Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 629: Three Tribulations!

From listening to Chaohou, Xiao Lang could clearly hear--

He is serious.

This time is no longer a test.

Listening to Chaohou is really concerned about his safety.

Xiao Lang's heart warmed.

Ting Chaohou, does this regard himself as the inheritor of his final choice?

"Heart Demon Tribulation..."

Xiao Lang muttered three words silently in his heart, his eyes flickering.

He has experienced a lot of calamity, and in some calamities, there are tests of will and soul, but Xiao Lang has never experienced the pure calamity of heart.

"How difficult is it?"

"Why is it especially difficult for me?"

"I also hope that seniors will give me advice."

Xiao Lang was cautious by nature, so naturally he wouldn't be too big, especially after hearing Chao Hou say so seriously, this level should be a very difficult test for himself, Xiao Lang will certainly ask.

Unexpectedly, listening to Chaohou did not directly interpret, a trace of recollection flashed under his eyes, and said:

"On the Eternal Continent, there are naturally many powerful sects, but the ones that can be called super sects are still counted. Those sects are all powerful in the ancient realm."

"Six Desires is one of them."

Why did Chaohou suddenly introduce the forces on the Eternal Continent?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he suddenly heard the three words Liuyumen, and he didn't feel surprised.

Six desires?

The six desires in the seven emotions and six desires?

He seemed to have seen Xiao Lang's guess in his heart, listening to Chaohou nodded and continued:

"It's seven emotions and six desires."

"The ancestor of the six desires is a genius of heaven. In fact, at the level of the **** of creation, everyone can vaguely perceive the surrounding of fate and destiny, and can understand cause and effect, and can also know the influence and effect of seven emotions and six desires on a person."

"In this case, it will naturally be targeted."

"Some people choose to extinguish emotions, and some have created a group of forgetting emotions, and they have all made great achievements. But to say that the seven emotions and six desires are the most dazzling, it is the ancestor of the six desires."

Listening to Chaohou’s eyes were bright, and Xiao Lang even saw a trace in his eyes...


The ancestor of the six desires is the idol of listening to the tide?

Did you guess wrong? Listening to Chaohou is not a member of the supreme temple that Jiuyoubat said in the past?

Xiao Lang was thinking about paying in secret, but listening to Chaohou did not notice that he was on a runaway, he said to himself:

"He is the only one on the Eternal Continent who turns the seven emotions and six desires into a cultivation system and cultivates it to the Tonggu realm! And, for the seven emotions and six desires, he chooses the same way as you—"

"Thank you!"


As Xiao Lang who enters the Tao with affection, of course he understood the meaning of these two words, and he was surprised again and again, he vaguely guessed what listening Chaohou wanted to say.

"Being sentimental is very dangerous."

"How difficult is it to ensure that the Taoist heart is exquisite and transparent, but still have the same emotions and six desires? Just a strong willpower may not be enough."

"And the phantom world I created was condensed from the Six Desires Code created by the ancestors of the Six Desires. The Tribulation of the Heart Devil is a pure tempering of will!"

"The demons gather and disturb the mind."

"If you can make it through smoothly, that's the best, but in case you make a mistake..."

Listening to Chaohou with serious eyes, he glanced at Xiao Lang deeply and said:

"You are likely to have no consciousness, become a fool, a walking dead, panicked!"


Xiao Lang's pupils shrank when he heard this, and couldn't help but gasp.

It's really dangerous!

It was only from listening to Chaohou's words that he heard that it was absolutely difficult for him to pass the tribulation.

But give up?

Is this Xiao Lang's temperament again?


Xiao Lang exhaled a deep breath, bowed his hands, and saluted Ting Chaohou:

"Thank you senior for your advice, junior, I understand."

Listening to Chaohou looking at Xiao Lang's calm face, he seemed to have guessed the latter's decision, but he couldn't help but ask:

"Have you decided?"

Xiao Lang nodded slightly.

"Well, don't change it."

Xiao Lang still insisted on going in!

Hearing what Chao Hou heard, he took a deep look at Xiao Lang, especially serious, and suddenly smiled.

"it is good!


"It's worthy of being the inheritor I have chosen, courageous!"

"If this is the case, then you should be prepared. I hope the old man can watch you return safely!"

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, sitting cross-legged, accumulating strength to adjust the state.

Inner Demon Tribulation.

This is probably the most difficult hurdle he is about to face, and he has to be cautious.

As for the difficulty of the last level...

Xiao Lang thought about it, but didn't ask.

Inner Demon Tribulation hasn't passed yet, so what's the use of asking so much?

Three hours.

Xiao Lang adjusted for three hours before finally improving his state to the level of flawlessness. He opened his eyes and glanced at the Jiuyoubat and others who were still immersed in the experience of passing through the barriers, and finally fell. Set on the face of Ting Chaohou.

"Senior, it's okay."

Listening to Chaohou's face serious.

As the master of the phantom world, he certainly knew the importance of this level to Xiao Lang. His lips moved, he was about to say something, but suddenly stopped.

"Forget it, wait until he comes out and talk about it, now that it will affect his state."

Listening to the tide, put down his mind and waved his hand.


A space portal unfolded silently.

There seemed to be a silent tacit understanding, Xiao Lang took a deep breath again and stepped in decisively. The moment his body disappeared, the space portal also disappeared.

Only the eyes full of hope and anticipation left behind listening to Chaohou, never moved away.

Xiao Lang, can you succeed?

Here, Ting Chaohou was still worried, and within the Phantom Realm, when Xiao Lang stepped into the space portal, he immediately discovered that this level was different from any level he had experienced before.


Thunder vibrated, and a strong sense of oppression swept across.

