Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 632: Real recognition!

Listen to the tide.

According to Jiuyoubat, he is a superpower at the peak level of the Primitive Realm. He is rarely born in the Tonggu Realm, and the Primordial Realm does not appear in the world throughout the year. The Primitive Realm peak is definitely considered the upper side.

What's more, Ting Chaohou is still the peak of ordinary primitive state.

Be called the king!

His true combat power had already reached the level of Yuanshi Realm!

It was such a character who was forced out of the eternal continent and fell into the great world of Lihuo. What happened in the past?

Xiao Lang was suspicious.

He also knew in his heart that when he decided to inherit the inheritance of Ting Chaohou, or that it was a benefit, he and Ting Chaohou had already had a continuous relationship.

Causal relationship!

After many years, waiting for him to go to the Eternal Continent, listening to what happened to Chaohou is very likely to involve him!

However, Xiao Lang still did not question.

They come, the security.

At least he doesn't need to worry now.

As for reaching the Eternal Continent...

Xiao Lang held the token in his hand.

He was still a little emboldened, at least the old man who seemed to be the master of the Supreme Temple in front of him gave him enough kindness.

And just as Xiao Lang was thinking wildly in his heart, the old man sighed when he saw that he had accepted the token:

"Your test here is over."

"However, this phantom world is not complete, it has too many flaws, and there are many places you need to make up."

"Try Harder."

"The old man is waiting for you in the Eternal Continent."


Me to make up?

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded when he heard the words.

What does it mean?

However, before he had a chance to ask, the old man waved his hand gently. Then, Xiao Lang only felt an unstoppable distance surging from before him. He had no resistance at all and was thrown out. .


Dizzy for a while.

A familiar feeling surged into his heart, and Xiao Lang immediately opened his eyes.

came back!

He returned to his body!

Is it really over?

Xiao Lang was stunned, because he never expected that his last level experience in the phantom world was so mysterious.

Is this a test?

In other words, this is also the arrangement of listening to Chaohou?

Xiao Lang's spirit returned and subconsciously raised his head to look at the listening tide in front of him. However, at this moment, everything presented before him surprised him again, even a little surprised.

He saw Ting Chaohou.

But Ting Chao Hou at this time was completely different from the evil smiling young man he had seen before. He saw Ting Chao Hou's whole body like a clay sculpture, standing in place blankly, his eyes blank, but tight. Staring at his right hand, his eyes were wet and red, and tears were faintly pouring.

Listening to Chaohou, crying?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

When he lowered his head subconsciously, he realized that listening to Chaohou was not staring at something else, it was the quaint token that the old man had given him at the last level of the phantom world!

"Senior, you..."

Xiao Lang's mind was shaken, and he felt the weird state of listening to the tide. However, before he could say a word, he was suddenly interrupted by Ting Chaohou.

"Did you... see him?"

"Is he... okay?"

"Did he... mention me?"


Listening to the tide at this time, the emotions seemed to be suddenly out of control, pouring down, and the intensity and the heat in the eyes made Xiao Lang shudder.

It seems that if his answer can't satisfy him, he will immediately shoot himself!

"Senior is talking about the old man? The younger generation has indeed seen him."

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and quickly answered, without any details, and said the conversation with the old man after entering the last level of the phantom world in great detail, without any concealment.

have to say.

Because he can see that Ting Chaohou is now on the verge of losing control. If he conceals it again and stimulates him, God knows what he will do!

Xiao Lang said quickly.

What made him relax a little is that listening to Chaohou is still sensible, and when listening to his own account, his whole person finally becomes a little calmer.

Only when he said--

"The old man felt that he owed him seniors, so he gave me this token."

Xiao Lang clearly saw that Ting Chaohou's body shook suddenly. Although his face seemed calm, at this moment, his emotions seemed to finally collapse.

Old tears!


"It's Tingchao that owes you!"

"If it weren't for me, how could your five decays come so quickly...I heard the tide wrong!"


At this moment, Ting Chao Hou seemed to collapse completely, his knees softened, and he knelt directly on the ground, grabbing the ground with his head, crying bitterly. Xiao Lang's pupils shrank, and he quickly dodged aside, shaking his mind.

Five failures of heaven and man?

What the hell?

Seeing Ting Chaohou's performance at this time, Xiao Lang could completely see that the old man at the last stage of the phantom world, even if he was not the master of the Supreme Temple, must have a mentor-disciple relationship with Ting Chaohou.

Listening to Chaohou's actions in the past did not only affect him?

This is the reason why he has stayed in Lihuo World and refused to leave?



Xiao Lang vaguely felt something. He couldn't say a word when he looked at the crying Ting Chaohou before him.

Because he knows that at this time, no matter what he says is redundant, it is better to let him vent.

Carry billions of years of emotion!

One day it breaks out, and it's so strong!

Ting Chaohou fell to his knees and cried for an hour. Xiao Lang did not dare to step forward to interrupt him. He waited for Ting Chaohou's emotions to calm down and slowly stood up from the ground.

The eyes are flushed, and the eyes are dull.

