Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 631: Supreme Lord?

Hearing Chaohou's face changed suddenly, his waist flashed, and he had come to Xiao Lang who was sitting cross-legged.

With his perception of the soul, naturally, he doesn’t need to look more, or even perceive, but he can see by just a glance—

Xiao Lang's soul has disappeared!

It's just an empty shell in front of you!

Xiao Lang, dead?

This is Ting Chaohou's first judgment.

Because although the phantom world he created was a test of the soul, Xiao Lang, as an experiencer, of course had to put his spirits into it, but not all of it, but only most of it, there would definitely be true spirits remaining in his body.

but now--

Xiao Lang's spirit fluctuations and breath have completely disappeared!

This is a manifestation of Soul Destruction!


"He was killed by the Heart Demon Tribulation?"

Ting Chaohou's face was extremely ugly, gloomy and rainy. There is no doubt that this is the most likely to happen. The Heart Devil Tribulation varies from person to person, and even he can't interfere with it. If Xiao Lang really died in it, it would indeed be very similar to the scene before him.

However, listening to Chaohou's heart there are other doubts.

Even if Xiao Lang really died, would he die so silently?

The soul suddenly disappeared in front of him, it was almost impossible to happen!

While listening to Chaohou's surprise, suddenly, another thought suddenly appeared in his heart, causing him to froze in place, his eyes widened.

"Could it be him?"


Listening to Chaohou when he uttered this word, his face suddenly changed again, and at the same time he was full of disbelief, his eyes burst with hot brilliance, crystal clear like jade, it seemed that he could not let go of this possibility.


" it him?"

At this moment, in the depths of listening to Chaohou's eyes, suddenly there was a lot of expectation and hope. There was still a little bit of the shadow of the strong, but it was like a child sitting at the door of the house, waiting for his parents to return home, looking forward to it.


Within the phantom world.

Of course Xiao Lang didn't know that his physical body would undergo such a big change outside, and he didn't even know the changes in listening to the tide.

He stepped into the space portal.

But at this moment, he didn't even know whether he was still in the phantom world.

Because when he was down to earth and opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that this place is no longer a huge world, but a--



No matter the appearance or the interior layout, the palace is very simple and simple, but it has a unique style, which makes people shine.

However, Xiao Lang didn't keep his eyes on the surrounding scene too much. In the next moment, his eyes were already focused on a thin figure in the center of the hall.


There are people here!

He is an old man in Tsing Yi.

From the outside, he looks like he is only 50 or 60 years old. He looks like an old man, but he does not give people the feeling that he has half of his body buried in yellow soil. On the contrary, The old man in front of him gave Xiao Lang a great sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression does not come from momentum or momentum.

Moreover, the old man's breath is ordinary, really like an ordinary mortal, not outstanding.

This is an instinctive suppression!

Standing in front of him, Xiao Lang didn't even dare to take a breath.

My head is full of suspicion and confusion.

"Who is he?"

"The last reviewer?"

"But, this is the world of Ting Chaohou, how come there are other people? Could it be that... he is the real Ting Chaohou?"

After struggling in the Phantom World for so long, Xiao Lang had his own analysis of the belonging of the Phantom World. He judged that the Phantom World was obviously the world created by Ting Chaohou.

This is the deity of listening to Chaohou?

The outside is just a fake clone?

Xiao Lang's mind was messy and his brain was wide open. At this moment, the old man in front seemed to see

After Xiao Lang's unquenchable thoughts, he smiled.

"Don't be so formal."

"I am not the test he set."

The old man was straightforward, and with a few simple words, he solved the two grievances in Xiao Lang's heart. However, his next words made Xiao Lang even more surprised.

The old man looked up and down Xiao Lang a few times. The expression in his eyes couldn't tell whether it was approval or something else, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he said:

"Not bad."

"Ting Chao, this kid can meet you, it is his good fortune."

"It's just a pity."

The kid listening to the tide!

When Xiao Lang heard half of it, his heart was shocked, and he looked at the old man in front of him in astonishment.

What did he call Ting Chaohou just now?


Could it be that……

Xiao Lang's heart immediately shook, and couldn't help but shake wildly.

He actually didn't know much about Ting Chaohou, and most of them were known from the mouths of Jiuyou Bats. The network of Ting Chaohou was even more unfamiliar.

But he had some guesses from the information that Jiuyoubat once said--

Listen to the tide, the legend is related to the most mysterious organization and power in the Eternal Continent-the Supreme Temple!

And the old man in front of him can actually call Ting Chaohou the kid Ting Chao with such a high spirit, so his identity...

"You are... the lord of the Supreme Temple?"


The moment Xiao Lang instinctively asked this question, he regretted it.

You know, he is not asking ordinary people!

Supreme Temple!

The most mysterious organization and force in the Eternal Continent!

And if the legend is true, then the old man in front of him is very likely to be one of the ancient-passing powers that can cover the sky with one hand on the eternal continent, and it is the most powerful one!

Will he really tell himself his identity?