Before Xiao Lang even had his feet on the ground, he felt the anomaly in this place. When he sensed the existence of the earth under his feet, he immediately opened his eyes and was stunned by everything in front of him.



His current location is like an abandoned place. There is nothing around him, only the endless void and the thick black clouds above his head. The violent thunder is circling in it, and it looks terrifying.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly.

"Jie Yun?"

Yes, it is Jieyun!

It came so fast, and the moment Xiao Lang stepped into this level, it was fully opened!

Inner Demon Tribulation is coming soon!

"Don't give me time to prepare?"

Although Xiao Lang's mouth was spitting out, his face had already become extremely solemn at this moment, gathering all the strength in his body, preparing to deal with every sudden risk and crisis.

In fact, he didn't need any preparation at all.


Just wait for the robbery!

"come on!"

Xiao Lang roared.

At this moment, the Jie Yun condensed on top of his head seemed to have heard his call. Before Xiao Lang's voice fell, he felt the Jie Yun rolling over his head more fiercely.


The squally wind raged suddenly, an uproar!

At the beginning, Xiao Lang didn't actually feel that much, because his eyes were fixed on Jieyun above his head.

In his opinion, since it is a robbery, it is naturally related to Tianlei.

However, when he was blown onto his body by this sudden cold wind, suddenly--


Xiao Lang suddenly felt that a strange force passed through the 36,000 pores of his body, and poured into his body along with the strong wind, wherever he passed, the power of the soul was melting crazily!

at the same time--


Happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow, fear, shock!

The completely different emotions suddenly erupted in Xiao Lang's heart, fiercely fierce, like a volcanic eruption, out of control, rushing to the depths of Xiao Lang's true spirit!

Seven emotions!

It's coming!

It turned out not to be the Thunder Tribulation, but to accompany the Heavenly Wind!

Seven emotions follow the wind!

The perfect blend of love and other systems!

Xiao Lang was shocked. At the moment when the wind entered his body, he felt that his seven emotions were also shaking, and there was a faint way of getting rid of himself.

Signs to go.

Xiao Lang's face changed suddenly, and he immediately mobilized his whole body to resist.

"Want to take away my seven emotions?"

"court death!"


A dull crash sound came from Xiao Lang's body.

Yes, hit!

Xiao Lang's countermeasures were so decisive and rude.

You let you smoke, I want to see if you can swallow me or I swallow you!

Soul swallowing!

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate to open up a trump card, blooming true spirits, swallowing frantically. For a while, his sea of ​​consciousness turned into a bottomless vortex, and the surging suction came out, tearing everything!

Come, how much you want!

See who can make it to the end!

I'm afraid that even listening to Chaohou didn't expect Xiao Lang to use such a way to fight against the Tribulation of the Heart Demon. In fact, Xiao Lang chose this method not because of how much he had thought before, but because he had made a wrong prediction.

Lei Jie, if you resist hard, you might be able to resist it.

But wind catastrophe...

Hard resistance is hopeless.

Xiao Lang's this is completely the result of adaptability.

The facts proved that Xiao Lang had chosen the right one.


With the continuous impact of the power of the soul, the wind torn apart and then annihilated, Xiao Lang clearly felt that the seven emotions that were originally integrated into the wind seemed to have recovered their freedom at this moment, turned into a vast star point, integrated into his truth. In the spirit.

The power of seven emotions?

Not really.

Xiao Lang found that his perception of the seven emotions had become stronger, but to say that he had comprehended the power of the seven emotions... how could it be that simple?

However, this was enough to make Xiao Lang excited.

"One off!"

Before he came in, he had asked Ting Chaohou for advice, and learned that although the latter was unable to intervene in the level of Inner Demon Tribulation, he created this level after all. The details will change, but the main frame will not. Become.

Three passes!

There are three levels in the Tribulation of the Heart Demon, one level is more difficult than the other.

Not only had he survived the first round of the offensive of the Heart Devil's Tribulation, but it also seemed to have some advantages. Of course, Xiao Lang was too satisfied with such a result.


"The seven emotions are here, and the six desires should also be here!"

Xiao Lang declared war fiercely, and at this moment, suddenly--


Between heaven and earth, there was silence.


It's like time has stopped, and there is no sound. At the same time, Xiao Lang has discovered other changes——




No feeling!

Even his thoughts became extremely slow, such as being deep in the mud, even more uncomfortable than banning the six senses.


Xiao Lang’s remaining saneness immediately judged, what is the cause of this——

The second level of the Tribulation of the Heart Demon, Six Wish Tribulation!

It is indeed similar to banning six senses, because to some extent, six desires are similar to six senses. After thinking this way, Xiao Lang immediately calmed down a lot.

Who wouldn't be because of the ban on six senses?

When retreating, he often did this.


"Want to infinitely magnify the fear in my heart?"

Xiao Lang curled up the corners of his mouth, feeling the endless emotions in his body, and sneered.

What about the card?

Indeed there is.

However, these levels are not independent of each other, on the contrary, the relationship between them is extremely close. When the six desires were forbidden, and the perception of the outside world was broken, Xiao Lang immediately felt that the seven emotions in his body suddenly rolled more severely, and the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy were all endlessly amplified!

This is also because he swallowed those powers just now, making his emotions more acute and stronger!

"Good routine."

Xiao Lang sincerely sighed for the exquisite design of Ting Chaohou for this level, but there was no rush in the depths of his eyes. On the contrary, at this moment, Xiao Lang Dao's heart was like a bell, not moving like a loose, like a falling. The rock fixed in the swift river is motionless and calm.

Competition will?

Who is afraid of whom? !


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