Muttered to himself:

"It turns out that you have always been..."

Xiao Lang had described it in such detail, and he still couldn't see it. In fact, the old man had been paying attention to him at the last level of the phantom world that he could not completely control himself?

Until now.

He really left when Xiao Lang came out.



Listening to the tide, he did not speak, and fell silent, like a clay sculpture, with reminiscences flickering in his eyes. As for Xiao Lang, he didn't dare to speak. God knew that if he said something inappropriate, he would be excited to listen to the tide.

Xiao Lang bowed his head and waited.

After a full hour, suddenly—

"You did a good job."

Listening to Chaohou’s voice suddenly sounded, Xiao Lang was startled, and raised his head subconsciously, only to hear that Chaohou had completely recovered his calm, his eyes were flat, there was no turbulent emotions, and there was no pretending evil charm and madness. A bit more of a master demeanor.

"Speaking of which, I also want to thank you for helping me get rid of the knots that have been accumulated in my heart over the years."

Hearing what Chaohou said, his eyes were bright, and there seemed to be a lot of things inside.



It seems that since Xiao Lang came here, until this moment, he really recognized Xiao Lang as his eyes were hot.

"Master is right, you are very similar to me."

"In the past, I promised myself that only people with amazing talents, at least those who surpass me, or those who are most in love, can get my inheritance. Today, it is also time for me to fulfill my promise."

"Your talent is by no means inferior to me. Especially the Tonggu power in your body will help you achieve better than me. Entrusting everything to you does not mean they have a good destination."

Listening to Chaohou's words, the lines were full of approval, which made Xiao Lang stunned.


What do you mean?

Didn’t it mean that there are only secret treasures after passing through?

Is there anything else?

From listening to Chaohou's words, Xiao Lang felt a special meaning, and his heart was shaking. However, before he could continue to question, he only heard the words of the former continue to come:

"Perhaps you can see that although I am taking the water system route, I am more adept at fantasy."

Hearing Chaohou's voice suddenly became crisp, his expression calm, his hands behind his back, like a tutor teaching his own students, his style was quite impressive, but at this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly noticed a trace of strangeness. =

Listen to the state of the tide!

Something is wrong!

How did it change so fast?

But obviously, listening to Chaohou did not give him time to think and ask, he said:

"For the illusion, I have merged some methods of the Six Desires to create the phantom world, and have not stopped transforming it for hundreds of millions of years. It can be said that it can be regarded as the most perfect world in the Primitive Realm."

There is a little more pride in listening to Chaohou's words.

"But it's still too complicated for you."

After hearing Chaohou's voice, he felt a little more melancholy.

"Your martial arts realm is too low. Of course, this is also my negligence. Over the years, although I have been looking for my inheritors, most of my energy has been put on the phantom realm, ignoring the martial realm this time. Matter. But it also means that even if some of my secret arts and magical powers are taught to you, you cannot cultivate now."

"I will keep them for the third level."

"When you pass the third test, you can get them naturally. At that time, since you have the strength to overcome it, you should be able to cultivate them."

The third level?

Xiao Lang's spirits were shocked, his eyes shrank suddenly.

"Senior, you..."

Xiao Lang finally heard what was wrong with Chaohou's body.

These words he said!

These ways of speaking!

It does not seem to be explaining, but... entrusting!

Listen to the tide, what is this going to do?

An unknown premonition suddenly appeared in Xiao Lang's heart. This conjecture was so terrifying that he couldn't believe it and couldn't help but interrupt.

Ting Chaohou gave him a deep look and smiled.

"Don't worry about me, this is my destiny, the life I choose."

"I have no regrets."

Seeing that Xiao Lang was about to speak again, he suddenly waved his hand——


When the wind passed by, Xiao Lang suddenly realized that he had lost control of his physical body for a while, and he could no longer speak a word. Next to them, the Jiuyou Bat, Jinling Patriarch, and Bloodthirsty Starvine who had been immersed in cultivation shook their bodies. They woke up one after another, looking blankly at Ting Chaohou and Xiao Lang, their eyes dull, and they didn't know what was going on.

"You can leave now."

"As for you, Xiao Lang..."

Ting Chaohou didn't look at other people, his gaze fell on Xiao Lang, his eyes were complicated, and he said solemnly:

"Fifteen days later, you come in again."

"These days, I have to prepare too."


what to prepare?

Xiao Lang was suspicious, but before he could resist, he heard Chaohou wave his hand again——


Space collapsed!

Xiao Lang and the others were directly thrown out. When they opened their eyes again, they had returned to the lobby of Ting Chaohou Mansion. On the side, Ah Fu still kept the same appearance they had when they entered, with a smile on his face.

Jiuyoubat and others were at a loss.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"The test is over?"

The three asked, their gazes fell on Xiao Lang at the same time, seeking answers. However, Xiao Lang didn't answer their questions at the first time. He just cast his gaze on the second tightly closed door on the stone wall, shaking his heart.

He guessed what Ting Chaohou was going to do!

"He wants to... completely end his life?"


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