Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 630: Failed?


The gang wind blows, bringing restless seven emotions, transpiring in the completely enclosed sea of ​​consciousness, like a flame, burning everything.

This is really difficult.

Xiao Lang could clearly sense that his soul power was fading at a crazy speed.

The inner restlessness cannot be relieved and can only be suppressed with tyrannical willpower.

Fortunately, in this respect, Xiao Lang, who is in love with the Tao, is not a young child. He has done quite perfect, suppressing it with all his might, without leaking.

A bodhicitta does not stain dust.

This sentence is perfect to describe Xiao Lang at this time.

Even if he felt that the six senses' ban was broken and the wind faded away, Xiao Lang's heart did not burst into any strong fluctuations.

As usual, extremely plain.

Xiao Lang looked at himself and looked at his empty sea of ​​consciousness, only a true spirit like a lotus remained inside, and smiled.

Crystal clear.


There is no trace of flaws.

Although the spirit power is thin and it is difficult to recover, Xiao Lang doesn't care about the consumption at all, he only cares about the gain this time.

"Sixth Layer of the Immortal Soul, it's done!"


Xiao Lang's soul level was finally raised to the sixth level of the immortal soul, and he did not use his strong soul power to grow up, but to cleanse his heart and temper his true spirit.

Directly and firmly!

There is no need to temper again.

As for the large amount of soul power that was consumed, for ordinary warriors, it may take a lot of resources and time to recover, but for Xiao Lang who has the talent of soul swallowing refining, it is not a problem at all.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, full of hope, and he looked up at the turbulent Jieyun above his head, full of confidence.

Come again!

There are threefold in total.

There is one final weight left, so I can get through it completely.

"Seven emotions and six desires can't do anything to me, I want to see and see, what kind of magical powers you have, the third level!"

Xiao Lang's momentum rose.

And just as he was full of confidence and ready to meet the third test of the Tribulation of the Heart, suddenly--

"Brother Xiao."

A crisp soft moan suddenly sounded in his ears. In an instant, Xiao Lang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body trembled suddenly. He slowly turned his head to look, and saw that a petite and weak figure came into view.



Xiao Lang's eyes trembled, especially when she saw Ning Fu'er with a golden long sword across her neck and the phantom golden figure behind her, the expression on Xiao Lang's face suddenly became extremely cold.

The last calamity of the heart demon robbery, love robbery!

Xiao Lang guessed it.

Even more, he guessed that the Heart Demon Tribulation would condense the shape of Nymph.

He guessed it right.

Speaking of it, Xiao Lang was actually psychologically prepared to deal with it, but when he really saw the shackled Nymph appear in front of him, Xiao Lang couldn't help but trembled.

Xiao Lang clearly knew where his weakness was, because he knew himself too well.

The ancestor of the Xunjin clan!

The hidden danger of Nymph!

At this time, the heart demon robbery condensed, and it was this.

"Kill her to break the catastrophe?"

Of course Xiao Lang would not choose to kill Ning Fu'er, even if he knew that the Ning Fu'er in front of him was just a reflection from the bottom of his heart.

His icy eyes fell on the figure behind Nymph, his divine power grew stronger, as if he was about to make a move in the next moment.

But at this moment--

Xiao Lang didn't notice, a ripple suddenly flashed across the thick cloud of robbery above his head, and suddenly the scene around him changed drastically.

Someone appeared again!


"Big Brother Xiao!"

"Big Brother!"

Nymph's side suddenly recondensed

Several phantoms appeared, and Xiao Lang knew all these people!



Sun Wuji.

Zhao Yue, Li Qingshan...

Many, many people, they seem to be caught in a catastrophe, bound and facing life and death!

Do not.

This is not all.


Xiao Lang's light flashed, and suddenly he saw thousands of figures appearing in another direction beside him. Among these people, some he knew, some did not, but the clothes on his body were all from Tianfu Palace. Standard clothing is in the midst of a big battle.

The devil war!

This is another worry buried in Xiao Lang's heart!

Two battlefields!

Xiao Lang saw that from under the battlefield that appeared on both sides of his side, two silk threads, one green and one red, spread, extending to stop at his feet.

There was no strange feeling, but Xiao Lang couldn't help but numb his scalp and his mind was shaken.

He saw the meaning of these two threads.

"Can only save one party?"

"If I choose to save one party, the other party will die?"

Inner Demon Tribulation, there are such abnormal settings and tests?

Xiao Lang's body couldn't help trembling, and the thread under his feet shook, and he stopped quickly, fearing that there would be an accident.

How to choose this?

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat!


Such a choice is too harsh.

At this moment, does Xiao Lang care about who to save?

What made him feel more pressure was the word death!

"One side represents my personal emotional inclinations, and the other side represents all sentient beings?"

Xiao Lang further guessed its meaning, took a deep breath, his expression cold.

Is this still a Tribulation of the Heart Demon?

