Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 644: Yanshan!


Demon Race!

Undoubtedly, these six words have become the most sensitive part of every monk who knows about the existence of the True Demon War in the Lihuo Great World.

When Xiao Lang confided his conjecture, almost everyone was so energetic that they almost jumped from the ground.

The black hand behind the scenes is not the Guwu Alliance, but the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race?

Is it really possible?


It really does!

With the methods of the Guwu Alliance alone, even if they gathered the power of the five giants, it was impossible to cause such a big impact on so many giants away from the origin of the fire world at the same time.

They are not so strong yet!

But the Celestial Demon Realm is different from the Celestial Demon Race!

"Magic puppet!"

"The devil seizes the soul!"

Almost at the same time, these words appeared in the hearts of Master Nianhua and others.

Over the years, why has the Zhengmo War been rendered so cruel?

It is not only because the Celestial Demon Realm is one world, and the battle between the two worlds is the collision of the two worlds. The large number of people in the Celestial Demon Realm is just another aspect. The most important reason is the Celestial Demon Race!


The most powerful magic power in the heavenly devil world!

Do not.

It is not only a force, but also a special race.

On the surface, he is no different from normal human beings, but every member of the Celestial Demon race possesses a unique talent and supernatural power——

The demon takes the soul!

This is an extremely evil secret technique.

Take the soul as the guide, the demon blood as the seed, condense the demon seed!

Kind of Gu!

And once he was planted with a demon seed and turned into a demon puppet, although he still had self-consciousness, in the depths of his soul, he already regarded the demon clan as his master.

Lives are immortal, change hands directly!

It is conceivable what kind of chaos would be caused if the demons invaded the entire Lihuo Great World on a large scale.

It is not even necessary for the many demons of the Celestial Demon Realm to take action. Simply purge the traitors from the Celestial Demon Realm on your side is a big problem, and it will inevitably have a great impact on the forces of the Lihuo Great World!

It can be said that the Demon Race is the source of chaos!

Is Xiao Lang's judgment accurate?

The horrified eyes of Master Nianhua and others gathered on Xiao Lang's body, their spirits flickered, but no one questioned Xiao Lang's words.

Is it possible?

The possibility is great!

Isn't this what the Demon Race is best at?

As for how the demons broke through the shackles of the world and came here...

Need to explain?

no need.

As long as there is this possibility, it is enough!

Everyone looked solemn.

Finally, Master Nianhua let out a sullen breath, and said with a heavy voice:

"Forbidden the land of origin... a good method! It is so close to the magic pond holy land... it seems that it is really a magic method."

Everyone was in awe.

Xiao Lang nodded slightly.

The reason why he thought of the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race was also for this reason.

The current situation in the original place of Lihuo Great World is really like the Demon Lake Holy Land he experienced not long ago!

The key lies in the same ban on one side of the world!

Not to mention Xiao Zhan, he was scared stupid long ago. Even if he had been hiding in Tibet for such a long time, he had never opened such a terrifying brain hole. More importantly, what Xiao Lang said was most likely true!

His face was extremely pale.

"The demon clan...the demon seizes the soul..."

"Does this mean that my fellow brothers...they..."

Xiao Zhan's voice was sad and couldn't bear to continue speaking.

Master Nianhua and others also changed slightly.

According to Xiao Lang's inference, their five strongholds, including Qiyun Hall, Wuxiang Buddha Kingdom, and Tianfu Palace, were destroyed, including those strongholds that had not been banned for super-sacred artifacts, and I am afraid they have been occupied by the Celestial Demon Race.

As for them

Of course, those same sects of, it is naturally impossible to take care of themselves, they have already become...the puppets!

That's their brother.

When we meet again, will we tell you whether you die or not?

Xiao Lang also looked ugly, because he also had the same concerns, not because of the other people in Tianfu Palace. The other people had nothing to do with him. In recent years, although Xiao Lang's sense of recognition of Tianfu Palace became stronger and stronger, Sun Wuji still cares about him most!

So at this moment, he did not hesitate and asked directly:

"Xiao Zhan, do you know my Sun Wuji, Tianfu Palace?"

Sun Wuji?

Master Nianhua and others apparently knew this name, and they were not surprised at Xiao Lang's question at this time, because now, which one of them is not worried about his sect's brother?

Xiao Zhan was taken aback and was awakened by Xiao Lang. When he looked over, his eyes were still blank, and he subconsciously said:


"A year ago, I saw him near Yanshan..."

a year ago?

Yanshan? !

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes lit up immediately.

Sun Wuji, did not suffer from the evil hands of the Heavenly Demon Race?

Since it was more than a year ago, it proved that Sun Wuji was not robbed when the drastic change came two years ago! For him, this is undoubtedly the best news he has heard since he came here.

However, he hasn't waited for him to continue questioning.

"However, he is most likely no longer there now."

"The Demon Race...No, the Guwu Alliance has not only banned this world, but it can even capture everyone's traces by using various super-sacred tools..."

Xiao Zhan seemed unwilling to admit the fact that the original land was controlled and occupied by the demons, and said with a bitter and helpless expression:

"In the past two years, I have traveled to more than two hundred places, just to avoid their pursuit."

"I guess Sun Wuji should have been in Yanshan long ago."

Hunt down!