But while Xiao Lang was secretly annoyed, he saw that the old man in front of him heard his own questioning, but his face did not show the slightest annoyance. He didn't care about it and smiled slightly:

"Hehe, you know a lot."

"This should be what the Jiuyou Bat told you, right?"

Nine You Bats!

Hearing these three words, Xiao Lang's heart trembled again and he lowered his head.


It is too strong!

He is clearly in the phantom world of listening to the tide, but he can still clearly see what is happening outside, even--

Listening to Chaohou may not have discovered his existence!

How terrible is this?

Although the old man still hadn't ascertained his identity, Xiao Lang didn't intend to continue to question him, because in his mind, he had already guessed the identity of the old man.

Even if he is not the lord of the Supreme Temple, he must be a super strong, whose true strength is far superior to Ting Chaohou!

In the face of such an existence, it is not a good thing to ask too much.

As a result, Xiao Lang immediately calmed down, nodded lightly, and responded to the old man's question, but stopped talking casually.

Be cautious!

Xiao Lang decided that he would no longer take the initiative to speak before the old man in front of him expressed his intentions.

And looking at Xiao Lang who was like a quail, the smile on the old man's face grew stronger, and he seemed to be a little interested, and smiled;

"Don't ask, why do I feel pity?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he remembered that the old man actually said a word just now, but he was ignored by his messy mind and his face blushed.

I said I didn't hear it, do you believe it?

Xiao Lang's face was red, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"younger generation……"

Xiao Lang hesitated, the old man seemed to see Xiao Lang's restraint, and immediately stopped teasing him, waved his hand, and said:

"It's okay."

"But if the old man tells you, if you made another choice just now, I might directly take you out of here and go to the Eternal Continent to get higher resources for practice.

Will you regret it? "

Another option?

Xiao Lang immediately thought of the two silk threads that had settled on his feet during the Tribulation of the Heart Demon.

If you choose to save the people in Tianfu Palace, will you get the chance to go to the Eternal Continent?


Even if his mind was as steady as Xiao Lang, when he heard these words, he couldn't help feeling a heavy breath.

What a chance this is!

If the old man’s identity is really real, then following him means...

Join the Supreme Temple?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's Dao heart couldn't help but suddenly shake.

Such an opportunity is really too amazing.

If someone else stood in Xiao Lang's current position and heard these words from the old man in front of them, they would be shocked and annoyed by their previous choices.

Xiao Lang was also quite shocked at the beginning, but only in an instant, the old man was surprised to find that the shock in Xiao Lang's eyes had disappeared without a trace, and the eyes opened and closed, and only calm was left.

"Thank you seniors for showing love."

Xiao Lang bowed his hand and bowed respectfully to the old man, but when he straightened up, he didn't say a word anymore, his expression calm.

Seeing this scene, a hint of surprise flashed across the old man's face.

"You don't regret it?"


Hearing these two words, Xiao Lang smiled.

If other people heard that they had accidentally missed such an opportunity, I am afraid they would have been crying and robbing the ground. I just hope the old man can give him another chance.

But Xiao Lang did not.

On the contrary, he was more fortunate that he made his own choice.

"The juniors still have concerns here."

Xiao Lang answered with a smile.

His answer was quite simple, but Xiao Lang believed that with the patience of the old man in front of him, he would definitely understand it.


The old man understood.

He took a serious look at Xiao Lang before shaking his head and exclaiming:

"No wonder he recognized you so much."

"It turns out that you are so alike, if not..."

The old man sighed, but he hesitated to speak, and did not continue to speak, but it aroused a trace of curiosity in Xiao Lang's heart.


Is it the old thing about listening to Chaohou?

Is it related to the reason why he was attacked and killed in the Lihuo World?

Xiao Lang was curious, but didn't ask, because this was Ting Chaohou's private matter. Without Ting Chaohou's permission, Xiao Lang was not prepared to ask too much.

Besides, listening to Chaohou is outside, and if he really wants to tell himself, he will definitely say it too.

The old man sighed, his face showed a lot of melancholy, and it took a long time to recover his calm, and he looked at Xiao Lang in front of him again, with more recognition in his eyes.

"Not bad."

"You are very good."

"For you, Six Desires is indeed a good choice..."

As he said, the old man suddenly flipped his wrist, and a bronze token appeared in his hand and passed it up.

"This token, you accept it."

"If you really want to join the Six Desires, you can use this token to find it. Although the Six Desires are perverse and tyrannical, with this token, he should not be too difficult to be a little friend."

"Of course, if you want, you can come to me then."

The old man handed the token, and Xiao Lang wanted to catch it. In a daze, the old man looked melancholy and continued:

"Just take it as my compensation."

"The old man indeed owed him the incident in the past."

make up?


Xiao Lang was taken aback. Although he could not fully understand it, he could still hear that the reason why the old man gave this token to himself was because of listening to the tide.

In the past, what happened to Ting Chaohou?

Xiao Lang's curiosity grew stronger.


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