomplished!"

Xiao Lang still insisted.

Ting Chaohou stared at Xiao Lang's clear eyes for a long time. When he saw that the latter's eyes were pure and without any distractions, he suddenly smiled.

"it is good!"

"It is worthy of being the inheritor I chose, there is a kind!"

"Congratulations, level three hundred and sixty-third, count you passed!"



Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Is this over?

Could it be...

Thinking of the successive persuasion and inducements before listening to Chaohou, Xiao Lang trembled and faintly guessed the truth, but before he could tell the truth, he saw that Chaohou had a smile on his face and said:

"Yes, the test of this level is courage."

"Congratulations on your passing."

Is there such an operation?

Xiao Lang was speechless, but in retrospect, he was still a little afraid.

Fortunately, his spirit is on the verge of breaking through, otherwise, he might give up directly.

This routine...

It's really dangerous.

Xiao Lang helplessly shook his head and asked curiously:

"What if the younger generation really chose to give up just now? Did they just fail?"

Listening to Chaohou smiled and said:

"of course not."

"Is the old man the kind of person who doesn't believe in words and will deceive you?"

"If you choose to give up at this level, I will certainly let you pass, but from then on, you and I will have no feelings for you, and you will not be able to inherit from me."

"Without the courage, how can I get all the inheritance of the old man?"

It turned out to be like this?

Xiao Lang was puzzled, the bitter smile on his face grew stronger, and he shook his head helplessly.

Listening to Chaohou's routines, there are still many!

"The next level of the junior is the 364th level?"

Hearing what Chaohou said, his face suddenly became serious again, and he nodded gently, saying:

"Not bad."

"The three hundred and sixty-fourth level is for the evil spirits of the heart. What the old man said just now is all true. The old man does not have complete control over this level. Whether you can break through it depends on your own destiny and ability. Up."

"And this level is especially difficult for you, so be careful."

"The old man doesn't want you to die tragically just after getting his approval."


Xiao Lang's heart trembled upon hearing this.

Levels that have not been fully controlled by the tide!

Why is this level especially difficult for me?

Could it be that the so-called Heart Devil Tribulation, is there still something tricky?


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