It's just that Xiao Lang has no time to think about this problem at all, because the Heart Devil Tribulation obviously didn't leave him enough time, he can clearly see that the two silk threads under his feet are fading at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This means that even if he does not make a choice, once the time is up, death will come, and neither can live!


Xiao Lang couldn't help but explode, a flash of blood flashed through his eyes, a rare ferocity appeared on his face, he stepped out!

time does not wait.

It's too late if you don't make a move, and both threads will break!

This heart evil robbery didn't leave him much time!

I can't speak of reason, and completely follow instinct. Xiao Lang's choice in this step is to——

Nymph and Xiaodao are waiting for someone!

He is the closest person to the fire world!

However, at the moment Xiao Lang took this step, a strange feeling suddenly surged in his heart, as if he had suddenly lost something, and a sigh came in his ear.


Xiao Lang's heart suddenly thumped.

Wrong choice?

Where does this sigh come from?

Xiao Lang could hear that this was not the voice of Chaohou.

But at this moment, he had no time to think about it, and he was about to rush towards the figure holding a knife behind Ning Fuer and the others, and the momentum broke out completely, like a stormy sea.

However, a scene that made him even more shocking happened—


As if a breeze was blowing, at the moment when the silk thread under his feet broke, Xiao Lang saw that the phantoms of Ning Fuer and others in front of him disappeared like clear sand.


Not only Ning Fuer and others who disappeared, but also the people in Tianfu Palace behind him.

Xiao Lang's movements suddenly froze, his face was blank, watching the silence regaining his surroundings, when he looked up at the sky, he suddenly found that Jieyun did not know when it would also dissipate, leaving an empty sky.


Xiao Lang was stunned.

Is this the end?

This is the last level of the Heart Demon Tribulation?

The change came so quickly that Xiao Lang couldn't react to it for a while, but he couldn't say simple words at all. Because the final choice was really too difficult. If it were not for a time limit, Xiao Lang didn't know how long he would hesitate.


There was silence around.

When Xiao Lang raised his head again to look at the void above, the familiar space portal did not appear, his heart shook suddenly, and his heart felt an ominous premonition.

Where's the portal?

Isn't it over?

It stands to reason that if you don't send it out, the next door should also appear.

What is the situation?

Could it be that……

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly, and an unacceptable conjecture surged into his heart.

"I failed?"

"wrong selection?"

The final performance was too selfish?

Xiao Lang was at a loss, unable to extricate himself from questioning, his face was full of entanglement.

Should I choose the Tianfu Palace?

Xiao Lang also admitted that the Tianfu Palace side is certainly important, but to abandon Ning Fuer and others and choose to save others...

"Do not!"

"Maybe it failed, but I definitely made no mistake!"

Xiao Lang was firm in will, like a rock, and soon walked out of the gloom in his heart, with a firm expression on his face.

"If it is necessary to abandon one party, then I have to choose this way, and I will never change it!"


Then fail!

But my decision cannot be wrong!

Xiao Lang straightened his waist, his eyes gleaming, standing on the ground, straight as loose, his unyielding will filled his surroundings. Even if Xiao Lang realized that if he really failed this level, his efforts during this period of time might have been wasted, but -

"Won't change!"

"Even if I come again a hundred times, a thousand times, 10,000 times, I will never change it!"

With clear thoughts, Xiao Lang raised his head resolutely, looked into the empty space, and said loudly:

"Senior, send me out."

"I would rather fail!"

In Xiao Lang's thoughts, Ting Chaohou might not be able to fully control this level, but he could still easily do it by sending himself out. Sure enough, just as he thought, before the voice fell, the void split, and a space portal appeared in front of him.

However, just as Xiao Lang held his head high, stepped out and was about to enter, suddenly, an accident happened.

"Ha ha."

"You really look like him, no wonder he will choose you."

"In that case, come up."


Xiao Lang's footsteps stopped all of a sudden, with a look of surprise and horror on his face.

He is very familiar with this voice!

It was the master of the sigh that I thought was a hallucination just now!

In the phantom world of Ting Chaohou, there are other people there?

Who is this?

What is the relationship between him and Ting Chaohou?

Could it be that the sudden end of the Heart Demon Tribulation just now has something to do with him?

Xiao Lang was really frightened. Everything in front of him was completely beyond his imagination, and when he looked around blankly, and his back gaze fell on the portal in the void, Xiao Lang's face was already too much. A touch of firmness.

Go up!

Go up and you will naturally know the answer.

Of course, there is also helplessness.

Apart from going up, is there any other place I can choose?


Xiao Lang stepped out and stepped into the space portal.

But what he didn't know was that the moment he stepped into this space portal, outside, waiting for the result of Xiao Lang's heart devil catastrophe, he suddenly stopped, his pupils shrank, and he was shocked.

Because, he discovered that Xiao Lang’s soul suddenly—



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