As soon as Xiao Zhan said this, everyone, including Xiao Lang, couldn't help but shudder.

The token that was enough for them to be protected in the Origin Land turned out to be a tool for the Demon Race to hunt them down?

In an instant, a strong sense of crisis came!

Everyone looked solemn.

"Does this mean... they might be on the road now?"

Master Nianhua said the key in one word, and everyone's expression became extremely serious and solemn.

It is not suitable to stay here for long!

If what Xiao Zhan said is true, then they will definitely be hunted down, staying here forever, just looking for death!

As for other...

They can't even care about it now.


This is currently the most critical.

Fortunately, each of them has a map in their hands.

"Perhaps, we should talk while walking on the road."

"what do y'all think?"

Qi Fei proposed.

But I don't know why. When he said these words, although his eyes passed from everyone, the focus was still on Xiao Lang.

It's not just him.

Master Nianhua and the others nodded lightly, and their eyes fell on Xiao Lang one after another, faintly predominantly.

The fact is also true.

When they discovered that Xiao Lang's spirit perception range was so amazing, it was most likely to be the martial art level of Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Dao, the five of them had already regarded Xiao Lang as the strongest among the people.

In this kind of crisis, if there is a strong helper, it is naturally the best, and safety can be guaranteed the most.

Even the most incompatible Jin Jiu, at this time's attention was focused on Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang immediately felt their scorching eyes, and his heart moved, how could he not guess their plan?


"I'm going to Yanshan to find Sun Wuji, so I won't act with you."


Xiao Lang wants to act alone?

Master Nianhua and others were shocked when they heard this. They did not expect Xiao Lang to be so courageous.

Xiao Zhan had already said the current situation so clearly that he even went to Yanshan to find Sun Wuji.

Isn't he afraid of being caught by himself?

Just as Master Nianhua was about to persuade him, Xiao Lang glanced at him indifferently, his inner strength was firm, but he couldn't say a word.

The heart is decided!

Master Nianhua immediately understood that no one could change Xiao Lang's decision.

It’s just beyond their expectation that--

Xiao Lang's gaze fell on Qin Hao's body, flipping his wrist, a mark appeared on the palm of his hand, and handed it forward.

"This is my sound transmission stone mark."

"If you are in trouble, you can come to me."

"Qin Hai, it's my brother."

Seeing Xiao Lang's movements, Qin Hao was taken aback. He was puzzled. He suddenly heard the last words Xiao Lang said and his eyes lit up suddenly.

"Do you know Brother Qin Hai?"

Qin Hao grabbed the mark in his hand and integrated it into his sound transmission stone, grateful:

"Thank you brother Li!"

Of course Qin Hao knew what Xiao Lang's willingness to lend a helping hand meant to him at this time, naturally excited. In fact, when Master Nianhua and the others saw this scene, there was envy in their eyes.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang has already turned around and left before they can show their favor.


A stream of light disappeared at the end of everyone's field of vision.

Xiao Lang is gone.

Although Master Nianhua and the others were helpless, they couldn't stop them. They could only sigh with shame and converge their thoughts.

"In that case, let's act together."

"Brother Xiao Zhan, are you coming?"

At the invitation of Master Nianhua, Xiao Zhan was immediately shocked and nodded repeatedly.

He agreed quickly.

It was too hard for him to escape alone in the past two years. Of course, during this time, he didn't meet other people, but he couldn't trust other people at all.

He also faintly felt that it was very strange that the Guwu Alliance could take control of the Origin Land with such an efficiency in such a short time. Although he did not guess the demon clan, but for all the old people in the Origin Land , He couldn't trust him anymore, and couldn't tell if they were really escaping, or if they were sent by the Guwu Alliance to hunt them down.

But for Master Nianhua and others, it's different.

Master Nianhua and others are newcomers, and there must be no spies among them.

"Thank you, Master Nianhua!"

Xiao Zhan was grateful and thanked him again and again. But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

Jin Jiu frowned, glanced at Xiao Zhan, and suddenly withdrew from the crowd.


Surrounded by a cold sound, Jin Jiu also turned into a streamer and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jin Jiu also chose to act alone!

Master Nianhua and others were speechless. Although helpless, they couldn't stop them. They could only watch Jin Jiu leave. What they didn't see was that although Jin Jiu left in a different direction than Xiao Lang had left before, but later, after being far away from everyone's detection range, his waist twisted and his direction changed, surprisingly the same as Xiao Lang!

Is he following Xiao Lang?


Xiao Lang naturally knew nothing about this.

The main reason was that Jin Jiu was always out of the scope of his investigation and followed with some clues.

What Xiao Lang didn't even know was that when they knew from Xiao Zhan the general changes in the origin of the Great World of Fire over the years, the other side of the origin was a million miles away from them. , On one of the towering peaks, dark clouds shrouded.

The world is dim.

This place was transformed into an altar. In front of the altar, three mysterious people dressed in blood-colored robes and cloaks covering their faces were waiting. Watching the altar, the blood and light flowed and changed, and finally—


The blood stopped flowing.


The door to the altar opened, and a silhouette of blood entwined around the body slowly appeared in front of them. And if Xiao Lang were here and seeing this scene, he would surely be surprised to find that this person, surprisingly, came in with him, the candidate of the Ming Dynasty——

Xu Zuo!


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